19 ‘Home Improvement’ Quotes for Us 90s Kids to Reminisce
The 1990s were a popular sitcom era and renowned actor Tim Allen led one for eight seasons. "Home Improvement" was aired on ABC between September 1991 and September 1998.
The series revolves around the Taylor family of Tim and his wife Jill and their three sons: Brad, Randy, and Mark. It also features Wilson, their neighbor in a charming Detroit suburb.
All the Taylors had their own unique character traits but Tim's accident proneness probably got the most laughs. The family show was quite popular among fans, leaving them with some relatable and funny "Home Improvement" quotes.

Tim's quote: “Man Pain Is When You Do Something Stupid.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
‘Home Improvement’ Quotes by Tim
“Was There A Guy With A Whole Table Stuck To His Head?” — Tim
“What, You Saw Your Mom In The Shower?” — Tim
“A Lot Harder Than It Looks.” — Tim
“Man Pain Is When You Do Something Stupid.” — Tim
“If I wanted something my brother had, I'd knock him down and take it.” — Tim

Tim's quote: “One More Head Injury And We Win A Trip To Hawaii.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
“Oh, once. I've sat through three Rambo movies. When was the last time you took me to a foreign film?” — Jill … “Didn't we just see Le Robocop?” — Tim
“One More Head Injury And We Win A Trip To Hawaii.” — Tim
“If a woman holds up a stop sign, if she designed it, it would say 'If you really knew me, you'd know what you should do right now." — Tim
Jill: “I don't wanna be a nagging wife.”
Tim: “Then, how would I recognize you?” — "Home Improvement"

Randy's quote: “My dad's been in the hospital so much they gave him a preferred customer card.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
‘Home Improvement’ Quotes by Randy
“Fine, Except For The Guy Who Asked If I Wanted A Phone Book To Sit On.” — Randy
“He’d Be Proud If He Could See You Now.” — Randy
“Oh, so we had Mark sniffing gloves for nothing.” — Randy
“My dad's been in the hospital so much they gave him a preferred customer card.” — Randy

Salesman's quote: “Sorry, all we do here is rip people off. Store policy.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
‘Home Improvement’ Quotes by Other Characters
“You don't have to understand a woman. All you have to do is love her.” — Eddie Phillips
“That's a nice costume, Mrs. Taylor. You can't even tell how fat you are.” — Curtis
“My sons are interested in baseball cards as an investment, and they don't wanna get ripped off.” — Tim … “Sorry, all we do here is rip people off. Store policy.” — Salesman

Brad's quote: “Boy, I’m Gonna Need A Lot Of Medical Insurance.” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
“He’s Had My Waffles.” — Wilson Wilson
“Boy, I’m Gonna Need A Lot Of Medical Insurance.” — Brad
“I Wish I Could Fix Things Between Us That Easily.” — Jill

Brad's quote: “Was There A Guy With A Whole Table Stuck To His Head?” | Source: youtube.com/ABCNetwork
"Home Improvement" certainly improved the mood in many homes due to their witty banter which was primarily based on Allen's stand-up comedy. It was also instrumental in launching the onscreen career of Pamela Anderson who had a recurring role on the show.
The shows existed in an era filled with many excellent sitcoms, including Jerry Seinfeld's "Seinfeld." If you are among those who appreciate comedic excellence, you'd also enjoy these Jean Ralphio's quotes from "Parks and Recreation."