Signs a Virgo Woman Is Falling for You: The Perfectionist Lets Go at Last
If they fall in love with you, the Virgo woman will make you feel as if you are royalty. From cooking, cleaning, and being attentive to your every word, if there is anyone you want to capture your heart, it's this loving and nurturing star sign.
Virgo (August 23rd-September 22nd) women are intellectual, detail-orientated, nurturing, and organized. These traits are reflected in the way she behaves around someone she has fallen in love with.
But, beyond this perfection is a more relaxed and emotional version of this star sign. Once this comes out, it's over; the Virgo woman has officially fallen and can't stop the beating in her chest, no matter how clear her rational thinking.

A woman holding a shining heart. | Source: Unsplash
Extensive Conversations
If a Virgo woman likes you, she will engage in long conversations with you. This will be consistent and intellectual.
She will also likely try to get to know you on a deeper level as well because, although her feelings may be strong, Virgo is logical and will want to ensure that you are a good partner and person beyond just her romantic inclinations.
Pays Attention to the Little Things
The Virgo woman is a detail-orientated person, so it's only natural that she would remember the small aspects of the individual she is falling in love with.
She may, for example, get you a book you mentioned in passing. She will remember how many spoons of sugar you have in your coffee and become aware of your micro-expressions, being able to read you at the drop of a hat.
She Nurtures You
Virgos love to nurture those they love. The star sign may begin cooking and cleaning for you and start organizing your office, fridge, drawers, and everything she can get her hands on.

A woman cooking. | Source: Unsplash
So, don't be surprised if you come home to a delicious smell emanating from the kitchen and a spotless house.
She Fusses over You
Virgo women constantly worry and fuss over the people in their lives. She may text you throughout the day to ensure you take your medication, pack healthy lunches, and get rid of all the unhealthy foods in your fridge. The Virgo woman might even set reminders on your phone about your upcoming appointments.
This one can be pretty irritating, and sometimes it crosses a line, but remember that she is doing it out of a place of love.

Woman kissing man on cheek. | Source: Unsplash
She Slots You into Her Schedule
Virgo women are highly organized and intentional about their time. So, if she has made considerable time for you, you can rest assured that she has deliberately and with much thought decided to spend lengthy periods with you.
She Becomes Vulnerable & Lets Go
The Virgo woman will begin to open up in different ways. First, she will ask for your opinion about things as well as ask for your help. This is not something she often does and means she respects your opinion, which is rare. It is also a sign that this star sign is willing to lay her insecurities aside. Virgo women are perfectionists and always feel like they need to do more, so to ask for help is a big deal.
In that same vein, she will also begin to relax around you. These star signs are always pushing for the utmost excellence. They always want and feel as though they need to look and act immaculately. However, she has a more relaxed, unprepared side of her that she is willing to show if her heart is set on someone.
When she truly begins to open her heart, this is when her surprising emotional depth begins to show. Virgos are protective of themselves and tend to hold back, so it is a brave act and only special individuals get to see this side of her.
This act of opening up and becoming vulnerable is the most significant sign of a Virgo woman falling in love. It should be taken seriously, as this is when she can be heartbroken.

A woman laughing. | Source: Pexels
This star sign is one of the most incredible partners. They cook and clean, remember the little things, make conscious time for you, and are genuinely concerned about your well-being.
It's only fair, then, that you treat her with the same respect, and when she does open up to you, treat it as sacred and let her know how much it means to you that she is willing to take the leap and be vulnerable. Show her that her courage was worth it.
Find out more about this star sign possible candidates for love by reading: Virgo Woman and Aquarius Man: The Chemistry between Tradition and Freedom.