The sun.│Source: Unsplash
The sun.│Source: Unsplash

Summer Zodiac Signs: Learn about the Good, the Bad and the Famous

Dayna Remus
Jun 20, 2023
11:30 A.M.

For many in the Northern Hemisphere, summer is around the corner, and the skies are clearing up. Why not take this opportunity to look at the clear night skies and listen to what they tell us about the summer star signs?


There are three summer star signs. The first is the emotional Cancer, which is situated in the summer months of the end of June toward the end of July. The second is the proud Leo; those born under this star sign made their way into this world near the end of July until the end of August.

Lastly, we have Virgo, the Virgin. Virgo babies were born between August 23 and September 22. Find out more about the positive and negative aspects of these signs below, plus find out which of your favorite celebrities are summer sun signs.

Sunglasses on the beach. │ Source: Unsplash

Sunglasses on the beach. │ Source: Unsplash

Cancer: Intuitive but Moody

On one side of the spectrum, Cancer is highly intuitive, has a fantastic imagination, and does not give up. They are the mother of the group and a safe space to go to when you need a home-cooked meal or someone to lend an ear.


However, this attunement with themselves has a flipside, as they can become emotionally volatile and clingy with those they love. If they become too overwhelmed by their emotions, they may isolate themselves in an attempt to regulate - the adage of a crab going into its shell.

Let's hope during these summer months that our crab friend makes their way out of their shell and into the sun, where they can picnic in the park with friends or bathe in the sun while reading their favorite book.

Crab on the beach. │ Source: Unsplash

Crab on the beach. │ Source: Unsplash

Some celebrities born under this sign include Lana Del Rey, Selena Gomez, Elizabeth Warren, Margot Robbie, and Priyanka Chopra.

Leo: Powerful but Prideful


Since their ruling planet is the sun, it's no surprise that Leo is a summer sign. These signs are powerhouses. They are leaders from birth, brave, consistent, stable, playful, powerful, and loyal to a fault. Their determination knows no bounds, and they are full of humor and cheer. This sign is also charming, creative, and never thinks twice about sharing with others.

That all being said, Leo's strong and loud personality can quickly inch over into diva territory, where their ego and pride can become fragile, and they can fall into states of jealousy, arrogance, and self-centeredness. This is especially so when they feel the limelight may be moving away from them.

A woman. │ Source: Unsplash

A woman. │ Source: Unsplash

If Leo is going to get up to anything this summer, it's going to numerous pool parties where they will be the center of attention without even trying.


Some Leo celebrities that are always in the limelight include Helen Mirren, Mick Jagger, Madonna, and Jennifer Lawrence.

Virgo: Hardworking but Has Too Many High Standards

Virgos are pragmatic, diligent, and extremely hardworking, with a talent for attention to detail. Outside their work, they are kind, elegant, witty, and loyal to those they love.

A woman walking in front of a yellow background. │Source: Unsplash

A woman walking in front of a yellow background. │Source: Unsplash

Sadly, they may not always get to spend time with those they love because they are too busy working and not giving themselves any rest. On top of that, they push their high standards onto themselves and onto their loved ones, creating inner and outer conflict and uneasiness.


They struggle to go with the flow and give themselves and others a break, but the summer is the perfect time of year to practice. Let's pull our Virgo companions away from their studies, work, and laptops and out into the sun for a relaxing day.

Some industrious Virgos include Zendaya, Blake Lively, Keanu Reeves, Idris Elba, and Cameron Diaz.

An individual typing on their laptop.│Source: Unsplash

An individual typing on their laptop.│Source: Unsplash

We all have strengths and weaknesses, and usually, they are intertwined. For example, Cancer's emotional depth lends itself to the sign's moodiness, and Leo's confidence and charm run the risk of tip-toeing over into egoism and arrogance. Lastly, Virgo's admirable work ethic can become something that harms rather than helps if they don't learn to take breaks and be less demanding on themselves.

Whatever your sign may be, summer or not, it's good to self-reflect and find out where your strengths and weaknesses are, where they intersect, and ensure that you channel those aspects of yourself into the right places.



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