38 Almighty Quotes from the Immortal 'Elden Ring' Universe
While most of the public is focused on "House Of the Dragon," video game players are enjoying their own fantasy universe the story of which is partially written by George RR Martin. Read these 38 quotes from the characters of the video game "Elden Ring" to learn about this digital landscape.
The dark fantasy "Elden Ring" was released in February this year and is an action role-playing game. The player's goal is to become the Elden Lord, but this is not an easy task.
The player must find their way around the online world to find demigods possessing ring shards. From there, the task is to defeat these demigods and collect all these ring shards called Great Runes.
Read the following 38 quotes to find out what exactly George RR Martin and the director Hidetaka Miyazaki created for their in-awe and dedicated fanbase.

Narrator’s quote: "Oh, Elden Ring." | Image: AmoDays
Godrick the Grafted Quotes
"I command thee, kneel!" — Godrick
"I am the Lord of all that is golden." — Godrick
"Aaah, truest of dragons, lend me thy strength. Deliver me unto greater heights." — Godrick
"Long and hard didst thou fight. Tarnished warrior. Spurned by the grace of gold." — Godrick
"Lowly tarnished...Thou'rt unfit even to graft..." — Godrick

Godrick’s quote: "I am the Lord of all that is golden." | Image: AmoDays
"Forefathers one and all! Bear witness!" — Godrick
Godfrey, First Elden Lord Quotes
"It's been a long while, Morgott." — Godfrey
"Be assured, the Elden Ring resteth close at hand." — Godfrey
"Upon my name as Godfrey, the first Elden Lord!" — Godfrey
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon Quotes
"Mother's rich slumber shall not be disturbed by thee." — Rennala

Rennala’s quote: "I'll soon birth thee anew." | Image: AmoDays
"Ahh, my beloved. Have no fear. I will hold thee. Patience..." — Rennala
"Hush, little culver...Be not afraid, little culver." — Rennala
"I'll soon birth thee anew." — Rennala
Malenia, Blade of Miquella Quotes
"Let your flesh be consumed by the scarlet rot." — Malenia
"You will witness true horror." — Malenia

Malenia’s quote: "I dreamt for so long…My flesh was dull gold, and my blood rotted." | Image: AmoDays
"I am Malenia, blade of Miquella, and I have never known defeat." — Malenia
"I dreamt for so long…My flesh was dull gold, and my blood rotted." — Malenia
Morgott, the Omen King Quotes
"Have It writ upon thy meager grave: Felled by Morgott, last of all kings." — Morgott
"Willful traitors. all. Thy kind are all of a piece." — Morgott

Morgott‘s quote: "Have It writ upon thy meager grave: Felled by Morgott, last of all kings." | Image: AmoDays
Immortal Chatter Quotes
"Feel free to go off and die in a ditch somewhere." — White-Faced Varre
"It is my ordeal, you could say. to test myself, to better myself, to fell ever-greater foes." — Iron Fist Alexander
"Great champion, would you allow me to hold you, but briefly?" — Fia
"Who is to say that the cardinal sin must be cardinal forever?" — Enia
"I have given thee courtesy enough. Now I fight as Hoarah Loux, warrior!" — Hoarah Loux

Patches’ quote: "You scheming little thief!" | Image: AmoDays
"Now cometh the age of stars." — Ranni
"You must abide alone awhile." — Mohg
"Join the Serpent King as family. Together, we shall devour the very gods." — Rykard
"A man cannot kill a god..." — Ofnir
"Well then, shall we? My dear consort eternal." — Ranni

Ranni’s quote: "Now cometh the age of stars." | Image: AmoDays
"I was able to live as my own person, if only in passing." — Millicent
"...Death, become my blade once more." — Maliketh
"I could never betray her, no matter what happens. Ranni...she needs me." — Blaidd
"You scheming little thief!" — Patches
"...You are maidenless." — Varré

Maliketh’s quote: "...Death, become my blade once more." | Image: AmoDays
"Oh, Elden Ring." — Narrator
"All things can be conjoined" — Miriel
"Given time, technique never fails." — Smithing Master Hewg
"Foul tarnished, in search of the Elden Ring. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Someone must extinguish thy flame!" — Margit

Mohg’s quote: "You must abide alone awhile." | Image: AmoDays
It looks like "Elden Ring" may be making its way to the stage. In a perhaps left-field decision, on December 3, 2022, there will be a live stream of a jazz performance of the game's original soundtrack.
The in-person event will take place in Hollywood's Bourbon Room, with tickets available for video on demand, live stream, and the in-person performance.
If you want to continue exploring the world of video games, why not go with one developed by the same video game company as "Elden Ring," namely FromSoftware? Read quotes from the PlayStation game "Bloodborne."