Cleaning Lady stands shocked | Source: Youtube/DramatiseMe
Cleaning Lady stands shocked | Source: Youtube/DramatiseMe

Cleaning Lady Exposes Husband's Affair With Glamorous Mistress – Story of the Day

Ebunoluwa Soneye
Mar 22, 2024
12:32 P.M.

Martha discovers that her husband is cheating on her and tries to expose him with colleagues present, but he manipulates the situation, calls Martha crazy, and threatens to take their son. Nobody believes her, especially since the other woman involved is rich and famous.


After knocking, Martha stood patiently before the penthouse door, waiting for it to open. A few seconds later, she raised her hand to knock on the door again when it unexpectedly flew open.

"Hello, Miss Kate, my name is Martha. I'm from the cleaning company," she quickly introduced herself, trying not to shuffle from foot to foot because of her anxiety.

The hard stare on the new client's face was terrifying, and one look at her was enough to know that the new client didn't like her.

"You're late," The client at the door said with a deep frown, but that didn't affect how pretty she looked.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

She wore a beautiful gown with minimal makeup but still looked as radiant as she did online.


"Hurry up, do you know how long I've been waiting? You have a lot to do!" She told Martha, who immediately glanced at the watch on her wrist.

I'm barely five minutes late, Martha thought, pulling her equipment after her.

"This whole place needs cleaning. Be careful with the furniture, and the carpets too. They're costly," she instructed Martha, pointing at different parts of the house.

Kate, a famous influencer and the wealthy owner of the house, kept talking, but Martha was a little distracted.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

The house was the biggest and most luxurious house she had ever been sent to clean.


The more she looked, the more she wondered if there was anything to clean, considering how sparkly everything looked.

"Hello! Pay attention!" Kate snapped loudly at her after a few seconds of realizing that the person she was speaking to wasn't paying attention.

"I'm sorry," Martha quickly apologized, moving closer to her to show that Kate now had her full attention.

"To the left is the kitchen. I need you to do all the dishes and wash the dishwater and the stove."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"I need you to scrub every inch of it," Kate instructed her as they moved from one corner of the house to another.


There are barely any dishes in the sink, and even the dishwasher looked spotless, Martha thought, not daring to say a word.

"Hmm, what else?" Kate wondered as she looked around the house.

"You'll scrub all the toilets and bathrooms and make sure not to touch any of my sculptures because they're so expensive," Kate seriously warned.

Martha continued following behind her, nodding her head vigorously to show that she understood.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

The sculptures looked expensive, and the rule was that whatever they broke in a client's house would be taken from their monthly pay.


If I break one of them, I might never finish paying for it...not even in ten years, Martha thought.

Martha continued to curiously look around with a smile as they headed towards the main bedroom.

The thought of bragging to her co-workers about getting to clean this house was something she felt excited about.

Kate walked in front, and Martha, walking behind her, soon reached the main bedroom.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"Clean and wash the sheets, and don't forget to water my flowers," Kate again began to give new instructions, pointing in different directions.

At first, Martha paid the utmost attention to every word she said, not wanting to drift again, but that was until she saw the pictures on her nightstand.


A cold shiver ran down Martha's spine the second her gaze landed on them, and she froze.

"Ex-excuse me," she stammered from the shock of it, trying to get Kate's attention as she continued speaking.

"You'll, of course, make the bed with new sheets and make sure that every inch of the room is spotless."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"Ehm, excuse me, but who is this?" Martha asked louder, picking up one of the pictures and holding it up for Kate to see.

Kate instantly got annoyed when it became clear that her cleaner was distracted again.

"What do you mean? What does the picture have to do with you?" Kate asked, wanting nothing more than to yell for her to drop it and stop staining it with her filthy fingers.


Kate, you have an image to maintain. Try to be a little nice! she immediately dialed back her anger.

"I mean, who is the man in this picture?" Martha asked again, trying to calmly ask as her hands trembled as she held onto the picture.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"Isn't it obvious? He's my boyfriend, but how is this any of your business?" Kate snapped at Martha, staring down at her with a condescending look.

"Are you here to snoop around in my house or to clean it?" Kate's voice got louder by the second as she glared at Martha, who slowly put down the picture in her hand.

Her eyes glazed over with tears that she managed to hold in.


"You're right. I'm sorry," Martha told her, bowing her head a little to show remorse for her actions.

"I-I was just curious."

"Really? Is this how you act when cleaning other apartments? Martha from the cleaning company!" Kate yelled at her, walking out and back to the living room.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"Get started!" Kate shouted at her, grabbing her coat off the hanger by the doorway.

"I'll be back soon, and by then, I expect you to be done," Kate ordered, and all Martha could do was nod to show that she understood what she needed to do.

When Kate was gone and the door was locked behind her, Martha dropped whatever cleaning equipment was in hand and dashed back to the main bedroom.


The pictures were there, and like before, standing beside Kate in the picture on her bedside was her darling husband of five years.

This time, Martha couldn't hold back the tears as she picked up every single photo, studying them one after the other.

They've been together for a while, Martha concluded, staring intensely at the pictures and noting the difference between the time they were taken.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

I-I can't believe that Jack is cheating on me. I've been nothing but a great wife, Martha sniffed, brushing the tears off her cheeks with her hands.

She dropped the pictures, resisting the urge to smash them to the ground as she turned around to leave the room.


All day, her mind was on anything but the cleaning she was supposed to do as she walked through the house like a ghost.

In a daze, she wiped the floors and washed the dishes. With tear-filled eyes, she changed the sheets, barely managing to catch a sculpture she bumped into before it smashed into the ground.

When Martha was done, her eyes were blood red as she sat on the ground, waiting for Kate to return.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

She didn't have to wait long before she heard a loud click in the door, scurrying off the ground just as the front door swung open.

"You look like hell, which is good. I'm assuming you're done," Kate said when she entered and closed the door behind her.


"I-I have something to tell you," Martha stuttered, opening her mouth to speak the second she saw Kate.

"What? Did you break my sculptures?" Kate instantly screamed at her, with wide eyes brimming with anger."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"I warned you! If you do, then you can forget about your job. I'll make sure you sleep in jail until you pay me back," Kate continued to yell even as Martha shook her head, trying to explain herself.

"No, I didn't break anything. It's—"

"What is it then? My boyfriend's birthday is tomorrow, and I can't afford anything to go wrong since he'll be around," Kate informed her, glaring at Martha, waiting to hear what she said.


What Martha wanted to say instantly flew out of her mind when she heard Jack coming to Kate's house.

Her lashes fluttered in shock as she tried to process the information Kate had just given her.

She had spent weeks preparing for his birthday, one she was sure she'd spend with him, only to hear something different.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"Hey! What is it? If you have nothing more to say then—"

"Your bathroom is clogged! It's pretty bad, and I need to come over tomorrow to finish it," Martha explained.

"It might not look like it, but the more you use it, the worse it will get. I'll come over tomorrow to finish it," Marth continued.


She didn't have a complete plan in mind, but at the same time, she felt she needed to do something.

"Fine! Get out! Tomorrow, you'll fix it." Kate sighed as she sank deeper into the sofa she sat on.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

Martha didn't have to be told twice as she turned around to leave.

Usually, she would have been excited to dash home and start preparing for Jack's arrival, but this time around, she wasn't.

It didn't help that she couldn't have a serious conversation with him because his boss was coming to visit.

"How was the meal, Mr. Holland?" Martha asked, turning to ask the boss, knowing how rushed she had been to prepare the chicken before they arrived.


"Did you enjoy your steak?" Martha asked, just about to say more when she heard Jack rebuke her.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"Who taught you to ask for compliments? If Mr. Holland likes it, he'll say so himself."

"Thank you, Martha. Everything's delicious. The meat was perfectly cooked," Mr. Holland, Jack's boss, thanked her, and Martha felt slightly better.

She didn't have a college degree and couldn't finish high school after she got pregnant with their only child, Sam.

Jack's usual harshness hit her deeper that evening.

Still, she put on a smiling face. She had to keep up the act before their guest.


"Martha, don't just sit there; our guest's plate is almost empty. Fetch him some more of your fabulous cooking," Jack told her, indirectly telling her to get off her seat.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

Martha was still angry but chose to focus on their guest, only to hear Mr. Holland speak before she could move.

"I've had enough already, thank you," he replied with a friendly smile directed at her.

"She shouldn't be sitting too much anyway. She needs to lose more weight. Martha, please help Mr. Holland take away his plate," he said in a tone that sounded more like an order than a plea.

"Jack, come on, this is not necessary," Mr. Holland said, trying to intervene only for Jack to continue speaking directly to Martha, who couldn't bring herself to say a word.


"You should know better than to leave empty plates on the table, Martha," he told her before speaking to Mr. Holland.

"Don't mind her. She didn't attend school, so I must teach her many things."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"The only way for her to learn is through repetition and training. At this point, I can write a book about it," Jack said, satisfied to see Martha get off her seat and pack the plates as he told her to.

"Thank you very much for inviting me. The evening was great," Mr. Holland said when he made it known that he was leaving.

"I look forward to seeing you tomorrow in the office, and then we'll discuss your promotion," He said to Jack before turning towards Martha.


"Goodbye, Martha," he said, taking the time to say goodbye with a smile as he stretched out his hand to shake her.

"Goodbye and good night, Mr. Holland," Martha responded, stretching out her hand to shake him in return, only to feel Jack grab her hand and stop her.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

Holding her hand by her side, he stretched out his own to shake Mr. Holland with a massive smile.

"Goodnight, Mr. Holland," Jack waved goodbye to his boss before slowly closing the door behind him until only he and Martha were left in the house.

"Don't you have something to say to me?" he said when he walked back in and settled on a sofa while Martha stood before him.


Martha could feel a strange heat in her belly as she thought of the pictures she had seen in Kate's room.

Recalling it made her so angry that she felt her eyes water and her throat go dry.

"Gosh, Martha! You've probably ruined my chances of getting in Mr. Holland's good books today with all your carelessness. And you can't even apologize to me like I expect you to!"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"For all I know, I might not get the promotion he promised, and it'll be your fault. Would it have been better if I told you to stay inside?

"You barely know anything about manners and etiquette, and even when I try to teach you, you look at me with tears and make me out to be the bad guy!" Jack slowly began to speak with a heavy look of concern on his face.


"You're my wife, and your image affects me. Why do you think I try so hard to ensure you don't embarrass the both of us?"

"What do you think would happen if I lose my job? Do you think we can survive on your miserable cleaner salary!" he continued, his voice getting louder and louder by the second to the point where Martha slowly began to worry that it would wake up their son Sam.

"I'm sorry! I was wrong," Martha quickly mumbled under her breath with tears in her eyes.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

The truth was that she couldn't remember a time that Jack had ever mistreated her or abused her, even if he was a little sensitive.

With all his character flaws, he was a great dad to Sam and a constant provider.


But does that excuse the fact that he has a mistress outside? Martha asked herself, knowing that it didn't.

"You're right, and I was wrong," Martha told him, wanting to move to another topic so she could finally bring up his affair.

Somewhere in her heart, she desperately hoped that the picture she had seen wasn't him and was, by chance, his twin or his look-alike, even if she knew the chances were pretty slim.

"Good! It's good that you know it. We should go to sleep then. I have a busy day tomorrow, especially since I'm going on a business trip," Jack told her, getting on his feet and walking towards the room.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


The information was heavy enough to make her feel like she had been slammed into the ground by a sledgehammer.


"Didn't I tell you? I could have sworn that I did. I know tomorrow is my birthday and all, but Mr. Holland needs me to do something tomorrow," Jack began to explain, and Martha felt her eyes widen ever so slightly in shock as she listened to his lies.

"It has to do with the promotion, so it can't be helped!"

"Ar-are you sure?" Martha asked, feeling her throat choke up, unsure of what else to say as she watched Jack turn to look at her like she was a fool.

"Of course! What's that supposed to mean? Why else would I not be around for my birthday?" Jack asked as he entered the room and began getting ready to sleep.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


"Yo-you're not going to be around? Can I come with you?" Martha softly asked, standing at the foot of the bed without attempting to get in beside him.

"Why are you suddenly asking all these stupid questions, Martha? What about your job? Do you think you can do something better if you lose it?"

"What about Sam!" Jack asked, sending a stern glare, which showed how irritated she felt.

"Just do as you've always done, and I'll do what I must!" He told her, turning his face away from her and draping himself with the blanket.

Standing there, Martha desperately wanted to open her mouth to speak. She desperately wanted to confront his lie, but she knew it would do no good.

Watching him lie down to sleep peacefully, she wanted to yell at him that she knew who his mistress was, but she didn't.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


Martha lay down, and all she could think of was the situation she suddenly found herself in.

Her husband was cheating on her, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Am I going to watch him continue to deceive me?

The next day, Martha looked even worse, with huge bags under her eyes that showed how poorly she slept the night before.

When she got out of bed, she was shocked to see her husband already dressed and ready in his best suit with a suitcase.

"Happy birthday," she told him, moving closer to hug him only to feel him instantly avoid her hands.

"You'll ruffle my suit," he said, brushing his hair back and paying extra attention to his appearance.

"I'll be gone for three days," He told her, adjusting his necktie in the mirror with a rare smile rarely directed at her.

"Where exactly are you traveling to? Where are you—"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


"Martha!" Jack yelled, his voice loud enough to make her physically jerk back from the unexpected shock of how loud it was.

"All these questions again today? Where did all this disrespect come from? Have you forgotten our vows before marriage?" Jack continued to speak to her as Martha nodded her head like she usually did.

"I know, I'm sorry. I should accept what you give me, and in exchange, I'll be the perfect wife!" Martha responded, watching him pick up his bags and go without a goodbye.

Martha felt like shit. The thought that her husband of five years was going off to another woman's house made her feel even more useless than his insensitive behavior ever did.

"He- he loves me, right? He married me for a reason! And I'm the mother of his child," she muttered, trying to figure out why he would suddenly pick another woman when she did everything he wanted.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


I choose to believe he loves me. He just needs some...reminding, Martha thought as she went upstairs to prepare Sam for school.

After getting ready and sending Sam to school, Martha instantly headed straight for Kate's house, curious to see the look on Jack's face when he saw her there.

The last thing she expected was not to find him there, even though she spotted the luggage he had packed for his trip there.

"Martha! It's good that you're here. My boyfriend headed out, but I also had to leave. By the time I'm back, I need you to unclog whatever you said was wrong with the bathroom," Kate instructed her, not having gone into the bathroom since Martha said something was wrong.

"Yes, Ma'am. I'll make sure to take care of it. It'll be fixed by the time you're back," Martha responded, prepared to wait until evening and confront the both of them the moment they were back.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


Kate left a few minutes later, and Martha sat on the sofa with a sorrowful look.

The house was heavily decorated, and even the bedroom was filled with red roses, evidence of what was bound to go down the moment they returned.

One after the other, she began sending messages to people she had invited to the party she planned for Jack's surprise, apologizing that the party would no longer be held.

She was about to send it to his boss when she decided not to. Instead, she sent a change of address to him.

If he can do such a thing to me, he deserves to suffer for it.

Martha was aware it was harsh of her to think that way, but Martha knew her husband too well. No amount of confrontation would get him to confess the truth.

But if someone caught him red-handed with another woman, he would have no escape.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


A great plan slowly formed in her mind as she sent Kate's address to all of Jack's colleagues and mutual friends.

The evening arrived, and one after the other, she let them in.

Martha accepted the presents they brought with a stiff expression, mentally preparing for the drama that was bound to happen the moment they walked in through the door.

They didn't have to wait long as keys could be heard jiggling at the door as two people slowly walked into the house.

The main sitting room was dark, and the door had just slammed behind them when the room instantly lit up.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted as birthday decorations were instantly bombarded on Jack and Kate, who had horrified looks on their face.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


Martha could feel her hands trembling slightly as she stepped forward.

She would have preferred if they had hidden for longer until Jack and Kate did a romantic show of their relationship, but someone jumped out the moment they walked in.

Still, they can't deny the truth.

"You can't deny it, Jack. I know you're cheating on me with her!" Martha screamed at him, to the shock of everyone who had assumed they were there for a surprise party.

"I saw the pictures! Is this the business trip you were going to?" Martha continued, a little satisfied to see the shocked expressions on both of their faces.

"Who are all these people? "Kate asked, baffled by the crowd.

She was shocked to see so many people in her house at once, and she couldn't comprehend the drama that was unfolding.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


"This man is my husband, and we even have a son together!" Martha announced with all the anger and pain she had been hiding since she found out.

Kate was shocked but, above all, knew better than to react poorly to what was going on.

She was a famous influencer, and the last thing she wanted was to see things escalate in a way that would damage her reputation.

Without saying a word, she instantly turned to Jack for an explanation.

"Martha! What exactly are you talking about? Why are you making a scene?" He spoke to her gently, making her even more worried than she would have been if he had yelled at her.

"What's going on? How could you have called my colleagues and friends to my friend's house?" he continued with a vastly confused expression.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


There were hints of worry in his tone as he moved towards Martha, who glared at him, wondering what he was up to.

"What are you talking about? Kate is your mistress!" Martha yelled, wishing she had picked the pictures in the room to prove it.

"Kate? My mistress? What could have ever made you think such a thing?"

"Jack! Don't you dare! I know exactly what—"

"Martha, I thought you were getting better, which is why you stopped taking your drugs, but this...this is completely unexpected," Jack continued to Martha's astonishment.

Her mouth hung open in fear, dumbfounded at the words coming out of her husband's mouth.

"Jack! Are you saying that Kate is not your mistress?" Mr. Holland asked, seeing how the situation had slowly escalated into something completely different from what he had been called for.

"Miss Kate, are you Jack's mistress?" Mr. Holland asked, turning his attention from Jack to Kate.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


"Mistress! Me?" Kate responded the moment she finally decided to open her mouth to speak.

She understood what was happening and boiled with hidden rage at Jack's deceit.

She had no idea that Jack had a wife, but she, at the same time, wasn't selfless enough to damage her reputation for a cleaner's sake.

"Jack is an old school friend of mine. He informed me of a promotion at his workplace and asked me to help him promote the project he was working on," Kate began to explain, slowly piecing together all she could.

"I was surprised to hear that today was his birthday and quickly invited him back home after our meeting," Kate informed them with such a severe expression that it was difficult for any of them to think she was lying.

"Wh-what? But you told me that he's your boyfriend when I asked. I can—"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. You came here to clean, and we barely said a few words to each other. I guess it's true that you're paranoid," Kate responded with a very annoyed look that enraged Martha even more.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


"I'm serious! I'm sure they're having an affair," Martha tried speaking again, but the heavy gaze on the face of everyone around her wasn't intimidating.

Most believed Kate's words even if they doubted Jack's.

"Mr. Holland, I can promise you that every word I say is nothing but the truth," Martha said, speaking to Jack's boss, who shook his head at her.

"Do you have any evidence at all? I mean, I really can't think of a reason why Miss Kate would lie," Mr. Holland told her, indirectly trying to tell her that there was no reason for such a rich woman to agree to be a mistress to Jack, knowing she had a wife.

"I do. If she allows me, there are pictures I can show you and—" but before Martha could say anymore, she felt a heavy tug on her right arm, one that pulled her away from the crowd to a more secluded corner.

"Don't even think about it!" Jack growled in her ears in a shallow tone that only she could hear.

"With this stunt you pulled, you're bound to lose your job in the cleaning company. If you continue, I'll take full custody of Sam and divorce you!" he harshly whispered in her ears as she tried to pull away from him.


For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

One second, she was determined to bring his betrayal to light, and the other second, she found herself trembling from head to toe, listening to the horrible image Jack painted.

"Now, be a good girl and follow every word I say. You'll apologize that you were wrong, and that'll be the end of it," Jack continued, raising her chin, fixing his gaze on her face.

He smiled gently as she spoke to her, but in his eyes was an evil glint that terrified her.

"Nod, if you understand. If not! I can promise you that you'll never see Sam again!" he whispered, grabbing the top of her hair tightly, even though it looked like he was touching her outside.


Martha didn't want to, but hearing him say it again made her slowly nod.

No one believed her, and if she continued to insist stubbornly, it would only get much worse.

Martha felt warm tears slowly slip down her cheeks as Jack maneuvered her closer to where everyone stood.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"I spoke to her, and Martha now understands that she was mistaken, don't you?" Jack gently asked, with his arm around her waist, staring down at her like a loving husband would.

Martha felt terrified, looking sideways at Kate, who folded her arms in front of her without saying a word.


"Yes-yes, I was wrong. I guess I was paranoid and blew things out of proportion," Martha slowly responded, her head hanging low.

"I apologize to everyone here for the inconvenience I've caused," Martha continued, wiping the tears on her face and doing her best to appear stronger than she felt.

Kate was furious as she listened to Martha agree, and although she knew the truth, she also knew there was no way she could afford to reveal it without affecting her reputation.

How did I manage to fall for such a liar? Look at how terrible he's treating his wife. Everyone already thinks she's crazy!

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

"I'm sorry for everything. I promise I'll make sure to get her the help she needs," Jack continued, ignoring the sharp look Martha sent him as he continued speaking.


"It's been a long night. I'll take Martha home and Kate; I promise to make up later for the inconvenience we've all caused you," Jack promised Kate, who nodded without saying a word.

The best way you can do that is by ensuring I never see your face again!

"Yes, we apologize for entering your home uninvited," Jack's colleagues and friends apologized one after the other before they began to leave.

"It is shocking that it wasn't a planned party," one of Jack's friends discussed with the others. "I guess Jack's wife isn't as stable as she appears."

"If it did ever come to that, Kate is a better choice, obviously. Why would he stay with this nightmare of a wife?"

"I agree," another guest said. "And it's not like they're a great match. I don't know what Jack saw in Martha in the first place. She's a cleaner. And after this, there's no reason why he should stay. Jack is simply a good man and a great father to their son!" Whispers grew among the crowd as they slowly made their way out of the penthouse one after the other.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


"You should get some rest, Martha," Mr. Holland, Jack's boss, told her as he exited the building.

"Thank you, Mr. Holland. I'll make sure to take excellent care of her," Jack said, saying goodbye to everyone before driving Martha home.

Throughout the drive back home, he didn't say a word to her until they got inside the house.

The moment they entered, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards the bedroom.

"I regret marrying you, but it's too late for regrets. Divorcing you would be as good as handing half my property to you, which will never happen," he glared at her before slowly moving closer to her until they were barely a few breaths apart.

"So, for the duration of this marriage, I'll warn you. If this ever happens again, you'll never see Sam again. In the both of us, who do you think the judge will give full custody to?" Jack warned her.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


"You are uneducated and can't get a good job even if you tried. You only got this one because I found it for you."

"Jack, are you seriously—"

"I've never hurt you, but I will if you cross me like this ever again," Jack said, walking out of the room and the house entirely when he said his piece.

Martha wasn't delusional. She knew he didn't mean every word, as she clearly remembered the scary look in his eyes when he threatened her.

I have to divorce him!

Her wrist still stung from the pressure he had applied simply from holding it, and there was no way Martha felt she could live with him and continue to pretend that everything was fine.

I have to prevent him from ever touching Sam, Martha decided as she scrambled.

For as long as she could remember, she had done everything Jack wanted, but now that she no longer did, she was shocked to get a taste of his violent side.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


Martha heard him leave, and that same night, instead of going to sleep and pretending that everything was fine, Martha left the house.

When she was sure their thirteen-year-old son was fast asleep, she locked the doors and ran back to the penthouse, knocking on Kate's door like a lifeline.

"What the—'' Kate cursed, shocked to open her door and see Martha kneeling on the ground before her door with tears streaming down her face.

"I-I know I mean nothing, but aren't you angry? He deceived both of us; don't you want revenge? I need help getting a divorce and protecting him from my son," Martha begged, abandoning whatever pride she still held on to the moment she saw Kate about to slam the door in her face.

"Please, I'll do anything," Martha pleaded, tears streaming down her face as she watched Kate stare at her angrily.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(DramatizeMe)


Seconds later, Kate dashed forward and immediately pulled Martha off the ground.

"What stunt are you trying to pull!" Kate yelled at her, and Martha instantly began to apologize.

"I'm sorry. I'm so—"

"If you want to get back at him, I know a great way to do it," Kate interrupted without letting her finish.

"Do you think men like him only cheat with one person? He thinks he's too smart ever to get caught, and all we have to do is catch him," Kate told Martha, pulling her in with a frustrated look.

Martha was shocked to see Kate hand her a handkerchief, snacks, and a drink all at once, pulling her to sit beside the sofa.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"I'm not an evil witch; my job is just too sensitive for me to expose myself as a mistress. If you had told me, I would have done something!" Kate sighed as Martha watched her slowly dial a number on her phone.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that she finally hung up with a smile.

"A private investigator?" Martha asked, drinking the juice she was given.

She didn't trust Kate but knew enough about her to know that, temporarily, their goals were aligned.

"Yes, the best of the best. By tomorrow, we'll have what we need. We'll paste it everywhere so that he won't be able to deny it," Kate told her as Martha sat beside her, nodding to every word she said.

"I'll get you the best divorce lawyer. The more money you can get from the deal, the better it'll make me feel. I'll also get you a better job," Kate continued talking to Martha, interjecting the moment she recalled crucial information she needed to pass along.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


"I have his boss' phone number," Martha remembered. "We can also send whatever we find to him. He's a good man, so he won't—"

"Hmmm, I agree. If we frame it well, we can get the boss to fire him," Kate continued, thinking up more plans as she picked up Martha's wrist and stared at it.

"We should also add physical abuse to the charge," Kate said, taking a picture of Martha's red wrist with her phone.

"If we do it well, he can go to jail for a few months."

"He didn't mean to. He-he probably gripped my hand too tightly," Martha explained, a little scared at the thought of Jack going to prison. Kate said nothing but scoffed lightly at Martha's innocence.

"Listen. You should go back home. Be brave. If he hurts you, I'll take more pictures when I see you tomorrow," Kate said with an evil glint as she recalled all the lies Jack told her and how he deceived her.

Things could have ended badly for her in a way that would have made her lose all the fame and wealth she worked for.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"We shouldn't send him to jail," Martha pleaded, a little worried by how serious Kate's tone was when she mentioned it.

On the other hand, Kate had a cold expression as she shook her head when leading Martha out the door.

"You're mistaken. I'm doing this for me and not you! You'll get the divorce you wanted, and I'll get the revenge I need," Kate informed her before slamming the door behind her, leaving Martha a little stunned.

That night, Martha barely slept a wink, shocked to hear a heavy bang on the door the following day a few seconds after waking up.

She had just gotten off the bed when she watched Jack storm in with an angry expression.

"What the hell is this? What is this?" Jack screamed, waving papers in his hand as he stormed towards Martha.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)

For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/ (DramatizeMe)


"You hired a private investigator to find proof so you can divorce me!" Jack continued to yell as Martha tried staring at the papers in his hands, trying to see what it was about.

Before she could, she felt a hot slap against her cheek, feeling her head spin as she felt her body fall to the ground. In the light-headedness she felt after the slap, she started to realize the trouble she was in.

The cat's out of the bag. Somehow, Jack has found out about the P.I. I knew it was too risky. I wish I could have convinced Kate not to hire some investigator. But now...it's too late. He's going to hurt me!

"Jack! Don't come any closer. Don't hurt me. It won't end well for you," Martha screamed with fear as she watched him storm closer to her, hoping her simple threat would somehow work.

He was only a few steps away when she watched the heavy sounds of footsteps as a group of policemen rushed into the house, arresting him on the spot.

"What the hell are you doing? You called the cops on me!" Jack yelled with fear in his eyes.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Martha was just as stunned, wondering what was going on, when she saw Kate move out from the corner where she had been.

"No, it was me. Truthfully, you deserve this and more!" Kate announced, waving with a bright smile as she watched them drag him away before turning to look at Martha.

"Sorry about the sudden change of plans, Martha. My P.I. found everything we needed on him last night, so it was time to drop the act this morning. I bet he was terrified when he found out! I'm sorry this looks like a stunt, but tell me, wouldn't it better for you to divorce him while he's in jail?" Kate asked, moving closer to take a picture of the red bruise on Martha's cheek with a satisfied look on her face.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

Tom and Linda, on holiday, were savoring the ocean view at a luxurious restaurant when a wealthy stranger approached, seeking their company for the evening. Unbeknownst to Tom, Linda recognized him as her first love. What she didn't anticipate was the lengths he would go to drive a wedge between her and Tom. Here is the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com



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