Hotel maid | Source: Shutterstock
Hotel maid | Source: Shutterstock

Millionaire's Daughter Shames Maid – Story of the Day

Caitlin Farley
Mar 22, 2024
04:57 A.M.
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When Viola, a hotel maid, is sent to clean an especially difficult guest's suite, she finds herself the victim of a cruel game initiated by the hotel owner's spoiled daughter and her friend. Viola can't fight back in case she gets fired, but an unexpected visitor changes everything.


The opulent hotel hallway gleamed in the afternoon light. Polished marble floors reflected the intricate details of the gilded ceiling, and the scent of fresh lilies and expensive cologne hung heavy in the air. Viola, a young woman with calloused hands and a tired smile, stood outside Suite 207, her worn uniform a stark contrast to the lavish surroundings.

The guests in this suite had been causing trouble all day. Jean, one of the newly hired maids, had quit and left the hotel in tears after serving them earlier. The Head of Housekeeping had already reported them to the manager, but in the meanwhile, somebody had to answer the guests’ call for room service.

Taking a deep breath, Viola raised her hand and knocked firmly on the mahogany door for the fourth time. A moment of silence followed, and then the door creaked open just a sliver. A young woman with perfectly manicured nails and an aloof expression peeked out. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of Viola, and she let out a disdainful huff.

"Room service," Viola announced.

The girl in the doorway rolled her eyes dramatically, exaggerating the movement with the flick of her strawberry-blonde hair.

"Whatever," she drawled before slamming the door shut, leaving Viola standing awkwardly in the hallway.


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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

But just as quickly, the door flew open again. This time, the young woman, whose cruel expression had transformed into a playful smirk, beckoned Viola inside.

"Okay, okay, I'm kidding," she chirped, her voice dripping with mock seriousness. "Come in."

Viola hesitantly stepped inside, her eyes wide as she took in the mess inside. Several bags of potato chips covered the table close to the door, all half full, contents spilling over the table and onto the floor. A plush velvet sofa adorned with intricate gold embroidery stretched across one wall opposite a mahogany coffee table piled high with empty champagne flutes. Fashion magazines lay scattered across the floor.

On the sofa lay another young woman dressed in a sparkly dress. Her shoes were on the furniture, wedge heels digging into the expensive upholstery. Her wavy blonde hair fell casually over her shoulders. She mirrored the first girl's smirk, boredom evident in her languid posture.


"Finally!" she drawled, throwing her arms up in exaggerated exasperation. "Where have you been? I called you five minutes ago."

Viola, still surprised by the earlier rudeness, stammered slightly. "I stood at the door and knocked," she explained, her voice barely a murmur. "I guess you didn't hear me."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

The first girl, whose smirk had now widened to a mischievous grin, approached Viola with a seemingly friendly demeanor. She placed a hand on Viola's shoulder, her touch sending shivers down the maid's spine.

"Oh, what? No problem," she said in a gentle, soothing tone, a stark contrast to her earlier harshness.

Viola watched the redhead lean over and reach in among the open bags of potato chips. Unsure of what to expect, Viola stood stiffly. With a flick of her wrist, the redhead lifted a large, ornate glass bell attached to a stiff brocade collar. The bell, heavy and cold, descended onto Viola's neck, trapping her in a silent prison.


Viola's hands instinctively knitted together as shame and anxiety shivered through her. Her face, previously etched with tiredness, now crinkled with the effort of maintaining a professional attitude in the face of overwhelming emotion. The bell, an insulting symbol of her servitude, chimed softly as the redhead flicked it with her delicate fingers.

"That's it," the girl declared, a triumphant glint in her eyes. "Now we'll hear you every time you come near us."

Her voice, though seemingly light, held an undercurrent of cruelty, a reminder of Viola's powerless position within the gilded cage of the hotel.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

The air in the luxurious hotel suite crackled with tension as Viola calmly removed the cowbell from around her neck. No wonder Jean had run home in tears—these girls weren't just difficult, they were awful bullies! Her fingers trembled slightly, but her voice remained steady and polite.


"Miss," she said, her gaze meeting the redhead's malicious smirk, "this isn't right."

The room, once buzzing with the carefree chatter of a girls' weekend, felt the shift in energy like a sudden drop in temperature. The smiles that had been plastered on the faces of the redhead and blonde girl vanished, replaced by a chilling determination.

The redhead leaned closer, her breath warm and laced with a hint of wine as she spoke.

"Put it on," she commanded, her voice low and menacing, each word a tiny, sharp icicle aimed at Viola's heart.

A beat of silence followed, thick and heavy as a fog. Then, a movement on the periphery of Viola's vision.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


The blonde, perched on the plush sofa like a predatory cat, rose with the grace of a dancer, her phone already out and poised to record. The bright screen illuminated her wicked grin, casting an eerie glow on the opulent room. She sauntered toward Viola, her steps slow and deliberate, each click of her heels echoing off the marble floor, creating a soundtrack to the unfolding drama.

"Now!" The redhead hissed, her voice taut with a dangerous edge.

Close behind, the blonde girl stood near a table overflowing with empty wine bottles, her eyes glued to the phone screen as she captured the scene. The rhythmic tap-tap-tap of her thumb against the glass added a sinister rhythm to the tense atmosphere.

"This is my hotel," Redhead continued, her tone dripping with a sense of entitlement and authority, "and if I want to, I'll make this bell a part of your official uniform. You got it?"

Viola stood frozen, her body rigid as she battled the urge to place the bell around the redhead's neck instead. She knew better than to argue, however, with her job and livelihood hanging precariously in the balance.

With a deep sigh, Viola surrendered to the pressure, the weight of the bell once more an unwelcome burden on her neck.


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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

The blonde's lips curved into a triumphant smile as she tapped away at her phone, her eyes gleaming with the satisfaction of a predator catching its prey. The scene, frozen in the harsh light of the phone screen, was a cruel mockery of Viola's dignity and a chilling reminder of the power dynamics at play.

The air hung heavy with the stench of privilege and cruelty as the redhead spat out her next demand, "Good girl. Now, clean my shoes… to begin with."

Laughter erupted from her lips, a sound laced with malice and entitlement. The blonde girl joined in, her laughter echoing through the vast hotel suite.

"Yeah. Do it, girl, that's easy," she chirped, her voice dripping with condescension.


Viola's lips twitched nervously as she shifted her gaze between the two young women, their faces twisted in cruel amusement. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, her nails digging into her palms as she fought to maintain composure. The humiliation burned in her chest, but she refused to show weakness.

Finally, Viola chewed on her lower lip, a single tear threatening to spill. With a deep, defeated sigh, she reached into the depths of her apron and pulled out a small, white dusting cloth.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

The redhead, her foot adorned in a gleaming stiletto, extended it towards Viola with an imperious gesture. Viola, her back ramrod straight, slowly bent down, her knees protesting at the unnatural angle. The dusting cloth, a flimsy shield against the humiliation, trembled in her hand as she began the demeaning task of cleaning her tormentor's shoe.


The blonde's laughter intensified, a wicked delight dancing in her eyes.

"Oh my god, Jess," she gasped, her voice thick with mock sympathy. "This is priceless!"

Jess, the redhead, shared a knowing smirk with her friend as their gazes met. The triumph of their cruelty was palpable, a dark cloud hanging heavy in the air.

Suddenly, the heavy silence that had descended upon the room was shattered by the sound of the hotel door creaking open. An older man clad in a sharp suit, stepped into the room.

The man's gaze swept over the opulent surroundings, taking in the two young women near the door, their laughter still hanging in the air. Then, his eyes landed on Viola, hunched over Jess's foot, her body a picture of silent submission.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


His jaw dropped. The shock and disbelief etched on his face were a counter to the young women's malicious giggles.

"Hey, what's going on here?" he demanded, his voice laced with a hint of outrage that broke through the oppressive tension.

The girls immediately fell silent and turned to face their unexpected visitor. Jess's smile slowly faded into an expression of guilt. The older man's eyes, reflecting a mix of anger and disappointment, were a stark contrast to the carefree amusement she had displayed just moments ago.

And in that instant, the weight of her actions seemed to settle on Jess's shoulders, the carefree arrogance replaced by a flicker of uncertainty.

"Dad?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. "What are you doing here?"

"Following up on a series of complaints from my staff about the guests in this suite." His eyes narrowed as he beckoned to Jess with his finger. "You're coming with me, young lady."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


The sleek, modern hotel manager's office, with its minimalist furniture and serene potted plants, felt anything but peaceful as Jessica perched precariously on the corner of her father's desk. Her designer heels tapped a nervous rhythm against the polished floor, betraying her feigned nonchalance. Behind her, her father entered, his face a thundercloud of anger.

"Jessica," he boomed, his voice echoing in the sterile silence of the room. "What have you done? Humiliating employees, loud noise, destroying property. What is this? What's going on?"

Jessica spun around, her previously playful expression morphing into a mask of practiced innocence.

"I didn't do anything," she declared, her voice dripping with honeyed sweetness. "It was that maid. She just got out of hand! You wouldn’t believe how rude and disrespectful she was to Alicia and me. It's unacceptable for a lowly maid to act that way. I think you should fire that brat."

Her words hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the gentle rustle of the potted plants. Her father stared at her, his face hardening with each passing second.

"Brat?" he echoed, his voice laced with disbelief. "You’re calling her a brat? Unbelievable. And what were you doing in a luxurious suite at two o'clock in the afternoon? Shouldn't you be in class, studying?"


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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Jessica's eyes narrowed, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face.

"College is on a break, Dad," she said, her voice laced with immature petulance. "And I'm tired. Alicia and I just wanted to relax, to have a good time."

Her eyes flitted to his face, searching for any sign of softening. But her father remained impassive, his gaze fixed on her with unwavering intensity. He leaned back in his chair, his silence a heavier punishment than any words could inflict.

"You call this having a good time, huh?" he finally spoke, his voice low and heavy. "Ah, Jess, I've spoiled you, and you've been taking way too much time off from your studies recently."


Jessica shot up from the desk, her indignation erupting like a volcano. "It's not like that!" she exclaimed, her finger pointed accusingly at her father.

"Oh?" He arched his eyebrows at her.

"I'm studying all the time," she insisted, her voice laced with defiance. "I don't have the energy for anything else."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Her father simply met her gaze, his expression a mixture of amusement and disappointment. With a knowing nod, he reached across the desk and picked up a neatly folded dress, its black fabric edged in crisp white. He placed it on the corner of the desk, directly in front of Jessica.

Confusion clouded her features as she glanced down at the unexpected offering. A faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips, momentarily replacing her anger. Was this some elaborate joke? She lifted the dress between her fingers, examining the cheap but sturdy fabric with a hint of distaste.


"What is this?" she asked, her voice softening slightly.

"What is it?" her father chuckled, his amusement evident. "Well, take a look and find out."

Jessica unfolded the dress, her skepticism growing with each unfurling layer. The black fabric felt stiff and uncomfortable against her fingertips, a stark contrast to the designer clothes she was accustomed to. She dropped it onto the desk with a sigh of disdain.

"Jessica," her father began, his voice calm and patient, "you need to learn the value of money. It doesn't grow on trees, you know."

His words held a subtle reprimand, a reminder of her recent extravagant spending.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


"And since you seem to be such an expert on how maids should behave," he continued, his eyes twinkling with a hint of challenge, "you're going to work as a maid in this hotel for a month or two. Considering one of our newest hires quit because of you, it seems fair that you take her place."

A startled laugh escaped Jessica's lips. Surely he wasn't serious?

"Dad, is this a joke?" she asked, holding the dress up in front of her like a shield.

But the playful glint in his eyes evaporated, replaced by a firm resolve.

"No, Jessica," he said, his voice leaving no room for argument. "This is no joke."

Shock and defiance battled within Jessica.

"I'm not doing it," she declared, dropping the dress back onto the desk with a defiant thud.

Her father's expression hardened. "And you absolutely are doing this," he countered, his voice low and unwavering. "In fact, if you don't, you won't see another dime of my money. Not a single cent. Do you understand?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Anger flared in Jessica's eyes, burning bright against the pale canvas of her face.

"Is that what this is about?" she spat, leaning forward over the desk. "Money? You're giving me conditions now?"

Her father met her gaze unwaveringly, a single nod confirming her suspicions.

A cunning glint replaced the anger in Jessica's eyes. She straightened up, a sly smile playing on her lips as she grabbed the maid's uniform dress once more.

"Fine," she declared, her voice dripping with false acceptance. "But if I do well, you let me take your gold card for one or two months."

With a smug expression, Jessica held the dress up as if it were a trophy, a challenge to her father. But he remained calm, unfazed by her attempt at manipulation. He simply shrugged one shoulder and offered a small smile.

"Deal," he said, the single word hanging heavy in the air, sealing their agreement.

The tension that had filled the room finally dissipated, replaced by a fragile truce. As Jessica left the office, the black dress clutched tightly in her hand, she knew this was more than just a punishment. It was a chance to finally get access to that gold card and show her friends a good time they'd never forget.


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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

The sterile white of the hotel supply room hummed with fluorescent light, casting stark shadows across the rows of steel shelves stacked with cleaning supplies and linens.

Jessica, clad in the unfamiliar black uniform, stood ramrod straight amidst the industrial clutter, her hair pulled back in a tight bun. Her face, usually adorned with expensive makeup, was bare, revealing a vulnerability hidden beneath her usual facade of confidence.

With a determined glint in her eyes, she wheeled the service trolley across the cold linoleum floor, her gaze scanning the shelves for the necessary cleaning supplies. The chemical smells stung her nostrils, a stark contrast to the designer perfumes she was accustomed to.


Suddenly, a presence filled the doorway. Jessica whirled around, startled, the bottle of cleaning solution clutched tightly in her hand. Viola stood there, framed against the harsh light, her expression curious but unassuming.

"What are you staring at?" Jessica snapped, her voice sharp and defensive.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Viola's shoulders twitched slightly, but she held her ground. "Just… don't forget your gloves," she said softly. "These chemicals can harm your skin."

Jessica scoffed, rolling her eyes dismissively.

"I don't need your advice," she muttered, turning her back on Viola and resuming her search with a renewed sense of defiance. "I'm not the pampered princess you think I am. I know how to do stuff."


Viola watched her for a moment, her gaze filled with a mixture of pity and understanding. With a gentle shrug, she turned and walked away, leaving Jessica alone in the sterile silence of the supply room.

As the echo of Viola's footsteps faded, Jessica felt a pang of guilt pierce through her hardened exterior.

She stared down at the toilet scrubbing brush in her hand, its bristles stiff and unyielding, and a heavy sigh escaped her lips. For the first time, the weight of her situation settled upon her, and a flicker of fear replaced the arrogant bravado she had been clinging to.

She sighed as she set off to complete her first task for the day.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Viola's cart, laden with room service dishes, paused outside the open door of the hotel room Jessica was cleaning. Glancing in, she caught sight of Jessica hunched over the carpet, her back rigid with effort. A frown creased Viola's face as she saw the unmade bed and the discarded scrubby sponge.

"The new guests will be here in half an hour," Viola announced. "Are you gonna be finished in time?"

Jessica, her hands digging into the plush carpet, didn't even look up. A determined expression etched on her face, she scratched at a patch of dried wax that clung stubbornly to the fibers.

"They spilled wax all over the floor," she muttered, her voice tight with frustration. "I can't get it out."

Viola abandoned her cart and knelt beside Jessica. The scent of burnt wax hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the disastrous dinner that had preceded it.

"Another romantic evening gone awry, I presume?" Viola mused, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Those crazy couples."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


She picked up the serviette that Jessica had discarded and placed it carefully over the offending wax. Then, reaching past Jessica, she lifted the hot iron from the ironing board.

Jessica's eyes widened in alarm. "What are you doing?" she cried, pulling back instinctively. "It's hot!"

But Viola remained calm, her movements practiced and efficient. With a steady hand, she lowered the iron onto the serviette. The air filled with the sizzle of melting wax as the heat permeated the fabric.

Jessica watched, mesmerized, as the wax softened and liquefied. Then, with a deft flick of her wrist, Viola lifted the serviette, revealing a clean patch of carpet beneath.

A slow smile spread across Jessica's face. The tension that had been knotting her muscles began to ease. For the first time that day, she felt a flicker of hope, a sense that perhaps, just perhaps, she could learn to navigate this unfamiliar world.

"We can handle it," Viola said.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


And in those simple words, Jessica felt a connection forming, a bond of shared experience that transcended their differences. In the face of spilled wax and unmade beds, they were two women working side-by-side, united by a common purpose.

Viola straightened, her gaze lingering on Jessica as she continued to attack the wax stain. Jessica avoided her eyes, focusing solely on the task at hand, but a small, almost imperceptible nod confirmed her understanding.

"I'll clean up here," Viola said, her voice soft yet firm. "If you can serve breakfast, there are two orders. Room 4-12 and 6-13, okay?"

Jessica nodded with relief. She planted her hand on the corner of the bed, preparing to rise. However, Viola's next words halted her movement.

"But go to 4-12 first," Viola continued, her gaze steady. "Mr. Baxter needs to take his medicine with food."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Jessica hummed thoughtfully, a flicker of understanding passing across her face.

"Uh-huh," she replied, starting to rise once more, her previous frustration momentarily forgotten.

"And then go to 6-13," Viola added, turning and pointing a finger at Jessica, "but no toast. She's on a diet."

Jessica's shoulders slumped, and she plopped back down onto the floor with a sigh. The weight of her new job seemed to bear down on her, the seemingly endless tasks and meticulous details overwhelming her.

"How do you keep it all in your head?" Jessica asked.

Sensing her fatigue and frustration, Viola stopped cleaning and leaned back on her heels.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


"Being a maid is not only about cleaning," she said gently, her voice filled with a quiet wisdom. "My job, our job, is to take care of people. To know their needs, their preferences, and even their unspoken anxieties."

She offered Jessica a smile, a knowing, almost secret smile. "It's about making their stay here comfortable, even if it's just for a night."

Jessica watched her, the words seeping into her consciousness. A flicker of realization dawned in her eyes, replacing the frustration with a newfound understanding.

With a renewed sense of purpose, she rose to her feet and retrieved the cart filled with breakfast trays. As she pushed it out of the room, she glanced back at Viola. Viola was busy cleaning, unaware of Jessica's lingering gaze.

At that moment, Jessica saw not just a colleague but a mentor, a guide in this unfamiliar world… a friend. As she wheeled the cart down the corridor, she carried with her not just breakfast trays but a newfound respect for the woman who had shown her that being a maid was about more than just cleaning. It was about caring.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


The lushly decorated hotel corridor echoed with the rhythmic tap-tap-tap of Jessica's heels as she navigated the polished floors. Each breakfast delivery proved to her just how resilient Viola was as she faced down kind and rude guests alike. Every time a guest sneered at her and snatched a tray from her hands, it became harder to maintain her smile.

Jessica badly wanted to take a break after serving breakfast, but she was immediately sent to clean one of the suites. She reached the designated room and raised her hand to knock. As the door swung open, a practiced smile stretched across her face. But it faltered as her eyes met those of her friend, Alicia.

"Whoa, Jess!" Alicia exclaimed, her voice dripping with mock surprise. "You’re dressed up as a servant? Did you forget when Halloween is?"

Her words hung heavy in the air, laden with malice and amusement. Jessica's jaw clenched tight, the anger burning hot in her chest.

"First of all," she said, her voice icy as she pushed past Alicia, "I'm a maid, not a servant. And secondly, I didn't dress up for you. I came here to work."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Alicia's delight was unconcealed, a cruel glint dancing in her eyes. She quickly glanced down the hallway before shutting the door with a firm thud. Her laughter echoed off the walls, a mocking soundtrack to Jessica's humiliation.

"You, work?" Alicia gasped, amusement bubbling over into a fit of giggles. "Have you decided that blue collars are a fashion statement or something?"

Fury coursed through Jessica's veins, but she forced herself to remain calm.

"Alright, stop messing around," she said, her voice strained. "I'll clean up and go."

But the word "go" seemed to spark something sinister in Alicia. Her playful facade vanished, replaced by a cold, calculating expression. She leaned back against the table, her eyes narrowed with cruel intent. A silent challenge hung in the air, thick with unspoken animosity.

Then, with a deliberate gesture, she reached out and knocked an open package of potato chips onto the floor. The chips cascaded down like a golden rain, scattering across the pristine carpet.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Alicia's voice, now slow and laced with venom, pierced the silence. "On your knees, servant."

The words were a hammer blow to Jessica's pride. This wasn't just a prank, it was a test, a power play designed to humiliate and break her. As Jessica stared down at the mess on the floor, she knew she had a choice: to submit to Alicia's cruelty or to rise above it.

And in that moment, a fire ignited within her, a determination to prove herself, not just to Alicia, but to herself. A defiant glint sparked in Jessica's eyes as she faced Alicia, her voice rising with newfound resolve.

"You know what, Alicia? Get out of here," she declared, her words echoing in the confined space. "This is my hotel, in case you've forgotten. I’m going to clean this mess, and by the time I’m finished, you’d better be out of here."

Without a word, Jessica bent down, her movements stiff and robotic as she swept the scattered potato chips into a dustpan. The silence was thick with tension, broken only by the rhythmic scrape of the broom against the carpet.

Alicia's smirk remained unwavering, her eyes fixed on her perfectly manicured nails. She seemed to take a perverse pleasure in Jessica's discomfort, reveling in her power play. She stepped on the spilled chips and ground them into the carpet.


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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Suddenly, Alicia's voice cut through the air, sharp and venomous.

"I'll tell your father that there's no break at school," she purred, her eyes gleaming with malicious intent. "Yeah, I think he'll be surprised to learn that his lovely daughter was expelled six months ago and is spending his hard-earned money on frivolous parties."

Jessica's body froze, her head whipping up to meet Alicia's gaze. The shock and hurt were evident in her wide eyes, the color draining from her face. Alicia's words were like a slap, a brutal reminder of her past mistakes and her precarious situation.

"So shut up and do what you do well," Alicia sneered, her voice dripping with condescension. "Isn't that right, servant?"


The sting of humiliation stung Jessica's eyes, threatening to spill over. But before she could react, a warm hand settled on her shoulder. It was Viola, her presence a beacon of calm and support amidst the storm.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

With a reassuring smile, Viola crouched down beside Jessica, her voice a soothing whisper. "Don't listen to her," she said, her gaze unwavering as she met Alicia's with a steely defiance. "I'll cover for you here. Go."

Viola gently guided Jessica to her feet, their eyes meeting in a silent understanding. Jessica nodded, but before she could leave, Alicia pulled out one last insult.

"You forgot your accessory," Alicia said. "Didn’t you say you were going to make this part of the uniform, Jess?"


The glass bell dangled precariously in Alicia's hand, its crystal surface reflecting the harsh lights of the hotel room. As she lifted it, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes. The jingle echoed in the room, a jarring counterpoint to the tense silence that had descended.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Jessica's anger, simmering just below the surface, finally boiled over. In a swift, almost impulsive movement, she snatched the bell from Alicia's grasp. The suddenness of her action caught everyone off guard, and the jovial chatter was momentarily silenced.

"How dare you!" Jessica exclaimed, her voice shaking with a mix of fury and hurt.

Alicia, taken aback by Jessica's outburst, frowned.


"Hey, Jess," she stammered, "I was just kidding."

But Jessica was having none of it. Her eyes held a steely resolve, her voice firm as she spoke. "Alicia, this isn't funny. This is rude and mean-spirited."

The room seemed to shrink under the weight of her words. The other girls, previously absorbed in their phones and conversations, turned their attention towards the unfolding drama. Their faces, once adorned with carefree smiles, now held a mix of amusement and disapproval.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Alicia, feeling the weight of judgment upon her, shrugged her shoulders dismissively. "Oh, come on, Jess," she muttered, rolling her eyes. "You're being such a drag. Just clean and then go fetch us another bottle of wine."


She turned away, rejoining the group around the sofa, leaving Jessica standing alone in the middle of the room. A wave of realization washed over Jessica as she gazed at the group, the people she once considered her friends. Their laughter and chatter felt hollow, empty gestures masking a deeper reality.

"I am so sorry I was ever friends with you guys," she declared, her voice ringing with newfound clarity. "You hate each other... all of this," she gestured broadly at the group, "is just an act."

Her words were met with a chorus of scoffs and sarcastic laughs. Alicia, her face flushed with anger, crossed her arms and glared at Jessica. But Jessica stood tall, her eyes unwavering. She had broken free from the illusion of their friendship and, in doing so, had finally discovered her own voice.

Turning to Viola, who had watched the entire scene unfold with a knowing gaze, Jessica offered a sincere apology.

"Viola," she began, her voice filled with genuine remorse, "I am so sorry I made fun of you. I was lost, but I'm not like these guys anymore."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


In that moment, a silent bond formed between them, a shared understanding forged in the crucible of betrayal and self-discovery. Jessica knew she had embarked on a new path, one where honesty and compassion would guide her way.

The room crackled with tension as Jessica turned to face Alicia and her entourage. Her eyes, once filled with fear and uncertainty, now blazed with newfound confidence.

"Now," she declared, her voice ringing with authority, "get out of here."

Alicia, momentarily taken aback by Jessica's sudden defiance, puffed out her chest in an attempt to regain control.

"You're not kicking us out," she blustered, "because I will tell your father everything about college, about..."

But Jessica cut her off, a resolute smile playing on her lips.

"Go ahead, tell him," she challenged, her voice calm and unwavering. "He deserves to know the truth."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Alicia's face crumpled, her bravado faltering under the weight of Jessica's honesty. She stared at Jessica in disbelief, unsure of how to proceed. Jessica had called her bluff, and Alicia knew she had nothing left to bargain with.

Seeing her adversary's vulnerability, Jessica pressed her advantage.

"Now you better hurry up," she continued, a playful glint in her eyes, "before I hit the security button. The hotel security just loves throwing people into the bushes."

The group, witnessing the shift in power dynamics, began to shift nervously, their earlier confidence replaced by unease.

"You wouldn't..." Alicia stammered, a tremor in her voice.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Jessica met her gaze, a steely resolve hardening her features. "Are you sure you want to test that?" she challenged, her voice dropping to a low, dangerous growl.

The answer was clear. As one, the group surged towards the door, shoving past Jessica and Viola in their haste to escape. Alicia, abandoned by her friends, stared at them in disbelief.

"Hey!" she cried, "Who's going to drive me home?"

But her pleas fell on deaf ears. The group, eager to escape Jessica's wrath, ignored her cries and disappeared into the hallway. As the door slammed shut behind them, a wave of relief washed over Jessica.

She turned to Viola, their eyes meeting in a shared moment of understanding. The tension that had gripped them moments ago dissolved into a warm wave of laughter. They hugged tightly, the embrace a silent celebration of their victory.

At that moment, amidst the remnants of shattered friendships and misplaced loyalties, they found solace in each other, their newfound bond forged in the crucible of honesty and courage.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


The heavy mahogany door of her father's office creaked open, revealing the dimly lit space where he spent countless hours managing his hotel empire. Jessica stepped inside, her heart thudding against her ribs like a trapped bird. The air was thick with anticipation, the weight of her confession pressing down on her shoulders.

Her father sat at his desk, his brow furrowed as he concentrated on the glowing laptop screen. His face, usually stern and unyielding, softened slightly as he looked up and saw her standing in the doorway.

"Jessica," he said, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. "I heard you kicked some people out of the suite. You know you lost our bet?"

Jessica swallowed hard, the words catching in her throat like sand. "Yes, Dad," she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper. "I failed. Not just with this job, but with my whole life."

Shame flooded her as she recalled the series of lies and betrayals that had led her to this moment. She had become a stranger to herself, consumed by a shallow facade that masked a deep well of self-loathing.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


As the memories resurfaced, her voice cracked with emotion.

"I've been humiliating and insulting people," she confessed, tears welling up in her eyes. "And lying to them. Even to you."

The silence that followed felt like an eternity. Jessica stood frozen, unable to bear the weight of her father's gaze. She had braced herself for anger, for disappointment, for anything but the quiet curiosity that she saw reflected in his eyes.

He finally spoke, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Go on, Jessica," he said. "Tell me everything."

Thus, like a dam bursting, the truth spilled out of her. She spoke of the expulsion, of the wasted money, of the shame she had carried like a heavy burden. As she spoke, a cathartic release washed over her, cleansing her soul of the poisonous secrets she had harbored for so long. When she finished, her voice hoarse and her eyes red-rimmed, she met her father's gaze with a newfound determination.

"I'll get a job," she vowed, her chin held high. "And I'll pay you back every penny that I took from you. I promise."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


A slow smile spread across her father's face, a smile that held a depth of understanding and forgiveness that she hadn't dared to hope for.

"I’m so proud of you, honey," Dad said.

Jessica stared at her father, her mind reeling. Proud? After everything she'd done, after the lies and the betrayal, she expected anger, disappointment, anything but this unexpected praise.

"Proud?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper.

"Yeah," her father confirmed, his smile widening. "You finally found the courage to be honest, to take responsibility for your actions. That takes strength, Jessica."

His words pierced through the thick cloak of guilt that had shrouded her for months. A flicker of hope flared within her, warming the coldness that had settled in her heart.

"But... after all I've done?" she stammered, her voice filled with disbelief.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


"Everybody makes mistakes, Jessica," her father said gently. "Everybody. That's not what makes us bad people. What makes us bad is... is not being willing to fix those mistakes."

His words struck a chord deep within her. For the first time, she saw her actions not as mere mistakes but as opportunities for growth. A new resolve hardened within her, a determination to make amends and become a better person.

Her father rose from his chair and walked towards her, his movements slow and deliberate. He stood before her, his eyes filled with a warmth that melted away the last remnants of her self-doubt.

"Who knows?" he mused, a playful glint in his eyes. "Maybe one day you'll be manager of this hotel, but you've still got a long way to go."

He placed his calloused hands on her shoulders, his touch a silent reminder of his unwavering love and support.

"What do you say, hmm?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

Jessica looked up at him, her eyes brimming with gratitude. "Dad," she whispered, "thank you. I'm glad that you believe in me, but..."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


She hesitated, a new realization dawning on her.

"You know," she continued, her voice growing stronger, "I think there is someone else who deserves that job better than me. Viola practically lives here and she taught me so much and the hotel would be so much better with her. And... I think I'll just... I'll just stay with this part-time job as a maid and go back to college. I... I still have so much more to learn."

A proud smile spread across her father's face. "Ah, honey," he said, his voice warm with affection. "We all have so much to learn."

He opened his arms wide, and Jessica stepped into his embrace. The warmth of his love enveloped her, a comforting shield against the cold wind of doubt and regret.

"Oh, I love you," her father murmured, his voice thick with emotion.

"I love you too," Jessica whispered, clinging to him tightly. At that moment, she knew that her journey toward redemption had just begun. And with her father by her side, she was ready to face the future with courage and hope.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


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Aria is a rich and spoiled teenager who is used to disrespecting and looking down upon people from humble backgrounds. When a poor, older homeless man becomes her next victim, he takes drastic measures to teach an entitled Aria an unforgettable lesson. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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