An image of Daniel Plainview, with his quote: "I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people." | Source: Facebook.com/ThereWillBeBloodMovie
An image of Daniel Plainview, with his quote: "I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people." | Source: Facebook.com/ThereWillBeBloodMovie

35 'There Will Be Blood' Quotes from the Hyper-Ambitious Daniel Plainview

Dayna Remus
Jul 20, 2023
09:00 P.M.
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What becomes of a man who becomes possessed by society's focus on wealth, status, and power? Words from the character Daniel Plainview in the film "There Will Be Blood" will give you a glimpse into a mind broken by the allure of the American Dream.


Daniel Plainview in "There Will Be Blood" serves as a representation of the corruption of money, power, and religion.

Throughout the film, this character's obsession with wealth becomes the center of his universe, driving him to exploit landowners, abandon his adopted son, and even murder. Beyond pure greed and hyper-ambition, this oilman is driven by a seething hatred for people.

Discover the psychology of this enticing character by reading his quotes on oil, family, and his inner hatred by reading these 35 Daniel Plainview quotes.

Daniel Plainview’s quote: "I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!" | Source: AmoDays

Daniel Plainview’s quote: "I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!" | Source: AmoDays

Daniel Plainview Oilman Quotes

“I’m an oilman, ladies and gentlemen. I have numerous concerns spread across this state. I have many wells flowing at many thousand barrels per day. I like to think of myself as an oilman.” — Daniel Plainview


“Listen, Paul. If I travel all the way out there and I find that you’ve been lying to me, I’m going to find you, and I’m going to take more than my money back. Is that alright with you?” — Daniel Plainview

“What are you looking so miserable about? There’s a whole ocean of oil under our feet! No one can get at it except for me.” — Daniel Plainview

"I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people." — Daniel Plainview

"I want to earn enough money so I can get away from everyone.” — Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview’s quote: “I’ve built up my hatred over the years, little by little." | Source: AmoDays

Daniel Plainview’s quote: “I’ve built up my hatred over the years, little by little." | Source: AmoDays

"We need these men well rested to bring in this well. They can't get that if they're up here listening to your gospel, and then the well can't produce and blow gold all over the place." — Daniel Plainview


“One night, I’m gonna come to you, inside of your house, wherever you’re sleeping…" — Daniel Plainview

"What's this? Why don't I own this?" — Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview Quotes about Family

"You're an orphan from a basket in the middle of the desert, and I took you for no other reason than I needed a sweet face to buy land." — Daniel Plainview

“This work that we do is very much a family enterprise. I work side by side with my wonderful son, H.W. I think one or two of you might have met him already, and, uh, I encourage my men to bring their families, as well.” — Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview’s quote: “You’re not my son. You’re just a little piece of competition.” | Source: AmoDays

Daniel Plainview’s quote: “You’re not my son. You’re just a little piece of competition.” | Source: AmoDays


H.M. Tilford: “Build a pipeline. Make a deal with Union Oil. Be my guest, but if you can’t pull it off, you’ve got an ocean of oil under your feet with nowhere to go. Why not turn it over to us? We’ll make you rich. You spend time with your boy. It’s a great discovery. Now let us help you.”

Daniel Plainview: “Did you just tell me how to run my family?” —"There Will Be Blood"

“Family means children; children means education. So, wherever we set up camp, education is a necessity, and we’re just so happy to take care of that. So let’s build a wonderful school in Little Boston. These children are the future that we strive for, and so they should have the very best of things.” — Daniel Plainview

“Well, if it’s in me, it’s in you.” — Daniel Plainview

"I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!" — Daniel Plainview

“It’s an abomination to consider that any man, woman, or child in this magnificent country of ours should have to look upon a loaf of bread as a luxury.” — Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview’s quote: “Well, if it’s in me, it’s in you.” | Source: AmoDays

Daniel Plainview’s quote: “Well, if it’s in me, it’s in you.” | Source: AmoDays


“Henry: “What will you do about your boy?”

Daniel Plainview: “I don’t know. Uh, maybe it’ll change. Does your sound come back to you? I don’t know. Maybe no one knows that. A doctor might not know that.”

Henry: “Where’s his mother?”

Daniel Plainview: “I don’t want to talk about those things...“ — "There Will Be Blood"

H.M. Tilford: “How’s your boy?”

Daniel Plainview: “Thank you for asking.”

H.M. Tilford: “Is there anything we can do?”

Daniel Plainview: “‘Thanks for asking’ is enough.” — "There Will Be Blood"

“I’ve built up my hatred over the years, little by little. Having you here gives me a second breath of life. I can’t keep doing this on my own with these people.” — Daniel Plainview

"I don't even know who you are because you have none of me in you." — Daniel Plainview

“I’ve abandoned my child! I’ve abandoned my child! I’ve abandoned my body!” — Daniel Plainview


Daniel Plainview’s quote: “I took you for no other reason than I needed a sweet face to buy land." | Source: AmoDays

Daniel Plainview’s quote: “I took you for no other reason than I needed a sweet face to buy land." | Source: AmoDays

Daniel Plainview: “What else would I do with myself?”

H.M. Tilford: “You asking me?”

Daniel Plainview: “What else would I do with myself?”

H.M. Tilford: “Take care of your son. I don’t know what you would do.” —"There Will Be Blood"

“You’re going to have more grain than you know what to do with. Bread will be coming right out of your ears, ma’am. New roads, agriculture, employment, education—these are just a few of the things we can offer you,” — Daniel Plainview

“You’re not my son. You’re just a little piece of competition.” — Daniel Plainview


Daniel Plainview Quotes Revealing More Sides of His Character

“If we do find oil here and I think there’s a very good chance that we will this community of yours will not only survive, it will flourish.” — Daniel Plainview

“That was one goddamn helluva show.” — Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview’s quote: "I want to earn enough money so I can get away from everyone.” | Source: AmoDays

Daniel Plainview’s quote: "I want to earn enough money so I can get away from everyone.” | Source: AmoDays

"I drink your milkshake" — Daniel Plainview

“Just give me the blood, Eli. Let me get out of here. Give me the blood, Lord, and let me get away.” — Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview: “Are you an angry man, Henry?”

Henry: “About what?”


Daniel Plainview: “Are you envious? Do you get envious?”

Henry: “I don’t think so. No.” — "There Will Be Blood"

“I see the worst in people, Henry. I don’t need to look past seeing them get all I need.” — Daniel Plainview

“I’m going to bury you underground, Eli.” — Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview’s quote: “I see the worst in people, Henry. I don’t need to look past seeing them get all I need.” | Source: AmoDays

Daniel Plainview’s quote: “I see the worst in people, Henry. I don’t need to look past seeing them get all I need.” | Source: AmoDays

“I look at people, and I see nothing worth liking.” — Daniel Plainview

“They can’t get that if they’re up here listening to your gospel.” — Daniel Plainview


“I’d like you to tell me that you are a false prophet. I’d like you to tell me that you are, and have been, a false prophet and that God is a superstition.” — Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview: “I told you I would eat you!”

Eli Sunday: “We’re family!”

Daniel Plainview: “I told you I would eat you up!” —"There Will Be Blood"

“I’m finished.” — Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview’s quote:  “I look at people, and I see nothing worth liking.” | Source: AmoDays

Daniel Plainview’s quote: “I look at people, and I see nothing worth liking.” | Source: AmoDays

While Daniel Plainview's character may not be the most likable, his quotes serve as a tool to understand what it would look like if we took many of the shallow values that we share in society and applied them with rigor to our everyday life. It is a warning of placing too much emphasis on power and wealth.

This character is said by many to be Daniel Day Lewis's best performance so far. Lewis has played in many great films such as "The Crucible" where he played alongside Winona Ryder and "Gangs of New York" with fellow actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

Get to know his role in "The Crucible" better by reading these 26 John Proctor Quotes From 'The Crucible.'



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