79 Nike Quotes To Inspire You to take Action
Nike is legendary, both as a brand and in its marketing. It has produced some of the most memorable and inspiring commercials of any sports brand in the world. It also represents some of the biggest sports stars in history. If you'd like some inspiration from this formidable brand, here are 79 quotes to kickstart it.
In addition to being one of the most recognizable brands in the world, Nike has produced inspirational and timeless commercials containing quotes that transcend sports. These quotes inspire anyone with a seemingly impossible dream to tap into their potential and pursue their dream with renewed vigor.
Nike commercials are designed to not only get you spending on the brand but to believe that what you’re spending on will ultimately change your life. They pull at your heartstrings by selling a sports star’s triumphs over challenges. And if a star as talented as Serena Williams can triumph over all the obstacles she faced to reach her stardom, why can’t we?
If you need a reminder of the memorable lines from Nike commercials that are sure to tug at your heart, here are 79 quotes to enjoy.

Nike’s quote: “Just do it.” | Source: AmoDays
“When your time comes and a thousand different voices are trying to tell you that you’re not ready for it, listen instead to that lone voice of dissent. The one that says you’re ready, you’re prepared, it’s all up to you now.”
“New routes break old routines.”
“Set goals. Exercise. Love yourself. Focus on fitness. Rest and relax. Eat right. Smile. Portray positive. Enjoy life. Care for others. Tell yourself you can do this.”
“Who do you want to be? Fit, confident, happy, hilarious, tenacious, strong, cool, bright, brilliant…The truth is you can make yourself anything and have a lot of fun doing it. But it’s up to you to make it happen. You are entirely up to you. Make your body. Make your life.”
“Run the day. Don’t let it run you.”

Nike’s quote: “When your time comes and a thousand different voices are trying to tell you that you’re not ready for it, listen instead to that lone voice of dissent. The one that says you’re ready, you’re prepared, it’s all up to you now.” | Source: AmoDays
“If no one thinks you can, then you have to.”
“Some people are told they were born with greatness. Some people tell themselves.”
"You’re only one workout away from a good mood."
“6 A.M. and your hand can’t make it to the alarm before the voices in your head start telling you that it’s too early, too dark, and too cold to get out of bed. Aching muscles lie still in rebellion pretending not to hear your brain commanding them to move. A legion of voices are shadowing their unanimous permission for you to hit the snooze button and go back to dreamland. But you didn’t ask for their permission. The voice you’ve chosen to listen to is one of defiance. A voice that says there’s a reason you set that alarm in the first place. So sit up, put your feet on the floor, and don’t look back because we’ve got work to do.”
“Remember, this is the grind. A battle royale between you and your mind, your body and the devil on your shoulders telling you that this is just a game. This is just a waste of time.”

Nike’s quote: “Some people are told they were born with greatness. Some people tell themselves.” | Source: AmoDays
“Everything you need is already inside.”
“Remember what we’re fighting for and never forget that momentum is a cool mistress. She can turn out of time with the smallest mistake. She is ever searching for the weak place of your armor, that one thing you forgot to prepare for.”
“Make the next 12 months the year of you. Every athlete, everybody. It’s time to bring your best then better it. Whatever you do… make it count!”
“All you have to do is pick up your feet.”
“The only one who can tell you 'You can’t' is you. And you don’t have to listen.”

Nike’s quote: “Everything you need is already inside.” | Source: AmoDays
“Don’t try to be the fastest runner in your school or the fastest in the world. Be the fastest ever.”
“I believe in redefining my impossible.”
“Don’t settle for homecoming queen or line back. Do both.”
“Sport is not a logical proposition. It thrives on obsession, passion, and going beyond what you thought was possible. If you have a body, you are an athlete.”
“The real purpose of running isn’t to win a race. It’s to test the limits of the human heart.”

Nike’s quote: “Write the future.” | Source: AmoDays
“Make yourself unstoppable.”
“Take the high road and go higher.”
“All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you’re not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you’re the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. They will tell you ‘no,’ a thousand times ‘no,’ until all the no’s become meaningless. All your life they will tell you ‘no,’ quite firmly and very quickly. And you will tell them ‘yes.’”
“Do not ask if your dreams are crazy. Ask if they’re crazy enough.”
“Write the future.”

Nike’s quote: “I believe in redefining my impossible.” | Source: AmoDays
“Write history. Redefine the position.”
“If people say your dreams are crazy, if they laugh at what you think you can do, good. Stay that way. Because what the non-believers fail to understand is that calling a dream crazy is not an insult. It’s a compliment.”
“It’s only crazy until you do it.”
“Greatness needs a lot of things but it doesn’t need an audience.”
“Be legendary.”

Nike’s quote: “Write history. Redefine the position.” | Source: AmoDays
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.”
“Somehow we’ve come to believe that greatness is only for the chosen few, for the superstars. The truth is, greatness is for us all. This is not about lowering expectations; it’s about raising them for every last one of us. Greatness is not in one special place, and it’s not in one special person. Greatness is wherever somebody is trying to find it. Find your greatness.”
“Start unknown. Finish unforgettable.”
“Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”
“Greatness is not some rare DNA strand. It is not some precious thing. Greatness is no more unique to us than breathing. We are all capable of it. All of us."

Nike’s quote: "Make yourself unstoppable." | Source: AmoDays
“It’s only crazy until you do it.”
"Make yourself unstoppable."
“Training is the opposite of hoping.”
“Someone who is busier than you is running right now.”
"Victory is paid for in sweat, courage, and preparation."

Nike’s quote: "No one ever drowned in sweat.” | Source: AmoDays
“Quit making excuses, putting it off, complaining about it, dreaming about it, whining about it, crying about it, believing you can’t, worrying if you can, waiting until you are older, skinnier, richer, braver, or all-around better. Suck it up, hold on tight, say a prayer, make a plan & JUST DO IT.”
“Success isn’t given. It’s earned. On the track, on the field, in the gym. With blood, sweat, and the occasional tear.”
“It’s not where you place, it’s how hard you worked to get there.”
"The harder you push, the more you are pulled.”
“Greatness is earned, never awarded.”

Nike’s quote: “Greatness is not some rare DNA strand. It is not some precious thing. Greatness is no more unique to us than breathing. We are all capable of it. All of us." | Image: AmoDays
“Greatness is not born, it is made.”
"No one ever drowned in sweat.”
"Work hard and be proud of what you achieve."
“Taking it easy won’t take you anywhere.”
“You don’t get it by staring, you don’t get it by wishing, you don’t get it by drooling, you don’t get it by hoping, you don’t get it easy. You get it by getting off your [expletive] and working for it.”

Nike’s quote: “Earned. Not given.” | Source: AmoDays
“Luck is the last time wish of those who want to believe that winning can happen by accident. Sweat, on the other hand, is for those who know it’s a choice. So decide now. Because destiny waits for no man.”
“Earned. Not given.”
“The first hit of the game. Leaving it all on the field. Team first. A battlefield. A street fight. The feeling inside when you lay someone out. The silence before the storm. The storm. Self-discipline. 9,000 fans for a school with 800 students. Football is everything. An entire year in the weight room. Working through the pain. Doing it for all the players who wore the uniform before you. Manhood. 2-a-days in 103 degree heat. Sacrifice. What you think about 24/7/365. The silence on the bus. The crowd so loud you can’t hear yourself think. State. No excuses.”
“You can feel sore tomorrow or you can feel sorry tomorrow. You choose.”
“It is not the biggest stadium in the world, not the biggest players either. But the pursuit of greatness is kind of big enough."

Nike’s quote: “One more step, one more lift, a little bit higher, a little bit faster — pushing your limit a little more every time until you forget you even had limits to begin with.” | Source: AmoDays
“Believe that voice that says you can run a little faster, and you can throw a little harder. That for you, the laws of physics are only merely a suggestion.”
"Don’t run away from challenges. Run over them."
“If you have only one hand, don’t just watch football. Play it. At the highest level.”
“Sometimes greatness is about overcoming insurmountable adversity. Sometimes it’s just fun.”
“If it isn’t trying, you’re not trying hard enough.”

Nike’s quote: “Believe that voice that says you can run a little faster, and you can throw a little harder. That for you, the laws of physics are only merely a suggestion.” | Source: AmoDays
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. Make it burn.”
“As long as the devil is hiding the details, the question remains: is that all you got?”
“Hit the road, not the wall.”
“Let go, and go further. Conquer new training grounds. New disciplines. New milestones. Break out of your comfort zone and set your training free.”
“For what is each day but a series of conflicts between the right way and the easy way. Ten thousand streams fan out like a river delta before you, each one promising the path of least resistance. Thing is, you’re headed upstream.”

Nike’s quote: “The real purpose of running isn’t to win a race. It’s to test the limits of the human heart.” | Source: AmoDays
“One more step, one more lift, a little bit higher, a little bit faster — pushing your limit a little more every time until you forget you even had limits, to begin with.”
“Just do it even if you suck at it.”
“Fear less. Do more. Get outside and get after it.”
“Play with heart.”
"Strike fear or get struck."

Nike’s quote: "If we face our fears, it means we are pointed in the right direction. Even if that direction is upside down.” | Source: AmoDays
“Your opponents are stronger than you. Drown out the voice of uncertainty with the sound of your own heartbeat, burn away your self-doubt with the fire that’s beneath you.”
“Sometimes greatness is something you plan. But most of the time it’s just something you try.”
"If we face our fears, it means we are pointed in the right direction. Even if that direction is upside down.”
“We’re out there. The ones who push you. Then try to push past you. Get you up before the alarm and out sweating. Dark or rain. We give you our best to get the best from you. Scoring against us tastes sweeter. Fighting us makes you fiercer. We’re not the many. But the few close enough to get under your skin. And that’s exactly why we take you further. Move with us or against us. Together we will make it count.”
“Is greatness worth fighting for? What do you think?"

Nike’s quote: “Running. Sometimes, legs feel like rocks. But rocks under pressure make diamonds. Running is power.” | Source: AmoDays
“You’re a lion in a field of lions. All hunting the same elusive prey with a desperation that says victory is the only thing that can keep you alive.”
“When you’ve battled for every point. When you’ve made every bone-crunching tackle and every grinding scrum count. When you’ve believed in every single man around you and dug deep into the reserves of your soul, you can look each other in the eye and know your crown may have been taken away but not without a fight.”
“Running. Sometimes, legs feel like rocks. But rocks under pressure make diamonds. Running is power.”
“Willpower knows no obstacles. Find your greatness.”

Nike’s quote: “Quit making excuses, putting it off, complaining about it, dreaming about it, whining about it, crying about it, believing you can’t, worrying if you can, waiting until you are older, skinnier, richer, braver, or all-around better. Suck it up, hold on tight, say a prayer, make a plan & JUST DO IT.” | Source: AmoDays
Nike commercials will go down in history as some of the best produced in the advertising industry. They appeal to the best parts of our humanity, which is always a good bet.
Whether or not you like Nike as a brand, you have to admit that its commercials have a global appeal. The quotes created from these commercials can be applied to many aspects of your life, so take this wisdom and apply it to your every day. It might just transform your life for the better.
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