
54-Year-Old Lady Gives Birth to Twins, Son-In-Law Sees Familiar Birthmarks on Them — Story of the Day

Comfort Omovre
Feb 15, 2022
03:30 A.M.

Trouble breaks out when a woman in her 50s conceives twins prematurely, and her son-in-law arrives at the hospital only to notice that the babies have the same birthmark on their shoulders that he does on his — now, wait a minute…


Most women dream about being mothers once they hit a certain age, but for Paige Turner, the news of her pregnancy was like a dash of cold water on the face.

She was already 54 with a grown child and grandkids, so the first question she asked the doctor was if they could get rid of the baby. "I don't want to go forward with it," a worried Paige said.

Paige gave birth to twins at the age of 54  | Source: Shutterstock

Paige gave birth to twins at the age of 54 | Source: Shutterstock

The doctor gave her a disappointed look before telling her that it was already too late. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Turner, but it's a bit too late for that. I can see red flags in your report, and I think it would be best if we can keep you here for a while. I have a feeling it might be a premature delivery."

"Please, doctor," Paige groaned, her eyes welling up with tears. "Is there nothing else that can be done? I don't think I want to have another baby. I'm not prepared."


"I'm sorry, Mrs. Turner, but there's nothing I can do here. Like I said before, your reports show several inconsistencies. If we try to abort that baby, you will be putting your life in danger."

Paige was devastated. She didn't want to think about what her daughter would think when she learned of her pregnancy, but above all, she didn't want to raise a kid all by herself.

Knowing the pregnancy wouldn't remain hidden for too long, Paige decided to let her daughter, Mia, know beforehand. She called her the same day and told her what had happened.

"Oh, mom, come off it!" Paige said as she burst out laughing. "You are such a clown mom!"

"I'm dead serious, pumpkin!" Paige said sadly. "Could you please check your cell?"

Paige was shocked and disturbed when she discovered she was pregnant | Source: Pexels

Paige was shocked and disturbed when she discovered she was pregnant | Source: Pexels


Mia knew that her mother was seeing a man named David, a former classmate of hers from high school. The two had attended the same university but had drifted apart until they met on Facebook.

He'd asked Paige out, and they'd gone on a couple of dates, but Mia refused to believe her until she checked the message she sent and found the ultrasound report — her mom hadn't been lying after all.

Mia was shocked. "Oh my gosh, Mom! This is so bizarre! What do you want to do about it?"

"I really don't want to continue with it, pumpkin," Paige groaned. "But I have no choice. The doctor says abortion is too risky, so I have to go on with it."

"Don't be worried, mom," Mia reassured her. "If it's God's will for you, he will also guide you. Just know I'm always here for you."

Paige broke down as she heard her daughter's words, "But baby, don't you want to know who…." She started to say, but Mia cut her off. "There's nothing else I need to know mom. Just don't get too worked up over anything. Okay?"

"But what about Cody and the rest? They'll judge me harshly for getting pregnant at my age, and then those poor kids will have to face society. I'm really disturbed, honey."


"Why do you care so much about what others think, mom? You know how people are. They'll talk today but won't remember anything tomorrow. As far as Cody is concerned, he's very understanding. Set your mind at rest, I'll talk to him."

Paige broke down as she heard her daughter's supportive words on the call | Source: Pexels

Paige broke down as she heard her daughter's supportive words on the call | Source: Pexels

"Alright, honey. Thank you," Paige said, then hung up. Her daughter had tried her best, but the older woman was still worried about how others would take the truth.

After that day, Mia took up a nurturing position and started caring for her mother as her tummy grew rounder. Her husband was just as supportive and would often accompany her to the hospital to care for Paige on the weekends.

All that love and support went up in smoke the day the twins were delivered. When the nurse brought the babies, both Mia and her hubby immediately noticed the birthmarks on their shoulders.


Mia was astonished, and Cody, her husband, couldn't believe what he was looking at! "Now, wait a minute, aren't those supposed to be exclusive?" he wondered as his mind raced, then Mia spoke.

"The birthmark…How? I can't believe you did this to me, Cody, and no less with my mom!" Mia cried. "Did you sleep with my mother?"

"What? That's preposterous, baby. Nothing like that happened!" Cody exclaimed, perplexed himself.

"Don't you dare lie to me, Cody Philips! Look at those birthmarks! I can't believe this! And mom kept this from me too!"

Cody was at a loss for words at that point. He'd seen the birthmarks too, but he also knew he did not father the twins."Listen, baby, please let's calm down. It's not what you think..."

Mia was astonished when she saw the birthmark on the newborn babies and was shocked at what it implied | Source: Pexels

Mia was astonished when she saw the birthmark on the newborn babies and was shocked at what it implied | Source: Pexels


"I don't want to hear anything from you, liar!" Mia snapped. "I need to speak to mom right now!" the woman said as she rushed off to her mom's ward.

Paige, who had just recovered from the delivery, was stunned when she saw her red-faced daughter crying. "Honey, what's wrong?" she asked, concerned.

"What's wrong? Really, mom?" Mia said, furious. "I can't believe you did this with my husband. It's disgusting, mom! When did you two start? And don't even attempt to lie, I saw those birthmarks on the babies'. Cody has the same!"

"Pumpkin, please lower your voice," Paige said.

"How can you tell me that, mom?" Mia asked as her eyes welled with tears once again. "I was there for you throughout your pregnancy! I was worried Cody wouldn't help out but he did."

"I was surprised when he agreed to aid me but now I see he had no problems because he is the father. Also, you said you had something to tell me about the pregnancy over the phone that day, but I cut you off. Now I know! I AM LEAVING THAT MAN! I DON'T EVEN WANT TO SEE HIS FACE!"

Paige, who had just recovered from the delivery, was stunned when she saw her red-faced daughter crying | Source: Pexels

Paige, who had just recovered from the delivery, was stunned when she saw her red-faced daughter crying | Source: Pexels


Cody walked in then and tried to speak to her again, but the young woman shrugged off his efforts and said she didn't want to hear more.

When Paige saw her daughter in that state, she couldn't hold back her tears. Eventually, she sat up in her bed and called Mia over to her side before taking her hand in hers.

"Cody, you come here as well. There's something you should both know..." The older lady began then confessed the whole story.

It turned out that Cody's father, Paul, was the father of the twins, and it had happened some few months ago when they all got together at the man's ranch. Paige and Paul had too much to drink and had gotten a little romantic.

Paige had been terrified of confessing the truth, but that was because she was afraid her daughter would lose her family. She was prepared to take it to her grave.

"Paul's father has the same birthmark too, honey," Paige revealed. "If you don't believe me, ask Cody." Mia spared a glance at Cody, who gave a nod in agreement.

"She's right, Mia. Even my grandfather has it."

When Paige saw Mia in that state, she had to reveal the truth to her and Cody | Source: Pexels

When Paige saw Mia in that state, she had to reveal the truth to her and Cody | Source: Pexels


"I should have opened up sooner. I'm sorry," Paige said as she broke down in tears.

Now that she knew the whole story, Mia realized how wrong it was to have to jump to conclusions, and she promptly apologized to her mom and husband.

"Yes, Paige," Cody added. "Dad has every right to know what is going on. Those kids are his responsibility too. You should definitely tell him."

Paige had her doubts, but she eventually called Paul and confessed everything. He was shocked, but he promised to take responsibility for his kids.

Hours later, he was present in the hospital with them, and with him was a bouquet and a ring. He wanted to marry her, and when he saw her, he went on his knees and proposed to her.

She blushed, and yes was the answer. A few months later, they were married in a small family ceremony and are now a big happy family.

 A few months later, Paul and Paige were married in a small family ceremony | Source: Pexels

A few months later, Paul and Paige were married in a small family ceremony | Source: Pexels


What can we learn from this story?

  • Don't jump to conclusions. Mia should have been patient enough to get all the details before she drew her conclusions. If she had kept a cool head, there would have been no chaos, and no hurtful words would have been said.
  • Take responsibility for your actions. After he learned of what happened, Paul didn't shirk his duties; he agreed to take care of the twins and even married Paige so they could raise their family side by side.

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This account is inspired by our reader's story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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