Unsplash | Dripping water with the quote "This is how memories are made… by going with the flow."
Unsplash | Dripping water with the quote "This is how memories are made… by going with the flow."

82 Go with the Flow Quotes to Give You a Different Perspective

Titi Dokubo
Feb 08, 2023
10:00 A.M.
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"Go with the flow" is a colloquial expression that means to accept and adapt to changes and circumstances rather than resisting or fighting against them. It encourages a relaxed and flexible attitude, taking things as they come and moving forward quickly. Learn how to go with the flow with these 82 quotes.


"Go with the flow" is a phrase that often suggests a stress-free and optimistic approach to life's challenges. To get into this state, you must fully immerse yourself in the things you love. Complete immersion of self creates more profound and better-appreciated experiences.

In addition, you have to be present, especially when spending time with friends and loved ones. It is not enough to be in the same space as them; you have to be a part of whatever activities that's going on. Read the 82 quotes below to find out more.

R. J. Palacio's "Wonder" quote: "Don't just go with the flow. Take dares through the rapids." | Image: AmoDays

R. J. Palacio's "Wonder" quote: "Don't just go with the flow. Take dares through the rapids." | Image: AmoDays

'Go With The Flow' Quotes Showing Different Opinions

"Going with the flow is not about being a dead fish that floats where the river takes you. It's about being alive, thinking for yourself, making choices, and living your best life as well as you can." — Mercury


"Do not go with the flow. Be the flow." — Elif Shafak

"Do not struggle. Go with the flow of things, and you will find yourself at one with the mysterious unity of the Universe." — Zhuangzi

"Life is like a river. You just have to go with the flow and not let the pesky rocks in the water get in your way." — Meg Bowling

"Move with the flow. Don't fight the current. Resist nothing. Let life carry you. Don't try to carry it." — Oprah Winfrey

Mercury's quote: "Going with the flow is not about being a dead fish that floats where the river takes you. It's about being alive, thinking for yourself, making choices, and living your best life as well as you can." | Image: AmoDays

Mercury's quote: "Going with the flow is not about being a dead fish that floats where the river takes you. It's about being alive, thinking for yourself, making choices, and living your best life as well as you can." | Image: AmoDays

"No matter how much structure we create in our lives, no matter how many good habits we build, there will always be things that we cannot control — and if we let them, these things can be a huge source of anger, frustration and stress. The simple solution: learn to go with the flow." — Leo Babauta


"Go with the flow. Force nothing. Let it happen…trusting that whichever way it goes. It's for the best." — Mandy Hale

"Going with the flow is soothing, but risky." — Jenny Holzer

"Going with the flow is responding to cues from the universe. When you go with the flow, you're surfing life force. It's about wakeful trust and total collaboration with what's showing up for you." — Danielle LaPorte

"Nothing will ever go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations, and go with the flow of life." — Leon Brown

Mandy Hale's quote: "Go with the flow. Force nothing. Let it happen…trusting that whichever way it goes. It's for the best." | Image: AmoDays

Mandy Hale's quote: "Go with the flow. Force nothing. Let it happen…trusting that whichever way it goes. It's for the best." | Image: AmoDays

"Everyone goes with the flow… but the one who goes against the flow becomes someone remarkable in life." — Swami Vivekananda


"Going against the flow is like actually going against your own self. It works counter to what you actually want. When we instead seek to find the flow and then converge with it, life opens up." — Kerry Campbell

"How do I not get so wrapped up in what I think needs to happen? Going with the flow is the way to do it." — John Feldmann

"Follow your heart and go with the flow." — Kunal Karan Kapoor

"It's not always easy to go with the flow, but sometimes, it's necessary to live the best versions of our lives." — Rebecca Crespo

Swami Vivekananda's quote: "Everyone goes with the flow… but the one who goes against the flow becomes someone remarkable in life." | Image: AmoDays

Swami Vivekananda's quote: "Everyone goes with the flow… but the one who goes against the flow becomes someone remarkable in life." | Image: AmoDays

"If you decide to just go with the flow, you'll end up where the flow goes, which is usually downhill, often leading to a big pile of sludge and a life of unhappiness. You'll end up doing what everyone else is doing." — Sean Covey


"I'm just going with the flow. I'm in the process, I'm on the path. I'm really working towards all of my goals and music is definitely on the way." — Brandy Norwood

"Don't go with the flow, or against it. Create your own." — Laurie Buchanan

"I equate ego with trying to figure everything out instead of going with the flow. That closes your heart and your mind to the person or situation that's right in front of you, and you miss so much." — Pema Chodron

"My main goal in life is to just be happy. I don't compromise my happiness for anything. If I find what makes me happy I'm going to do that. That's really going with the flow of life. As far as like the mainstream stuff, if my destiny takes me there and I end up going that route, then that's fine." — Jhene Aiko

Brandy Norwood's quote: "I'm just going with the flow. I'm in the process, I'm on the path. I'm really working towards all of my goals and music is definitely on the way." | Image: AmoDays

Brandy Norwood's quote: "I'm just going with the flow. I'm in the process, I'm on the path. I'm really working towards all of my goals and music is definitely on the way." | Image: AmoDays


"Going with the flow is responding to the cues from the Universe. When you go with the flow, you're surfing Life Force. It's about wakeful trust and total collaboration with what's showing up for you." — Danielle LaPorte

"I always thought that life was about standing your ground, no matter how strong the current was. But going with the flow isn't so bad after all. As long as it takes you forward." — Ai Yazawa

"Go with the flow, but pray God keeps you afloat." — Angie Martinez

"Just go with the flow and don't love anymore because as the days unfolds itself to night, we see love changing its color and flow, leaving you colorless." — Manisha Rathod

"The more you go with the flow of life and surrender the outcome to God, and the less you seek constant clarity, the more you will find that fabulous things start to show up in your life." — Mandy Hale

Danielle LaPorte's quote: "Going with the flow is responding to the cues from the Universe. When you go with the flow, you're surfing Life Force. It's about wakeful trust and total collaboration with what's showing up for you." | Image: AmoDays

Danielle LaPorte's quote: "Going with the flow is responding to the cues from the Universe. When you go with the flow, you're surfing Life Force. It's about wakeful trust and total collaboration with what's showing up for you." | Image: AmoDays


"I just go with the flow, so any style can be in my music – that makes it exciting." — Yoko Ono

"This is how memories are made… by going with the flow." — Amanda Bynes

"Being passive is not the same as being peaceful. If you aren't doing what you know, in your heart, you want to do, you are NOT going with the flow. You are going against the flow. Your reactions, emotions, desires, and talents are all part of the flow of life. Ignoring them is passive resistance. Let yourself go." — Vironika Tugaleva

"When you go with the flow of life, you are beyond worrying about the past or the future." — Nitin Namdeo

"Sometimes everything hits you all at once. You lose a relationship, change jobs, old friends go and new friends come. It's up one day and down the next. You have it all together on Monday and by Thursday you don't have a clue. Life is one big wave and all we can do is flow, adapt, and transform." — Sylvester McNutt

Yoko Ono's quote: "I just go with the flow, so any style can be in my music – that makes it exciting." | Image: AmoDays

Yoko Ono's quote: "I just go with the flow, so any style can be in my music – that makes it exciting." | Image: AmoDays


"Sometimes we get so used to not really feeling anything, just going with the flow, that we forget how it feels to be really happy or sad." — Lindsey Kelk

"Relaxation is one of the most complex phenomena – very rich, multidimensional. All these things are part of it: let-go, trust, surrender, love, acceptance, going with the flow, union with existence, egolessness, ecstasy. All these are part of it, and all these start happening if you learn the ways of relaxation." — Rajneesh

"Instead of looking at things, examining them critically and asking ourselves whether they are really sane, whether they are harmful or destructive, whether they will really bring us peace of mind and a good night's sleep, we just let ourselves go with the flow of what others are doing." ― Mango Wodzak, "2020 Vision"

"Go with the flow, God got the perfect plan." — Meeran W. Malik

"I live my life on self-belief and I live it partly on going with the flow." — Melanie Brown

Lindsey Kelk's quote: "Sometimes we get so used to not really feeling anything, just going with the flow, that we forget how it feels to be really happy or sad." | Image: AmoDays

Lindsey Kelk's quote: "Sometimes we get so used to not really feeling anything, just going with the flow, that we forget how it feels to be really happy or sad." | Image: AmoDays


"Isn't it so weird the day you wake up and you're just going with the flow? And you just suddenly are a mom." — Katherine Heigl

"I'm not worried. I'm just so grateful to be in the position that I'm in. I'm just going with the flow right now, and I think my album will come together quite nicely because I think everybody is on the same page." — Carrie Underwood

"I just go with the flow, I follow the yellow brick road. I don't know where it's going to lead me, but I follow it." — Grace Jones

"I really feel like life will dictate itself. You should allow it to unfold as naturally as possible. Just go with the flow. When you're really desperate, you say a few prayers and hope for the best. That's the way I've always lived my life." — Shania Twain

"I have come to realize that each day has a certain energy that it carries. So to maximize my fullest potential, I jump in that wave each day… Wake up, meditate, feel the energy… Understand that everything on my to do list may not work out exactly as planned… Go with the flow, living in the flow, is setting your goals, but also giving space for things to unfold from the unseen." — Lisa Guthrie

Katherine Heigl's quote: "Isn't it so weird the day you wake up and you're just going with the flow? And you just suddenly are a mom." | Image: AmoDays

Katherine Heigl's quote: "Isn't it so weird the day you wake up and you're just going with the flow? And you just suddenly are a mom." | Image: AmoDays


"Don't just go with the flow. Take dares through the rapids." — R. J. Palacio, "Wonder"

Go with the Flow Quotes Full of Valuable Lessons

"Be the flow." — Jay Z

"Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." — Bruce Lee

"You're thinking too much, just let it flow." — E. Paluszak

Jay Z's quote: "Be the flow." | Image: AmoDays

Jay Z's quote: "Be the flow." | Image: AmoDays

"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach." — Tom Robbins


"Surrender to the flow." — Mike Gordon

"Life takes us on a current that rages and flows. Fight the course and find yourself in darkness." — Starr Z. Davies

"True mastery can be gained by letting things go their own way." — Stephen Mitchell

"Be still like a mountain and flow like a great river." — Lao Tzu

Mike Gordon's quote: "Surrender to the flow." | Image: AmoDays

Mike Gordon's quote: "Surrender to the flow." | Image: AmoDays

"What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create." — Buddha

"Just flow with the time, do with the flow. Then there is no agony. There is only contentment all the time." — Mohanji


"Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don't have to like it…it's just easier if you do." — Byron Katie

"Unleash your creative energy and let it flow. Relish the possibilities." — Nita Leland

"It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back." — Mick Jagger

Mohanji's quote: "Just flow with the time, do with the flow. Then there is no agony. There is only contentment all the time." | Image: AmoDays

Mohanji's quote: "Just flow with the time, do with the flow. Then there is no agony. There is only contentment all the time." | Image: AmoDays

"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." — Alan W. Watts

"The best way to live Life is to flow with it; accepting what is, making sincere efforts to repair whatever needs fixing and trusting the process..." ― AVIS Viswanathan


"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." — Lao Tzu

"Adaptability is the simple secret of survival." — Jessica Hagedorn

"Flexibility is the key to stability." — John Wooden

AVIS Viswanathan's quote: "The best way to live Life is to flow with it; accepting what is, making sincere efforts to repair whatever needs fixing and trusting the process..." | Image: AmoDays

AVIS Viswanathan's quote: "The best way to live Life is to flow with it; accepting what is, making sincere efforts to repair whatever needs fixing and trusting the process..." | Image: AmoDays

"Action and adaptability create opportunity." — Garrison Wynee

Quotes about the Flow of Life, Filled with Wisdom

"Everything flows and nothing abides, everything gives way and nothing stays fixed." — Heraclitus


"Not all who wander are lost." — Tolkien

"A tree that is unbending, is easily broken." — Lao Tzu

Heraclitus' quote: "Everything flows and nothing abides, everything gives way and nothing stays fixed." | Image: AmoDays

Heraclitus' quote: "Everything flows and nothing abides, everything gives way and nothing stays fixed." | Image: AmoDays

"When you are grateful – when you can see what you have – you unlock blessings to flow in your life." — Suze Orman

"Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force." — Lao Tzu

"They say, timing is everything. But then they say, there is never a perfect time for anything." — Anthony Liccione

"Don't aim at success — the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue… as the unintended side-effect of one's personal dedication to a course greater than oneself." — Victor Frankl


"To flow in love is mystical." — Dr. Debra Reble

Lao Tzu's quote: "Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force." | Image: AmoDays

Lao Tzu's quote: "Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force." | Image: AmoDays

"The idea is that flowing water never goes stale, so just keep on flowing." — Bruce Lee

"Abundance is a flow of energy through you." — Steve Rother

"Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind." — Bruce Lee

"Nothing to do but follow your crazy, though." ― N. K. Jemisin, "The Fifth Season"

"The measure of intelligence is the ability to change." — Albert Einstein

Steve Rother's quote: "Abundance is a flow of energy through you." | Image: AmoDays

Steve Rother's quote: "Abundance is a flow of energy through you." | Image: AmoDays


"Life is a flow of love." — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

"Sometimes in life there's no problem and sometimes in life there is no solution. In this space - between these apparent poles - life flows." ― Rasheed Ogunlaru

"This life is like a roller-coaster; once you are strapped-in and the ride has started, you aren't getting off."― Bryant McGill, "Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life"

"The more I see, the less I know… The more I like to let it go…." — Red Hot Chili Peppers

"Energy flows where intention goes." — Rhonda Byrne

Rasheed Ogunlaru's quote: "Sometimes in life there's no problem and sometimes in life there is no solution. In this space - between these apparent poles - life flows." | Image: AmoDays

Rasheed Ogunlaru's quote: "Sometimes in life there's no problem and sometimes in life there is no solution. In this space - between these apparent poles - life flows." | Image: AmoDays


"Life is a constant movement. Whenever the flow stops, there is death. All full stops belong to death; life is unaware of any full stop." — Osho

"If you feel that you are going without - go within." ― Rasheed Ogunlaru

"Change is the only constant in life. Ones ability to adapt to those changes will determine your success in life." — Benjamin Franklin

"I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of ever-changing life." — Louise Hay

Osho's quote: "Life is a constant movement. Whenever the flow stops, there is death. All full stops belong to death; life is unaware of any full stop." | Image: AmoDays

Osho's quote: "Life is a constant movement. Whenever the flow stops, there is death. All full stops belong to death; life is unaware of any full stop." | Image: AmoDays

To go with the flow, you must learn to forgo being in control, as you can't have the two because they are opposites. Going with the flow does not only apply when you are having fun and have lost track of time.

It also applies when you are going through difficult times. It is sometimes best to stop and let things play out in challenging situations. Taking that step back will help you refocus and move on. If you find yourself in this situation and need closure, read these quotes to help you let go.

