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‘Mommy, Please Come,’ Little Boy with Suitcase Repeats through Tears until Old Forester Finds Him — Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Aug 06, 2022
05:00 A.M.
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A 4-year-old boy who was left to fend for himself keeps crying and asking for his mother to return, but the only help he gets is from an old forester. Years later, the boy runs into his mother again, but this time, the tables are turned.


Jaden Morgan stood in his New Jersey office, gazing out the floor-to-ceiling windows of the exotic vista of skyscrapers and rooftops. Twenty-five years had passed, but Jaden hadn't forgotten his tragic past. He remembered how his mother, Alice, had abandoned him and never came looking for him.

When Jaden was 4, Alice left him to fend for himself in a forest that housed a small settlement of foresters. Alice was 20 then, and she realized she wanted more from life, which definitely didn't include caring for a child who was just a reminder of a failed teen love.

"Jaden, honey," she had said. "We're going to play a game, alright? If you wait for Mommy in the forest for a long time, she will bring you a lot of new toys! What do you think?"

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"New toys, mommy?" Jaden asked, curious. Alice nodded and smiled at him, and Jaden fell for it. "Okay, mommy! I will wait for you!"

"You're a good boy, Jaden. The rules of the game are that you cannot ask anyone for help, and you must wait for me, okay? The game starts in three, two, one, and mommy is leaving now..." Then Alice walked away, leaving Jaden with his suitcase in the woods.

"I'm going to win, mommy! I will get new toys!" shouted Jaden excitedly as she vanished from his eyesight. He sat atop his luggage, delighted and thinking about the toys he would get. But the whole day went by and Alice never returned.

It was getting dark, and Jaden was terrified. "Mommy, please come! Are you there?"

Jaden stood up from his luggage and looked around for her, but he couldn't see anyone. At that point, he couldn't hold back his tears and started crying his heart out.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"Mommy, please come! Where are you?" he repeated and sobbed incessantly as he wandered in fear in search of Alice.

Suddenly, he heard scratching noises among the wild shrubs that had grown haphazardly throughout the woods. He was terrified, thinking it was a wild animal.

Fearful, Jaden took a step back, but a bright light suddenly flashed, and he saw an elderly forester standing in front of him. The older man was carrying several logs and holding a torch.

"How can you treat your mother like this?! Can't you see I need help?" she yelled at him in frustration, but he only said one thing to her.

"A boy? What are you doing here alone in the forest, little man?" he asked as he knelt in front of Jaden.

Jaden started crying even more and told him everything. "Mommy didn't come for me…She left me alone!"

The old forester, whose name was Edward followed Jaden to the place where he'd been abandoned, collected his suitcase, and took the boy home. He knew there was a slim chance Alice was coming back to Jaden.

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Edward's house was a modest shelter he made himself out of forest tree logs. It wasn't large, but it was cozy and warm. Edward offered hot broth and bread to Jaden before he fell asleep listening to his story.

Edward himself had a difficult life, having lost his wife and child in a house fire. He had been so devastated by his loss that he fled to the forest to recover. Nature was friendly to him, and the trees, shrubs, and bushes became his life, helping him cope with his anguish.

The next morning, when Jaden awoke, Edward told him that his mother had left him in his care and would soon come back. "She doesn't want you to win the game easily," he said so the boy wouldn't cry. "But we are going to win it! Cheer up!"

Thankfully, Edward had some old connections in the police and social services, so he called them and told them about Jaden's situation. He insisted on looking after Jaden and raising him if his mother did not return.

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When Alice didn't show up for several months, Edward got custody of Jaden, and he raised him like his son. He homeschooled him for a few years and then enrolled him in a school in the city. Edward walked several miles daily to pick up Jaden and drop him off at school. And on his 13th birthday, he revealed the truth to Jaden.

"Your mother isn't coming back, Jaden," he said. "I'm sorry I kept the truth from you for so long, but I wanted to tell you when you were old enough to understand..."

To Edward's surprise, Jaden hugged him and said, "I know, Edward. Do you really think I still believe that mom will come and get me toys? No, I don't. Thank you for loving me and raising me. You are my DAD. And I love you, dad!"

Years passed, and Edward and Jaden lived happily with each other. Edward supported Jaden and sent him to a good university. Jaden didn't disappoint Edward. He graduated magna cum laude and became a successful businessman.

Fast forward to the day Jaden stood in his office, looking outside the windows. He smirked, thinking he would soon meet his mother. Finding her hadn't been easy, but thankfully he knew her name, and there were only a few Alices he needed to confirm. When he finally found the Alice she resembled, he knew he had found her.


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A few moments later, his secretary walked into his office with his new clients, and Jaden smiled as he saw them.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher! It's a pleasure to meet you!" he exclaimed, offering his hand for a handshake. Mr. Fisher extended his hand, but Alice did not. Instead, her smile faded as she stared at Jaden's face. After all, she would never fail to recognize her son!

She was afraid Jaden would reveal their past, but he didn't. Instead, he shattered the couple's hopes by canceling the deal they set out to make, declaring that he would never do business with them.

At that point, Mr. Fisher stormed out of the office, enraged, but Alice didn't. Instead, she had the audacity to still hold a grudge against Jaden and vent out her frustration on him.


"You did this on purpose, didn't you? You knew who I was! I was right to leave you when you were a child! You were such a pain since you were a kid!"

"Well," Jaden said, smiling. "You can think whatever you want, Mrs. Fisher. I am abandoning you today, just like you abandoned me years ago. I think our scores are settled now. NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!"

After that day, Jaden never expected to cross paths with Alice, but 7 years later, they met again. He saw her begging on the streets a couple of buildings away from his office. He approached her to offer her some money.

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When he handed her a $5 bill, she immediately looked up to thank him but froze when she recognized him.


"You are not my mother just because you gave birth to me. Stop acting entitled and believing that the world revolves around you. That day, MOM, you did not abandon me; you liberated me from a horrible relationship and helped me find someone who truly loves me. Goodbye, and I hope we don't cross paths again," he added before walking away.

Jaden didn't know what brought Alice to the streets, but he didn't care. Alice got what she deserved.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

What can we learn from this story?

  • Family doesn't always mean blood. While Alice abandoned Jaden, Edward accepted him and raised him like his own son. He gave Jaden the fatherly love Jaden deserved, and due to Edward's kindness and love, Jaden lived a happy life.
  • Sometimes, time doesn't heal wounds. Jaden was scarred for life after his mother abandoned him. He could never bring himself to forgive her, and Alice couldn't blame him.


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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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