89 Chuckle-Worthy “Ghostbusters” Quotes
When “Ghostbusters” hit the silver screen in 1984, it was a global hit with both children and adults alike. The supernatural comedy has since spurred several sequels over the decades, but the original film remains the most successful. For a hysterical throwback, here are 89 quotes from the 1984 “Ghostbusters.”
“Ghostbusters” was a supernatural comedy released in 1984. It was premised on three parapsychologists who were forced out of their university funding. They then set up shop as a unique ghost removal service in New York City, shocking skeptics and believers alike.
“Ghostbusters” was the number-one film in theaters for seven consecutive weeks and one of only four films to gross more than $100 million in 1984, making it one of the most successful comedy films of the 1980s. The original cast was on the rise in the 1980s and continued to build A-list careers after the film’s release.
Apart from the unique storyline of the film, there were a lot of one-liners that have stuck with viewers even today. Here are 89 quotes from the 1984 “Ghostbusters" that will surely make you chuckle.

Dr. Peter Venkman's quote: “On the appeal of Dana.” | Image: AmoDays
“On the end of the world.” — Dr. Ray Stantz
“On your singing voice.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“On the appeal of Dana.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“The flowers are still standing!” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“I don’t think he’s human.” — Egon Spengler

Dr. Ray Stantz's quote: “On the end of the world.” | Image: AmoDays
“There is no Dana, only Zuul.” — Dana Barrett
“Don’t cross the streams.” — Dr. Egon Spengler
“I’m always serious.” — Egon Spengler
“We both have the same problem: you.” — Dana Barrett
“Spengler! I'm with Venkman! He got slimed!” — Dr. Ray Stantz

Dr. Peter Venkman's quote: “On your singing voice.” | Image:AmoDays
“Where do these stairs go?” — Dr. Ray Stantz
“Dropping off, or picking up?” — Janine Melnitz
“We’d like to get a sample of your brain tissue.” — Egon Spengler
“This job is definitely not worth 11.5 a year.” — Winston Zeddmore
“Ray has gone bye-bye Egon. What have you got left?” — Dr. Peter Venkman

Dr. Peter Venkman's quote: “The flowers are still standing!” | Image: AmoDays
“Spengler, are you serious about actually catching a ghost?” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“We’re ready to believe you!” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“I collect spores, molds, and fungus.” — Elon Spengler
“He slimed me. I feel so funky.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“I feel like the floor of a taxi cab.” — Egon Spengler

Egon Spengler's quote: “I don’t think he’s human.” | Image: AmoDays
“I blame myself.” — Egon Spengler
“You never studied.” — Dr. Ray Stanz
“Okay, who brought the dog?” — Louis Tully
“Your mother!” — Egon Spengler
“You’re not gonna lose the house, everybody has three mortgages nowadays.” — Dr. Peter Venkman

Dana Barrett's quote: “There is no Dana, only Zuul.” | Image: AmoDays
“Back off man, I’m a scientist.” — Bill Murray
“That’s the bedroom, but nothing ever happened in there.” — Dana Barrett
“Ray, when someone asks you if you’re a god, you say 'YES!'” — Winston Zeddemore
"No, we’re exterminators. Someone saw a cockroach up on [the] twelfth [floor].” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Have you or any member of your family ever been diagnosed schizophrenic or mentally incompetent?” — Dr. Peter Venkman

Egon Spengler's quote: “I’m always serious.” | Image: AmoDays
“You’re very handy, I can tell. I bet you like to read a lot, too...I read a lot myself. Some people think I’m too intellectual but I think it’s a fabulous way to spend your spare time. I also play racquetball...Do you have any hobbies?” — Janine Melnitz
“I’m giving this whole thing as a promotional expense, that’s why I invited clients instead of friends. You havin’ a good time, Mark?” — Louis Tully
“I’ve always been a fan of science fiction films, and I’ve never been able to put my particular spin on it.” — Ivan Reitman
“Oh, don’t leave yet! Maybe if we start dancing, other people will join in?” — Louis Tully
“Well, when we get to 20, tell me. I’m gonna throw up.” — Dr. Peter Venkman

Dana Barrett's quote: “We both have the same problem: you.” | Image: AmoDays
"Do you know how weird it is out there? We’ve taken our own headcount.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Gozer the Gozerian... good evening. As a duly designated representative of the City, County, and State of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension.” — Dr. Ray Stantz
“I’m studying the effect of negative reinforcement on ESP ability.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“I’m going to bring this up at the next tenant’s meeting! There’s not supposed to be any pets in the building!” — Louis Tully
“Listen! Do you smell something?” — Dr. Ray Stantz

Dr. Ray Stantz's quote: “Spengler! I'm with Venkman! He got slimed!” | Image: AmoDays
“Someone blows their nose and you want to keep it?” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“I make it a rule never to get involved with possessed people. Actually, it's more of a guideline than a rule…” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“No! Nobody ever made them like this! The architect was either a certified genius or an authentic wacko!” — Dr. Ray Stantz
"Ah, if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.” — Winston Zeddmore
“Type something, will you? We're paying for this stuff! And don't stare at me, you got the bug-eyes.” — Dr. Peter Venkman

Dr. Ray Stantz's quote: “Where do these stairs go?” | Image: AmoDays
“Why worry? Each one of us is carrying an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together…mass hysteria!” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Goodbye…I’m gonna get you a nice fruit basket. I’m gonna miss him.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Myth? Ray, has it ever occurred to you that maybe the reason we’ve been so busy lately is because the dead have been rising from the grave?” — Winston Zeddmore
“Hey, wait a minute. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hold it. Now, are we actually gonna go before a federal judge, and tell him that some moldy Babylonian God is going to drop in on Central Park West, and start tearing up the city?” — Winston Zeddmore

Janine Melnitz's quote: “Dropping off, or picking up?” | Image: AmoDays
“You don’t act like a scientist. You’re more like a game show host.” — Dana Barrett
“Ray, the sponges migrated about a foot-and-a-half.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Of course, you forget, Peter, I was present at an unexplained, undersea, mass sponge migration.” — Dr. Ray Stantz
“Janine, someone with your qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Generally you don’t see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.” — Dr. Peter Venkman

Egon Spengler's quote: “We’d like to get a sample of your brain tissue.” | Image: AmoDays
“That would have worked if you hadn’t stopped me.” — Egon Spengler
“I’m a little fuzzy on the whole 'good/bad' thing here.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“I think that would be extraordinarily dangerous.” — Egon Spengler
“The neighborhood is like a demilitarized zone.” — Egon Spengler
“I’m Winston Zeddmore, Your Honor. I’ve only been with the company for a couple of weeks, but these things are real. Since I joined these men, I’ve seen...[stuff] that’ll turn you white.” — Winston Zeddmore

Winston Zeddmore's quote: “This job is definitely not worth 11.5 a year.” | Image: AmoDays
“It just occurred to me that we really haven’t had a successful test of this equipment.” — Dr. Ray Stantz
“No job is too big, no fee is too big.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“I couldn’t help it. It just popped in there.” — Dr. Ray Stantz
“Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.” — Egon Spengler
“What he means is the Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath-of-God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky!” — Dr. Ray Stantz

Dr. Peter Venkman's quote: “Ray has gone bye-bye Egon. What have you got left?” | Image: AmoDays
“You’re right, no human being would stack books like this.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off.” — Dr. Ray Stantz
“Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster, and the theory of Atlantis?” — Janine Melnitz
“You’re gonna endanger our client — the nice lady, who paid us in advance before she became a dog.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Sorry Venkman, I’m terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.” — Dr. Egon Spengler

Dr. Peter Venkman's quote: “Spengler, are you serious about actually catching a ghost?” | Image: AmoDays
“I don’t have to take this abuse from you, I’ve got hundreds of people dying to abuse me.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
"If the answer is “yes,” then don’t wait another minute. Pick up the phone and call the professionals…” — Dr. Ray Stantz
“Nobody steps on a church in my town!” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Choose the form of The Destructor!” — Gozer

Dr. Peter Venkman's quote: “We’re ready to believe you!” | Image: AmoDays
“If we're wrong, then nothing happens. We'll go to jail...Peacefully...Quietly...We'll enjoy it. But if we're right, and we can stop this thing... Lenny... you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“Yeah, it’s a sign alright! We’re going out of business.” — Janine Melnitz
“Captain, I want these men arrested! They're in criminal violation of the Environmental Protection Act! And this explosion is the direct result of it!” — Walter Peck
“A good actor is someone who knows how to take the part and make it real and make it honest and be effective in it. If it’s in a funny movie and, as long as they are cast in an appropriate way, humor will come from it.” — Ivan Reitman

Dr. Peter Venkman's quote: “He slimed me. I feel so funky.” | Image: AmoDays
“I always see things that I can improve...I’m surprised at how effective it is, even today, and how vibrant that movie is and how juicy the performances all are.” — Ivan Reitman
“I always thought that Bill Murray was one of the great actors that I’ve worked with. And I’ve worked with all kinds of people who are known primarily for their dramatic work.” — Ivan Reitman
“I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never ever possibly destroy us. Mr. Stay Puft!” — Dr. Ray Stantz
“You are so kind to take care of that man. You’re a real humanitarian.” — Janine Melnitz
“We used to roast Stay Puft marshmallows by the fire at Camp Wauconda.” — Dr. Ray Stantz

Egon Spengler's quote: “I feel like the floor of a taxi cab.” | Image: AmoDays
“Let’s show this prehistoric [ghost]...how we do things downtown.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“We came! We saw! We kicked its...[behind]!” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“There’s something you don’t see every day.” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“We’ve been going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft’s okay! He’s a sailor, he’s in New York!” — Dr. Peter Venkman
“I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it! Let's do this!” — Peter Venkman

Egon Spengler's quote: “I blame myself.” | Image: AmoDays
Even if you were too young for the original “Ghostbusters,” the film’s sequels and reboots have kept the comedic essence of the original film. This is partly because of the quality of the film’s comedy. Every joke from the film is still as fresh as it was during its release.
Regardless of the myriad of film leads from the sequels and reboots, all the lead actors are easy to root for. The film will never get old, and neither will the paranormal premise of the “Ghostbusters” enterprise.
If this made you laugh, here is a compilation of thought-provoking Joker quotes.