
At Wife’s Funeral, Widower Finds Out She Has Been Married to Another Man All Her Life – Story of the Day

Roshanak Hannani
May 07, 2022
03:00 P.M.

Walter's wife, Jessica, died, and their lawyer showed up at her funeral with some terrible news — she was married to someone else. Walter had no idea because they had been together for 60 years. Then he met her husband and discovered something shocking.


"Mr. Stanley, may I speak to you for a moment?" Walter looked up from his lap at the church bench to see their lawyer, Mr. Sternberg, staring at him. He nodded and heaved himself up, walking a bit away from his daughter, Fiona, and the rest of the funeral attendees.

They were at his wife Jessica's funeral. It was a sad occasion, and their lawyer had been a good family friend. He handled everything about the estate and also came to pay his respects. But Walter had no idea what he wanted now.

Mr. Sternberg asked to have a word with Walter at his wife's funeral. | Source: Pexels

Mr. Sternberg asked to have a word with Walter at his wife's funeral. | Source: Pexels

"Is there anything wrong, Mr. Sternberg? Thank you for coming by the way," he stated when they were out of reach from others.

They all sat down and stared at each other in awkward silence until Henry spoke up. "I'll cut to the chase then. I assume you knew nothing about me until now. Correct?"


"Of course. You and Mrs. Stanley were dear friends. But there's something pressing I need to tell you. I've debated whether to do it here, and maybe, it's not the best time, but you need to know," the lawyer said, a sense of urgency to his tone.

"Tell me," Walter responded, frowning.

"About Mrs. Stanley's estate and her life insurance… well, they are not going directly to you and your daughter. It appears Mrs. Stanley was married to someone else," Mr. Sternberg revealed gently, but Walter froze in his place.

He started shaking his head. "No. That's impossible. We've been together for 60 years. You must be mistaken."

Mr. Sternberg revealed something inconceivable. | Source: Pexels

Mr. Sternberg revealed something inconceivable. | Source: Pexels


"I've checked a million times and I'm certain of it. I'll need to schedule a meeting at my office quickly, so I could introduce the man to you. I think this matter will only be resolved when you two speak," Mr. Sternberg finished. He patted Walter's shoulders and walked away to one of the benches in the back while Walter stared back at him in shock.


A few days later, Walter and Fiona were driving to Mr. Sternberg's office in Pasadena. Walter had just told Fiona what their lawyer said at the funeral. To his surprise, she was not that shocked about it.

"Why aren't you more stunned, honey?" he asked her, focusing on the road.

"Well… didn't you and Mom get divorced at some point?" Fiona wondered, and Walter finally remembered that minor but painful glitch in their relationship.

"I… but she couldn't have gotten married again. We divorced and were separated for less than a year. It's impossible," Walter stuttered.

Fiona reminded him about something he had forgotten after so many years. | Source: Pexels

Fiona reminded him about something he had forgotten after so many years. | Source: Pexels


"Mom told me about it. She said you fought a lot a year after your wedding, and she lived with my grandparents for a time. It could've happened then. I know they never liked you," Fiona continued, reminding him about that long-forgotten disdain Jessica's parents held for him.

"But… it's just… why didn't she tell me? Why did she come back to me if she was married?" Walter asked. Sadly, the only person who could answer those questions was gone.

"You didn't think about getting married again after you got back together?" Fiona asked.

"Not really. We just picked up where we left off. I didn't think it mattered at all," he answered, wanting to kick himself for not talking about that stuff back then.


"Mr. Stanley, Fiona, this is Henry Clark," Mr. Sternberg said, directing Walter and Fiona's attention to the stranger in his office. He was about Walter's age, tall, and dressed in an expensive business suit.

Henry extended his hand and said, "It's nice to meet you, although the circumstances are not so great."

"Yeah," Walter muttered, shaking the man's hand as if in a trance.


Walter and Fiona were introduced to Henry Clark. | Source: Pexels

Walter and Fiona were introduced to Henry Clark. | Source: Pexels

They all sat down and stared at each other in awkward silence until Henry spoke up. "I'll cut to the chase then. I assume you knew nothing about me until now. Correct?"

Walter and Fiona nodded with wide, confused eyes.

Henry continued, "Well, it happened many years ago. I never wanted to get married, but my parents told me about their friends' daughter. They said I would look better as a businessman if I had a wife. She was newly divorced and had no children. We met briefly, and essentially let our parents handle everything. It was a civil ceremony, nothing fancy, nothing special really. We were never really man and wife after that."

"I don't understand," Walter whispered, tears in his eyes, but he refused to let them out.


"It was basically a business transaction. Then a few months later, she said that she was going back to her ex-husband. I was fine with that but told her we needed to get divorced. But Jessica… well, she was worried about you finding out. So we kept postponing it and postponing it until we forgot about each other," Henry explained nonchalantly.

Henry never wanted a family or a wife. | Source: Pexels

Henry never wanted a family or a wife. | Source: Pexels

"You never formed a family of your own?" Fiona questioned, holding her dad's hands on the office armchairs.

"No, I never wanted any of that. I only cared about business," Henry replied, grinning at heart. "And to that end, I came here to say that I don't want whatever the law states I should get. We might have been married on paper, but Jessica was not truly my wife at all. You can keep all of it."


"Are you sure, Mr. Clark?" the lawyer verified, his hand folded together on his desk.

"100% sure," Henry reiterated. "May I leave now? Again, it was nice to meet you. I'm sorry for your loss, and for this crazy surprise."

Fiona asked the lawyer to move things along. | Source: Pexels

Fiona asked the lawyer to move things along. | Source: Pexels

"Ok, let's get this done, then, Mr. Sternberg," Fiona prompted their lawyer, smiling at their father, whose unshed tears had finally subsided.

What can we learn from this story?


  • Family secrets have a way of coming out, so it's best always to be honest. Jessica should've told Walter about her marriage to Henry so he wouldn't have been blindsided at her funeral.
  • Parents should not get in the way of their children's happiness. Jessica's parents forced a wedding on her, although she didn't care for it. They should've let things be.

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This account is inspired by our reader's story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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