A photo of Danni Sanders with her quote: "Have you ever wanted to be noticed so badly, you didn't even care what it was for?" | Source: Facebook.com/NotOkayFilm
A photo of Danni Sanders with her quote: "Have you ever wanted to be noticed so badly, you didn't even care what it was for?" | Source: Facebook.com/NotOkayFilm

23 'Not Ok' Quotes that Make You Facepalm, Cringe, and Chuckle

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Jul 26, 2023
01:00 P.M.

"Not Okay" (also read as Not Ok) is a film that highlights the risks of social media and the consequences for fame-seekers. Read these 23 poignant quotes, which are stark reminders for those pursuing online fame through questionable means.


Released on Hulu in 2022, the film "Not Okay" chronicles the story of an ambitious young woman named Danni Sanders, who gains fame and followers by pretending to be a survivor of a deadly attack.

However, she soon discovers that her online recognition comes at a terrible price. The film boasts a rich array of captivating and unique characters, each contributing unforgettable lines that add to the unfolding chaos.

With remarkable diversity, Danni and the characters she encounters in this movie effectively reveal their personalities and distinguish them from their counterparts. Here are 23 quotes to ponder and learn from.

Danni Sanders' quote: "I wanna have purpose. I wanna be known. I wanna be loved. I wanna matter." | Source: AmoDays

Danni Sanders' quote: "I wanna have purpose. I wanna be known. I wanna be loved. I wanna matter." | Source: AmoDays

Unforgettable Quotes from 'Not Okay' Characters


"We might not have ever had another Christmas together." — Harold Sanders, "Not Okay"

"How are you ever gonna be able to get another job? Or find a husband? Or get approved by a co-op board?" — Judith Sanders, "Not Okay"

"And I'm so sorry I was ever gonna fire you." — Susan, "Not Okay"

"Your life doesn't end. Okay?" — Charles, "Not Okay"

"It's Kelvin. It's like the base unit of thermodynamic temperature." — Kelvin, "Not Okay"

Susan's quote: "That's because you're not a writer. You're a photo editor. One who's very late on their deadlines. Deadlines that should take priority over personal goals." | Source: AmoDays

Susan's quote: "That's because you're not a writer. You're a photo editor. One who's very late on their deadlines. Deadlines that should take priority over personal goals." | Source: AmoDays

"Okay. Cool, Harper. Great. We all know information about each other." — Colin, "Not Okay"


"That is how I write. You have to attack it." — Rowan Aldren, "Not Okay"

"I wanna have purpose. I wanna be known. I wanna be loved. I wanna matter." — Danni Sanders, "Not Okay"

"I feel so weak. And if I'm weak, then that just weakens what I stand for." — Rowan Aldren, "Not Okay"

Quotes from 'Not Ok' Film That Paints Danni Sanders an Insensitive Woman

"Danni: What's happening tonight?

Larson: We're going queer bowling.

Danni: Yas Queen! Slay! You know me, I'll just drink tequila in my home alone until I pass out and call my old best friend from high school or something." — "Not Okay"

Danni Sanders' quote: "Be careful what you wish for." | Source: AmoDays

Danni Sanders' quote: "Be careful what you wish for." | Source: AmoDays


"Danni: Is this queer bowling night only for LGBTs?

Larson: Yeah. Yeah.

Danni: OK.

Danni: [laughs] You know, I made out with a girl at an NYU party one night, so I might be Bi!

Harper: [chuckles] Not with those nails.

Danni: What's wrong with my nails? Just wishful thinking, I guess. You guys are so lucky. You have your own community, a parade. You have your own bowling night...

Larson: Yeah. Being minority is great.

Danni: Right? Well, have fun!


Harper: [to Larson] I hate straight people." — "Not Okay"

Harper's quote: "So what? You thought this was better than admitting that you lied in a couple of Instagram stories?" | Source: AmoDays

Harper's quote: "So what? You thought this was better than admitting that you lied in a couple of Instagram stories?" | Source: AmoDays


"Susan: In general, we try to avoid any FOMO about 911.

Danni: Did you read that article in The Cut? It talked about how it was the most single, formative experience for Zillenials. And since I wasn't there, I didn't get to share that bond with my peers. You know, like I didn't even know anyone who died.

Susan: OK, and you don't think it comes off as a little tone-deaf? Offensive, even?

Danni: Can't tone-deaf be like a brand, though?

Susan: Oh no...

Danni: Isn't that what Lena Dunham does?

Susan: You don't wanna be like Lena Dunham.

Danni: I don't think you take me seriously as a writer.

Susan: That's because you're not a writer. You're a photo editor. One who's very late on their deadlines. Deadlines that should take priority over personal goals.

Danni: I've just been having difficulty focusing lately...

Susan: [exasperated] And I've been having difficulty ending this conversation! And we're done." — "Not Okay"


Judith Sanders' quote: "How are you ever gonna be able to get another job? Or find a husband? Or get approved by a co-op board?" | Source: AmoDays

Judith Sanders' quote: "How are you ever gonna be able to get another job? Or find a husband? Or get approved by a co-op board?" | Source: AmoDays

"Colin: I'll see you later!

Danni: No you won't!

Colin: [to Harper] Am I right? She still got that backside on her, though. Still got that Thicky. That fatty, right?

Harper: [stone-faced] Colin, you're from Maine." — "Not Okay"

Intense and Dramatic Quotes of Danni and Harper in 'Not Ok'

"Remember your first day back at work? You talked about how sunny and clear it was before the bombings? Well, I remember reading it was raining right before the attacks. That's weird, right? But I thought, Hey, you know what? She's confused, she's been through a lot. It happens. But then at your party, you know, the one for your brilliant article? You said you went and toured Notre Dame. Which I found odd considering that it's been closed to the public since half of it burned down." — Harper to Danni, "Not Okay"


"You know what? Because I didn't like you. I never trusted you. The way you acted when you came back from Paris was sus as hell. And yeah, I was probably jealous that you got an office. But you know what I didn't do? Lie about being in a terrorist attack to get one for myself! — Harper to Danni, "Not Okay"

"So I decided to look up this retreat, Esprit Nouveau. Which other than one website, doesn't really seem to exist. And when I googled all the names on the list, not a single one turned up anything on writing, except yours. My God, does nobody fact-check anything anymore?" — Harper, "Not Okay"

"So what? You thought this was better than admitting that you lied in a couple of Instagram stories?" — Harper, "Not Okay"

Danni Sanders' quote: "What's wrong with my nails? Just wishful thinking, I guess. You guys are so lucky. You have your own community, a parade. You have your own bowling night…" | Source: AmoDays

Danni Sanders' quote: "What's wrong with my nails? Just wishful thinking, I guess. You guys are so lucky. You have your own community, a parade. You have your own bowling night…" | Source: AmoDays

"I'm gonna give you two options, here. You can either wait for me to write an article exposing you, which would be really good for my career, or I will give you the opportunity to tell everyone yourself." — Harper, "Not Okay

"I don't know, I don't know, I just - Harper, I'm a different person now. Please, please, what do you want? Do you want money? I can find you money. My parents have a lot of connections. OK? My mom can get you into Solo House, the one in Malibu." — Danni Sanders, "Not Okay"

Rowan Aldren's quote: "I feel so weak. And if I'm weak, then that just weakens what I stand for." | Source: AmoDays

Rowan Aldren's quote: "I feel so weak. And if I'm weak, then that just weakens what I stand for." | Source: AmoDays

"I don't think that I like myself very much. I don't think that I ever have. Like, my life before this, was so easy. No one stared at me in the street. No one doxxed me on Twitter...Which is why I lied. And now, now I hate myself so much more than I did before." — Danni Sanders, "Not Okay"


"Be careful what you wish for." — Danni Sanders, "Not Okay"

"Have you ever wanted to be noticed so badly, you didn't even care what it was for?" — Danni Sanders, "Not Okay"

Harold Sanders' quote: "We might not have ever had another Christmas together." | Source: AmoDays

Harold Sanders' quote: "We might not have ever had another Christmas together." | Source: AmoDays

Ultimately, "Not Okay" prompts the audience to reflect on the consequences of seeking fame dishonestly and the importance of accountability in today's social media-driven society. Actors Zoey Deutsch, Dylan O'Brien, and Nadia Alexander are the film's lead stars.

In the film, Danni's actions mirror some celebrities, like Chris Pratt, Machine Gun Kelly, Demi Lovato, and Wendy Williams, who have faced criticism after experiencing embarrassing or cringe-worthy moments in public.

One celebrity who truly stands out is reality star Scott Disick, known for his unfiltered quotes. He stands out among other celebrities in this regard because his words frequently elicit strong reactions from fans.



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