Ray Barone's quote, "Laughter Is the best medicine, right? I'm keeping it loose, keeping it light." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow
Ray Barone's quote, "Laughter Is the best medicine, right? I'm keeping it loose, keeping it light." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

43 'Everybody Loves Raymond' Quotes — One of the Best Sitcom Series of All Time

Milla Sigaba
Aug 10, 2023
09:00 A.M.
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"Everybody Loves Raymond" is fondly remembered for being comedic gold and adding a humorous spin to the mundane of family life. From the young to the old, the series had a host of one-line jokes and just as funny quotes for everyone.


"Everybody Loves Raymond" centers around the life of Raymond Barone, a sportswriter trying to juggle it all, including a budding career and a time-consuming home life with a family that might have been a little too close.

However, between the main character's witty parents and his hilarious wife, viewers could not get enough of the former CBS show. So sit back, relax, and enjoy these 43 "Everybody Loves Raymond" quotes for old times' sake.

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "Ray: You can't create fate cause then it's not fate; it's voodoo." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "Ray: You can't create fate cause then it's not fate; it's voodoo." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

'Everybody Loves Raymond' Famous Quotes from Ray Barone

"Laughter's the best medicine, right? I'm keeping it loose, keeping it light."Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"


"Debra, calm down. You're reacting to missing squash like the time we left Ally at the mall!"Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"I wish I were Einstein 'cause then I'd invent a time machine and go back to when you were nice." Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Okay, the meatballs are not exactly like my mother's, but I am saying to you: We have a house...we have a car...our student loans are paid off. You should be able to sleep!"Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"You can't create fate cause then it's not fate; it's voodoo." Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"In many countries, people eat cats."Frank Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"(trying to seem manly to Debra) Let's try and get it spot free. This isn't like at home where I let that stuff slide."Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"So God made us smart enough to know there's an answer, but not smart enough to figure it out?"Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "This is Debra, the little lady. I don't mean little in a size way or that she doesn't matter. She's my lady. She's my great big lady." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "This is Debra, the little lady. I don't mean little in a size way or that she doesn't matter. She's my lady. She's my great big lady." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow


"(into the phone) Oh, and honey?... I love you... yeah, get used to it; I'm gonna be saying it all the time... oka... now give the phone to Mommy." Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Robert: So, Debra's parents are coming over?

Ray: Yeah, they don't come around much anymore, so we want to spend as much time as possible with them.

(Robert stares at him, not buying it)

Ray: I've been told that's how I feel." — "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Hold the ho's, I want to talk to you for a minute." Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Ray: Let's see, when I proposed, you were 23. You said no.

Debra: Right.

Ray: Then I proposed; you were 24

BOTH: No, again.

Ray: Right, then I took a year off to regroup, then I came back with a job; BOOM, married. That would make you 32----ish." "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "I can't compete with your mother's turkey Ray; the woman has giblets in her blood!" | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "I can't compete with your mother's turkey Ray; the woman has giblets in her blood!" | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow


"Robert: I'm a freak!

Ray: You're super freaky!" "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Guilt! That means love! I had to come home and confess!"Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"This is Debra, the little lady. I don't mean little in a size way or that she doesn't matter. She's my lady. She's my great big lady."Ray Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

Memorable Quotes from Debra Barone

"Mommy is just wrestling daddy."Debra Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Debra: Honey, show Daddy what you drew.

Ray: That's okay; I can figure it out.

(Ally hands Ray a drawing)

Ray: Um, let's see. A big wall of red?

Ally: No.

Debra: Ally told me that was a picture of you in hell."Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Ray: You know, I read somewhere where, the happiest marriages are the ones where the man is smarter.


Debra: Oh, guess who wrote that...""Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Ray: Time to leave, Dad. Buckle up... What're you doing?

Frank: I'm sucking the youth!


Debra: The twins' heads smell like Old Spice. Your dad was here. Sucking the youth." "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"I can't compete with your mother's turkey Ray; the woman has giblets in her blood!"Debra Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "Frank: You were always grabbin' at me! Marie: I was pregnant with a 14-pound baby! I needed help getting up!" | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "Frank: You were always grabbin' at me! Marie: I was pregnant with a 14-pound baby! I needed help getting up!" | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

Everyone Loves Raymond Quotes from Iconic Moments


"Debra: I love you

Ray: ...And I you

(Debra walks off)

Ray: Debra! DEBRA!

Ali: (as Marlon Brando) STELLA!""Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Debra: Oh, nothing at all, except Ray was just about to tell Ally the truth about Santa Claus.

Marie: You what?!?!

Ray: NO, I didn't tell her.

Marie: My own son, an atheist?!?!" "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"There's more fruit?" Marie Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Marie: (after seeing Ray and Robert hug each other) Your sons are hugging.

Frank: I'll get the hose." "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Frank: You were always grabbin' at me!

Marie: I was pregnant with a 14-pound baby! I needed help getting up!" — "Everybody Loves Raymond"


"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "I can't talk; there's too much fruit in the house." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "I can't talk; there's too much fruit in the house." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Robert: When did he get this?

Marie: Oh, that's an award your brother got for his sports column.

Robert: Never ends for Raymond...

Marie: Oh, poor Robbie." "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"The movies? Some people get to live it up."Marie Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"He hates it when I cry. It reminds him of our wedding night."Marie Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"I can't talk; there's too much fruit in the house."— Marie Barone, Everybody Loves Raymond


"Marie: I've got baking soda! I smelled something questionable in the fridge.

Ray: From across the street?

Marie: No, when I was here yesterday. Oh, It's worse!" "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "Frank: (talking to Marie and Robert) This love stuff....we never mention it again." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "Frank: (talking to Marie and Robert) This love stuff....we never mention it again." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Frank: (talking to Marie and Robert) This love stuff....we never mention it again." Frank Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Ray: Listen, Dad, when was the last time you said I love you to someone?

Frank: What? Do you live in a freaking fairyland?""Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, my wife thinks I'm in the bathroom."Frank Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Marie: Don't move! I'm coming right down!

Frank: I'm in enough pain!""Everybody Loves Raymond"

"You want to know the meaning of life? You're born, you go to school, you go to work, you die."Frank Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "It's the celery that makes 'tuna salad' tuna salad. What you gave me was tuna slop!" | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "It's the celery that makes 'tuna salad' tuna salad. What you gave me was tuna slop!" | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"I've got the complete works of Arnold Schwarzenegger, except the one where he gets pregnant."Frank Barone, Everybody Loves Raymond

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Peaches."Frank Barone, Everybody Loves Raymond

"Oh, where are you throwing that ball?! Come on! Have an idea out there!"Frank Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"


"It's the celery that makes 'tuna salad' tuna salad. What you gave me was tuna slop!"Frank Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Marie: Oooh, all of a sudden, you have scruples.

Frank: I have scruples, Marie. I've got scruples the size of basketballs."Frank Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "You know that shampoo that says 'no more tears' on the bottle? There's tears." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "You know that shampoo that says 'no more tears' on the bottle? There's tears." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"You know that shampoo that says 'no more tears' on the bottle? There's tears."Robert Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"So everybody has to do what Raymond wants, right? New sheets for Raymond! Brownies for Raymond!"Robert Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"

"Everybody loves Raymond. I go to work, people shoot at me, Ray goes to work, and people do the wave. Then he sits down, has a hotdog, doodles on a piece of paper, and they give him a trophy."Robert Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond"


"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "Everybody loves Raymond. I go to work, people shoot at me, Ray goes to work, and people do the wave. Then he sits down, has a hotdog, doodles on a piece of paper, and they give him a trophy." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

"Everybody Loves Raymond" quote, "Everybody loves Raymond. I go to work, people shoot at me, Ray goes to work, and people do the wave. Then he sits down, has a hotdog, doodles on a piece of paper, and they give him a trophy." | Source: Facebook/EverybodyLovesRaymondTVShow

It's hard to believe it's been nearly ten years since "Everybody Hates Raymond"—starring Ray Romano—graced our screens. However, the family show certainly left its footprints in the sand when it comes to feel-good shows.

The show's cast nailed their heartfelt portrayal of the not-always-so-easy process of maintaining relationships with their family, something viewers could resonate with, thus cementing its status as one of the most beloved sitcoms.



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