
Rich Old Man Excludes His Kids from Will and Leaves Whole Inheritance to Orphan Triplets — Story of the Day

Monica Otayza
Jan 25, 2022
05:25 P.M.
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A rich old man's family was surprised to find out that his children were cut out of his will and instead, went to a mysterious set of triplets. His wife decided to find out who they were and why he decided to change his will.


Taylor Jones was the owner of the biggest grocery chain in Texas, and he tried to make sure no one knew where his estate was going until after he died. However, this didn't happen as his lawyer's son overheard their conversation and told his daughter, whom he was dating.

"Are you sure you heard it right? That's impossible! How can he leave us with nothing?" Selena Jones asked her boyfriend. She was furious, storming to her brother James' room to inform him of what was happening.

The siblings found out that the new heirs to his inheritance were identical triplets named Thomas, Timothy, and Travis. They were five-year-old orphans who had been placed in the orphanage after their mother died.

Selena and James found out their dad had triplets. | Photo: Shutterstock

Selena and James found out their dad had triplets. | Photo: Shutterstock


Selena and James made sure to visit the orphanage themselves, and they were surprised to see just how much the triplets looked like their father.

"They're his children. He cheated on Marissa," Selena concluded.

On their way back to the office, James drank wine at the back of their car. "Poor Marissa," he shook his head, amused at how his father cheated on his wife.

"I'm sure daddy would do anything to make sure she never finds out," Selena said with a devious smile on her face.

Marissa was their father's second wife, whom he married only three years after their mom died of cancer. She was a kind and loving woman, but she was also fifteen years younger than their dad.

At first, they did not want another woman in their father's life, as they thought she'd produce more heirs that would divide their inheritance further. However, years passed, and Marissa bore no children despite wanting them so badly.

Marissa was depressed that she couldn't have children. | Photo: Unsplash

Marissa was depressed that she couldn't have children. | Photo: Unsplash


Marissa and Taylor went to every fertility specialist they could find from the US to Europe until one brave doctor finally told them they would never be able to conceive a child naturally.

Their last checkup was five years ago, and it plunged Marissa into a lonely downward spiral. She eventually came to terms with her infertility and tried her best to be content with the life she was living with Taylor.

When Selena and James got home, they went straight to their dad's home office. "Daaad, I'm home!" Selena said as she walked in the door.

"Just dropping by to say we missed you," James said, sitting on the chair in front of his table.

"That's nonsense. We were in meetings together the entire morning. What do you two want this time?" he asked.

"Well, daddy. I heard from my boyfriend that you went to see his father, your lawyer? So we were just worried maybe you weren't feeling well. Just checking up on you, that's all," Selena said in a slightly mocking tone.

"So that's what this is about," he said in a cold voice. "He's told you you're no longer in my will and now you're worried."


Selena and James were trying to get their father to change his will. | Photo: Unsplash

Selena and James were trying to get their father to change his will. | Photo: Unsplash

"Dad, Selena and I have been working for you for the last ten years and suddenly, you don't put us into your will? How could you do that to us?" James asked.

"Come on, you two are BARELY ever working. You attend meetings because you have to. But that's it. None of you make any big decisions and are always sitting pretty in the office. Despite that, you two have big salaries that will remain even when I die. You won't need anything else aside from that," Taylor shot back.

"But.. don't you want your grandchildren to live comfortable lives?" Selena asked him.

"You two don't think of anybody but yourselves. You haven't shown interest in getting married or having children. Now you want to talk about me giving an inheritance to my grandchildren?" Taylor argued.


"But..." Selena tried to say again before Taylor cut her off.

"You two have big salaries. Support your children with them. Invest, put up a business, geez, I don't know. Make something happen for yourselves and stop relying on me," Taylor ended the argument.

Taylor was angered that his children cornered him about his decisions. | Photo: Unsplash

Taylor was angered that his children cornered him about his decisions. | Photo: Unsplash

"We know there's more than just the two of us. That's why you're being so greedy about this," James interrupted. "And if you cut us out, we're telling Marissa," he threatened.

Before they knew it, Marissa was already in the room with them. "I didn't mean to overhear your conversation, but I was bringing you your afternoon snack," she said, placing the tray down before she dropped it from shock.


Taylor told his children to get out of the room, and he turned all of his attention to Marissa. "Sweetheart, I am so sorry you had to hear it that way. Please, sit down," he said.

"I'm fine standing," Marissa said, her voice cracking.

"Well... remember our last trip to the fertility doctor in Switzerland? I had to leave right after because of a work conference in New York. That was when you weren't feeling well..." he slowly explained.

"You mean to say when I got depressed because we couldn't have kids? Yes, of course, I remember," she said coldly.

"Yes. Well, after the conference, the attendees were invited to the party and I had too much to drink. I met this woman there and well... I'm really sorry, sweetheart," he said.

Marissa felt betrayed and couldn't help but cry. | Photo: Unsplash

Marissa felt betrayed and couldn't help but cry. | Photo: Unsplash


Marissa was in tears. "While I was grieving at home because I couldn't get pregnant, you decided to get someone else pregnant?"

"It only happened once, sweetheart, I swear.. and it never happened again. I am so terribly sorry," Taylor said, begging for forgiveness.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Marissa asked.

"They're triplets. Three boys. Sweetheart, I didn't know about them until three months ago. Their mother died, and her lawyer sent me a letter," he explained.

"I see. You better get your things out of the bedroom and sleep in one of the guest rooms tonight. I have some thinking to do," Marissa said, standing up to leave.

For about two weeks, Marissa kept her distance. Selena and James were quiet around the house as well, hoping their father would still change his mind if they behaved.

One afternoon, Taylor came home from the office hearing laughter from the backyard. He decided to check who it was and saw Marissa playing in the field with three children.

"Marissa? Who are those –" Taylor began to ask until he realized they were his kids. Marissa waved for him to come over.


"Taylor, I don't appreciate you cheating on me, and I admit it hurts me a lot up until this day to know you've been unfaithful, but I can't deny that I love you. So, I will love your children like my own, and raise them with you, if you'd let me," she said.

Taylor realized how lucky he was to have Marissa in his life. | Photo: Unsplash

Taylor realized how lucky he was to have Marissa in his life. | Photo: Unsplash

Taylor was in tears. "I am so sorry, Marissa. You are the best woman I have ever met, and I don't deserve you. I am sorry for hurting you even though I said I never would," he sobbed.

"I know you don't deserve me. But know that I forgive you, and I'm willing to start anew with you and our three kids over here," she said.

With that, Taylor and Marissa raised their three children to be kind and loving people. Even though he eventually forgave Selena and James, Taylor knew that the only way they'd learn their lesson is if he kept them out of the will for good.


What can we learn from this story?

  • Being greedy can take away more than what you could have gained. Selena and James' greed led them to be cut out of their father's will for good.
  • It is possible to start fresh by forgiving someone who deserves a second chance. Marissa welcomed Taylor's children into her home with open arms despite being hurt by what he did to her.

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This account is inspired by our reader’s story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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