Wednesday's quote: "The only thing that scares me is being forgotten." | Source: Youtube.com/AmericanGodsIntl
Wednesday's quote: "The only thing that scares me is being forgotten." | Source: Youtube.com/AmericanGodsIntl

29 'American Gods' Quotes from the Brilliant Series on Modern Mythology

Gaone Pule
Aug 04, 2023
01:00 P.M.

"American Gods" characters are full of wisdom and are magnificent in their gifted ways. The show explores the world of believers and non-believers, including those unsuspecting in their evil ways leading to some interesting dialogue.


"American Gods" is a fantasy drama series following Shadow Moon, who gets a job as a guard for Mr. Wednesday. Wednesday is the God Odin in disguise.

Once Shadow realizes what he has gotten himself into, he has to find a way to adjust and figure out his place in the world that he is living in. His interactions with Wednesday including other characters deliver some thought-provoking dialogue. Here are 29 "American Gods" quotes that will stimulate your mind.

Shadow's quote: "Gods only give gifts when they get something in return." | Source: Amodays

Shadow's quote: "Gods only give gifts when they get something in return." | Source: Amodays

American Gods Quotes from Shadow

"There was only one guy in the whole Bible Jesus ever personally promised a place with him in Paradise. Not Peter, not Paul, not any of those guys. He was a convicted thief, being executed. So don’t knock the guys on death row. Maybe they know something you don’t." — Shadow Moon


"Shadow: I didn't have anyone I could talk to; you have me.

Cordelia: And you are what, exactly?

Shadow: I don't know. The jury's still out now." — "American Gods"

"Gods only give gifts when they get something in return." — Shadow

"Lakeside is still in America, right?" — Shadow

"I’ve crossed enough paths to know that one in four people are rock stupid. Even the smart ones believe in delusions, whether it’s gods or ghosts." — Shadow Moon

"Laura: OK. So, are you saying you're a god now?

Shadow: I'm saying I have a destiny, and I need to follow it wherever it takes me." — "American Gods"

Wednesday's quote: "A favor followed by a lecture is not a favor at all." | Source: Amodays

Wednesday's quote: "A favor followed by a lecture is not a favor at all." | Source: Amodays


American Gods Quotes from Wednesday

"Neutral in the face of injustice is on the side of the oppressor." — Wednesday

"Believing is seeing. Gods are real if you believe in them." — Wednesday

"Shadow: Oh, please tell me death isn't being on a plane with you.

Wednesday: Well, technically, we are somewhere in between." — "American Gods"

"Great battles require great preparations" — Wednesday

"So, over the centuries, people in other countries felt called to places of power. They knew there was an energy there, a focus point, a channel, a window to the imminent, and they built churches, cathedrals, or they’d erect a stone circle. Well, you get the idea." — Wednesday

"A favor followed by a lecture is not a favor at all." — Wednesday

"The only thing that scares me is being forgotten. I can survive most things, but not that." — Wednesday

Bilquis' quote: "You invited the Old Gods to the party. I was old in the desert before they sacrificed the first horse to you. I will be heard." | Source: Amodays

Bilquis' quote: "You invited the Old Gods to the party. I was old in the desert before they sacrificed the first horse to you. I will be heard." | Source: Amodays


American Gods Quotes from Mr. World, Bilquis, and Other Characters

"Tell the believers and the non-believers. Tell them we’ve taken the spring. They can have it back when they pray for it." — Mr World

"There is nothing like a knife in the back for close-up efficiency" — Mr. World

"Your gods see you as a traitor, complicit in the death of their kin. And you shun the gods of progress. So I wonder if you don’t choose a side, will you be trampled by both?" — Mr World

"Then I have to put the fear of me into some old gods. Let them feel shock and awe. Pain and grief. Let them know what real sacrifice feels like." — World

"You invited the Old Gods to the party. I was old in the desert before they sacrificed the first horse to you. I will be heard." — Bilquis

Bilquis' quote: "Love and war may sit on opposite sides of a coin but only so they may never meet." | Source: Amodays

Bilquis' quote: "Love and war may sit on opposite sides of a coin but only so they may never meet." | Source: Amodays


"A word of advice. The journey of spiritual awakening is better with french fries." — Bilquis

"People populate the darkness; with ghosts, with gods, with electrons, with tales. People imagine and people believe: and it is that belief, that rock-solid belief, that makes things happen." — Bilquis

"War tears lovers asunder" — Bilquis

"Love and war may sit on opposite sides of a coin but only so they may never meet." — Bilquis

"Shadow: What are you?

Tyr: I am a god of justice, bringing divine retribution down upon your father." — "American Gods"

Zorya's quote: "Family is who survive with when you need to survive." | Source: Amodays

Zorya's quote: "Family is who survive with when you need to survive." | Source: Amodays


"Just because someone wrote it in a book, it doesn't mean it is true." — Laura

"The advantage of love at first sight is it doesn't require a second look." — Mr. Ibis

"Shadow: You deserve the truth.

"Family is who you survive with when you need to survive." — Zorya

"It’s all imaginary anyway. That’s why it’s important. People only fight over imaginary things.” — Mr. Nancy

"Mad Sweeney: You’re walking on gallows ground, and there’s a rope around your neck and a raven bird on each shoulder waiting for your eyes, and the gallows tree has deep roots, for it stretches from heaven to hell, and our world is only the branch from which the rope is swinging." — Mad Sweeney

Wednesday's quote: "Believing is seeing. Gods are real if you believe in them." | Source: Amodays

Wednesday's quote: "Believing is seeing. Gods are real if you believe in them." | Source: Amodays


Wednesday believes people create gods once they become curious about why things happen around them. He also expressed that they must be good to their gods if they want only good things to happen.

However, Shadow begs to differ. He believes that gods are evil and that they only make good things happen after taking something in return – which Wednesday believes is a fair trade.

Ricky Whittle plays Shadow in "American Gods," which also stars Ian McShane (Mr. Wednesday), Crispin Glover (Mr. World) Orlando Jones (Mr. Nancy).

If you enjoyed reading quotes from this fantasy television show, read more from the same genre film on "30 Bridge to Terabithua Quotes."



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