Funeral | Source: Shutterstock
Funeral | Source: Shutterstock

Family Gathers for Old Businessman's Funeral, Shocked as They Hear His Voice Emerge from the Coffin – Story of the Day

Yevhenii Boichenko
Mar 22, 2024
12:28 P.M.

Detective Scott visits his friend's funeral, but he is shocked to find that what seemed to be a peaceful death has unraveled into a complex murder motivated by wealth, with suspicion falling on the victim's family.


Scott arrived at the funeral of his friend, Charles, with a heart heavy with grief. The funeral home, usually a place of quiet mourning, was today filled with a somber crowd. Charles's children, a blend of young and older faces, stood huddled together, their eyes reflecting the sadness of their loss. Colleagues, some Scott recognized from the many stories Charles had shared during their long friendship, mingled quietly, exchanging subdued greetings and sympathetic glances.

As Scott moved among them, offering his condolences, he could sense the profound impact Charles had on everyone's lives. The room was adorned with floral arrangements, the scent of lilies and roses mingling in the air, adding a delicate sweetness to the melancholy atmosphere.

Funeral | Source: Shutterstock

Funeral | Source: Shutterstock


Suddenly, the somber murmur of the crowd was interrupted by a sound so unexpected it caused a collective gasp. From the coffin, placed solemnly at the front of the room, came the voice of Charles. It was a surreal moment, as if time had paused, and reality was suspended. The mourners looked around in disbelief, their expressions a mix of shock and confusion.

With a sense of urgency, Scott approached the coffin. The eyes of the gathered mourners followed him, their whispers growing silent as they watched. He reached the coffin and, with a tentative hand, opened it. Inside, instead of the peaceful repose of Charles, was a device, its screen glowing faintly in the dim light of the room.

The voice emanating from the device was unmistakably Charles's. It was a recording, his tone serious, almost foreboding. "If you are hearing this," the recorded voice of Charles began, "it means that I was right. I believed that my life was in danger, and now, it seems, I have been proven correct."

Scott listened intently as Charles's voice continued, detailing his suspicions and fears. "I have reason to believe that my death was no accident. I suspect it was one of my heirs, motivated by greed and impatience."

Audio | Source: Shutterstock

Audio | Source: Shutterstock


The room was silent, the air thick with tension. Scott could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on him as the recording played on. "I've set this trap, this test, to reveal the truth. If my death was indeed violent, then the one responsible is among you."

Charles's voice took on a solemn tone as he addressed Scott directly. "Scott, my old friend, I entrust you with this task. Find the one responsible for my death before my will is read. If you do, you will be rewarded. But if the killer is not found, all my estate will go to charity."

The message ended, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. The shock was evident on the faces of the mourners. Some looked at each other with suspicion, others with fear. Charles's children were visibly shaken, their expressions a mix of disbelief and grief.

Scott closed the coffin gently, his mind racing with the weight of the task ahead of him. The room erupted into hushed conversations as he stepped back, the reality of what they had just heard settling in.

Mourning | Source: Shutterstock

Mourning | Source: Shutterstock


Scott knew what he had to do. He had to start investigating, to honor his friend's last wish. The clues were there, hidden in the lives and relationships of those Charles had left behind. Scott was determined to uncover the truth, no matter how deep he had to dig. With a sense of purpose, he began to plan his next steps. The mystery of Charles's death was a puzzle he was resolved to solve.

The revelation from the coffin had sent a wave of shock through the mourners at the funeral. They were a mix of family, friends, and colleagues of Charles, all united in their grief but now united in their outrage. Murmurs of disbelief and anger filled the room as guests began to shuffle out, their expressions a blend of shock and indignation. The serene atmosphere of the funeral had been shattered, replaced by a cloud of suspicion and confusion.

In the midst of the chaos, Lydia, the businessman's daughter, remained in the room with Scott. She was a poised figure, her composure in stark contrast to the turmoil around them. As a member of the board of directors of her father's company, she exuded a sense of confidence and control. Yet, there was a hint of vulnerability in her eyes as she spoke to Scott.

"I was always by my father's side," Lydia said, her voice steady but laced with emotion. "Of all his children, I was the one who took on responsibilities, who strived to live up to his expectations. But my father, he had his demons. He was always paranoid, suspecting people around him."


Heart attack | Source: Shutterstock

Heart attack | Source: Shutterstock

Scott listened intently, his detective's mind piecing together the image of Charles from Lydia's words. "You mentioned he died of a heart attack," Scott prompted gently, encouraging her to continue.

Lydia nodded, a tinge of sadness passing over her features. "Yes, it was sudden. He wasn't a violent man, and there was no violence in his death. That's why I believe the inheritance should rightfully go to his children, as per his wishes."

The conversation was interrupted by the last of the guests leaving, the door closing behind them with a soft click. The room, once filled with mourners, was now eerily quiet, the tension still lingering in the air.

Scott knew they had little time to waste. "Lydia, could you take me to the room where your father was found?" he asked, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.


Driving | Source: Shutterstock

Driving | Source: Shutterstock

Scott stepped into Charles' room, a space that still held the essence of the man it had belonged to. The room was orderly, with each item meticulously placed, reflecting Charles' methodical nature. Lydia followed closely, her footsteps almost inaudible on the plush carpet. The air was heavy, laden with an unspoken sadness that seemed to cling to the walls.

As Scott surveyed the room, his detective's instincts kicked in. He took in every detail, from the neatly arranged books on the shelf to the framed photographs that adorned the walls, each telling a story of happier times.

Lydia watched Scott, her arms crossed as if she was bracing herself against the room's flood of memories. "The police said it was a heart attack," she reminded him, her voice a mixture of sorrow and resignation.


Scott nodded, acknowledging her statement. "Yes, they did. But in cases like these, every detail matters." His gaze then fell on something that seemed out of place—a pill pack on the nightstand.

Pill | Source: Shutterstock

Pill | Source: Shutterstock

He picked up the pack, examining it closely. The pack was empty, which struck him as odd. "These pills," Scott mused aloud, his brow furrowing in concentration, "if Charles was taking them as prescribed, then this pack, based on its purchase date, should be at least half full."

Lydia moved closer, peering at the pill pack in Scott's hands. "What are you suggesting?" she asked, a hint of defensiveness creeping into her voice.

Scott placed the pill pack back on the nightstand, his mind processing the possibilities. "It's possible that someone might have emptied these intentionally. We can't rule out the possibility of foul play."


Lydia's face paled slightly at the implication. "But why would anyone do that? My father was well-loved."

Man | Source: Shutterstock

Man | Source: Shutterstock

Scott turned to her, his expression serious. "Sometimes, the reason behind such actions isn’t immediately clear. It could be for financial gain, personal vendettas, or something else entirely."

The silence that followed was heavy, each lost in their thoughts. Lydia seemed to struggle with the idea, her belief in her father's peaceful death now challenged.

Scott's attention was drawn back to the room. He began a more thorough search, moving with purposeful steps. Lydia watched him, a mix of curiosity and apprehension in her eyes.


Inspecting the floor, Scott's keen eye caught a glimpse of something under the bed—a solitary pill. He carefully picked it up, holding it between his fingers for a closer look before placing it in a small evidence bag he carried.

Hand | Source: Shutterstock

Hand | Source: Shutterstock

"This could be important," Scott said, his tone indicating the seriousness of the find. "We'll need to have this analyzed."

Lydia's voice trembled as she spoke, "My brother Carl... he brought these pills for Dad. He’s had his challenges—unemployed, spending his life in a blur of parties and drinks. But I can't imagine him doing anything to harm Dad."

Scott turned to face her, his gaze intent. "Tell me more about Carl," he urged, his voice gentle yet firm.


Lydia sighed, the weight of her family's troubles evident in her voice. "Carl lived here with Dad. He helped out with some chores, like getting Dad’s medicine. But their relationship was strained. Carl felt burdened by our father's expectations, and Dad was frustrated with Carl’s lifestyle."

Argument | Source: Shutterstock

Argument | Source: Shutterstock

She paused, her eyes distant as she recalled a painful memory. "Just before Dad passed away, they had a big fight. I overheard it. Dad was furious, threatening to cut Carl off financially. It was intense."

Scott absorbed her words, his mind piecing together the family dynamics. "Did anyone else have access to these pills?" he asked, his detective's instincts in full gear.

Lydia shook her head slowly. "Not really. Carl was the one who handled it. Though, theoretically, anyone in the house could have accessed them."


Scott nodded, filing away this information. "We need to talk to Carl," he stated, a sense of urgency in his voice. "He might be able to shed more light on this."

Lydia agreed, though a look of worry crossed her face. "I'll see if I can find out where he might be," she said, reaching for her phone.

Bar | Source: Shutterstock

Bar | Source: Shutterstock

As Lydia made calls, Scott took one last look around the room. Each object, each detail, was a piece of the puzzle that was Charles' life and death. He knew he needed to examine every lead, every possibility, to uncover the truth.

Finally, Lydia hung up the phone, her expression grim. "He's at a local bar, the usual spot where he drowns his sorrows," she informed Scott.


Scott nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "Let's go talk to Carl. It's time we got some answers." With that, they left the room, stepping out into a world that was oblivious to the dark cloud of mystery hanging over the house.

Scott arrived at the local bar, a place that seemed to cling to the shadows of the city. The neon sign flickered above the entrance, casting a dim glow on the figures that huddled inside. As he pushed open the door, the smell of stale beer and lingering smoke hit him, and the low murmur of hushed conversations filled the air. The bar was a refuge for those seeking solace in their troubles, a place where the world outside seemed a distant memory.

Drunk | Source: Shutterstock

Drunk | Source: Shutterstock

He spotted Carl almost immediately, hunched over the bar with a drink in hand, his figure slumped in a manner that spoke volumes of his current state. Carl's eyes were glassy, unfocused – the eyes of a man who had lost his way. Scott approached cautiously, aware that the conversation he was about to initiate could turn volatile.


"Carl?" Scott's voice was steady, an anchor in the dimly lit haze of the bar.

Carl looked up, his gaze bleary and unfocused. Recognition flickered in his eyes, quickly replaced by a wariness that seemed ingrained in his soul. "Who's asking?" Carl's words slurred slightly, a testament to the hours he had likely spent at the bar.

"I'm Scott, a friend of your father," Scott introduced himself, taking the seat next to Carl. "I'm looking into what happened to him."

Carl's expression shifted to one of bitterness and grief, a toxic mix that seemed to consume him. "What's there to talk about? Dad's gone. Heart attack, they said," he muttered, his voice heavy with a mixture of sorrow and alcohol.

Drugstore | Source: Shutterstock

Drugstore | Source: Shutterstock


Scott observed Carl, noting the despair that seemed to hang over him like a cloud. "I know this is a tough time for you, but I need to ask you about your father's medication. Did you always pick it up on time?"

Carl's gaze drifted, lost in either thought or memory. "Most times, yeah. But I'd forget sometimes. When that happened, I'd ask Elizabeth, the maid, to pick it up for me," he admitted, the confession seeming to add to the weight on his shoulders.

Scott's detective instincts were piqued. "Did you forget to pick up the medicine before your father's death?"

Carl shrugged, a gesture that carried a world of regret. "Maybe once or twice, but I didn't kill him, if that's what you're thinking. It was just a heart attack."

Scott leaned forward, his demeanor serious yet empathetic. "Carl, there's something you should know." He pulled out the results of the pill analysis, a piece of paper that held more weight than one would expect. "The pill I found in your father's room contained Sarin. It’s a poison that could have caused the heart attack."

Poison | Source: Shutterstock

Poison | Source: Shutterstock


The revelation hit Carl like a physical blow. His face drained of color, his body tensed, a mix of shock and disbelief written all over him. "Sarin? You think I poisoned my own father?" His voice was a broken whisper, a mixture of confusion and emerging horror.

Before Scott could respond, the heavy tread of boots announced the arrival of the police. They entered the bar, their presence changing the atmosphere instantly. They approached Carl, their expressions solemn but not unkind.

"Carl, you're under arrest as a suspect in the death of your father, Charles," one of the officers announced, his voice firm yet compassionate.

Carl looked up, his body language speaking of defeat and despair. "I didn't do it. I swear, I didn't kill him," he mumbled, almost to himself, as the officers guided him out of the bar.

Scott watched silently, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and doubts. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place, yet something didn't quite fit. The ease with which the poison was discovered, Carl's shock and disbelief, the complexities of the family dynamics – it all painted a picture that was complex and murky.

Investigation | Source: Shutterstock

Investigation | Source: Shutterstock


As the bar returned to its subdued buzz, Scott sat there, contemplating his next move. The truth was elusive, hiding beneath layers of family secrets and unspoken tensions. He knew he had to dig deeper, to look beyond the obvious to uncover what really happened to Charles. The journey to the truth was often a winding road, and Scott was prepared to follow it wherever it led.

Scott parked his car a few feet away from Carl’s vehicle, a luxury model that, despite its upscale brand, bore the signs of neglect. Its once-pristine exterior was now marred by layers of dust and grime, but the underlying opulence of the car was still evident. As he approached, Scott couldn't help but reflect on the contradiction it presented – a symbol of wealth, yet reflecting a life that seemed to be spiraling out of control.

He examined the car from the outside first, his trained eyes scanning for any signs of irregularity. The windows were tinted, giving the car an even more secretive aura. Taking a deep breath, Scott opened the driver's side door, which creaked slightly as if complaining about the disturbance.

The interior of the car was a stark contrast to its exterior. The leather seats, though dusty, were of high quality, and the dashboard housed an array of sophisticated gadgets. It was a car meant for someone who appreciated luxury, yet the untidiness inside spoke volumes about Carl’s current state of mind. Empty fast food wrappers littered the passenger seat, and various personal items were strewn haphazardly around the interior.


Car | Source: Shutterstock

Car | Source: Shutterstock

Scott began his search methodically, checking the glove compartment, under the seats, and in the side pockets. He knew that if there was any evidence to be found, it would not be immediately visible. His experience had taught him that crucial evidence was often hidden in plain sight, overlooked by those who didn't know where to look.

Finally, his persistence paid off. Hidden beneath a pile of old newspapers and magazines in the back seat, Scott found what he was looking for – a bag containing Sarin. The discovery sent a chill down his spine. Sarin was not something one came across accidentally. Its presence in Carl's car was a significant piece of the puzzle, yet it raised more questions than it answered.

With the bag of Sarin carefully secured, Scott called Elizabeth, the maid who Karl claimed helped him at times to pick up medication. He pulled out his phone and dialed the number he had obtained from the police records.


"Hello, Elizabeth? This is Detective Scott. I'm investigating Charles's death and I need to ask you a few questions," he began, his tone professional yet friendly.

Elizabeth's voice was timid, a soft tremor betraying her nervousness. "Yes, Detective. What do you need to know?"

Call | Source: Shutterstock

Call | Source: Shutterstock

Scott got straight to the point. "I understand you were responsible for picking up Charles’s medication from the pharmacy. Did you pick up his most recent prescription?"

There was a pause before Elizabeth responded, her voice tinged with worry. "Yes, I did. I always made sure to get Mr. Charles's medication on time. He depended on it."

Scott pressed on. "Do you still have the medication?"


"Yes, it's still here at the house. Mr. Charles... he... he didn't get a chance to take it," Elizabeth's voice cracked with emotion.

"Thank you, Elizabeth. Your information has been very helpful," Scott said, his mind already racing with the implications of this new revelation.

He ended the call and took a moment to gather his thoughts. The discovery of the Sarin in Carl's car, the untainted medicine still at the house – the pieces were slowly coming together, but the picture they were forming was complex and murky.

Scott knew that he was on the brink of uncovering the truth, but there were still gaps to be filled, questions to be answered. The case was like a jigsaw puzzle, and he was determined to fit every piece in its rightful place.

Police | Source: Shutterstock

Police | Source: Shutterstock


Scott made his way to the police station, his mind abuzz with the recent developments in the case. The building was a stark, utilitarian structure, its walls echoing with the myriad stories of justice and crime that had passed through its doors. Inside, the atmosphere was a blend of routine hustle and the undercurrent of urgency that is the hallmark of law enforcement work.

He was greeted by officers who knew him well, their nods a mixture of respect and camaraderie. Scott was a known figure here, his reputation as a thorough and dedicated detective well-established.

"Detective Scott, good to see you," greeted Officer Mills, a seasoned policeman who had been on the force for years. "We heard about your work on the Charles case. Finding Sarin in Carl's car – that’s some excellent detective work."

Scott nodded in acknowledgment but couldn't hide his unease. "Thanks, but something about this case doesn't sit right with me," he admitted, his voice tinged with doubt. "It all fits together a little too neatly. The hidden evidence in Charles' room, and then finding the main evidence in Carl's car? It feels off."

Officer Mills leaned back in his chair, a frown creasing his forehead. "I see what you mean, but you know how it is. Criminals slip up all the time. Carl seems like the perfect suspect."


Suspect | Source: Shutterstock

Suspect | Source: Shutterstock

Scott paced the room, his thoughts racing. "That's just it. It's too perfect. I'd like to ask that the details about the Sarin not be published yet. I have a hunch there's more to this story."

The officer raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Alright, Scott, we can hold off on releasing that information for now. But what are you thinking? You believe Carl didn't do it?"

Scott paused, weighing his words carefully. "I'm not sure yet. But we need to consider every possibility. Carl's reaction when he was arrested, the family dynamics at play, the peculiar way the evidence was laid out... I just need more time to piece it all together."

Officer Mills nodded, understanding the need for thoroughness in such a complex case. "Alright, Scott. We trust your judgment. You've got the time you need."


Scott thanked him and left the office, his mind already churning with the next steps of his investigation. As he stepped outside, the hustle of the city enveloped him. The police station, with its steady stream of cases, was a microcosm of the city's pulse – always moving, always alive with stories of triumph and tragedy.

Crime | Source: Shutterstock

Crime | Source: Shutterstock

His next move was to revisit all that he had learnt, to look for anything that might have been missed. Every detail mattered in a case like this, and Scott knew that the key to unraveling the mystery could lie in the most innocuous of details.

As he drove, Scott reflected on the complexity of the case. Charles, a man who had lived a life of success and influence, now gone under mysterious circumstances. Carl, the son who seemed to be struggling with his own demons. Lydia, the daughter who was steadfast in her defense of her brother. And then there was the Sarin, a deadly poison that had somehow found its way into Charles' medication.


The city passed by in a blur as Scott made his way to Lidiya`s house. The answers he was looking for were there, hidden in the walls and memories of the home. He needed to approach the investigation with a fresh perspective, to look beyond the obvious and delve into the layers beneath.

Pulling up to the house, Scott took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. The truth was there, somewhere among the shadows and secrets. He was determined to find it, to bring closure to a case that had become more than just a job. It was a puzzle that challenged him, a mystery that demanded to be solved. And Scott was not one to back down from a challenge.

Kind | Source: Shutterstock

Kind | Source: Shutterstock

Returning to Lydia's residence, Scott felt a mix of apprehension and determination. The house, with its elegant facade and manicured gardens, stood in stark contrast to the turmoil unfolding within its walls. He was greeted by Lydia, who led him into a spacious sitting room where the sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the tasteful decor.


Lydia poured tea for both of them, her hands trembling slightly as she did so. They sat in silence for a moment, the air heavy with unspoken thoughts. Lydia finally broke the silence, her voice wavering with emotion.

"It's just so shocking," she began, tears brimming in her eyes. "I can't believe Carl could do this to our father. They argued, yes, but to resort to something as dreadful as Sarin..."

Scott observed her closely, noting the genuine shock and grief in her demeanor. However, one detail of her statement caught his attention. "You mentioned Sarin," he interjected gently. "How did you come to know about that? The details of the poison haven’t been released by the police."

Lydia paused, a flicker of confusion crossing her face. "I... I just assumed. With everything that's happened, it seemed like a possibility," she stammered, avoiding Scott's gaze.

Tea | Source: Shutterstock

Tea | Source: Shutterstock


Scott's mind was racing. Lydia's knowledge of the Sarin was a significant detail, one that she couldn't have known unless...

He decided to probe further. "There’s another thing that’s been bothering me," Scott said, setting his tea cup down. "Carl was adamant that he didn’t pick up the medicine for Charles this time. He said it was Elizabeth, the maid."

Lydia's expression shifted to one of frustration. "Carl's not reliable. He drinks too much. He could have easily forgotten whether he picked up the medicine or not."

Scott nodded, taking in her response. "That's a fair point. But we can't overlook any possibilities. Every detail is crucial in a case like this."

Lydia wiped her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "I understand. It's just hard to think about any of this. Our family... we never imagined something like this could happen."

Scott offered a sympathetic nod. "I understand this is difficult for you, Lydia. You’ve been very helpful. Thank you for the tea."

As he stood to leave, Lydia reached out, her voice tinged with desperation. "Please find out the truth, Scott. We need to know what really happened to my father."


Friend | Source: Shutterstock

Friend | Source: Shutterstock

Lydia's knowledge of the Sarin, Carl's insistence about Elizabeth, the found poison in Carl's car – each was a piece of the puzzle. Scott knew he had to tread carefully, examining every lead, every angle, to uncover the truth.

The drive back to the police station was a time for reflection. The case was like a complex web, with each strand connected to another in ways that were not immediately apparent. Scott's job was to untangle these strands, to reveal the pattern hidden within.


He thought about Charles, a man whose life had ended under mysterious circumstances, and his children, whose lives were now shrouded in suspicion and grief. The truth was there, somewhere amid the tangled web of family secrets and hidden motives. And Scott was determined to find it, to bring closure to a case that had become more than just an investigation. It was a search for truth in the midst of a sea of lies.

Lawyer | Source: Shutterstock

Lawyer | Source: Shutterstock

In the lawyer's office, a room lined with shelves of legal volumes and heavy drapes that muted the afternoon sun, Detective Scott and Travis, Lydia’s younger brother, sat in a tense silence. The air was thick with the weight of expectation, each second stretching longer than the last. Travis, a young man still navigating the complexities of adulthood, fidgeted nervously, his hands clasped tightly in his lap. Scott, on the other hand, exuded a quiet calm, his eyes observant and thoughtful.


The door swung open, and Lydia rushed in, her breathlessness betraying her haste. "I'm so sorry for being late," she gasped, smoothing her blouse as she took her seat beside Travis. Her apology, sincere yet flustered, did little to ease the tension that hung in the air.

The lawyer, a stoic figure with a demeanor that spoke of years in the legal profession, cleared his throat and began to read the will of Charles. "According to the last will and testament," he intoned, his voice echoing slightly in the solemn room, "half of the inheritance is to be bequeathed to Lydia." He paused, then turned his gaze to Travis. "And as Travis is a minor, Lydia will manage his share until he comes of age."

Lydia listened, her face a mask of composure, but her eyes betrayed a flicker of something deeper, a mix of relief and an unnameable emotion. Travis, young and seemingly out of his depth, simply nodded, his expression one of bewildered acceptance.

Wiil | Source: Shutterstock

Wiil | Source: Shutterstock


The reading was abruptly interrupted by Scott, who stood up, his voice firm and commanding attention. "I must point out that the real killer has not yet been caught." The room fell into a stunned silence, the gravity of his statement hanging heavily in the air.

Lydia turned to Scott, her shock evident. "What do you mean, Scott?" she asked, her voice quivering slightly.

Scott's gaze was unwavering, his demeanor that of a man who had seen too many truths hidden in lies. "Lydia, last night you mentioned Sarin, the poison that killed your father. That information was not released by the police. How did you come to know about it?"

Lydia's face paled, her composure slipping. "I... it was a guess," she stammered, avoiding Scott's penetrating gaze. "Just a lucky guess."

Scott continued, undeterred. "In the corridor, I noticed BMW keys, even though you drive a Ford. The BMW belongs to Carl. Upon further investigation, I discovered you had spare keys to Carl's car. Additionally, Elizabeth, the maid, confirmed that you often drove Carl in his car due to his inebriation."

Lydia's defense was immediate, a mixture of desperation and indignation. "These are mere conjectures of an old detective. Driving Carl does not make me a murderer. It shows I cared for my brother."


Scott nodded, acknowledging her point but remained firm. "True, the medication was prescribed and available in limited quantity. Carl often forgot to pick it up, and Elizabeth assisted him. However, Elizabeth confirmed she still had the medicine with her. Carl couldn't have poisoned Charles as he never received the medicine from her."

Lydia shook her head, her voice laced with frustration. "That's absurd! Elizabeth is old and forgetful. She probably didn't pick up anything this month."

Scott's response was calm yet assertive. "The medicine was indeed with Elizabeth, but that alone doesn't pinpoint who substituted them. If someone attempted to steal them from Elizabeth and hide them, it could point to guilt."

Arrest | Source: Shutterstock

Arrest | Source: Shutterstock


Without warning, Scott reached for Lydia's bag. "You were late today, Lydia. I believe you stopped by Elizabeth's place to take the medicine." He opened her bag and pulled out a jar of pills.

Lydia's façade crumbled, her face contorted in a mix of fury and fear. "You can't prove anything! This is ridiculous!"

But the evidence was compelling, and at that moment, the police entered the room. "Lydia, you are under arrest for the murder of Charles," one of the officers announced as they approached her.

As Lydia was led away, her protests and denials echoing in the lawyer's office, the truth of the matter hung heavy in the air. Scott had uncovered the real story behind Charles's death, but the revelation came with a profound sense of loss and betrayal.

The lawyer, after a moment of stunned silence, resumed reading the will. "In light of these developments, the inheritance will now be divided between Travis and Carl. And as per Charles' instructions, a reward of one million dollars will be awarded to Scott for his efforts in solving the case."

Scott sat back down, the magnitude of what had transpired weighing heavily on him. He had solved the case, but the cost was high. A family was torn apart, a brother wrongly accused, and a daughter now facing the consequences of her actions.


Leaving the lawyer's office, the sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the city. The case was closed, but the echoes of what happened in that family would linger in Scott's mind for a long time. The answers were found, but they came at a price, a reminder of the often-painful truth that lies beneath the surface of family ties and hidden motives.

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If you enjoyed this story, read this one: Ethan, an 11-year-old boy, is walking home alone from school when he spots a strange man following him in a van. When the man's dark intentions unfold, Ethan finds himself in a perilous situation. Ethan has to think fast and escape the man's clutches, but how will he do that when the man is constantly watching him? -. Read the full story here.

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