55 Pisces Quotes to Know How to Better Interact with This Breed of Dreamers
If you believe in the power of the zodiac signs and have a loved one born between February 19 and March 20, these Pisces quotes will help you get to know them better and teach you how to interact with them.
Pisces is a water sign and the twelfth sign of the zodiac. The people who fall under this sign have fluid characteristics. However, they are intuitive and sensitive people.
They fall in love easily and are generous and caring, but tend to put the needs of their friends and family over theirs. The word compassion finds its true definition with this group of people.
They are passionate about what they do at work but tend to hesitate when faced with options. If you fall under this sign, read these 55 quotes to learn more about yourself.

Patricia Lantz's quote: "There's an ephemeral, now you see them now you don't, quality to a Pisces." | Image: AmoDays
Pisces Quotes That Perfectly Describe Their Qualities
"There is another side to the Pisces nature and that is the brutal honesty that can catch others off guard." ― Rosemary Breen
"Chances are, while you can come across as introverted, the real reason for your apparent reserve is you're happy to be the life of your own party (be it in your head or in your own space) rather than follow the crowd." ― Rosemary Breen
"We Pisceans know how to swim without water" ― Munia Khan
"Generally speaking, it is Pisces who provides most of the emotional input into your relationship but that doesn't mean The Goat is unfeeling or insensitive. Moreover, it is the Fish who provides the extreme highs and low in your relationship and, strangely enough, it is this rollercoaster ride that helps Pisces cope with the monotony and routine and control that is the Goat's preferred way of living." ― Rosemary Breen
"Pisces is THE most wobbly sign of the zodiac." ― Mary English

Rosemary Breen's quote: "There is another side to the Pisces nature and that is the brutal honesty that can catch others off guard." | Image: AmoDays
"On the one hand, you have a wonderfully caring, magnetic personality that draw people in close. On the other hand, you come across as standoffish, even reclusive. While both personalities are, in fact, who you are, at any one moment which side you show to the world depends on who you are with and the circumstances you are in." ― Rosemary Breen
"Many Pisces possess musical or artistic talents. At the very least, they have an appreciation for the arts." ― Theresa Reed
"We Pisces, we're a special breed." ― Jodi Picoult
"You possess a unique, innate ability to see most aspects of most situations all at once!" ― Rosemary Breen
"Pisces is an era of storms and of wholesale disintegration." — Dane Rudhyar

Theresa Reed's quote: "Many Pisces possess musical or artistic talents. At the very least, they have an appreciation for the arts." | Image: AmoDays
"Pisces are the great chameleons of the zodiac. They often survive through the art of camouflage." — Genevieve A. Vierling
"A Pisces knows no boundaries and dances with their limitlessness." — Patricia Lantz
"Because they are so sensitive, Pisces are like a sponge — they soak up everything around them. They are a product of their environment." — Maria Shaw
"I'm a Pisces, and Pisces have this weird inability to be completely spontaneous. We're too conscious of our actions. I've always been way too sensible for my own good." — Billy Corgan
"Pisces can be passionate one moment and cool the next, for no apparent reason. The people who love Pisces must learn to accept this." — Margarete Beim

Genevieve A. Vierling's quote: "Pisces are the great chameleons of the zodiac. They often survive through the art of camouflage." | Image: AmoDays
"When Pisces go to war, there's never a shortage of broken hearts." — Phil Volatile
"A Pisces is genetically predisposed to stay camouflaged." — Patricia Lantz
"A Pisces woman knows exactly what is going on. There's not a man around who pull the wool over her eyes for very long." — American AstroAnalysts Institute
"But a Pisces will always appreciate the inner person rather than the outer behavior." — Debbie Frank
"People born under Pisces are creative, highly sensitive to their surroundings, and have telepathic perception." — Ruth Aharoni

Phil Volatile's quote: "When Pisces go to war, there's never a shortage of broken hearts." | Image: AmoDays
"Pisces are easy-going and resilient, love entertaining, and welcome strangers with open arms." — Peter Balin
"Pisces expresses as accepting, believing, caring, changeable, compassionate, dependent, dreamy, emotional, faithful, gullible, impressionable, intuitive, loving, mystical, psychic, religious, spiritual, trusting, understanding, and willing to sacrifice." — Gene F. Collins
"Pisces is attuned to tranquility in its own way. The Fish searches for calm waters that soothe its sensitive emotional nature." — Bernie Ashman
"Pisces are reserved in their manners and are liable to draw premature conclusions on any matter." — Saket Shah

Peter Balin's quote: "Pisces are easy-going and resilient, love entertaining, and welcome strangers with open arms." | Image: AmoDays
Pisces Quotes from Famous Pisceans
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." — Albert Einstein
"Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations." — Steve Jobs
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." — Albert Einstein
"I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not." — Kurt Cobain
"I try my best to avoid the sharks of life, but I have had my share of experiences with them. But I do not swim with sharks.… Sharks swim with sharks." — Rihanna

Albert Einstein's quote: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." | Image: AmoDays
"Don't take it all too seriously. If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you've done and whoever you were and throw them away." — Steve Jobs
"I'm fiercely independent, but I'm also terrified of being alone." — Adam Levine
"There were a lot of things I had to go through in front of everybody that were not comfortable. Ultimately, it led to such a great freedom to not have to pretend to be perfect. You cannot be living your life looking and seeking exterior validation. It's going to be a very exhausting journey." — Drew Barrymore
"I've been through it all, baby, I'm mother courage." — Elizabeth Taylor
Pisces Quotes to Better Understand Its Power and Lure
"The world you are forced to inhabit does not match up to the world" ― Rosemary Breen

Adam Levine's quote: "I'm fiercely independent, but I'm also terrified of being alone." | Image: AmoDays
"I don't need the facts. I'm a Pisces." ― Phil Volatile
"The Piscean age was and is about believing. The Aquarian age is about knowing. We have a choice between being foolishly misguided and wisely fed." ― T.F. Hodge
"I am a Pisces, a fish out of water, searching for a way back home." — James Kidd
"And here fantastic fishes duskly float, Using the calm for waters, while their fires Throb out quick rhythms along the shallow air." ― Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"Excuse me while I have a Pisces moment." — Patricia Lantz
"With Pisces, one is all, and all is love." — Lynn Hayes

James Kidd's quote: "I am a Pisces, a fish out of water, searching for a way back home." | Image: AmoDays
"You possess a unique, innate ability to see most aspects of most situations all at once!" — Rosemary Breen
"Start describing the ocean, and you're getting closer to describing Pisces. Words like vast, deep, powerful, ever-changing come to mind perhaps." — Genevieve Vierling
"When the sun is in Pisces, expect weariness and sadness." — Deborah Harkness
"I mean, I grew up with pretty down-to-earth, atheist parents, but I was born a Pisces." — Melissa Auf der Maur
"I am a Pisces, and I am a storyteller. This means that I feel emotions intensely: both my own and those in my stories." — Hilary Thompson

Genevieve A. Vierling's quote: "Start describing the ocean, and you're getting closer to describing Pisces. Words like vast, deep, powerful, ever-changing come to mind perhaps." | Image: AmoDays
"Being in love with a Pisces is an experience in mystery, enchantment, a joy forever." — Susan Miller
"I find being a Pisces a bit of a rollercoaster sometimes! I can talk myself right in and right out of any decision, any subject, any time." — Mary English
"To attract a Pisces woman, a man must be a bit dapper but very tasteful." — Jenni Kosarin
"A Pisces man is a dreamer, and if it were up to him, he'd like to get away to some private island on a regular basis." — Sylvia Friedman
"The twelfth house, where Pisces resides, is the place where the mystical meets the mind. Some say that Pisces, in the last house, is a sign that encompasses a little bit of every sign that came before it." — Stacey Wolf

Mary English's quote: "I find being a Pisces a bit of a rollercoaster sometimes! I can talk myself right in and right out of any decision, any subject, any time." | Image: AmoDays
"Your best companions are those born in Pisces, Libra, and Virgo." — Bhakti Seva
"There's an ephemeral, now you see them now you don't, quality to a Pisces." — Patricia Lantz
"We Pisces, we're a special breed." — Jodi Picoult
"I broke it off. He just became really obsessive, morose. He didn't even want to make love anymore. He became just like a woman, crying at every little thing. I should've known. He's a Pisces." — Anna Biller
"To realize the full glory and truth of love, the fish can, if he or she chooses, call on the innocence of Aries, the patience of Taurus, the awareness of Gemini, the perception of Cancer, the nobility of Leo, the discrimination of Virgo, the judgment of Libra, the penetration of Scorpio, the honesty of Sagittarius, the wisdom of Capricorn—and the humanitarianism of Aquarius." — Linda Goodman

Jodi Picoult's quote: "We Pisces, we're a special breed." | Image: AmoDays
The zodiac signs originated from the study of astrology, which has been linked to ancient Greek mythology. However, people's current view of zodiac signs is linked to ancient Greek and ancient Babylon.
The mathematician, music theorist, astronomer, geographer, and astrologer, Claudius Ptolemy, has been praised for laying down the foundations of the Western astrological tradition.
Pisces are creative and imaginative people, so if you want to dream bigger and soar higher like them, read these quotes on how to fly high.