
Rich Man Finds Old Stroller in House He’s Building, Hears Baby Crying from a Room – Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Jul 06, 2022
10:30 A.M.

A rich man visits his unfinished house and finds an old stroller in one of the rooms. He's understandably confused about how the stroller got there until he hears a crying sound from somewhere in the house and finds something shocking.


Dylan was a wealthy businessman who owned a huge chain of grocery stores. His wife, Alisa, was a homemaker by choice, as they were well-off and she didn't need to work. But despite all the wealth, Dylan and Alisa were not happy with their lives.

The couple had been trying for a child for three years with no luck. Alisa was depressed that she wouldn't be able to become a mother, and Dylan was concerned that if they didn't have a child, there would be no heir to his fortune.

Dylan and Alisa were trying for a child for three years. | Source: Pexels

Dylan and Alisa were trying for a child for three years. | Source: Pexels

One day, Dylan and Alisa visited the church and Pastor John observed they were distressed. They expressed their concerns about their infertility, and Pastor John gave them, especially Dylan, a piece of advice.


"You need to stop being pessimistic, Dylan," he said solemnly. "That negative energy in your vicinity will only harm you. I suggest you stop being callous and start being compassionate to those around you. He never forgets his children ... You see, you do good, and God will be gracious to you!"

Dylan and Alisa reflected on Pastor John's words and realized he made much sense. For some reason, the contractors building their new home had abandoned the project and terminated the contract. And despite multiple expensive treatments, they were unable to conceive. Everything in their lives was going south!

Dylan was very upset that day. After dropping Ailsa off at home, he went to see the unfinished house, and tears welled up in his eyes. He wandered around the property, remembering how delighted he and Alisa were when they decided to build it. They had hired an architect and spent months perfecting the design to make it suitable for their family.

Pastor John advised Dylan and Alisa to do good deeds. | Source: Pexels

Pastor John advised Dylan and Alisa to do good deeds. | Source: Pexels


As Dylan made his way into one of the unfinished rooms -- which was supposed to be their baby's nursery -- he spotted an old stroller there.

Dylan looked around to see if anyone was living on his property illegally, but he didn't see anyone in close sight. He decided to go over the entire property before leaving, and when he passed by one of the rooms, he suddenly heard the sound of a baby crying and saw a silhouette.

"I am just a medium. He is the one who showed you the right path.

"Hey, who are you?" he yelled as he walked in, only to discover a disheveled mom breastfeeding her infant.

Dylan immediately looked away. "Who are you?" he yelled angrily. "I hope you're aware that trespassing on someone's property is a crime!"

The woman panicked and tears welled in her eyes. "Please don't kick me out of here. I will feed my baby and leave. Please give me some time…."

Dylan crossed paths with a woman breastfeeding her baby. | Source: Unsplash

Dylan crossed paths with a woman breastfeeding her baby. | Source: Unsplash


"Listen, you…." Dylan was about to lash out at the woman, but he remembered what the pastor had told him about being kind to others. "You need to be kind," rang in his ears until he calmed down.

"Look, this is wrong, but....uh, okay, take your time..." he replied, leaving her alone.

After a while, the woman came out with her child and apologized to him. "I'm sorry. I didn't have anywhere to go. We're homeless, and this property seemed abandoned, so I started to live here with my child..."

Dylan saw her terrible condition, and despite being a stringent man who hardly sympathized with anyone, he felt sorry for her.

"What happened to you that you and your child live on the streets in this state?" he asked, noticing she appeared exhausted and weak.

Claire's tragic past landed her on the streets. | Source: Unsplash

Claire's tragic past landed her on the streets. | Source: Unsplash


The woman's tears didn't stop falling as she shared how she ended up on the street. "My name is Claire," she began. "A few months ago, my boyfriend...He left me because he didn't want the responsibility of raising a child. We were living together, and I had nowhere to go after he kicked me out.

"Nobody would offer a job to a heavily pregnant woman, let alone one with a baby…So I didn't have a choice….You look like you belong to a good family. Please adopt my baby and give her a good life. She'll die if she lives with me. Please!" she begged Dylan desperately.

Dylan couldn't help but take the offer as God's sign. He immediately called Alisa and told her everything and she told him to bring both the baby and Claire home.

"You and your child can stay with us," Dylan told Claire as he got off the phone. "My wife and I would like to help you and your baby…."

Once they arrived at Dylan and Alisa's house, Claire took a shower while Alisa looked after the baby. Alisa also gave Claire her clothes to wear.

Claire and Lily sought shelter at Dylan and Alisa's house. | Source: Pexels

Claire and Lily sought shelter at Dylan and Alisa's house. | Source: Pexels


While having dinner, Dylan and Alisa offered Claire a job as a receptionist at one of Dylan's grocery stores so she could earn a living for her child. "Your daughter is lovely," Alisa said to Claire. "Don't give up on her. She deserves to have her mother by her side. I've been trying for a child for years, and I understand how much a child may mean to you..."

"You and Dylan are angels in disguise for me, Alisa. I don't know how I'd ever return your favor...." Claire said, teary-eyed.

"Just do the best for your daughter. That's all," Alisa assured her.

A few months after she began working for Dylan, Claire and her daughter, Lily, moved into a new home. Claire was finally able to rent out a place, and she could now give her child a good life.

Alisa and Dylan had grown connected to Lily and missed her, so they went to Claire on weekends to spend time with her.

One day, they were having dinner at Clarie's house when Alisa felt nauseous. She took a pregnancy test that night and couldn't believe her eyes when it showed two lines!

Dylan and Alisa were finally pregnant. | Source: Pexels

Dylan and Alisa were finally pregnant. | Source: Pexels


"Dylan!" she screamed from the bathroom. "Come here! I'M PREGNANT!"

The next day, Dylan and Alisa visited Alisa's gynecologist, who confirmed the news. On their way back, they stopped by the church and thanked Pastor John. "Thank you for showing us the right path, pastor. We can't thank you enough…." Dylan said.

But Pastor John shook his head and replied, "I am just a medium. He is the one who showed you the right path. Thank God for it, not me!"

What can we learn from this story?

  • God never leaves his children in misery and rewards them for their good deeds. Claire and Lily were fighting for survival when they met Dylan. He and Alisa helped Claire, and in return, they were blessed with a child.
  • Never refrain from helping someone in need if you have the means. Dylan and Alisa stepped in to help Claire and offered her a job when she had no means to support Lily. In the long run, it made Claire independent, and she could give her daughter a good life.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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