Photo of She-Ra with the quote: "Be sure to wash behind your ears, boys!" | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa
Photo of She-Ra with the quote: "Be sure to wash behind your ears, boys!" | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

58 She-Ra Quotes from the Animated Series Loved by Millions

Titi Dokubo
Apr 04, 2023
05:00 P.M.

Enter the magical world of Etheria and join She-Ra and her friends as they embark on epic adventures filled with bravery, love, and humor. These 58 "She-Ra" quotes from the beloved animated series will transport you to a land of wonder and inspire you to embrace your inner strength.


"She-Ra" is a popular animated TV series that has undergone two versions: the original series, which aired from 1985 to 1986, and the 2018 reboot, which ran for five seasons. There are many similarities and differences between these two versions.

One of the most significant changes between the two versions of "She-Ra" is the focus on gender roles. In the original series, gender roles were relatively rigid, with male characters typically taking on leadership roles and female characters serving as supporting characters. In contrast, the 2018 version of "She-Ra" features a much more diverse cast of characters, with male, female, and non-binary characters taking on various roles, including leadership positions.

Another significant difference between the two versions of "She-Ra" is the animation style. The original series had a more traditional animation style, while the 2018 version features a more modern, computer-generated animation style. This change in animation style allows for more complex and detailed animation, enhancing the viewing experience. Read the following memorable "She-Ra" quotes from the series.

"She-Ra's" quote: "Never's an awfully long time." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "Never's an awfully long time." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa


She-Ra Quotes after Transformation

"Power of all Etheria, come to She-Ra!" — "She-Ra"

"Be sure to wash behind your ears, boys!" — "She-Ra"

"I am She-Ra. And I don't like the way you're treating my friend. How about a game of 'Follow the Leader'?" — "She-Ra"

"I'm afraid there was no other choice. Skeletor had to be stopped." — "She-Ra"

"The Horde takes slaves, I don't." — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "Power of all Etheria, come to She-Ra!" | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "Power of all Etheria, come to She-Ra!" | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"You boys should be more careful with your freeze-rays. That tree wasn't bothering you!" — "She-Ra"


"Sword, to harpoon!" — "She-Ra"

"I get a bad feeling from that Wobble." — "She-Ra"

"Phew! Now I know what a kite feels like." — "She-Ra"

"'Hordak, you don't tell me how to do my job, and I won't tell you how to be a power-mad, narrow-minded fool, alright?" — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "You boys should be more careful with your freeze rays. That tree wasn't bothering you!" | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "You boys should be more careful with your freeze rays. That tree wasn't bothering you!" | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra: [a flying dragon stops in mid-air] Uh oh, something tells me it's going to get awfully hot around here. [the dragon breathes fire at She-Ra]" — "She-Ra"

"Well, it looks like you've thrown just about everything in the village but the kitchen sink." — "She-Ra"


"This is Etheria, my brother, the Horde rules this planet." — "She-Ra"

"Now that you've quit being such a blowhard, Shadow Weaver..." — "She-Ra"

"For the Honor of Greyskull! I... AM... SHE-RA!" — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "Well, it looks like you've thrown just about everything in the village but the kitchen sink." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "Well, it looks like you've thrown just about everything in the village but the kitchen sink." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"My whole life has changed because of this sword." — "She-Ra"

"Remember, it's your body, and no one should touch you in a way that you feel is wrong." — "She-Ra"

"As a farmer, you lived a life of peace. It's a shame that you must go to war again." — "She-Ra"

"You heard me, Hordak. Call off your troopers, or I'll bring this whole place down around those metal ears of yours!" — "She-Ra"


"I'm not just crying for Hordak, I'm crying for the saddest thing I know: a wasted life. To be given that most precious gift, the gift of living, to do with as we choose. I'm crying, because this man has chosen to throw it away. And when he goes, nobody will care." — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "My whole life has changed because of this sword." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "My whole life has changed because of this sword." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"Well Hordak, we lived through that explosion, but our troubles are just beginning." — "She-Ra"

"Never's an awfully long time." — "She-Ra"

"Now let's see if we can save those books!" — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra: [to Shadow Weaver] See how you like being in your own collection." — "She-Ra"


"Here's the food stolen by the Horde. Enjoy it, and be well." — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "Well, Hordak, we lived through that explosion, but our troubles are just beginning." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "Well, Hordak, we lived through that explosion, but our troubles are just beginning." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"Uh oh, something tells me it's going to get awfully hot around here." — "She-Ra"

"I'm afraid Glimmer's in danger. And what's worse: she doesn't know it." — "She-Ra"

"But He-Man, that flagship is in outer space. Can even you throw that far?" — "She-Ra"

"This'll stop you from hurting trees!" — "She-Ra"

"Next, I'll make sure those dungeons will never be used as prisons again." — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "Uh oh, something tells me it's going to get awfully hot around here." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "Uh oh, something tells me it's going to get awfully hot around here." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa


"I lost... for the first time, I lost." — "She-Ra"

"Sorry, bone-brain, I don't like Hordak, but I wouldn't leave a slime-crawler to your brand of mercy." — "She-Ra"

"This black snow not only looks bad, it smells bad, too." — "She-Ra"

"The rain has rusted the robots." — "She-Ra"

"All right, let's go see this tiny, but biggest, wonderful, super secret special surprise." — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "I lost... for the first time, I lost." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "I lost... for the first time, I lost." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

She-Ra Quotes by Princess Adora

"Adora: I won't be controlled. I am not a piece of their machine. I am not a weapon. And I am going to end. This. NOW!" — "She-Ra"


"Adora: I am Adora, He-Man's twin sister, and defender of the Crystal Castle. This is Spirit, my beloved steed. Fabulous secrets were revealed to me the day I held aloft my sword and said "For the honor of Greyskull!". I am She-Ra! / [Adora transforms into She-Ra and transforms Spirit into Swift Wind] / She-Ra: Only a few others share this secret. Among them are Light Hope, Madame Razz, and Kowl. Together me and my friends of the Great Rebellion try to defend Etheria from the evil forces of Hordak." — "She-Ra"

"Frosta: Thank you again for letting me stay over, Adora. / Princess Adora: My pleasure. It's too bad you can't stay longer. We could... [they are interrupted by Sprocker]." — "She-Ra"

"Adora: For the Honor of Grayskull! / [Adora becomes She-Ra] / She-Ra: I am She-Ra!" — "She-Ra"

"Princess Adora: The Horde is strong like the rock, but we are fragile like the flower. We will never be conquered, but like this flower, which found a way to grow and blossom in this rock, we will find a way to overcome the Horde. I promise you: one day, Etheria will be free." — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "All right, let's go see this tiny but biggest, wonderful, super secret special surprise." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "All right, let's go see this tiny but biggest, wonderful, super secret special surprise." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa


"Princess Adora: Making things big is something you're very good at, Orko. Go on, give it your best shot." — "She-Ra"

"Adora:...And then, Madame Razz said 'mire' instead of 'fire', and turned the whole camp into a swamp! [all laugh] / King Randor: This Madame Razz sounds a lot like our Orko! / Adora: Who's Orko? / Prince Adam: A little friend of ours from a dimension called Trolla. He's there now visiting his uncle, but he's due back soon. You'll like him, sis! / Adora: I can't wait to meet him! / King Randor: Just be careful if he offers to do a trick for you! / Cringer: Very careful! [more laughter]." — "She-Ra"

"Jarine: Monsters! There they are! / Adora: Yes Jarine, those are Horde monsters." — "She-Ra"

"Adora: Hey, Catra... / Catra: No. You can't do this. You can't come in and take this from me, now! / Adora: Woah, I knew this would get a rise out of you, but still. You really are obsessed. Aren't you, Kitten? / Double Trouble: Hahaha... You know, it took me a while, but I finally figured out your 'character'. / Catra: You try so hard to play the big, bad villain, but your heart's never been in it. Has it? / Catra: W-what do you- Stop. Stop it! / Catra: People have hurt you, haven't they? / Shadow Weaver: They didn't believe in you. / Hordak: They didn't trust you. / Adora: Didn't need you. Left you. / Double Trouble: But did you ever stop to think? Maybe, they're not the problem? / Scorpia: It's you. You drive them away, Wildcat. / Catra: Why are you doing this? / Double Trouble: It's for your own good, darling. We both know this was never what you really wanted. But, it was also a good distraction. Your army was ambushed on their way to a 'defenseless' Bright Moon. Your face right now is almost better than applause. Almost. / Catra: You... betrayed me. / Double Trouble: It's not personal, darling. You knew how this worked. The best way to survive is, 'always choose the winning side'. The rebels have some kind of ancient, super weapon. Any minute now, they're going to use it, and everything you've worked for will be destroyed. I'd really better be going before that happens. And, scene." — "She-Ra"


"Skeletor: And now, Princess, I must decide what to do with you. / Adora: Oooh! [pretends to pass out] / Beast Man: Huh, she's, she's fainted. / Skeletor: Hah! Just like a woman." — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "Princess Adora: Making things big is something you're very good at, Orko. Go on, give it your best shot." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "Princess Adora: Making things big is something you're very good at, Orko. Go on, give it your best shot." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"Madame Razz: Well what do you want us to do, Adora? / Princess Adora: Some fancy dive-bombing. / Madame Razz: Oh deary my, 'Fancy' is my middle name!" — "She-Ra"

"Princess Adora: What's going on here? / Sprag: Well, Madam is working on one of her magical breakfasts. So far, I'm still hungry." — "She-Ra"

"Adora: [after coming through the portal] I guess we'd better head for Whispering Woods, Spirit. / Adam: Can, eh, anybody give a prince a lift? / Adora: Adam? How, what? / Adam: Well, I thought I might give you a hand in getting the Rebelion off to a big start. Eh, I hope you don't mind? / Adora: Mind? I... [Spirit wynnies] What is it, Spirit? / Adora: [Seeing Hordak's ships flying overhead] I've never seen so many Flyers. / Adam: Something must be happening, something big. / Adora: We'd better get to Whispering Woods, fast! / Adam: I get ya. [holds aloft his magic sword] By The Power of Grayskull. [the transformation starts] / Adora: [raises her own sword] For The Honor of Grayskull. / She-Ra:[Adora transforms] I am She-Ra! / He-Man: [Adam has also completed his transformation] I have the power!" — "She-Ra"


She-Ra Quotes in Dialogue with Her Allies and Opponents

"Spirit: She-Ra! You're back. You were gone so long, it seemed like forever. / She-Ra: Oh, not quite forever, Spirit, just a thousand years. / Spirit: A what? / She-Ra: It's a long story, Spirit, a long story. [laughs]." — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra: Let's get Modulok before he uses another one of his toys. / Modulok: [inside the Weather Wheel] I'm not through yet! Ah, a hurricane wind will blow you out of here!" — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "Princess Adora: What's going on here? / Sprag: Well, Madam is working on one of her magical breakfasts. So far, I'm still hungry." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "Princess Adora: What's going on here? / Sprag: Well, Madam is working on one of her magical breakfasts. So far, I'm still hungry." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"Bow: So, Hordak's gone. We've won! / She-Ra: No, we haven't. Hordak's taken Flutterina." — "She-Ra"

"Granamyr: You... know me? / She-Ra: We've never met, but I've heard of you from He-Man, Orko, King Randor, Man-At-Arms. / Granamyr: I do not know any King Randor. Or Man-At-Arms, or anything called an Orko." — "She-Ra"


"Catra:[having aimed the Eclipse Beam at Castle Bright Moon] Not even all your powers, She-Ra can stop it in time! / She-Ra: You were never very good at telling the future, Catra." — "She-Ra"

"Shadow Weaver: [cackles] Nothing can break my spell, muscle-brain! / She-Ra: [weakly] Nothing except the power of good. It's always stronger than evil." — "She-Ra"

"He-Man: Orko, this is my sister She-Ra. She-Ra, Orko. / Orko: Gah-gah-gosh, you're, you're, you're gorgeous! / She-Ra: Why thank you, Orko. A compliment like that deserves a hello kiss." — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "Bow: So, Hordak's gone. We've won! / She-Ra: No, we haven't. Hordak's taken Flutterina." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "Bow: So, Hordak's gone. We've won! / She-Ra: No, we haven't. Hordak's taken Flutterina." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa


"Shadow Weaver: You may have won this time, She-Ra, but as Adora can tell you: nothing defeats the Horde. We will win, in the end! / She-Ra: You're wrong, Shadow Weaver. In the end, goodness always will win over evil." — "She-Ra"

"Sea Hawk: Wait, where's Adora? / She-Ra: Come on, Hawk. The ship is about to explode. I'm sure Adora's safe. / Sea Hawk: No, she must be somewhere on the ship, I've got to find her." — "She-Ra"

"He-Man: Farewell She-Ra Princess of power. / She-Ra: Farewell He-Man dear brother." — "She-Ra"

"She-Ra's" quote: "Shadow Weaver: [cackles] Nothing can break my spell, muscle-brain! / She-Ra: [weakly] Nothing except the power of good. It's always stronger than evil." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

"She-Ra's" quote: "Shadow Weaver: [cackles] Nothing can break my spell, muscle-brain! / She-Ra: [weakly] Nothing except the power of good. It's always stronger than evil." | Source: Facebook.com/DreamWorksSheRa

Despite some significant changes made in the 2018 reboot of "She-Ra," several things have remained unchanged from the original series. Both versions of "She-Ra" feature the same basic premise, which revolves around Adora, a young woman who discovers that she has the power to transform into the warrior She-Ra and leads a rebellion against the evil Horde.

Both versions of "She-Ra" strongly emphasize the power of friendship. They also explore themes of self-discovery, bravery, and standing up against oppression. The show continues exploring important themes and features memorable characters while introducing new ideas and updated perspectives. Read these quotes to learn how to stand up for yourself.



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