27 Vikings Valhalla Quotes from Warriors & Kings
"Vikings Valhalla" is a spin-off series to History Channel's "Vikings." Although the show has gruesome and gory scenes, the characters share memorable words of wisdom that one can take away.
"Vikings Valhalla" is a historical drama continuing a century after the original "Vikings" series. It follows the next generation of kings and heroes who take their place in a new norm of new religion and old gods. The show is known for its brutal killings, including riveting dialogue. Read 27 Vikings Valhalla quotes.

Earl Godwin's quote: "Facing Doubts Or Fears Is The First Step In Courage."┃Source: facebook.com/netflixvalhalla
Best Vikings Valhalla Quotes from the Cast
"Sometimes Rewards Can Be Gained Without A Fight." — Streona
"Do Not Confuse Tolerance With Forgiveness." — Jarl Haakon
"All Things Are Possible If Our Minds Are Open." — Estrid Haakon
"Change Is Happening And We Must Be Ready." — Estrid Haakon
"Things Change And We Must Change With Them." — King Canute

Estrid Haakon's quote: "Whatever happens, you must survive. You are The Last."┃Source: facebook.com/netflixvalhalla
"A Rotten House Cannot Be Repaired. It Must Be Torn Down In Order To Build A Better One." — Earl Godwin
"Necessity Creates Unusual Allies." — Emma of Normandy
"A Man Who Asks For Nothing Is Someone I Cannot Trust." — King Canute
"It Is Good To Listen To A Man Who Knows His Own Mind And Has The Courage To Speak It." — King Canute
"Facing Doubts Or Fears Is The First Step In Courage." — Earl Godwin

Sten Sigurdsson's quote: "We've been here so long many of us don't recognize our own language."┃Source: facebook.com/netflixvalhalla
Vikings Valhalla Quotes — Harald Sigurdsson
"You will know glory when you reach it. Trust me. This is just the path to get there." — Harald Sigurdsson
"True Vikings always reach for glory. It’s what defines us." — Harald Sigurdsson
"Miracles, like deals with the devil, come with strings attached. Something is always expected in return." — Harald Sigurdsson
"This is blood… It's not my blood. It is our blood, it is Viking blood." — Harald Sigurdsson
"Not every Christian is bad. All religions have flaws." — Harald Sigurdsson
"I prefer my fate to be in my own hands." — Harald Sigurdsson

King Canute's quote: "Things Change And We Must Change With Them."┃Source: facebook.com/netflixvalhalla
Vikings Valhalla Quotes from Emma Normandy & Others
"You married a Norman. We create nightmares." — Emma of Normandy
"I don't believe ghosts can hurt me. But I do believe Vikings can." — Emma of Normandy
"People do not fear death. They know if they fight till their last breath, they will have earned a seat at Odin's table." — Estrid Haakon
"Whatever happens, you must survive. You are The Last." — Estrid Haakon
"When you have lost everything, as I have, you become accustomed to preparing against the worst so as not to ever have it happen again." — Earl Godwin

King Canute's quote: "A Man Who Asks For Nothing Is Someone I Cannot Trust."┃Source: facebook.com/netflixvalhalla
"Never let traitors go unpunished." — King Sweyn
"Bring me the Boy King. Bring me England." — King Canute
"We've been here so long, many of us don't recognize our own language." — Sten Sigurdsson
"I feel cleansed.”— Freydis Eriksdotter
"I’m not king material." — Edmund
"Leave this place in the name of the one true God, Jesus Christ." — Priest

Harald Sigurdsson's quote: "Not every Christian is bad. All religions have flaws."┃Source: facebook.com/netflixvalhalla
"Valhalla Vikings" is commended for its brilliant acting of actors, including Leo Suter (Harald Sigurdsson), Frida Gustavsson (Freydis Eriksdotter), and Laura Berlin (Emma of Normandy).
The show is also outstanding in its storylines, cinematography, and action scenes. Although it's filled with violence, the writing has also been lauded, as is evident by the unforgettable quotes.
If you enjoyed reading the quotes from this medieval drama, read more from a character of the series, "31 Floki Quotes From 'Vikings' Eccentric Pagan Trickster. There are more historical drama series, such as "The Crown" and "Bridgerton."