An image of Freddy Krueger with his quote: "Three, two, one—ready or not, here I come!" | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet
An image of Freddy Krueger with his quote: "Three, two, one—ready or not, here I come!" | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

42 'Nightmare on Elm Street' Quotes That Awaken Your Worst Nightmare

Aug 07, 2023
01:00 A.M.
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Slasher movies have been a popular genre for a long time. Such an example is the 1984 horror flick "A Nightmare on Elm Street." Relive this frightening film with these 42 quotes from its fascinating characters.


A timeless masterpiece, "A Nightmare on Elm Street," chronicles the story of teenagers living in the neighborhood of Elm Street fighting the disfigured and dream-stalking serial killer Freddy Krueger through dreams.

One of the terrifying aspects of the film is that Freddy's victims must stay awake to avoid falling asleep and becoming vulnerable in their dreams. The original film's success led to the creation of several sequels.

This iconic movie masterfully weaves elements of horror, dark humor, and bone-chilling tales, cementing its place as an influential component of pop culture and cinematic history. Explore a selection of its unforgettable quotes below.

Freddy Krueger's quote: "The only thing to fear is fear himself." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Freddy Krueger's quote: "The only thing to fear is fear himself." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Terrifying Quotes from 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' That Will Keep You up All Night


"Glen Lantz: You believe this fog?

Nancy Thompson: Oh, I believe anything is possible." — "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

"Nancy Thompson: [at the sleep clinic] I don't see why you can't just give me a pill to keep me from dreaming.

Dr. King: Everybody's got to dream, young girl. If you don't dream...

[pointing to his head]

Dr. King: You go." — "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

"Nancy Thompson: [at the police station] You know Tina, she dreamed this was gonna happen.

Lt. Thompson: What?

Nancy Thompson: She had a nightmare that someone was trying to kill her.

[to her mother, sobbing]

Nancy Thompson: That's why we were there, Mom. She just didn't wanna sleep alone." — "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

"Glen Lantz: What did you do to your arm?

Nancy Thompson: I burned it in English class." — "A Nightmare on Elm Street"


"Nancy Thompson: [she notices Glen standing outside her window with mud-caked soles] Sometimes I wish you didn't live right across the street.

Glen Lantz: [holds one of his muddy feet up to her] Will you shut up and let me in? Did you ever stand on a rose trellis in your bare feet?" — "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Nancy Thompson's quote: "It's too late, Krueger. I know the secret now. This is just a dream. You're not alive. This whole thing is just a dream." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Nancy Thompson's quote: "It's too late, Krueger. I know the secret now. This is just a dream. You're not alive. This whole thing is just a dream." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

"Nancy Thompson: [on the phone, referring to Glen] Hi, Daddy. I know what happened.

Lt. Thompson: I haven't been upstairs yet.

Nancy Thompson: Yeah, but you know he's dead, right?

Lt. Thompson: Yeah, apparently he's dead.


Nancy Thompson: Listen, Daddy, I've got a proposition for you. Listen very carefully, please.

Lt. Thompson: Nancy.

Nancy Thompson: I'm going to go and get the guy who did it, and I want you to be there to arrest him when I bring him out. Okay?

Lt. Thompson: Just tell me who did it. I'll go get him, baby.

Nancy Thompson: Fred Krueger did it, Daddy, and only I can get him. It's my nightmare he comes to." — "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

"Nancy Thompson: Come on, Freddy. Can't you catch me?

Fred Krueger: I'm going to split you in two." — "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

"Nancy Thompson: What I learned in the dream clinic. That's what I'm trying to prove, Mother. Rod didn't kill Tina and he didn't hang himself. There's this guy; he's after us in our dreams.

Marge Thompson: But that's just not reality, Nancy.

Nancy Thompson: [pulling Krueger's hat out of a drawer] It's real, Momma. Feel it." — "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Scary Quotes from 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' That Send Chills Down Your Spine


"Whatever you do... don't fall asleep." — Nancy Thompson

"Don't fall asleep in there. You could drown, you know." — Marge Thompson

Freddy Krueger's quote: "If the food don't kill ya, the service will." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Freddy Krueger's quote: "If the food don't kill ya, the service will." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

"It's too late, Krueger. I know the secret now. This is just a dream. You're not alive. This whole thing is just a dream." —Nancy Thompson

"I take back every bit of energy I gave you. You're nothing." — Nancy Thompson

"Oh, man. Midnight, baseball bats and boogeymen. Beautiful." — Glen Lantz

"Tina, you either gotta cut your fingernails or ya gotta stop that kind of dreaming. One or the other." —Tina's mom


"Oh, I feel like a million bucks. They say you've bottomed out when you can't remember the night before." — Marge Thompson

Freddy Krueger's quote: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but nothing will ever kill me." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Freddy Krueger's quote: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but nothing will ever kill me." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

"Nancy. You dreamed about the same creep I did, Nancy." — Tina Gray

"I dreamed about this guy in a dirty red and green sweater." — Nancy Thompson

"Guys can have nightmares too, you know. You ain't got a corner on the market or something." — Rod Lane

"But I told you…hundreds of people a year get killed like that, honey." — Marge Thompson

"Sometimes I wish you didn't live right across the street." — Nancy Thompson


Freddy Krueger's quote:  "I'll get you, my pretty! And your little soul, too!" | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Freddy Krueger's quote: "I'll get you, my pretty! And your little soul, too!" | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

"And now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord, my soul, to keep. And if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord, my soul, to take." — Nancy Thompson

"Well, I guess those people don't wake up to tell what happens." — Glen Lantz

"Okay, Krueger, we play in your court." — Nancy Thompson

"It even has his name written in it, Fred Krueger, mom. Fred Krueger. Do you know who that is mother? Because if you do you better tell me cause he's after me now." — Nancy Thompson

"You want to know who Fred Krueger was? He was a filthy child murderer who killed at least 20 kids in the neighborhood. Kids we all knew." — Marge Thompson


Nancy Thompson's quote: "Sometimes I wish you didn't live right across the street." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Nancy Thompson's quote: "Sometimes I wish you didn't live right across the street." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

"Well, the lawyers got fat and the judge got famous, but somebody forgot to sign the search warrant in the right place, and Krueger was free, just like that." — Marge Thompson

"It drove us crazy when we didn't know who it was, but it was even worse after they caught him." — Marge Thompson

"I probably could have saved her if I'd have moved sooner. But I thought it was just another nightmare, like the one I had the night before. There was…there was this guy; he had knives for fingers." — Rod Lane

"I'm into survival." — Nancy Thompson

"Oh, God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." —Teacher


Nancy Thompson's quote: "I dreamed about this guy in a dirty red and green sweater." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Nancy Thompson's quote: "I dreamed about this guy in a dirty red and green sweater." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Freddy Krueger's Iconic Quotes from 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'

"I'm your boyfriend now, Nancy." — Freddy Krueger

"I'll get you, my pretty! And your little soul, too!" — Freddy Krueger

"Every town has an Elm Street!" — Freddy Krueger

"The only thing to fear is fear himself." — Freddy Krueger

"Did you know that after the heart stops beating, the brain can function for well over seven minutes? We got six more minutes to play." — Freddy Krueger


"How sweet. Fresh meat." — Freddy Krueger

"Three, two, one—ready or not, here I come!" — Freddy Krueger

"My children—from the very beginning, it was the children who gave me my power. The Springwood Slasher, that's what they called me. My reign of terror was legendary." — Freddy Krueger

"The children still feared me, and their fear gave me the power to invade their dreams, and that's when the fun really began. Until they figured out a way to forget about me. To erase me completely." — Freddy Krueger

Tina Gray's quote: "Nancy. You dreamed about the same creep I did, Nancy." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Tina Gray's quote: "Nancy. You dreamed about the same creep I did, Nancy." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet


"When I was alive, I might have been a little naughty, but after they killed me, I became something much, much worse. The stuff nightmares are made of." — Freddy Krueger

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but nothing will ever kill me." — Freddy Krueger

"If the food don't kill ya, the service will." — Freddy Krueger

Glen Lantz's quote: "Well, I guess those people don't wake up to tell what happens." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Glen Lantz's quote: "Well, I guess those people don't wake up to tell what happens." | Source: Facebook/ANightmareonElmStreet

Actor Robert Englund portrayed the iconic character Freddy Krueger. Englund's co-stars include Johnny Depp and Heather Langenkamp. Englund reprised his role in the following sequels with new cast members like Patricia Arquette, Laurence Fishburne, and Kelly Rowland.


Although it was released 39 years ago, "A Nightmare on Elm Street" proves how powerful a skillfully made horror movie can be, as it can leave a lasting impression on both pop culture and audiences.

The movie's truly terrifying villain adds to its allure and keeps drawing in fans, making the character a beloved gem among horror enthusiasts worldwide. To satisfy your love for all things horror, plunge into these chilling quotes from the film "Eraserheads."




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