
Poor Teen Girl Performs CPR on Homeless Guy, Limo Takes Them to the Airport a Few Days Later — Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Sep 04, 2022
02:00 A.M.
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While everyone ignores a passed-out homeless man in the middle of the road, a teen girl comes to his aid and performs CPR on him, saving his life. A few days after this, a limo comes to her house, and she discovers something shocking about the man's identity.


A little kindness costs nothing and goes a long way. What a stupid idea, isn't it? Like, what do you get for being kind? Perhaps a bit of appreciation, which really isn't something great. So why should we be kind?

We'd say because your one act of kindness may save someone's life and turn their life around. But don't believe us. Decide for yourselves after you've read what transpired when a young girl named Catherine found a homeless man unconscious.

It all happened on a bright, sunny afternoon when Catherine was on her way home from school…

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

13-year-old Catherine was raised by her single mother, Linda after her father died of cardiac arrest two years ago. Linda worked two jobs to ensure they had enough to get by, but in reality, her income just helped them make ends meet.


One day, Catherine was returning from school when she noticed a man lying oddly in the middle of the road. People were walking past him, paying him little or no attention.

Catherine paused and stared at the man for a while, convinced there was something weird about the way he was lying down. "Why would he just lay down in the middle of the road?" she wondered. "Is he all right?"

Catherine hurried over to see whether he was okay. She knelt beside him and softly touched him on the shoulder. "Excuse me, sir. Are you okay?"

He didn't respond.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Catherine checked his pulse as she'd seen in movies, and she felt his pulse was weak.


"Sir, can you hear me? Are you okay?" she asked, trying to stir him up, but the man wasn't responding.

Worried, she pulled out her phone from her backpack and dialed 911. She notified the dispatcher of the man's symptoms, and he assured her that an ambulance was on its way; however, she was asked by the first responder on the line to perform CPR on the man, and Catherine was stuck.

"He wanted a different life. He always complained we were overprotective and pushy, but we never listened to him until one day, he was gone."

"I - I haven't done it before. What if I do it all wrong?" Catherine said, worried.

The paramedics assured her they'd give her step-by-step instructions, and Catherine finally agreed. She held the phone between her ear and shoulder, listening to the instructions, and began the procedure.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


She did chest compressions on the man as instructed and then the mouth to mouth. "Eww! What is that girl doing? Did she just kiss a homeless bum?" someone mocked her, but Catherine didn't listen to anything.

"He's still not reacting!" she cried worriedly at one point. "Is this even going to work?"

"Just keep doing it!" the voice on the other end of the line assured.

Catherine continued, and by that time, a crowd had gathered around her, with some people recording how she was performing CPR on the man.

Suddenly, the man gasped loudly and opened his eyes. "Oh, thank God!" Catherine almost cried to see him awake. "He's awake!" she said over the phone.

Soon after, the paramedics arrived on the scene and rushed the man to the hospital.

"Will he be all right?" Catherine asked the orderly who carried the man into the ambulance, and he nodded briefly.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


After saving the man's life that day, Catherine never expected she would meet him again. She did reach the front pages of a few local news outlets, but it wasn't something extraordinary. This type of news is shown on every channel in America daily, and it's not a surprise.

However, a few days later, on a Sunday morning, a limousine pulled right outside her house, and a man dressed in an expensive suit greeted her as she answered the door.

"It's about the man whose life you saved a while ago," the valet standing in her doorway explained. "That's all I can say for the time being. Please come with me. Someone wants to meet you and your mother."

Curious to find out what it all meant, Catherine and Linda went with the man. He drove them straight to the airport, and there, they were greeted by an elderly couple. The woman introduced herself as Edith, the homeless man's mother.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


In tears, she held Catherine's hand. "Thank you for saving my son's life," she said. "Our son…he is not in the right state of mind. He...he ran away from our house months ago, and we've been looking for him ever since…"

"His name is Albert," she continued. "And this is my husband, Carlo. We are wealthy diamond merchants, and we only have one son. You see, we built all this for him all our life, and we wanted him to run our business one day.

"But Albert didn't want any of this. He wanted a different life. He always complained we were overprotective and pushy, but we never listened to him until one day, he was gone.

"And then we discovered he was here, living the life of a homeless man... We landed here a few hours ago. We're finally taking him home as he's doing better. But sadly, he doesn't remember anything. The doctors say he suffered a head injury and lost his memory…He...he doesn't remember us," she finished, breaking down in tears.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"You're Catherine, right?" Carlo said, putting his arms around his wife's shoulder to console her. "We heard about you on the news. We are eternally grateful for everything you did for our son. We want to thank you personally for what you did. We surely will never forget this. Please let us know if you require our help in the future."

Carlo offered Catherine a generous sum in return for what she had done, but she modestly refused him. However, Linda did ask Carlo and Edith for something.

"We don't need any money. Instead, I want to ask something else from you," she said.

"Oh, sweetheart, anything," Edith said in tears. "Just say it."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"Love your son," Linda said, holding Edith's hands. "We as parents always want the best for our children, and so do they for themselves. But it's possible that there can be an alternate path to a common goal. Your son didn't want your business, but he would have found a way to do his best and make you proud. So now that you have him back, please love him and support him.

"He may not remember you, but if you love and respect his decisions, he will never stop loving you. I wish you all a safe flight."

Edith nodded and hugged Linda. As the couple headed to the airport, Catherine hugged her mom. "You're the best, mom! I love you!"

"And I'm proud of you, honey," Linda said, smiling and hugging her daughter close.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Try to understand your children and their desires. If only Edith and Carlo had sympathized with Albert, they wouldn't have missed out on all those times they could have spent with their son. Thankfully, they got another chance to make up for their lost time.
  • Your little kindness can save someone's life and turn it around. Catherine's kindness saved Albert's life and helped him reunite with his parents. In a way, this incident changed Albert's parents, who will be more supportive of his choices now.


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If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a boy who performed CPR on an old lady on the 4th of July and became a millionaire 15 years later.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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