Two woman with tattoos and leaf crowns. | Source: Unsplash
Two woman with tattoos and leaf crowns. | Source: Unsplash

When Will Gemini Meet Their Soulmate? A Guide to Their Romantic Conundrums

Dayna Remus
Aug 04, 2023
05:00 P.M.
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Many of us sit on our couches surrounded by cats for years, waiting for our soulmates to come by and sweep us off our feet. The Gemini is lucky because they don't have to wait too long. But, unlike the rest of us, they may dart off before anyone can attempt to sweep anything.


Geminis are inquisitive individuals who don't like to be tied down. Any sign that their freedom and independence are threatened will leave them running for the hills.

This means that no matter at what age the Gemini meets their true love, there may be hesitancy. This hesitancy is even stronger when they are young, as their knowledge of the world and love is limited. Secondly, as they are young, their natural tendency to want ultimate freedom is even more intense.

A woman dancing at a festival. | Source: Unsplash

A woman dancing at a festival. | Source: Unsplash

Nineteen and Too Young to Notice or Care

That said, the Gemini is likely to meet their soulmate at a young age, specifically at 19 years old, but won't commit to them just yet. There are many reasons for this.


Curiosity: Because they are so curious and their mind so busy, it will cloud the heart as they take in all the world has to offer. This busy-body will be too busy learning and exploring to notice their soulmate standing right in front of them.

However, one day when they have calmed down as much as a Gemini can calm down, they will look at the individual who has been on all these adventures with them and be shocked that they didn't realize it before.

A misunderstanding of love: As they are lighthearted beings, their idea of love is likely linked to infatuation, playfulness, and flirtation. They may even run away from more profound and mature connections as stepping outside their intellectual world and into deep emotional spaces may be scary. Geminis also naturally like to play the field with multiple partners. The idea of settling down with one individual will, for a long time, seem absurd to them.

A man and woman flirting. | Source: Pexels

A man and woman flirting. | Source: Pexels


Fear of losing their freedom: Geminis sometimes equate love and having one partner as losing their liberty. They may even recognize their strong feelings for this person and push them away for fear of being suffocated or dependent on someone else.

When Will Gemini Settle Down?

Love and freedom: While this is based on many factors, the Gemini will likely commit to their soulmate around thirty. At this point, they may have matured and realized that love does not equal a loss of freedom if done right. What it does mean is sharing that independence with someone; exploring places, people, and ideas with their beloved will be an act of love in and of itself.

A man and woman laughing together. | Source: Unsplash

A man and woman laughing together. | Source: Unsplash


Friends to lovers: Beyond this, the commitment may come from their fear of losing this person. The Gemini most likely remained friends with this person throughout the years. There is even a chance they could have been best friends. The friends-to-lovers trope works best for the twins' love story. Throughout these many years, there may have been one or two incidents, such as a kiss, or more, that made it clear that there were more than platonic feelings between the two, but the Gemini was just not ready.

Fear of losing their soulmate: Most likely, their soulmate, unless they were another commitment-phobe such as the adventurous Sagittarius, would be more aware of these shared feelings or more ready to settle down. They may have even waited for the Gemini due to their deep love for them. However, they will eventually decide to give up or move on, leaving Gemini heartbroken. Cut to: You find the usually detached Gemini interrupting a wedding to declare their undying love.

Newlyweds running together.  | Source: Pexels

Newlyweds running together. | Source: Pexels

Let's try to avoid crashing weddings. You are a natural heartbreaker, but ruining someone's wedding day because you were too scared to admit your feelings is unfair. Letting someone move on just to pop out of the blue and beg them to return to you is unfair.

Your free-spirited nature is endearing; at some level, you need time to explore as a single individual. However, don't leave it too long, as there is always the chance that you'll be too late.

The Gemini is likely to settle down with air signs, most likely the free-spirited and eccentric Aquarius, but their second option can also be sun signs. Let's look deeper into this by reading: Gemini Woman and Aries Man: Exploring Their Compatibility.



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