A woman hard at work at the gym. | Source: Getty Images
A woman hard at work at the gym. | Source: Getty Images

Girl Mocks Plump Woman Working Up a Sweat at Gym, Later Learns It's Her Only Way to Have Kids – Story of the Day

Monica Otayza
Nov 19, 2022
01:45 P.M.

A woman is ashamed of herself for mocking an obese woman working hard at the gym when she finds out that the woman was only doing it so she had a greater chance of having children. They meet again after a couple of years but in extremely different circumstances.


"I really want a child, doctor," Amy cried while being consoled by her husband. "We've tried everything. Is there anything else we can do to conceive naturally? I'm desperate, and I'll do anything I can," she asked.

Amy's doctor had been helping them conceive naturally for about a year, and was about to suggest other means of getting pregnant, like in vitro fertilization or surrogacy. However, she knew how much Amy wanted to get pregnant the natural way, so she was determined to exhaust all options before offering other methods.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"I'm sorry that it's been difficult for you, Amy," Doctor Hodge replied. "There is one more thing you can try, but please, take this lightly, and don't think I'm trying to offend you," she added.


"Anything, doctor. I know you only want what's best for us. Please, tell me what else I would need to do..." Amy said desperately.

"Studies have shown that losing weight can help conceive. This and living a healthier lifestyle," Doctor Hodge explained. "If you want to, maybe you can hit the gym or go on walks to lose say about 40 pounds... it could work for you," she suggested.

Amy didn't feel bothered by Doctor Hodge's suggestion at all. She knew that she had put on weight because of stress, and she did want to lose some weight – with or without a baby in the picture.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

So, Amy was determined to work hard to lose at least 40 pounds. She got a gym membership and signed up for a daily training and nutrition program that was set to help her achieve her weight goals.


One day, Amy took the last elliptical machine available, when a thin woman who followed shortly after her, scoffed. "What a waste of space on the elliptical," the girl muttered. "As if she's ever going to be a Thumbelina!"

Amy closed her eyes upon hearing this, taking a deep breath and trying so hard not to shoot back at the mean woman. Even though she tried, she couldn't help it. She looked back and stepped down from the machine.

"I'm sorry, okay! I'm trying here!" she cried out. "This is the last chance for me to have children!" she said before storming out of the gym, crying.

Back home, the woman couldn't help but continue crying on the couch. She couldn't understand how people could be so mean, and how they couldn't just mind their own business.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Her husband Alfred saw her sobbing on the couch and immediately rushed to her side. "Amy, baby, what's wrong?" he asked. "Why are you crying? Are you hurt?"

Amy shook her head. "A mean girl at the gym mocked me for using one of the equipment. What did I do to deserve this? I didn't want to be fat, to begin with. That's why I was at the gym, trying to fix my situation!" she cried.

Alfred felt bad for Amy because he knew how insecure she was about the weight she gained. Regardless of what other people thought of her, he believed she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and nothing was going to change that.

In the same way that Alfred saw Amy as beautiful, he wanted her to see that for herself, too. So, he was determined to help her achieve her weight loss goals.

"Go ahead and cry it all out, honey. But after that, shed no more tears for the mean girls at the gym. We'll show them!" he said, still consoling her while she cried her heart out.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


The following morning, Alfred woke up at 6 in the morning to cook her a healthy breakfast. The two of them enjoyed a simple morning breakfast date, before going jogging together at the neighborhood park.

"Thank you for spending time with me before work, babe," Amy thanked her husband. "I hope you're not too tired to go to work," she said, concerned.

Alfred shook his head. "Not at all! I feel energized now. That was the best way to start my morning," he assured Amy. "Let's do it every day if we can!"

Amy blushed at how sweet her husband was being. She suddenly felt more beautiful in her own skin and was motivated to work hard so she could achieve her goals.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


That afternoon before going home, Alfred visited another nearby gym. He decided to get Amy a new membership so that she no longer needed to see the mean woman who mocked her.

Amy appreciated all of Alfred's efforts and used this as motivation to get back in shape. Alfred supported her all the way, and she lost 11 pounds in a year.

When Amy and Alfred returned to their doctor for their routine checkup, they couldn't believe their luck. "Are you ready?" Doctor Hodge asked them.

"Ready for what, doctor?" Amy asked her.

"To be parents... the moment you've been waiting for is finally here!" the doctor excitedly shared.

"What?!" Alfred said in disbelief. "Are we pregnant?!"

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Doctor Hodge nodded her head. "Congratulations! The blood work shows that you're expecting," she said before hugging Amy and Alfred who were crying tears of joy.

"Thank you, doctor! I can't believe this! Thank you, God!" Amy praised, still in tears that they were finally going to have a child of their own.

"I can't wait to be a daddy. Thank you, honey, for carrying our little blessing. I love you both so much," Alfred said, giving his wife a kiss on the cheek.

Amy was extremely careful throughout her pregnancy to make sure that her little one was safe and sound in her womb. She stayed home and only went out to go on short walks at the park or to buy things for the nursery. She made sure to stay active by doing pregnancy-safe exercises, increasing her love for working out.

Amy and Alfred grew closer in those nine months of pregnancy. They picked out all the best baby gear for the nursery and filled the closets with the cutest clothes.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


On her 39th week, Amy went into labor and prepared herself for childbirth. "You got this, honey," Alfred assured her. "I'm right here with you."

Amy and Alfred spent two long hours in the labor room before finally being ready to deliver their darling daughter. "You were made for this, honey," Alfred kept telling Amy. "Our little girl will be with us soon. Hang in there!"

After a couple of pushes, screams, and deep breaths, Amy delivered a healthy baby girl whom they named Amelia. "Hello, my sweet child," Amy whispered while they did skin-to-skin contact. "Mommy and daddy have been waiting for you," she cried.

Amy and Alfred were absolutely smitten with their child, going on a two-month maternity and paternity leave from their jobs. They poured all their time into their daughter without anybody else's help, conquering late nights and early mornings with love as their fuel.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Once Amy's maternity leave ended, she knew that she wouldn't be able to go back to her corporate secretary job. Not only would it eat up a lot of her time, but it would also be too much work for her. So, she decided to go on a career change in order to make her family her first priority.

Now equipped with the knowledge of effective fat burn and weight loss, Amy decided she wanted to become a trainer. She took classes to further her craft and to get certified as a gym trainer.

She decided she would teach the woman a lesson by reminding her of who she once was without being confrontational or offensive: "Do you want to be Thumbelina again?"

Five years passed quickly, and Amy was working as the top weight loss coach in their local gym. She had just finished bringing Amelia to school and was told by the receptionist that she had a new client coming in.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


As soon as the new client walked through the door, Amy recognized her instantly. It was the woman who mocked her years back in the gym, but she had packed on the weight herself.

Amy knew better than to confront the woman about it because she knew that the woman already felt awful about herself. After all, she was once in the same boat.

Instead, she asked the woman how she could help her. "What would you like to work on?" she said.

"I'm hopeless, coach," the woman cried. "I got so fat in five years, and I can't get my previous weight back! I miss my sexy body!" she complained.

Amy paused for a while, trying to decide how she wanted to respond. Then, she decided she would teach the woman a lesson by reminding her of who she once was, without being confrontational or offensive: "Do you want to be Thumbelina again?" she asked.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Amy shrugged. "That's what I get when people are mocking me at the gym. I get motivated and I lose weight" she laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

The woman looked at Amy with so much guilt in her eyes. She looked down before apologizing for how she behaved years ago.

"I'm sorry, coach. I really am. When you walked out that day, I felt really bad... I guess this is my karma," the girl said seriously. "Please, help me lose weight. I want to be like you," the woman pleaded.

Amy shook her head and assured the woman, who introduced herself as Christina, that there were no hard feelings between them. "We're on a fresh start," she said. "Come on, let's build your program for you. It's not too late," Amy assured her.

True enough, it wasn't too late for Christina. After a year as Christina's trainer, Amy was successful in making her lose 40 pounds. Christina was so grateful for Amy's help, that she recommended Amy to all of her friends in the neighborhood and signed up for another program, this time to maintain her weight and hopefully lose a few more kilos.

Soon, Amy was a well-known trainer who had a two-page-long waitlist of people who wanted to get into her training and nutrition program. She was grateful to Christina for her good recommendation, and the two became very good friends who would hang out even outside of the gym.


What can we learn from this story?

  • Always be kind to those you meet, because you never know what they're going through. Christina mocked Amy for trying to lose weight without knowing the real reason why she was working so hard. In the end, she realized how cruel she was to Amy and felt bad about her reaction.
  • What goes around, comes around. Christina mocked Amy for being fat, only to gain weight herself after a couple of years. She ended up enlisting Amy's help, without realizing that she was once the person she insulted at the gym.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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