
Teacher Scolds Boy for Being Late, Next Day Old Lady Comes to School and Asks to Meet Him – Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Nov 17, 2023
10:23 A.M.

eA teacher scolds a boy for coming late to class and demands to meet his parents. But the boy doesn't show up the next day, and only his grandma comes, saying he is sick. The unconvinced teacher pays a surprise visit later, only to discover that the boy's life is far more troubled than he thought.


It was Mr. Morgan's first day as a teacher in this school. He arrived early, skimmed through the lecture he intended to give his pupils, and everything seemed perfect, just as he had wanted that morning.

As a young first-time teacher, Mr. Morgan was determined to establish himself as strict but fair. He wanted his pupils to know he was a cool mentor but not the one to be messed up with...

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The chattering in grade 7 stopped as soon as Mr. Morgan walked in and plopped his register on the table. Children swarmed back to their seats, and a pin-drop silence followed as he introduced himself as their new History teacher.

And as Mr. Morgan launched into the lecture on the Great Depression and World War II, the classroom door suddenly creaked open.


A hush fell over the class as everyone turned to see who was interrupting their lesson. A boy walked in with his eyes fixed on the floor and took his seat without uttering a word or looking up at the teacher.

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"Good morning, young man!" said Mr. Morgan, his voice stern. "It's 9:15, and you're 20 minutes late for class. Do you have a good reason?"

But the boy just sat without responding to Mr. Morgan.

"Could you please stand up and introduce yourself?" Mr. Morgan added.

"I'm Archie," replied the boy as he rose and looked up, rubbing his tired eyes. Archie looked very untidy and dizzy, as though he hadn't slept a wink the previous night.


"Nice to meet you, Archie. I'm your new History teacher. You're late for class, aren't you? Do you mind telling me why? You just walked in without excusing yourself, and I won't entertain such behavior in my class."

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Archie hesitated for a while. "I'm sorry, sir. I overslept. I didn't mean to come in late. I was just tired and...I'll not repeat it, sir," Archie finished, unable to control his yawn, and the whole class giggled.

"Silence!" Mr. Morgan declared. "Archie, you cannot be late for the class like this. Can I see your homework? I heard your previous history teacher gave you'll assignments every weekend. Show it to me, will you?"

As Mr. Morgan flipped through Archie's notebook, his expression grew uneasy. "Umm, looks like you didn't do your homework at all, Archie."


"I didn't do it, sir," Archie said sheepishly, refusing to tell why. That's when Mr. Morgan's patience started wearing thin, and he exploded at the boy.

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"Archie, what is this? And this? You haven't done any of your homework this whole term," he scolded the boy in front of the whole class. "I wonder how you got away with it. This is unacceptable, and I cannot entertain such a demeanor in my class. I want to meet your parents tomorrow...first thing, alright? Or I'm taking you straight to the principal's office, and he'll deal with you. Is that clear?"

Archie felt embarrassed and ashamed. He could hear his classmates whispering things about him and giggling.

"Do you hear me?" Mr. Morgan's voice shuddered him.


"Yes, sir," he murmured and slumped on his seat.

But Archie never showed up in class the following day, and Mr. Morgan started to worry.

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"That's weird! I told Archie to bring his parents today, and he's absent...I hope I didn't scare him or something. I just wanted to help him," Mr. Morgan wondered.

"Okay, class! See you tomorrow...And don't forget your assignment. It's due in two days," said Mr. Morgan as he packed his belongings and prepared to leave. Just then, he noticed an older woman, seemingly in her 80s, waiting outside the classroom.

"Excuse me, are you looking for someone?" Mr. Morgan asked her.


"I'm Willow Parker, Archie's grandmother," the woman replied as she walked in.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Mrs. Parker. Archie didn't come to school today. Is everything alright with him?"

The grandma shook her head. "No, my grandson was a little sick today morning, so I told him not to go to school...Archie told me you wanted to meet his parents. So, what do you want to discuss? My daughter couldn't come. You can tell me, and I'll pass the message to her."

Mr. Morgan sensed the tension in the woman's words.

"I hope Archie feels better soon. I wanted to meet his parents to discuss something about him. Mrs. Parker, I'm worried about his recent behavior in class. You see, I just wanted to ensure Archie gets the help he needs to keep his grades up. He hasn't done his homework this whole term, and I heard he is always late to class. The mid-term tests are approaching, and Archie needs to work hard."

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Archie's grandma seemed unconvinced and kept arguing with Mr. Morgan.

"Archie is a good boy. I'm sure he's not the only student who hasn't completed his homework or is late for class. Did you check everyone else's homework and assignments, and are you meeting with all their parents? Archie's mom has been unwell for a while, but I'll tell her to visit shortly if that's fine with you. And I'm grateful to you for being so concerned about my grandson. But don't worry, Mr. Morgan...we are there to help him."

Mr. Morgan couldn't help but feel frustrated.

"I understand that, Mrs. Parker. But I'm his teacher...and it's my job to ensure Archie gets the help he needs to keep his grades up. I even checked his last test papers. He's failed in most of his subjects, and at this rate, I don't think it will help him in the long run. I want to meet his mother soon."

The woman grumbled and argued no more. And as Mr. Morgan escorted her out of the corridor, she ran into the principal, Mr. Smith.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Parker. Is everything alright?" the principal asked, noticing the distress on the grandma's face. Archie's grandma explained the situation to him and left.


"Mr. Morgan, can you please come to my office? There's something important I want to discuss with you about Archie," said the principal.

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Mr. Morgan nodded as he followed the principal to his office. He was partially relieved he might finally get some answers that could help the boy.

"Mr. Morgan, Archie is a wonderful boy...and I feel very sorry for what he's been through," began Mr. Smith.

"His father was killed in a motorcycle crash some years ago. His mother has been dealing with some issues since then. She got into a lot of trouble. Let's not get into that...Mr. Morgan, let me come straight to the point. The faculty has decided to expel Archie next month."


Mr. Morgan could not believe his ears. "What? Are you going to expel that boy? But why? Mr. Smith, I understand that Archie has had a very difficult life. Maybe he's troubled with something. We're yet to know why his grades have been dipping. But we can't just dismiss him like that. We need to help him."

"I understand your point, Mr. Morgan. We're all sorry for Archie's troubled past and whatever he's going through now. But we have a responsibility to our other students as well. We are an esteemed institution, and we're compelled to maintain our academic standards," the principal explained in a firm tone.

"But Mr. Smith, where will he go if we expel him? This school is Archie's only chance for a better future. He needs our support, that too in such a hard time. We cannot just let him go. What if he's sent to some school for disadvantaged children? He might end up on the wrong track...get into drugs and crimes...That's even crueler, Mr. Smith. Archie needs our help, and I'm sure he can do much better with proper guidance," Mr. Morgan argued.

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"Mr. Morgan, we can't put the interests of one weak student above others. We've given Archie enough chances, but that boy hasn't shown any improvement. He's setting a bad example for all our students and is tarnishing our average academic performance statistics," Mr. Smith replied.

Mr. Morgan felt defeated and sorry for Archie. He pleaded with the principal to reconsider his decision but in vain.

"I know your worry, Mr. Morgan. But this is how our school functions, and you need to get used to our system. Weak pupils like Archie can do better in some other school but not here. We can't continue to tolerate his behavior and poor performance. Mr. Morgan, you have one month to submit your assessment of Archie so that I can expel him legally and with proof," Mr. Smith explained.

"And I don't think you'll be forced to make up a lie! Archie will make the job much easier for you with his lowest grades this term!" Mr. Smith chuckled.

Mr. Morgan left the office feeling disappointed. Archie's whole future was about to get destroyed, and he didn't know what to do to help him.

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"I have to do something...I have to help him," thought Mr. Morgan. That same evening, he drove to Archie's address to meet with his mother and warn her about the boy's impending expulsion.

He knocked on the door for a long time, and when nobody answered, he pushed it open himself. As Mr. Morgan stepped inside, a pungent aroma of stale alcohol washed over him.

"Mrs. Parker? Archie?" he called out, and what he encountered next made him stop in his tracks.

Empty whiskey bottles were scattered on the floor. The sheer number of bottles stunned Mr. Morgan. Before he could fathom what was going on, a voice startled him from behind.

"Mr. Morgan, what are you doing here?" Archie's grandma was surprised at seeing the teacher in the living room.

"Uh, Mrs. Parker, hey, nice to meet you again...I wanted to just meet Archie's mother and—" Mr. Morgan paused when two little kids, presumably aged four and six, came running behind the woman.

"Are they your grandchildren, too?"

"Yes! But what do you want? I told you my daughter will meet you soon when she gets the time. She's not at home now."


"Mrs. Parker, I'm sorry, but I didn't mean to invade your privacy!" Mr. Morgan forced a smile. "I was just passing by and thought I'd meet Archie and know how he's doing. Where is he? Can I see him?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The woman stammered. "He...He's not at home. He has gone out...to get medicines."

"Your grandson is sick, and you sent him all alone to get medicines?"

"Mr. Morgan, Archie is a big boy, and he knows to take care of himself. Besides, I've got a lot of work to do. I should start cleaning, so if you don't mind...."

"Thank you, Mrs. Parker. I'm running late...I'll meet Archie later. Good day, and sorry for bothering you!" Mr. Morgan understood talking to the grandma about Archie's expulsion would be useless, so he left the house immediately.


As he headed to the gate, he ran into Archie. The boy was dirty and exhausted. He was wearing soiled clothes that looked like some workwear and smelled of tobacco.

"Archie...hey, don't run...stop! Stop right there!" Mr. Morgan chased after the boy and stopped him in his track when he tried to flee after seeing his teacher.

"Hey, you don't have to run, alright? I came to see you. Where have you been, and what's all this? What's that funky smell? Did you smoke?"

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Archie looked up at Mr. Morgan, his eyes wide with fear and embarrassment. "Mr. Morgan, I'm okay...please go home and don't come here again. I'm tired, and I have to wash up."


"You're tired? Archie, where have you been? You didn't come to school today, and your grandma told me you were sick. I know you're hiding something from me, Archie. Come on, tell me...what is it? Look, I can help you, alright? Trust me."

Archie refused to speak up and insisted Mr. Morgan leave immediately. But the teacher was hellbent on piecing the puzzle and urged the boy to tell him the truth.

"Look, Archie...the principal has decided to expel you from school. I won't let that happen, alright? But I can only help if you tell me what's going on. Why didn't you come to school today? I spoke to your classmates...They told me you always come to school tired and sleep in class. What's wrong, Archie? Look, I won't scold you or take you to the principal. I want to help you, but you must speak up champ."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Mr. Morgan, thanks for your efforts, but I don't think you can help me...I have to deal with my own problems," Archie began.

"My mom borrowed money from some bad guys after my dad died. She started coming home late and fell sick very often due to overworking in the illegal cigarette factory. She started drinking, and once I saw her taking a shot with a needle. She told me it was her only relief…I'm a big boy now, and I cannot watch any random man walking into my house and yelling at my mom for not returning the money. So I started working part-time at the cigarette factory every day after school, so we have enough money to repay the debts very soon."

A pang of pity rushed into Mr. Morgan's heart. "I understand, Archie...But you're too young to work in such an illegal working environment. It could harm your health. Don't you think it's a bad decision?"

"Won't you do the same for your mother?" Archie replied with a counter-question.

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"But Archie...you cannot spoil your future like that. You are meant for something better and more promising," Mr. Morgan argued.

"Look at your hands...just look at how dirty and rough they are. You were supposed to hold books and stationery...not tobacco."

"Listen to me, champ. Just get back to school tomorrow, and we'll figure out how to help your mother, alright?"

"What difference is it going to make, Mr. Morgan? We might be struggling now, but I'm sure we will overcome this bad time one day. And you know what? You can submit a bad assessment of me and get me expelled from school. I'm okay with that. To be honest, I suck at studies. I'm the weakest student in the class...Nothing will change if I go to school every day!"

"B-But Archie, this is not the solution to your problems. You need to try and find a way out. Education is necessary for every child, and you can't just—." But the boy yanked his hands before Mr. Morgan could finish and started walking away.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"It's okay, Mr. Morgan...I can take care. And I'm glad I have somebody who really cares about my family and me. I got to go now...I have to cook dinner for my brothers. Granny makes a disgusting broth every day, and we hate it!"

Mr. Morgan immediately blocked Archie's way, telling him he had an idea, and pleaded with the boy to give him just one chance to try it.

"Look, Archie...I have a proposal, alright! What if we switch places every day?"

"Switch places? I don't get it."

"Yeah, champ! What if I cook dinner for you guys, and you do your homework every day at this time? All you have to do is get back to school. You can still go to work in that factory after school since it's only a part-time gig. And when you return home, you do your homework and prepare for your tests while I cook dinner for your family."

"Mr. Morgan, are you kidding? You don't have to do this...And why do you even want to do this...Now come on, go home. I'm getting late."

"N-No, Archie, wait! I'm serious! Look, I'll come here around the same time every day, and we'll switch places. I know this sounds crazy, but there's nothing wrong with trying it...Deal?"


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Archie pondered for a while and eventually agreed. "That sounds like an amazing idea, Mr. Morgan. I hate cooking, anyway! It's a deal! If you want to get your fingers burned in my kitchen, who am I to stop you!!"

As days passed, Mr. Morgan started visiting Archie more often. He cooked dinner for the whole family while the boy did his homework and prepared for his tests after returning home from his part-time gig at the factory.

Mr. Morgan and Archie became close friends, and the boy loved having his teacher around. Sometimes, Mr. Morgan even replaced the boy at work in the factory, doing everything he could to boost Archie's academic performance and prevent him from being expelled.


Mr. Morgan's prayers were answered a month later when the test results arrived. Archie's grades had significantly improved, and the principal had no choice but to change his mind about expelling the boy.

"Thank you, Mr. Morgan. I wouldn't have done this if you hadn't supported and believed in me," the boy hugged his teacher.

"No, Archie! You did it. It's all because of your hard work."

Mr. Morgan was so delighted, and just as they sat down for a warm meal, somebody knocked on the door, and Archie's joy was short-lived.

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"Hello, we're from Child Protective Services," a social worker said. "May we come in and meet your guardian?"


Archie's mind started to race. "Child Protective Services??"

But before he could process any of it, the social workers barged into his house to verify the children's living conditions. Convinced that they were less than ideal, the workers approached the children to take them away.

"I'm sorry, but based on what we've witnessed here today and the information we received, we're going to take you and your brothers into our custody until we find a better foster home for you," said the worker.

"What? No!" Archie cried. "You can't do this. This is our home. We're not going anywhere leaving our home."

But the CPS workers were unmoved as they guided Archie and his brothers towards the door. The boy fought against them and even tried to break free and run back to his room.

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"Let me go...Please, don't take us away," Archie begged as he clung desperately to the social worker's leg. "Please don't take us away from our home...Granny...stop them. Mr. Morgan, please do something...please stop them."

"Why are you doing this?" he yelled. "What did we do to deserve this?"

Archie refused to get out of the car when they arrived at the shelter. "I'm not going anywhere," he cried. "I want to go back to my home to my mom and grandma...this is not my home."

But the social workers managed to coax Archie and his brothers out of the cruiser and into the unfamiliar surroundings. Archie felt so helpless and disappointed. He tried to call his mother, but she never answered. He even tried calling Mr. Morgan, but his number was no longer in use.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Archie felt like he'd lost everything in a wink and blamed the principal for all this.

"I know Mr. Smith did this to me," Archie cursed his principal under his breath. "That baldie was always behind me. He wanted to get rid of me from school, and when he couldn't, he found a way to make my life miserable. I hate you, Mr. Smith. I just hate you for doing this to my brothers and me."

Fifteen years passed since that day as Archie walked through the gates of his old school, and memories flooded his mind. He had spent some of the happiest and most difficult times of his life in this place.

Archie couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and excitement as he walked down the familiar hallways. Everything seemed to be in place except for a few changes.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice on the mic and marched to the principal's office. He was glad to see the principal was none other than his former history teacher, Mr. Morgan.

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"Excuse me, sir...I'm—" said Archie, but Mr. Morgan interrupted him with a big, broad smile before he could complete his sentence.

"Are you the new English teacher?" Mr. Morgan greeted Archie. "Please come in. I just returned from a field trip and was told we're having a new English teacher for middle school join us today. I'm Luis Morgan. Nice to meet you, Mr....?"

Archie stood speechless, flaunting his best smile. Looking into his old teacher's eyes, he felt the same warmth and kindness that had been there all those years ago. It was like nothing had changed. Yet, everything had!

"Mr. Morgan! It's me...Archie. Do you remember me? The boy who stank of tobacco?! Wore soiled pants to school...And never did his homework?! Archie finally spoke up.

"ARCHIE??!" Mr. Morgan gasped. "Oh my God...Jesus...Archie! Is that you?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"I'm so glad to see you, Archie, my boy! Look at you! You've grown so big. It's been 15 years...Jesus! I'm so glad you still remember me!" Mr. Morgan hugged Archie, a strange sorrow gushing into his eyes.

"It was me, Archie!" revealed Mr. Morgan in the middle of their conversation. "I called the CPS that day. I just wanted you kids to have a better life. I'm sorry for not telling you…I hope you forgive me someday."

"I knew something was fishy, Mr. Morgan! At first, I thought Mr. Smith did it, but I later guessed it couldn't be him. He was only annoyed by my academic performance...And he was happy when my grades improved!" chuckled Archie.

"I owe the life I'm living now...my success...my happiness to you, Mr. Morgan. You showed me what I'm truly capable of...You made me believe in myself when nobody did. You held my hand when everybody was trying to let go of me. Thank you, Mr. Morgan!"

Archie paused and added, "Sometimes, the best decision is the most painful one."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images


What can we learn from this story?

  • It takes courage to face the pain and discomfort that may come with a difficult decision. But in the end, such decisions could lead to positive outcomes and a better future. Despite knowing Archie would be taken away from his comfort zone, Mr. Morgan informed CPS about the boy and his brothers' poor living conditions. They were taken away, and although Mr. Morgan was hurt, he knew it was for the children's bright future.
  • It takes perseverance and willpower to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Archie never believed in himself and almost gave up going to school, thinking he was a loser. But Mr. Morgan, his kind teacher, knocked open his heart and sowed the seeds of hard work and confidence in him. Ultimately, Archie's grades improved, and 15 years later, his whole life changed for the better.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

A teacher suspects her student is hiding cash in his school locker and finds wads of dollars falling out of it one day while the boy opens it. Click here to read the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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