60 'The Magicians' Quotes to Dive into the Fantasy of the Favorite Series
"The Magicians" explored a darker side of enchantments in the five seasons of the magical realism Syfy series. Read 60 "The Magicians" quotes that will make you believe in magic and much more.
Lev Grossman's fantastical world of Fillory in his "The Magicians" trilogy served as source material for the series of the same name that ran for five seasons.
In the first season, viewers are introduced to the universe of the Brakebills University for Magical Pedagogy through the eyes of best friends Quentin and Julia. While Quentin is accepted into the school to train as a magician, Julia's quest for magic puts her on a darker path.
Two significant changes from the text help distinguish the series in the fantasy genre. First, the two initial protagonists were aged-up from high school students heading to college to students looking to enter grad school.
With a more mature cast, the storywriters could take on darker themes. Secondly, one of the most exciting parts of the show became Julia's journey with the hedge witches, a plot point that was only mentioned in passing in the books.
Julia is a secondary character in the novels, going in and out of Quentin's life. Other characters were also fleshed out more for TV, leading the story to be told in later seasons through an ensemble of multi-dimensional characters.

Eliot’s quotes: "A golem of Margo. A Margolem." | Source: AmoDays
The Magicians – Eliot's Best Quotes
"Magic doesn't come from talent; it comes from pain." – Eliot
"You know what y"you learn when you're a High King? Screwing up is inevitable... It's infuriating, and it's heartbreaking." – Eliot
"Will you please help us choose a globe? Margo is chopping at the bid, and Josh is holding her off for as long as he can." – Eliot
"We're stuck in a game that keeps hitting reset. Infinite time, zero consequences, just you and me saving the world through unbridled hedonism." – Eliot
"A golem of Margo. A Margolem." – Eliot

Eliot’s quotes: "Since when are you Fillory Clinton?" | Source: AmoDays
"Funny little irony they don't tell you: Magic doesn't come from talent; it comes from pain." – Eliot
"Listen, I have a man in my head. He's looking for a body, and you have one that you don't even really want." – Eliot
"Since when are you Fillory Clinton?" – Eliot
"This isn't Middle Earth, Quentin. There aren't enough noble quests to go around." – Eliot
"Life ain't fair… Thinking that you can change anything, it's such a monumental act of ego." – Eliot

Eliot’s quotes: "I'm the High King of Fillory. I took a blood test." | Source: AmoDays
"My friends are here. They're rapturing everyone so we can destroy this planet – that we love, by the way, but we have to – to destroy you. You let us no choice, Seb." – Eliot
"What would Quentin Coldwater do?" – Eliot
"I'm the High King of Fillory. I took a blood test." – Eliot
"Q, c'mon, I love you, but you have to know that that's not me, and it's definitely not you, not when we have a choice." - Eliot
"Whatever it is, whatever you're feeling, you can…you can just tell me." – Eliot

Margo’s quotes: "I'm a king. Not a goddamned princess. A king. I'm still a king." | Source: AmoDays
Margo Iconic Quotes from the Magicians
"I need a free moment to rub one out in a hot bath before I... kill someone. That someone being you." – Margo
"A great way to get the things you want is to be so miserable that you don't want them anymore." – Margo
"I'm a king. Not a goddamned princess. A king. I'm still a king." – Margo
"If I learned one thing from Quentin, it's that sometimes you sacrifice for those you love. I'm doing this so you two can live, so don't you dare follow me." – Margo
"We may be the least trusted monarchs in the history of Fillory. Thank God they don't have polls here."– Margo

Margo’s quotes: "Jesus based on the novel Christ by Sapphire!" | Source: AmoDays
"We're stuck in some epic fantasy that likes to behead its heroes halfway through season one." – Margo
"You're acting like this is your first regicide." – Margo
"Technically, Buffy's sister was never a baby. She just appeared out of nowhere, and oh my God… I sound like Quentin." – Margo
"Jesus based on the novel Christ by Sapphire!" – Margo
"Like I'm getting acupuncture inside my brain, but it doesn't hurt. Well, thank god he's alive, except where... is he?"– Margo

Margo’s quotes: "When we're the least snobby people in the room, there's something wrong with the room." | Source: AmoDays
"Get over yourself, Ned Stark." – Margo
"Please tell me that someone has pointed out to you that magic doesn't come from sunshine and ice cream. For any of us." – Margo
"There's this thing about you, Q; you believe in magic. We all know it's real, but you believe in it. You just love it, pure and simple." – Margo
"When we're the least snobby people in the room, there's something wrong with the room." – Margo.
"Alright, Fen. I think I will do a ritual, Earth specialty, the sleep of solitude... everyone leaves me alone till noon. That'll be perfect." – Margo

Alice’s quotes: "My plan is I am going to accept exactly everything I am right now." | Source: AmoDays
The Magicians' Quotes from Alice, Fen, and Other Characters
"And I heard all of you in my head, not just Marina." – Alice
"My plan is I am going to accept exactly everything I am right now." – Alice
"No hurting anyone. No casting magic.… Trust me. You locked down any possible fun." – Alice
"There's no such thing as safe magic; you should know that, Quentin. Might as well take a risk." – Alice
"I just can't stop thinking about what he did to me. I was so useless, so stupid." – Alice

Alice’s quotes: "Did I sleep until December?" | Source: AmoDays
"You know you're a real ray of sunshine, Santa." – Alice
"Being an adult doesn't mean that you have to throw away what you used to love." – Alice
"Did I sleep until December?" – Alice
"I'm just happy to be included. I feel all tingly. Is that what casting magic feels like?" – Fen
"The seed. It's alive, and in order to grow, it needs to know exactly what you want and why. The seed will know if you lie and refuse to grow." – Fen

Fen’s quotes: "If the Foo Fighters make another move, I'll kill you myself." | Source: AmoDays
"I thought I could take myself into this, but I just keep thinking if this was earth, you would try a lot harder to find some other way." – Fen
"The first thing you have to do is explain why you want to build a new world." – Fen
"If the Foo Fighters make another move, I'll kill you myself." – Fen
"I've never cast magic before." – Fen
Fen: "Way easier to get in than out."
Zelda: "Like so many things in life." – "The Magicians"

Quentin’s quotes: "You don't see color and want to go back to black and white." | Source: AmoDays
"Our circumstances are unstable. Our collective surge of emotion must have broken down some of the spells' barriers. And as for the singing, well, it was designed by a conductor, and music is the purest manifestation of feeling." – Zelda
"Well, there's the conductor spell. Created by a conductor who was going blind so he and his orchestra could still communicate." – Zelda
"People who read their books often discover that they don't like the main character, and are rarely happy with how it ends.” – Zelda
"You can never fully control external circumstances. They may even be actively hostile. But you can control the ones inside you, and one hand is plenty." – Zelda
"You don't see color and want to go back to black and white." – Quentin

Quentin’s quotes: "I'm dead, but there's still hot chocolate. That's a good sign." | Source: AmoDays
"Everything I've ever wanted, I've got. Magic is real, and it can fix anything except what I need. I loved a girl. My entire life, I've dreamed of Fillory, that I would be like Martin Chatwin; I'd find a way to stay here forever. Send me home." – Quentin
"You fired me up. You showed me that there's a fight to fight. Now I am the official sidekick to whatever it turns out you are, okay? Get used to it." – Quentin
"I get what you did. You were raging against the dying of the light. We really didn't know how good we had it, did we? We whined and complained about everything that magic couldn't do because we couldn't see that a world without it was dark and mean and pointless." – Quentin
"I'm dead, but there's still hot chocolate. That's a good sign." – Quentin
"I don't need to be taught what magic is or isn't; I need to be taught magic so that I can decide what it is or isn't, for me." – Quentin

Quentin’s quotes: "The Madness Maker didn't play for the joy of winning, just the fear of losing| Source: AmoDays
"You are a god of Fillory. Why are you just sitting here and letting your brother shit all over it? You let The Beast happen. You shut out a child who needed shelter, and when he became a monster, you ran. You hate chaos? Then fix the chaos that you created! – Quentin
"You saved my life. You can save my life fifty times. It's not going to change anything between us. I love you." – Quentin
"My brain breaks sometimes." – Quentin
"The Madness Maker didn't play for the joy of winning, just the fear of losing. The real curse was he only played when he could win, which cut home off from the surprise, horror, sadness, and wonder of life. Jane saw only one way out for him: stop playing; start living." – Quentin
"Magic always comes back. It may take a millennium and your species verging on the brink of extinction, but it will because, ultimately, magic is a carrot the gods use to keep human in check. – Hades

Quentin’s quotes: "My brain breaks sometimes." | Source: AmoDays
Starring Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, and the excellent guest star Harvey Guillén, "The Magicians" kept up the show's pace by creating high stakes when killing off a main character in the fourth season.
While the supernatural show aired its final episode in 2020, there are still many magical worlds to explore, such as "Harry Potter" and "His Dark Materials." Read 37 'His Dark Materials' Quotes to Rail against Dogma and Embrace Magic.