A happy couple. | Source: Unsplash
A happy couple. | Source: Unsplash

Taurus Woman and Virgo Man: A Match Made on Earth for Stable, Enduring Love

Dayna Remus
Sep 02, 2023
09:00 A.M.

The Taurus woman and Virgo man are a near-perfect couple that will live a sustainable, comfortable, and family-filled life together. While the bull's luxury-loving predisposition may irk Virgo's perfectionist tendencies, their enduring love will not let this get in the way.


There is very little that the Taurus woman and Virgo man will clash over. They make a beautiful earthly couple filled with natural harmony and the ability to plan the traditional life they want together.

Of course, their usual weaknesses come out in their ways: Virgo's (August 23 – September 22) perfectionism and Taurus's (April 20 – May 20) overindulgence. However, this is no challenge for this committed and determined couple who will build a foundation so strong that nothing can touch the strength of their bond.

Two individuals holding hands. | Source: Unsplash

Two individuals holding hands. | Source: Unsplash

Security, Practicality, and Financial Stability

These two have very similar baseline values. They are determined in their careers, working toward a life of financial sustainability, just one area where their pragmatic dispositions are evident. Because of this, this couple will get along naturally and won't turn to fighting over everyday living. Their relationship will be treated based on this value system: practical, slow, and comfortably growing.


The Taurus woman, however, also values physical intimacy. In this space, she feels safe and nurtured. Virgo is not naturally sensual, so she must communicate with her partner to overcome this roadblock. He may find he enjoys it more than he expected.

The two star signs are drawn toward diligence, planning, and regimen. They are traditional in their approach to romance, marriage, and children, which they both want for themselves and their prospective partners. If they meet someone and this individual doesn't want kids, they will likely end the relationship just out of pure practicality.

A couple. | Source: Unsplash

A couple. | Source: Unsplash

Soothing Anxiety

The Virgo man can be a highly anxious individual due to his perfectionism and the high standards he holds. If everything isn't perfect, he feels as though he has failed. He has colossal trouble relaxing and does not know how to be gentle or soothing with himself. Self-love is not Virgo's forte.


Luckily, their caring and nurturing partner, Taurus, can look after them and calm them down. The bull doesn't worry as much as her Virgo man. So, her naturally calm and comforting aura can help relax even the most wound-up of Virgos. More than that, Taurus, with her propensity toward taking time to relax, can show Virgo how it's done.

A man proposing to his partner. | Source: Unsplash

A man proposing to his partner. | Source: Unsplash

If the Virgo man can access that mutable part of himself, he can learn how to take some time to relax. Hyper-aware of his diet, Virgo may even take a leap of faith and eat some popcorn while he and his loving Taurus cuddle up and watch a movie together. In essence, this amazing Taurus woman is perfect for the Virgo man as the bull not only shares the same base values but can help the Virgo work on his weaknesses simultaneously.


The Virgo can also help the Taurus snap out of his comfort zone when needed. But the Virgo needs to be careful about how he does it. Taurus, by nature, do not like someone trying to pull them out of their secure space. It can be a jarring experience. More than that, Virgo tends to be nitpicky, which can hurt the more sensitive Taurus's feelings and perhaps even ignite their infamous stubbornness. The Virgo man should be wary of nitpicking, but the Taurus woman should also recognize when they may fall into the lazy territory.

A bride and groom. | Source: Unsplash

A bride and groom. | Source: Unsplash

If you walk into a Virgo man and Taurus woman's house, you will likely find it polished and minimalist, filled with wedding photos and pictures of their children. There will be hints of a perfect family and understated wealth, such as awards on the walls that their children won and unpretentious designer bags.

However, the slight stiffness in the air will be broken by a picture of the family having a food fight with cake and a ruffled-up blanket on the couch in front of a television, clearly used for a film night between the couple or the whole family unit.

These individuals are prosperous and happy, which may make you jealous. So, take notes of the secrets we revealed about the relationship between the Taurus woman and Virgo man.

Discover more about the Taurus's many suitors by reading Taurus Compatibility: Who May Enter This Bull's World of Love and Luxury.



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