Flickr / Alexander Baxevanis Shutterstock
Flickr / Alexander Baxevanis Shutterstock

Woman Sees Family Heirloom on Stranger, Next Day Stranger Comes to Her with Her Family – Story of the Day

Monica Otayza
Jul 20, 2022
03:00 A.M.
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A woman was casually walking down the street when she noticed her family heirloom pinned on another woman's coat. The following day, they decided to meet up and get to know one another after discovering that they had something in common.


Ria was walking down a busy street in downtown San Francisco when she noticed a brooch pinned on a stranger sitting in an outdoor cafe. She instantly recognized the brooch because it was the same one that had been with her family for decades.

The brooch was nothing ordinary and could not be replicated because it was made with real gold and carved by Ria's great-grandfather himself. He wanted to pass on something significant to every generation of his family, and he thought the gold brooch would be a good heirloom.

Ria was walking down the street when she noticed a woman wearing her family heirloom on her coat. | Source: Pexels

Ria was walking down the street when she noticed a woman wearing her family heirloom on her coat. | Source: Pexels

Ria wanted answers, so she visited her mother, Andie, to ask where the heirloom was. Her mother was shocked at the sudden question, mainly since they had not spoken about it in a long time.


"You might want to sit down for this, Ria," her mom told her.

The two women sat at the dining table, cups of coffee in hand. Then Andie started to tell a story.

"When you were three years old, I discovered I was pregnant with another baby. At the time, your father and I struggled to make ends meet because of the recession. We lost our jobs and couldn't find new ones for a while.

Andie sat Ria down to tell her a story. | Source: Pexels

Andie sat Ria down to tell her a story. | Source: Pexels

"While pregnant, we realized that we could not support two children simultaneously. It was a difficult decision, but we decided to send our youngest to an orphanage where she could have a better chance at a good life," Andie revealed.


Ria threw her hand up to her mouth. She had no idea she had a sister. "Why didn't you try to get her back when you and dad started to do better?" she asked.

"I couldn't. By the time dad and I could afford to raise you both, another family had already adopted her. I was relieved that her adoptive parents were both well-off and kind. They were able to raise your sister well." Andie's tears streamed down her face as she spoke.

Andie revealed that Ria had a younger sister they had to put up for adoption. | Source: Pexels

Andie revealed that Ria had a younger sister they had to put up for adoption. | Source: Pexels

Although Andie's revelation shocked Ria, it still didn't explain how the woman got the brooch. So she asked her mother, who told her how.

"About two years ago, I decided to ask the orphanage to help me find your sister," she explained. "I realized I couldn't be content with life without knowing whether your sister was okay. I've always felt guilty, and I wanted to apologize to her for not being able to raise her myself.


"The orphanage contacted her, and she agreed to meet. She's a lovely lady, Ria. Her name is Maude. When we met, I told her that even though she didn't see us as family, she was still a part of it. I handed her the family heirloom so that no matter where she goes, she has a piece of our family with her."

Andie revealed that her youngest daughter turned out to be a kind woman. | Source: Pexels

Andie revealed that her youngest daughter turned out to be a kind woman. | Source: Pexels

"I can't believe I have a sister!" said Ria. "I'd like to meet her, mom. Do you have her contact number? I'd like to get in touch with her."

"Of course," Andie replied. "I'm sure she'd love to meet you too."

It was a brief but pleasant conversation between the sisters when Ria called Maude the next day. Ria introduced herself, and Maude was glad to hear from her.


Maude knew she had a sister because Andie had told her, and she too looked forward to meeting Ria, who invited her to meet the rest of the family the following day. Maude obliged and said meeting the rest of her biological family would be nice.

The next day, Maude showed up at Ria's house with a cake in hand and her children and husband in tow. The moment the sisters locked eyes, it was as if nothing had separated them in the past. They hugged, and tears fell. Andie silently watched them, tears soaking her cheeks too.

Ria invited Maude for dinner, where they caught up about their lives. | Source: Pexels

Ria invited Maude for dinner, where they caught up about their lives. | Source: Pexels

During dinner, Ria, Maude, and their families didn't waste time getting to know each other. They shared stories about their lives, making up for the time they lost. They made plans for the future as if they had known each other the entire time.


What can we learn from this story?

  • Even chance encounters can bring about new beginnings. Ria was simply walking down the road one day when she noticed her family's heirloom on another woman's coat. Because of the chance encounter, she suddenly discovered that she actually had a sister, which led to a beautiful relationship between her and the rest of her family.
  • It's never too late to start over. Ria's mom, Andie, had to let go of her youngest daughter because of poverty. Years later, she decided to try and reconnect with her in hopes of making things right. Ultimately, it led to a beautiful new beginning filled with forgiveness, love, and understanding between the two parties.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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