46 Poignant Morgan Harper Nichols' Quotes on Grace, Self Love, and the Beauty of Life
Morgan Harper Nichols has an exquisite writing style filled with simple yet poignant wisdom. Find yourself on a captivating journey by reading the 46 quotes below.
Morgan Harper Nichols is a musician, artist, and poet. Of her many works, the book of prose and poetry, "All Along You Were Blooming," is her most impactful. The book speaks about purpose, hope, living fully, and more.
On her blog, Harper writes about her approach and the reason behind her artistry. The multi-talented woman says her inspiration comes from everyday life and conversations. Empathy and curiosity, she claims, are a massive part of her process. These elements shine through in all her writings and statements.
Read the 46 quotes below to get a taste of this poet's way with words and the effortless wisdom that comes along with them.

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "Have the audacity to keep dreaming in full color, come undone, letting hope have its way." | Image: AmoDays
Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes on the Power of Grace
"You are breathing, you are living, you are wrapped in endless, boundless grace." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"Under blue skies, on cracked rocks, in dry heat, in a desert land, grace is the hand that is never out of reach reminding you: you are not weak because you are lonely." ― Morgan Harper Nichols
"And because of that grace, you are free to slow down. You are free to breathe and rest, no matter the things not sorted out. There might be some mystery here, and there might be longing, wondering, and waiting. But there will also be boundless peace that goes beyond any understanding, running wild like a river through everything, no matter how heavy these moments feel. So rest easy when everything is approaching. Tomorrow is surely coming, but in the hours in between, you are free to rest till then." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"May you keep your heart open to all the ways you will encounter grace on this journey." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"You are going to be okay and not because life is perfect, but because of this glorious unmerited favor called grace." — Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "You are breathing, you are living, you are wrapped in endless, boundless grace." | Image: AmoDays
"And in those moments where the sun is setting, and the house is quiet, and you are weary from the day, may you know that there is grace for you in that space, and no amount of heaviness or loneliness can take that away." — Morgan Harper Nichols
Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes for Tough Times
"And the thing about blooming is, nothing about the process is easy." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"You do not have to live afraid. You do not have to live with the lie that things will always be this way." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"Hope is not wishful thinking." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"Shine on anyway." — Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "I hope you know it's okay if your strength looks a little different this season." | Image: AmoDays
"You do not have to sort through everything in your mind today in order to be okay, and take each moment breath by breath." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"You must remember how far you have come." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"You are worthy of love no matter how anyone else has made you feel." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"Hold tight to hope, amidst all unanswered questions, for even in uncertainty, there is strength to be found." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"Things will get better. There is more to you than yesterday." — Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "I cannot tell you what will happen, but I can tell you it will be different when the light pours in." | Image: AmoDays
"You may not have chosen your surroundings, but you can choose to find life in them." ― Morgan Harper Nichols
"You are free to forgive, and you are also free to heal." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"When you find yourself falling into the pit of anxiety, remember the ladder of hope that reminds you there is no reason to be afraid." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"...and perhaps what made her beautiful was not her appearance, what she achieved, but in her love and in her courage, and her audacity to believe: No matter [the] darkness around her, light ran wild within her, and that was the way she came alive, and it showed up in everything." ― Morgan Harper Nichols
"I hope you know it's okay if your strength looks a little different this season." — Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "Your 'strong' might not look like her 'strong,' and that is more than okay. You are not the same, so your strength will not look the same." | Image: AmoDays
"I cannot tell you what will happen, but I can tell you it will be different when the light pours in." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"When you start to feel like things should have been better this year, remember the mountains and valleys that got you here. They are not accidents, and those moments weren't in vain. You are not the same. You have grown, and you are growing." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"Your 'strong' might not look like her 'strong,' and that is more than okay. You are not the same, so your strength will not look the same." — Morgan Harper Nichols
Morgan Harper Nichols Self Love Quotes
"Even though you have learned the skill of running on empty, now is the time to learn the art of breathing deep all over again." ― Morgan Harper Nichols
"May you always be the one who notices the little things that make the light pour through, and may they always remind you: There is more to life, and there is more to you." ― Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "The same morning light that shines on the most beautiful places on earth is shining on you, too." | Image: AmoDays
"Don't give up on love. Love has not given up on you." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"Not everyone is capable of walking with you, but that does not mean you are not worthy of belonging." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"When you are struggling to see your worth, remember you are planted here on this earth, and even in your slower seasons, your presence matters in the greater landscape." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"The same morning light that shines on the most beautiful places on earth is shining on you, too." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"What if all the imperfections and the flaws were only part of your story — not the sum of who you are?" — Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "Not everyone is capable of walking with you, but that does not mean you are not worthy of belonging." | Image: AmoDays
"She no longer had the desire to bend herself into the frame of photographs where she was unwelcome." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"In a world that often seems too crowded or busy to notice beautiful things or make meaningful connections, there is still room for each of us to grow in the ways we were meant to." — Morgan Harper Nichols
Morgan Harper Nichols Life-Affirming Quotes
"You have never shamed the waves for not arriving at the ocean shore." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"Living in the moment is learning how to live between the big moments. It is learning how to make the most of the in-betweens and having the audacity to make those moments just as exciting." ― Morgan Harper Nichols
"You can still listen to music or read a book or have a look outside even with a crowded mind." ― Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "I hope something beautiful happens for you." | Image: AmoDays
"In the wild of what's unknown, there is still room to inhale, exhale, and dream of what could be." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"You have already been learning how to be wise." ― Morgan Harper Nichols
"Step into the unknown and learn as you go." ― Morgan Harper Nichols
"Maybe this heart of yours that longs for something more [is] being prepared for something so much greater than you." ― Morgan Harper Nichols
"I've stopped asking myself 'what' do I want to do with my life and instead I've been asking myself what do I want to do 'within' my life." — Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "In the wild of what's unknown, there is still room to inhale, exhale, and dream of what could be." | Image: AmoDays
"Now is the time to rise
above the fear
what you are not allowed to dream
what your heart
has been longing to dream.
Because every morning,
you've been waking up
imagining something more."
— Morgan Harper Nichols
"You can still make something honest and meaningful even if it's only seen by you." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"I hope something beautiful happens for you." — Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "You have not seen all there is to see, and that, my friend, is a beautiful thing." | Image: AmoDays
"While we are trying to make sense of things, may we learn to make peace with things." ― Morgan Harper Nichols
"Have the audacity to keep dreaming in full color, come undone, letting hope have its way." — Morgan Harper Nichols
"You have not seen all there is to see, and that, my friend, is a beautiful thing." — Morgan Harper Nichols

Morgan Harper Nichols’ quote: "Now is the time to rise above the fear/ what you are not allowed to dream/ what your heart/ has been longing to dream./ Because every morning, /you've been waking up/imagining something more." | Image: AmoDays
"All Along You Were Blooming," a Goodreads nominee, is not Nichols' only revered piece of work. She has released six other books, which include "Storyteller: 100 Poems and Letters," "You Are Only Just Beginning: Lessons," and "Forty Days On Being A Five."
The writer and artist constantly shares her art and prose on her blog as well as her Instagram account, where she boasts just under 2 million followers.
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