Marianne Carolina Guzman Gamboa

Marianne Carolina Guzman Gamboa

News editor

Marianne Carolina Guzman Gamboa is a translator for the Latam team at Amomama Publishing. She makes sure our Spanish articles are properly written for us to continue producing informative and captivating articles.


Before joinging the Amomama Publishing team, Marianne worked as a lawyer, then moved on to be a translator and editor for Global Media IT. Marianne was also part of the company’s Production and Telemarketing team.


Marianne graduated with a from the University of Carabobo in Valencia Vanezuela. She graudted in 2008 and recieved honerable mention for her impreesive work in Japanese Language and Culture Certificate (Basic Level).

Hobbies and Passions

Marianne is always eager to learn new things and spends her time watching tutorial videos. When its time to relax she enjoys: reading, listening to music, watching Science Fiction movies or series andplaying Video games.