Source: Shutterstock
Source: Shutterstock

Woman Adopts Non-English Speaking Girl - Astonished to Uncover the Truth When She Learns to Communicate – Story of the Day

Yaryna Kholodiuk
Mar 22, 2024
04:53 A.M.

In a hospital, Annie finds out she can't have a baby. The doctor gives her another choice: adoption. Annie decides to adopt a girl named Abiona. Abiona doesn't know English, so Annie teaches her. When Abiona learns to speak English, she tells Annie a secret that changes everything.


Annie fidgeted in the hospital's stark, sterile waiting room, her eyes darting between the clock on the wall and the closed door of Dr. Martinez's office.

Every tick of the clock seemed to echo in the silence, amplifying her anxiety. The walls were adorned with posters showing happy families and babies, making her heart swell with hope and sink with worry.

Finally, the door opened, and Dr. Martinez, a middle-aged woman with a gentle face and a warm smile, peeked out. "Annie, please come in."

Annie stood up, her legs feeling slightly wobbly. She followed Dr. Martinez into the office, taking in every detail. The room was a blend of comfort and clinical professionalism.

Doctor workplace in office | Source: Shutterstock

Doctor workplace in office | Source: Shutterstock


Colorful posters of children playing in parks contrasted with the plastic models of female anatomy and the gynecological chair, which looked intimidating and promising.

"Please, take a seat," Dr. Martinez gestured towards a chair across from her desk. Annie sat down, her hands nervously clasped in her lap.

She noticed a small sign on the doctor's desk, a cheerful declaration that read, "Let's have a baby." Her heart fluttered at the sight; this was her dream, the reason she was here.

Dr. Martinez sat down and smiled warmly at Annie. "I know this is a big day for you. You've been waiting for this for a long time."

Annie nodded, her throat tight with emotion. "Yes, I've thought of nothing else for months."

The gynecologist's desk | Source: Shutterstock

The gynecologist's desk | Source: Shutterstock


Dr. Martinez opened a folder, her eyes scanning the contents. Annie leaned forward slightly, her anticipation building. This moment felt like the turning point in her life, the culmination of so many hopes and dreams.

Dr. Martinez looked at Annie with a mix of sympathy and professional concern. "I have received your tests," she began, her voice steady yet gentle.

Annie, eager and anxious, quickly cut in, "When can we proceed to the actual fertilization procedure?" Her voice was laced with impatience, her eyes searching the doctor's for a glimmer of hope.

Dr. Martinez paused, her face showing a hint of sadness. She sighed softly, then spoke. "Annie, I warned you before. Being 37 is quite late for starting a family, especially for your first child."

Annie nodded, her expression resolute. "I know the risks. But I'm ready. I've always dreamed of having a child."

Gynecologist consultation for young woman | Source: Shutterstock

Gynecologist consultation for young woman | Source: Shutterstock


The doctor hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "Your tests... they're not what we hoped for. They're not encouraging." Her tone was apologetic, reflecting the gravity of her words.

Annie's heart raced. "What are you saying, Doctor?" Her voice trembled, betraying her growing fear.

Dr. Martinez took a deep breath. "Annie, the tests show you cannot have children. I'm very sorry." She reached across the desk, taking Annie's hand in a gesture of comfort.

Annie felt as if the room was spinning. "But how? The initial tests were fine. These were just additional checks..." Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling over her cheeks.

"I'm truly sorry," Dr. Martinez reiterated, her voice heavy with empathy.

Doctor sitting at desk | Source: Shutterstock

Doctor sitting at desk | Source: Shutterstock


Annie wiped her tears. "What about IVF? Isn't that an option?"

The doctor shook her head gently. "Unfortunately, IVF isn't a viable option either. The chances of a successful pregnancy are meager. There's also a high risk of complications."

Annie's despair deepened. "But there has to be something we can do. This means everything to me."

Dr. Martinez understood Annie's pain. She opened a drawer, pulled out a small booklet, and handed it to Annie. "There is another path you might consider," she suggested softly.

Annie took the booklet, her hands trembling. She opened it to see pictures of children and information about adoption. "Are you suggesting I adopt?"

Doctor and patient discussing something | Source: Shutterstock

Doctor and patient discussing something | Source: Shutterstock


"Yes," Dr. Martinez nodded. "Adoption could be a beautiful option for you. You might even consider a newborn."

Annie was absorbed in the booklet when the doctor's pager suddenly beeped. Dr. Martinez glanced at it apologetically. "I'm sorry, Annie. I need to attend to this."

Annie looked up, still clutching the booklet. "Sorry, what?" It took a moment for her to process the doctor's words. "Oh, yes, of course."

As Dr. Martinez stood up, Annie remained seated, her eyes fixed on the pictures of the children in the booklet. Her dream of becoming a mother had taken an unexpected turn, but a glimmer of new hope lay within these pages.

Dr. Martinez gently placed a comforting hand on Annie's back, guiding her out of the office. The clinic's hallway was bustling with activity, but for Annie, it felt like she was moving through a world that had suddenly slowed down.

Doctor and patient | Source: Shutterstock

Doctor and patient | Source: Shutterstock


"Take care," Dr. Martinez said softly, her voice filled with compassion. She pointed to the booklet in Annie's hand.

"And I advise you to consider adoption. It could be a wonderful option for both you and a child in need." Her words were encouraging, and she patted Annie's back in a supportive manner before leaving.

Annie stood still in the corridor, clutching the booklet tightly. Around her, the hospital was alive with the sounds and sights of medical professionals at work.

She heard the distant cry of a child, a sound that resonated deep within her. Nurses and doctors hurried past, engrossed in their duties, their faces a blur.

The walls of the corridor, painted in a calming shade of green, were lined with framed pictures of smiling children and families. Annie's eyes lingered on these images, each a stark reminder of the dream she had cherished for so long.

Hospital indoor | Source: Shutterstock

Hospital indoor | Source: Shutterstock


Her thoughts were a whirlwind. Just moments ago, she had hoped for a different kind of future.

She started strolling down the hallway, each step taking her further from the life she had imagined and closer to a future she had never considered. The child's cries echoed in her ears, a haunting yet hopeful melody that seemed to pull her towards a decision.

The booklet felt heavy in her hand, not just with paper and ink but with the weight of the choices it represented.

Annie stopped near a window, looking out at the world outside. The sun was shining, casting a warm glow over the city. She watched as people went about their lives, oblivious to her inner turmoil.

Annie felt a mixture of sadness and hope, grief for the child she would never bear, and a growing sense of excitement at the prospect of becoming a mother differently.

Doctors and nurses walking in hospital | Source: Shutterstock

Doctors and nurses walking in hospital | Source: Shutterstock


Annie took a deep breath. She had a lot to think about, a lot to consider. But in her heart, she knew this was not the end of her story but perhaps the beginning of a new, unexpected chapter.

With a newfound determination, Annie stepped forward, ready to explore the possibilities ahead. The sound of the child's cry had faded, replaced by the steady rhythm of her heartbeat, strong and hopeful.

Annie sat at her kitchen table, the evening light casting a warm glow through the window. The house was almost too quiet, a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the hospital she had left earlier.

She held the adoption booklet Dr. Martinez had given her in her hands, its pages filled with children's faces and information about the adoption process.

Each photograph in the booklet seemed to tell its own story. There were toddlers with big, hopeful eyes and older children with tentative smiles, all waiting for someone to call them their own.

Shot of thoughtful young woman | Source: Shutterstock

Shot of thoughtful young woman | Source: Shutterstock


The thought of these children spending their days in foster care or orphanages made Annie's heartache. She turned the pages slowly, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions she hadn't expected to feel.

Annie's gaze lingered on a picture of a little girl with bright eyes and a shy smile. She couldn't help but wonder about her story, about what had brought her to this point, waiting for a family in a booklet. It was a sobering reminder of the realities many children faced, realities far removed from the life Annie had known.

As she reached the end of the booklet, Annie found the contact information for the adoption organization. Her hand trembled slightly as she picked up her phone. This was a big step, one that would change her life forever. She dialed the number, her heart pounding in her chest.

Annie sat in a modestly furnished office at the child adoption center, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The walls were adorned with pictures of happy families and children playing, reinforcing the importance of the journey she was about to embark upon.

A woman, the social worker, entered the office and sat down opposite Annie, offering a warm, reassuring smile.


Woman holding figure of family | Source: Shutterstock

Woman holding figure of family | Source: Shutterstock

"Sorry you had to wait," the woman said, her voice gentle and friendly.

"It's okay, don't worry," Annie replied, trying to mask her nervousness with a polite smile.

The woman extended her hand across the table. "Let's start with introductions. My name is Caitlin, and I'll guide you through the adoption process."

Annie shook her hand. "Annie, very nice to meet you."

Caitlin opened a folder on her desk and glanced through the papers. "So, Annie, I looked at your application, and I must say, I'm impressed. You're a successful lawyer with a big house and excellent references. You own your law firm, right?"


Happy young woman | Source: Shutterstock

Happy young woman | Source: Shutterstock

"Yes, I opened it three years ago. It was my dream," Annie responded, a sense of pride in her voice.

Caitlin nodded. "That's quite an achievement. Officially, I see no reason to deny your adoption application, even though you're unmarried. You don't have a partner, do you?"

Annie laughed nervously. "No, I'm alone."

Caitlin leaned forward, her expression becoming more serious. "But I need to be sure of something. Can you devote enough time to a child? It's not just a few hours a day. A child needs attention 24 hours a day, every day. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Annie nodded, her nervousness giving way to determination. "Yes, I understand. I'm ready to make sacrifices for the child. I won't quit my job, of course. I need it to support the child. But I am prepared to work less and spend more time with the child."


Close up of supportive female | Source: Shutterstock

Close up of supportive female | Source: Shutterstock

Caitlin smiled a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Okay, then. I see no reason to refuse your application. But I must warn you that adoption can be challenging, especially in the beginning. The child will need time to adjust to you. But it's worth it."

"I understand," Annie said, her voice firm with resolve. "Thank you."

Caitlin stood up, signaling the end of their meeting. "We'll start searching for a suitable child. Wait for our call."

Annie stood up, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. They shook hands, and Annie left the office, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the future.

As she walked out of the adoption center, Annie felt a renewed sense of purpose. She was stepping into unknown territory but was ready for the challenges and joys ahead. The thought of providing a loving home to a needy child filled her with excitement and determination.


Portrait of successful happy woman | Source: Shutterstock

Portrait of successful happy woman | Source: Shutterstock

She knew the road ahead would not be easy, but she was ready to embark on this new journey that would hopefully lead to her becoming a mother.

Annie was having breakfast in her cozy kitchen, the morning sun streaming through the window, when her phone rang. She set down her coffee cup and picked up the phone.

"Good day, Annie?" a familiar voice asked.

"Yes, yes, it's me," Annie replied, recognizing Caitlin's voice from the adoption agency.

"This is Caitlin from social services. We've found a child for you," Caitlin said, her voice conveying a mix of excitement and seriousness. "I remember you mentioned a newborn as a priority. However, newborns are in high demand, making it quite challenging. But we've found a girl who might be a good match for you. Her name is Abiona. She's six years old. Abiona is from Congo, and she doesn't speak English. However, she's very smart and talented. Would you like to meet her today?"


Frustrated  young woman | Source: Shutterstock

Frustrated young woman | Source: Shutterstock

Annie paused, taken aback. "6 years old?" she murmured, a whirlwind of thoughts racing through her mind.

"Yes, she's a bit older than what you initially wanted, but she's a wonderful child," Caitlin encouraged.

Annie hesitated. The idea of adopting a six-year-old, especially one who didn't speak English, was daunting. "I... I need to think about this."

"Of course, take all the time you need," Caitlin replied understandingly. "Just give me a call when you've made your decision. Have a good day."

"Yeah, you too," Annie said, hanging up the phone.

Girl in white sweater | Source: Shutterstock

Girl in white sweater | Source: Shutterstock


Annie stared blankly at the cold cup of coffee in front of her. The phone call from Caitlin had left her mind swirling with thoughts and doubts.

She had always dreamed of becoming a mother, but the reality of adopting a six-year-old child, especially one from a different country who didn't speak English, was daunting.

The kitchen's quiet was a sharp contrast to the storm of emotions inside her. Annie had imagined many scenarios about becoming a mother, but none had prepared her for this moment.

The thought of meeting Abiona brought a mix of excitement and fear. She wondered about the little girl's life in Congo, the experiences she had been through, and how different her world must have been.

She got up and paced around the kitchen, her footsteps echoing in the silence. She thought about her life, career, and the stability and love she could offer. Yet, the fear of the unknown, of stepping into a role she had never imagined in this way, was overwhelming.

Young woman walking | Source: Shutterstock

Young woman walking | Source: Shutterstock


Annie glanced at the photos on the fridge, pictures of her and her friends, happy memories. She had always pictured adding images of her child to that collection, but now that it was so close to becoming a reality, the weight of the decision pressed heavily on her.

The clock on the wall ticked steadily, marking the passing of time as Annie wrestled with her decision. She knew that adopting Abiona wouldn't just change her life; it would change Abiona's, too. She had the power to offer a loving home to a child who needed one, but the responsibility of it was immense.

Annie stood in front of the modest house, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and anxiety. The home, nestled in a quiet neighborhood, was the residence of the foster family caring for Abiona, the six-year-old girl from Congo whom she might adopt.

The house looked welcoming, with a small garden out front and a cheerful blue door, but to Annie, it felt like the gateway to an entirely new world.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Annie raised her hand and knocked on the door. The sound seemed to echo in her ears, marking the moment as a significant turning point in her life.

Hand knocking on the door | Source: Shutterstock

Hand knocking on the door | Source: Shutterstock


She tried to calm her racing thoughts, reminding herself of the reasons she was here, but her nervousness was hard to shake off.

As she waited for someone to answer, Annie looked around the neighborhood. It was a peaceful area, with trees lining the streets and the sound of children playing in the distance.

The door swung open, revealing a woman with a peculiar appearance. She scrutinized Annie with an intense gaze, making Annie feel slightly uneasy.

"Hello, how's it going?" the woman asked, her voice neither friendly nor unwelcoming.

Feeling overwhelmed, Annie responded, "Everything is fine, great, actually. I'm a bit nervous, but..." She suddenly realized she was rambling. "I'm Annie."

Close-up view on the woman | Source: Shutterstock

Close-up view on the woman | Source: Shutterstock


"Yes, I know. Come in," the woman said, stepping aside to let Annie enter.

As Annie stepped into the house, she was immediately struck by the chaos within. Children of various ages were running around, screaming, and playing.

The noise was deafening, and the atmosphere was frenetic. In one corner, however, sat a little girl, quietly drawing. She seemed to be in her own world, oblivious to the chaos around her.

Suddenly, the woman raised her voice above the din. "Everyone shut up and go to your rooms!" The surprisingly obedient children quieted down and began to disperse, leaving the room much quieter. Annie looked at the woman in surprise, impressed by how quickly she had managed to bring order to the chaos.

The woman then pointed to the little girl in the corner. "That's her. Abiona," she said. "Good luck with her."

High angle portrait | Source: Shutterstock

High angle portrait | Source: Shutterstock


Annie's eyes were drawn to Abiona. She was a small, delicate-looking girl with an intense focus on her drawing. Annie took a tentative step towards her, her heart pounding. This was the moment she had been both dreading and longing for.

Annie approached Abiona with a gentle step, observing her as she drew with great skill and focus. The little girl seemed completely absorbed in her artwork, not even glancing up as Annie neared. Beside Abiona was a unique and handmade toy, adding to the aura of mystery around her.

"Hello, I'm Annie," Annie said softly, trying to make eye contact with the girl.

Abiona looked up briefly, her eyes meeting Annie's momentarily before returning to her drawing without a word. Annie's gaze shifted to the pictures scattered near Abiona. Each piece was detailed and vibrant, showcasing a talent far beyond her years.

Annie picked up one of the drawings, holding it gently. "Did you draw these yourself? They're imposing," she commented, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Photo of colorful drawing | Source: Shutterstock

Photo of colorful drawing | Source: Shutterstock


Abiona gave a slight nod in response, focusing on her drawing.

The foster mother, watching from a distance, yelled over, "Don't even try. She doesn't understand a word in English. Seems like she gets what's being said, but I'm not even sure about that."

Annie, undeterred, sat down beside Abiona. She decided to try communicating through drawing, a universal language that might bridge the gap between them.

She started to draw something on a blank sheet of paper, and to her delight, Abiona looked on with interest and then began to add her own touches to Annie's drawing.

Encouraged, Annie decided to draw a simple house. She pointed to it and said, "This is my house. I live here." She added a small figure of herself next to the house. Looking at Abiona, she asked, "Do you want to live with me?"

Child's painting of house | Source: Shutterstock

Child's painting of house | Source: Shutterstock


Abiona took the drawing from Annie, studied it briefly, and then added something. She handed it back to Annie. To Annie's surprise and joy, Abiona had drawn a small figure of herself next to Annie's.

A smile spread across Annie's face as she looked at the drawing. It was a small gesture, but felt like a significant step forward in connecting with Abiona. The picture had created a bridge between them, a way to communicate beyond words.

Annie led Abiona through the front door of her home. She watched as the young girl's eyes scanned the surroundings, a look of curiosity mixed with reservation on her face. The house was spacious and warmly decorated, starkly contrasting with the foster home's bustling environment.

"This is the living room," Annie began, sounding cheerful. "And that's the kitchen over there." She pointed to each room as they passed, but Abiona remained silent, her eyes taking in everything with a quiet intensity.

Annie then showed Abiona her room. It was a cozy space, painted in soft pastel colors, with a comfortable bed, a small desk, and a window that looked out onto the garden. "This is your room," Annie said gently. "You can change anything you like."

Teenage girl's bedroom | Source: Shutterstock

Teenage girl's bedroom | Source: Shutterstock


Abiona walked into the room, her steps hesitant. She ran her fingers over the bedspread, her expression unreadable. Annie wondered what she might be thinking, feeling anxious about whether Abiona would like her new room.

As they returned to the living area, Abiona's eyes landed on a table where Annie had laid out paints and brushes. Without a word, Abiona went straight to the table and sat down. She picked up a brush and started to draw, her focus immediate and intense.

Annie watched, fascinated by the transformation. In front of the canvas, Abiona seemed to come alive, her reserved demeanor giving way to a display of passion and concentration.

Her strokes were confident, and the colors she chose were vibrant. It was clear that drawing was not just a hobby for Abiona; it was a form of expression, a way for her to connect with the world.

As the afternoon sun began to set, casting a warm glow through the windows, Annie felt a sense of peace.

Interior dinning area | Source: Shutterstock

Interior dinning area | Source: Shutterstock


Annie got up to prepare dinner, leaving Abiona to her drawing. She knew that building a relationship with Abiona would take time and patience.

There would be challenges, especially with the language barrier, but in that moment, watching Abiona draw, Annie felt a glimmer of hope. She had taken a significant step in becoming a mother, providing a home for a child who needed one.

The house, once quiet and still, now felt alive with the presence of Abiona. Annie realized this was just the beginning of their journey together, a journey filled with unknowns and the potential for joy and fulfillment.

As she chopped vegetables in the kitchen, Annie glanced over at Abiona, her heart swelling with a mixture of pride and affection. She had made the right decision, she thought. This was where Abiona belonged, and she was determined to do everything she could to make her feel at home.

Several months had passed since Abiona came to live with Annie. The house, once quiet and orderly, was now filled with the young girl's presence. Annie embraced her role as a mother with open arms, finding joy in the little moments they shared.

Happy African child | Source: Shutterstock

Happy African child | Source: Shutterstock


Annie was eager to teach Abiona English, hoping to ease her communication in this new world. However, each attempt seemed to upset Abiona, who would often run to her room, her safe haven, and immerse herself in drawing.

Annie realized that the traditional methods of teaching were too overwhelming for Abiona. She needed a different approach connected with the girl's love for art.

One afternoon, Annie sat down with a stack of paper and colored pencils. "Let's draw together," she suggested with a gentle smile. Abiona's eyes lit up at the sight of the drawing materials.

They started to draw, and Annie used this opportunity to teach her English more creatively and engagingly. She would draw simple objects and label them in English, encouraging Abiona to repeat the words.

This approach worked wonders. Abiona was more receptive, slowly picking up words and phrases. Their drawing sessions became a language class filled with laughter and learning. Annie was amazed at how quickly Abiona could learn when she was in her element, surrounded by colors and creativity.

Young African American kid | Source: Shutterstock

Young African American kid | Source: Shutterstock


Abiona had a small, handmade toy that she always carried with her. It was a simple cloth doll, but to Abiona, it was a piece of her past, a reminder of her life before living with Annie. She refused to let it out of her sight, even for a moment, and would not allow Annie to wash it. Annie understood its importance and never pressed the issue, respecting the girl's attachment to the doll.

In the cozy living room of their home, Annie and Abiona sat together with a picture book opened to a page showing a happy family. Annie had been gently introducing the concept of family to Abiona, wanting her to understand and feel a part of this new unit they were forming together.

In the illustration, Annie said, "See, this is a family." She then pointed to herself and said softly, "Mom." Turning to Abiona, she pointed at her and said, "Daughter."

When the word "daughter" left Annie's lips, she noticed a change in Abiona's expression. Her face crumpled, and tears began to stream down her cheeks. Surprised and concerned, Annie quickly put the book aside and scooted closer to the girl.

Annie knelt beside Abiona, her heart aching at the sight of the little girl's tears. "What...What happened?" she asked, her voice filled with concern as she gently tried to comfort Abiona.


Sad African little girl | Source: Shutterstock

Sad African little girl | Source: Shutterstock

Trembling and broken, Abiona pointed to a drawing she had made earlier. It depicted a mom and a dad. Trying to understand, Annie said softly, "This is mom and dad."

Abiona pointed again to the drawing and then at herself. "I have mom and dad," she said in halting English, her voice barely above a whisper.

Annie's brow furrowed in confusion. "What are you saying, honey?" she asked, trying to understand the meaning behind Abiona's words.

The girl's voice quivered as she spoke. "Bad…bad men took me from mom and dad."

Annie's heart skipped a beat. "What?" she exclaimed, her mind racing with the implications of what Abiona was revealing.


Beautiful young afraid woman | Source: Shutterstock

Beautiful young afraid woman | Source: Shutterstock

"They took me. Then, bad men were taken by the police. I was given away. Now I'm here," Abiona managed to explain, her voice shaky.

"Oh, God," Annie whispered, realization dawning on her. Abiona had been kidnapped from her family. Perhaps her family was still searching for her somewhere, wondering where she was.

Abiona's tears flowed more freely now. "I was little. Don't know Mom's face. But mom smelled like honey," she said, her voice filled with a longing that tugged at Annie's heartstrings.

The girl, sobbing harder now, showed Annie the toy she always carried. "Mom made this," she said, hugging the toy tightly as if it were her lifeline to the past.


Funny handmade knitted toy | Source: Shutterstock

Funny handmade knitted toy | Source: Shutterstock

Annie felt a mixture of shock, sadness, and empathy wash over her. The revelation was heartbreaking. She wrapped her arms around Abiona, trying to offer some semblance of comfort. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart," she whispered, her own eyes brimming with tears.

Abiona clung to Annie, her small body wracked with sobs. "I want to go to Mom," she cried, muffled words against Annie's shoulder.

Annie held Abiona close, offering the comfort and warmth of her embrace. The revelation of Abiona's past had cast a somber shadow, and Annie could feel the weight of the little girl's sorrow. Abiona's body trembled with sobs, her small hands gripping Annie's shirt as if holding on to a lifeline.


Annie rocked gently back and forth, whispering words of comfort. "It's okay, Abiona. I'm here," she said softly, her heart aching for the child in her arms. The room was filled with the sound of Abiona's quiet cries and the gentle rhythm of Annie's soothing words.

Gradually, Abiona's tears subsided, and her body relaxed. Her breathing became more even, a sign that she was drifting off to sleep. Annie continued to hold her, not wanting to let go just yet, wanting to provide a sense of safety and security.

Black African mother | Source: Shutterstock

Black African mother | Source: Shutterstock

As Abiona finally fell asleep, Annie slowly stood up, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber. She carried Abiona to her bedroom, the girl's head resting softly against her shoulder. Annie's steps were slow and measured, each one taken with care and tenderness.


Reaching the bedroom, Annie gently laid Abiona down on the bed, tucking her in with the soft comforter. She brushed a strand of hair from Abiona's face, her hand lingering momentarily as she stroked the girl's head. Annie gazed down at her, feeling a mix of emotions.

There was a deep sadness for what Abiona had endured and a strong resolve to give her all the love and care she deserved.

Annie took a moment to watch Abiona sleep, her face serene and innocent in rest. It struck Annie just how much this young girl had become a part of her life, how quickly she had grown to love her. She felt a fierce protectiveness over Abiona, a determination to help her heal from her past traumas.

The room was quiet, except for Abiona's breathing's soft sound. Annie sighed, her mind heavy with thoughts. She knew the road ahead would be challenging. There would be questions to answer, fears to soothe, and a past to confront.

Close up african 6 years old | Source: Shutterstock

Close up african 6 years old | Source: Shutterstock


But looking at Abiona's peaceful face, Annie felt a surge of hope. They would face these challenges together, and she would do everything she could to help Abiona find happiness and peace.

In the dead of night, the silence of the house was suddenly shattered by the sound of severe coughing. Annie, who had been sleeping lightly, was jolted awake.

The coughs were harsh and ragged, echoing through the quiet corridors. With a sense of alarm rushing through her veins, Annie quickly got out of bed and hurried towards Abiona's room.

The sight that greeted her was one of her worst fears. Abiona was in her bed, struggling for breath, her small body heaving with each cough. Panic set in as Annie rushed to her side.

"Abiona!" she called out, her voice laced with worry. The girl's face was strained, and she gasped for air, her eyes wide with fear.

Sad desperate grieving crying woman | Source: Shutterstock

Sad desperate grieving crying woman | Source: Shutterstock


Without a moment's hesitation, Annie scooped Abiona into her arms. She was surprisingly light, her small frame easy to carry, but the situation was anything but light.

Every second was precious. Annie dashed through the house, her mind racing with worry. She needed to get Abiona to the hospital as fast as possible.

Bursting through the front door, Annie carried Abiona to the car, carefully placing her in the back seat. She quickly jumped into the driver's seat, her hands trembling as she started the engine. The car roared to life, and Annie sped off towards the hospital, the streets eerily quiet at this late hour.

The drive felt like an eternity, every red light and turn stretching out in time. Annie glanced back at Abiona, who was now quietly gasping, her face pale in the dim light of the car. "Hold on, sweetie, we're almost there," Annie whispered, more to herself than Abiona. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of fear and urgency driving her forward.

Finally, they reached the hospital. Annie parked haphazardly and quickly got out, lifting Abiona into her arms again. She rushed into the emergency room, her voice loud and urgent as she called for help. "I need help! My daughter, she can't breathe!"


Surgeon and Female Doctor | Source: Shutterstock

Surgeon and Female Doctor | Source: Shutterstock

Immediately, nurses and doctors sprang into action. A stretcher was brought, and Abiona was gently laid upon it. Annie followed closely as they wheeled her into a treatment room, her mind a whirlwind of fear and worry. The medical staff worked efficiently, hooking Abiona to monitor and administer oxygen.

In the sterile, white room of the hospital ward, Abiona lay still, surrounded by a hum of machines that monitored her every breath. Tubes and wires trailed from her small body, starkly contrasting to the vibrant girl Annie knew. Annie stood beside her, her eyes red and swollen from crying, her heart heavy with a grief she had never known.

The doctor, a kind-faced man with gentle eyes, approached Annie. His expression was solemn, and he spoke softly, "What's wrong with her, doctor?" Annie asked, her voice trembling with fear and hope.


The doctor took a deep breath, preparing to deliver the news no parent wanted to hear. "I'm very sorry to tell you this. But Abiona is terminally ill. She only has a few days left." His words were careful, but they cut through Annie like a knife.

Annie's hand flew to her mouth, muffling a sob. Tears streamed down her face as the reality of the situation crashed over her. "This is my fault. Suppose I had seen it earlier. But she was fine," she cried out, guilt and despair mingling in her voice.

Woman sitting alone and depressed

Woman sitting alone and depressed

The doctor placed a comforting hand on Annie's shoulder. "You couldn't have done anything. This is a genetic disease, and it manifests very unexpectedly. This is not your fault," he reassured her, his voice calm and steady.


Despite his words, Annie couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her. She watched the doctor leave the room, her gaze returning to Abiona. The girl looked so fragile, unlike the energetic child who had filled her home with laughter and drawings.

Annie sat in the dimly lit hospital room, gently holding Abiona's tiny hand in hers. The beeping of the machines filled the silence, each beep a reminder of the preciousness of each moment they had left. Annie's eyes were fixed on Abiona's peaceful face, praying silently for her to wake up, even if just for a little while.

After what seemed like an eternity, Abiona's eyelids fluttered open. She looked around, disoriented, before her eyes settled on Annie. A faint smile touched her lips, but it was tinged with sadness.

"Hey, sweetheart," Annie whispered, squeezing Abiona's hand. "Is there anything you want? Anything I can get for you?"

Little girl sleeping in a hospital bed | Source: Shutterstock

Little girl sleeping in a hospital bed | Source: Shutterstock


Abiona's voice was weak but clear. "I want to see my mom," she murmured, a wistful look in her eyes.

Annie's heart sank. She knew Abiona was referring to her biological mother, the one she remembered only by the scent of honey and the handmade toy she clung to. Annie struggled to hold back tears. She wanted to grant every wish Abiona had.

Annie couldn't ignore Abiona's last wish – to see her mother. Gripping the handmade toy that Abiona always carried, Annie made a decision. She would do everything she could to find the girl's mother so they could at least say goodbye.

Leaving the hospital, Annie drove straight to the police station. She had a few acquaintances there, people she had met through her work as a lawyer. The toy, a simple but lovingly crafted object, was Abiona's only connection to her mother. Annie hoped it held the key to finding her.

At the station, Annie explained the situation to an officer she knew. "The girl's mother made this toy," she said, her voice firm with resolve. "Can we check for DNA on it? Maybe it can lead us to her."

Police officers | Source: Shutterstock

Police officers | Source: Shutterstock


The police agreed to conduct the test. It was a long shot, but worth trying. Annie waited anxiously, her heart heavy with hope and fear. Finally, the results came in – there was DNA on the toy. The police ran it through their database, and to Annie's relief, they found a match.

The girl's mother was Tendey, living in a neighboring state, not in Congo. She was in the police database for a minor offense – exceeding the speed limit. The officer handed Annie a piece of paper with Tendey's phone number. Annie's hands trembled as she took it. This was the breakthrough they needed.

Without wasting a moment, Annie called the number. Her heart sank when the call went unanswered. The subscriber was unavailable. Annie knew what she had to do next. She had to meet Tendey to tell her about Abiona and bring her to her daughter's side.

Returning to the hospital, Annie gently placed the toy back in Abiona's arms. "I'll be back soon, sweetheart," she whispered, kissing the girl's forehead. Abiona's eyes fluttered open, and she managed a weak smile.

Annie left the hospital, her mind set on her mission. She got into her car and started the journey to find Tendey. The drive was long, each mile stretching out as she went over what she would say to Tendey.


Nervous female driver sits at wheel | Source: Shutterstock

Nervous female driver sits at wheel | Source: Shutterstock

Finally, Annie arrived at the address. It was a modest, quiet house with a small front yard and a welcoming porch. She parked her car and sat for a moment, gathering her courage. Her heart was pounding, her thoughts whirling about what might unfold in the next few minutes.

Taking a deep breath, Annie exited the car and approached the house. Her steps were hesitant, each one heavy with the weight of the situation. She reached the front door and raised her hand, pausing momentarily before knocking. The sound echoed in the quiet street, marking the moment of truth.

The door opened, and a young woman stood there. Annie's heart skipped a beat. The woman bore a striking resemblance to Abiona – the same deep eyes and facial structure. It was like looking at an older version of the little girl she had come to love.


Annie stood hesitantly at the house's doorstep, her mind filled with apprehension. When the door opened to reveal a young woman resembling Abiona, Annie gently asked, "Tendey?"

Close up portrait of joyless 30s woman | Source: Shutterstock

Close up portrait of joyless 30s woman | Source: Shutterstock

The woman, Tendey, responded quickly, a hint of impatience in her voice. "Yes. I'll answer right away. I don't want to join your god. I don't need any services, and I don't want to buy anything," she said, ready to close the door.

Annie quickly clarified her purpose. "You misunderstood. I'm here to talk about your daughter, Abiona. It's urgent."

Reluctantly, Tendey let Annie inside the house. They moved to the kitchen, where Tendey set a cup of tea in front of Annie. The cup's warmth was a small comfort to Annie in the cold, unfamiliar environment.


Gathering her courage, Annie broached the subject that had brought her here. "So, about Abiona," she started. "She is currently in the hospital. The doctor said that she has a serious genetic disease and she only has a few days to live."

Tendey's reaction was one of detachment. "My husband had such a disease. He died at 28. I didn't think it would manifest so quickly in Abiona," she said indifferently. "What's it to me? I can't help her."

Composition with female hands | Source: Shutterstock

Composition with female hands | Source: Shutterstock

Annie's voice trembled as she spoke of Abiona's last wish. "Her last wish was to see you."

Tendey, misunderstanding, asked, "Listen, what was your name, Anna?"

"It's Annie," she corrected gently.


Tendey's response was cold and dismissive. "Annie, I didn't need a daughter. I gave birth to her only for my husband. When he died, I couldn't keep her. I needed to work, and a child was extra trouble and extra expenses. So I gave her away. I didn't need her then, and I don't need her now."

Annie was taken aback. "But Abiona said she was kidnapped."

Close up of sad pensive millennial woman | Source: Shutterstock

Close up of sad pensive millennial woman | Source: Shutterstock

"Kidnapped?" Tendey laughed cynically. "What a child's imagination can come up with. She wasn't kidnapped. I gave her away myself."

Annie was persistent. "But the bad men who took her?"

"What bad men? Oh, she probably talked about our friends. They are not the best people, of course, but not bad. I asked friends to take her to the shelter. I didn't have a car then."


"And they were arrested by the police?" Annie pressed on.

"Yes, those idiots violated traffic rules and were driving very fast. That's why they were arrested," Tendey explained, unphased.

Exhausted young biracial woman | Source: Shutterstock

Exhausted young biracial woman | Source: Shutterstock

Annie's heart sank. "So, there was no kidnapping?"

"No, of course not. I gave her away myself. Voluntarily. Renounced parental rights. So everything that is happening now is not my problem," Tendey stated coldly.

Annie's plea was desperate, her voice laden with emotion. "But you are her mother. Don't you want to at least say goodbye to her? She is your own daughter," she implored, hoping to stir some maternal instinct in Tendey.


Tendey's response was cold and detached. "Listen, Annie. This is now your problem, and it's up to you to deal with it," she said, her tone dismissive, her eyes void of warmth.

Feeling anger and desperation, Annie persisted, "Do it at least for Abiona. She needs you."

One thoughtful woman | Source: Shutterstock

One thoughtful woman | Source: Shutterstock

Tendey was unmoved. "I've said everything. I no longer have a daughter. I think it's time for you to leave," she said firmly, her decision final.

Feeling defeated, Annie took her bag, her heart heavy with disappointment. As she turned to leave, something caught her eye. On a dresser in the hallway, there were several bottles of perfume. Among them, she spotted one that reminded her of something Abiona had said – her mother smelled like honey.


Annie had a sudden idea. "Can I buy these perfumes from you? I'll pay a hundred dollars," she offered, hoping to bring something back to Abiona that connected her to her mother.

Tendey looked at her, surprised. "But half of it is gone. And a full bottle costs less," she pointed out, her expression a mix of confusion and suspicion.

Annie didn't hesitate. She took out her wallet and handed Tendey a hundred dollars. Tendey took the money, still looking bewildered. Annie quickly put the perfumes in her bag.

Powdery leather bag | Source: Shutterstock

Powdery leather bag | Source: Shutterstock

"What a weirdo," Tendey muttered as she closed the door behind Annie.

Annie returned to her car, the perfume bottle safely tucked away in her bag. She felt a deep sadness for Tendey's lack of empathy and for Abiona's loss.


Sitting in her car, parked just outside the hospital, Annie felt a profound sense of despair. She clutched a photograph of Tendey, Abiona's biological mother, in her hand.

The encounter with Tendey had left her heartbroken and desperate. She stared at the picture, her mind racing for a solution, a way to fulfill Abiona's last wish to see her mother.

Annie's gaze shifted from the photograph to her phone. There had to be a way to bring some solace to Abiona, something to ease her longing. An idea struck her, an unconventional plan but borne out of sheer desperation and love for Abiona.

Attractive stylish woman | Source: Shutterstock

Attractive stylish woman | Source: Shutterstock

She opened her phone's browser and searched for a website where they cast actors. Her fingers moved with urgency, driven by the hope of finding anyone who resembled Tendey.


After scrolling through profiles and images, Annie's eyes landed on a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Tendey. She looked at the woman's photo and then back at Tendey's, comparing their features.

The similarity was uncanny. Heart pounding with a mixture of hope and anxiety, Annie dialed the number provided on the website.

The phone rang, and a voice answered on the other end. "Hello, this is Sarah," the woman said.

Annie took a deep breath, steadying her nerves. "Hi, Sarah. My name is Annie, and I have an unusual request." She paused, wondering how to explain the situation without sounding irrational.

Distracted woman talking on her phone | Source: Shutterstock

Distracted woman talking on her phone | Source: Shutterstock


"I'm caring for a little girl named Abiona. She's terminally ill and in the hospital right now. Her last wish is to see her mother, but... her mother won't come," Annie's voice cracked with emotion.

There was a pause on the line. "I'm so sorry to hear that," Sarah said, her voice filled with genuine concern. "How can I help?"

There was a moment of silence. Annie held her breath, waiting for Sarah's response, fearing rejection.

Finally, Sarah spoke, "I'll do it. It's a strange request, but I can see it comes from a place of love. Tell me what I need to know about Abiona and her mother."

Young woman with telephone | Source: Shutterstock

Young woman with telephone | Source: Shutterstock


Relief washed over Annie. "Thank you, Sarah. Thank you so much," she said, her voice trembling with gratitude.

They talked for a while longer, with Annie providing details about Abiona and Tendey. Sarah listened attentively, asking questions to ensure she understood the role she needed to play.

After ending the call, Annie leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes momentarily. This plan, unconventional as it was, gave her a glimmer of hope. She hoped that Sarah's visit would comfort Abiona, a final loving memory in the little time she had left.

Annie stood outside the hospital room, her heart beating fast. She held the perfumes she had bought that smelled like honey. Next to her was an actress she had found. Annie handed her the perfumes. "Spray these on yourself, please. They smell like Abiona's mom."

The actress did as told, spraying the perfumes on her clothes. She looked nervous but ready. Together, they stepped into the hospital room where Abiona lay.

Interior of an empty hospital room | Source: Shutterstock

Interior of an empty hospital room | Source: Shutterstock


Abiona was in bed. She looked small and weak. Tubes and wires were all around her. But when she saw Annie, her eyes lit up a little.

"Abiona, look who I brought," Annie said softly.

Abiona tried to sit up. Her eyes were curious. She looked at the actress standing beside Annie. The actress looked a lot like the picture Annie had seen of Abiona's real mom.

"Abiona, this is your mother," Annie said, trying to sound cheerful.

The actress moved closer to the bed. She reached out her hand to Abiona. Abiona hesitated, then slowly reached out, too. They touched hands. Then, Abiona pulled the actress into a hug. She started to cry.

Close up biracial family portrait | Source: Shutterstock

Close up biracial family portrait | Source: Shutterstock


"You smell like mom," Abiona said through her tears. She hugged the actress even tighter.

The actress hugged her back. "Because I am mom," she said gently.

Abiona cried harder. "You found me," she said, looking at Annie and the actress.

"It was Annie who found me," the actress said, stroking Abiona's back.

Abiona turned to Annie. Her eyes were full of tears, but she smiled. She reached out to Annie. Annie hugged her. "Thank you for finding my mom," Abiona whispered.

Close up of beautiful daughter | Source: Shutterstock

Close up of beautiful daughter | Source: Shutterstock

Annie held Abiona close. She felt Abiona's small, weak body against hers. She wanted to protect her, to take away all her pain. But she knew she couldn't. All she could do was be there for her.


The actress sat down on the bed next to Abiona. She took Abiona's hand in hers. "I missed you so much," she said.

Abiona looked at her. "I missed you too, Mom," she said. Her voice was weak, but Annie could hear the love in it.

Annie watched them. She felt a mix of emotions. She was happy Abiona was with her 'mom,' but she also felt sad. Sad because she knew the truth. The actress wasn't Abiona's real mom. But Annie had to do this for Abiona.

The actress talked to Abiona. She told her stories. These are stories about a beautiful place where Abiona was born—with big trees and bright flowers. Abiona listened, her eyes wide.

Close up of saline solution on hand | Source: Shutterstock

Close up of saline solution on hand | Source: Shutterstock


Annie joined in. "And there were animals, right? Big animals, like elephants and giraffes," she said, trying to paint a picture of a happy, magical place.

"Yes," the actress said, playing along. "They were your friends. You played with them in the sunshine."

Abiona smiled. "I remember," she said. Her voice was a whisper.

They talked about happy things. About stars and the moon. About singing and dancing. Annie and the actress made up stories to make Abiona happy. To make her feel loved.

Annie held Abiona's hand. She felt how fragile it was. She looked at Abiona's face. There was a peace in her eyes. A peace that hadn't been there before.

Mother is holding her little baby hand | Source: Shutterstock

Mother is holding her little baby hand | Source: Shutterstock


The room was quiet for a while. Then Abiona said, "I'm tired."

Annie nodded. "It's okay to rest," she said softly.

Abiona lay back. Her eyes were closing. She looked at Annie and the actress. "I love you," she said.

"We love you too," Annie said. Her voice cracked.

Abiona's eyes closed. She looked calm. She was breathing softly. Annie sat there, holding her hand. She didn't want to let go.

Doctor using digital notepad | Source: Shutterstock

Doctor using digital notepad | Source: Shutterstock

Outside, the sun was setting. The sky was turning orange and pink. Annie looked out the window. She thought about everything. About Abiona. About the love she felt for this little girl.


Annie stayed by Abiona's side. She watched her sleep. She wanted to be there for her. Always. She wanted to make sure Abiona knew she wasn't alone.

The room was quiet. Only the sound of Abiona's breathing and the gentle beeping of the machines. Annie leaned close to Abiona. "I'm here," she whispered. "I'll always be here."

Annie noticed something was wrong. Abiona's forehead was unusually hot. Concerned, she brushed her hand over the girl's forehead, confirming her fear: Abiona had a high fever. Her heart raced with worry. She thought about getting a doctor immediately, but then Abiona's eyes fluttered open.

The girl's gaze was hazy, unfocused. In a weak, distant voice, she murmured, "Mom." The word was a whisper, a faint sound that carried a weight of emotion. Then her eyes closed, her body relaxed, surrendering to the exhaustion.

Little girl sleeping | Source: Shutterstock

Little girl sleeping | Source: Shutterstock


Panic gripped Annie. She carefully laid Abiona down and dashed out of the room to find a doctor. Her feet moved quickly, almost tripping over themselves as she navigated the hospital corridors. Her mind was a whirlwind of fear and desperation. She found a doctor and quickly explained the situation, urging him to come immediately.

They hurried back to the room, the doctor's coat flapping behind him as he moved purposefully. Annie's heart pounded in her chest. She prayed silently, hoping for some good news, a miracle perhaps.

The doctor entered the room, his expression serious. He checked the machines that were monitoring Abiona, his face growing grimmer with each passing second. He turned to Annie, his eyes conveying a message before he even spoke. "I'm sorry," he said softly, "there's nothing more we can do."

The words hit Annie like a physical blow. Her knees felt weak, and her breath caught in her throat. She stumbled to the bed where Abiona lay still, her face peaceful amidst the storm of emotions around her.

Tears streamed down Annie's face as she sat next to Abiona. She gently took the girl in her arms, hugging her close. She rocked back and forth, a lullaby of sorrow and love. Her tears fell onto Abiona's face, mingling with the child's serene expression.


Sad woman | Source: Shutterstock

Sad woman | Source: Shutterstock

At that moment, the world outside the hospital room ceased to exist for Annie. There was only her and Abiona, the little girl she had come to love as her own.

Annie closed her eyes, letting her tears flow freely. She let her emotions wash over her, a tidal wave of sadness and love.

Time seemed to stand still as Annie sat there, holding Abiona. The world outside the hospital room faded away, leaving only the two of them in a bubble of grief and love. Annie whispered words of love and comfort to Abiona, her voice a soft melody in the quiet room.

"I love you, Abiona," she whispered. "You will always be in my heart." Her words were a promise to remember and cherish their time together.


The doctor stood by respectfully, giving Annie the space she needed. He understood the depth of her grief. He knew that there were no words that could ease her pain, no comfort he could offer that would make the loss any less profound.

Woman suffering from depression | Source: Shutterstock

Woman suffering from depression | Source: Shutterstock

Annie held Abiona until the room grew dark, the setting sun casting long shadows across the floor.

Eventually, the doctor gently touched her shoulder, a silent reminder of the world outside the room. But for Annie, nothing else mattered but the little girl in her arms, the child she had come to love as her own. She held Abiona close, her heart breaking with each passing second.

The night fell, and the room grew quiet. Annie sat there, holding Abiona, lost in a world of grief and love. She whispered one last goodbye, a final farewell to the little girl who had changed her life forever. And in that moment, she knew that Abiona would always be a part of her, a cherished memory that would live on in her heart.


Doctor comforting crying woman | Source: Shutterstock

Doctor comforting crying woman | Source: Shutterstock

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If you enjoyed this story, read this one: A sudden tragedy brings together Sarah and Eric in an unbreakable bond. But when the boy learns a painful truth about their past, it sets them on a path of emotional turmoil, challenging the very foundation of their makeshift family and leading to a moment of life-threatening crisis. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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