60 Quotes about Landscapes That Will Inspire You Enjoy the Outdoors
Landscapes have ecological, socio-cultural, and aesthetic qualities that benefit individuals and society. While some beautiful landscapes have become our wallpapers, it is also essential to go out into nature to enjoy the view. Here are 60 encouraging quotes about landscapes.
Landscapes are the visual elements of a piece of land frequently evaluated in terms of their beauty. The type of landscape that surrounds people makes them happier and healthier. This is why people are encouraged to go outside and enjoy nature's view.
Landscapes are also important because they preserve the environment and help manage soil pollution. They cleanse the air through photosynthesis and create a cooling effect in hot areas.
In addition to being beautiful, landscapes reportedly improve mental health. These benefits encourage humans to preserve nature and interact more with her. Here are 60 quotes about landscapes to better understand why you should go outside.

David Byrne's quote: "I've been in beautiful landscapes where one is tempted to whip out a camera and take a picture. I've learned to resist that." | Image: AmoDays
Quotes about Landscapes for Those Who Love Architecture
"A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines." — Frank Lloyd Wright
"There is a lot of bad architecture. What we need more is to look at how our landscape should look in the next decades." — Dieter Rams
"The concept of architecture as analogous to landscape is something that has interested me for a long time." — Antoine Predock
"It was only in an urban landscape, amid straight lines and architecture, that she could situate herself in human time and history." — Ruth Ozeki
"Architecture is the art of how to waste space." — Philip Johnson

Dieter Rams' quote: "There is a lot of bad architecture. What we need more is to look at how our landscape should look in the next decades." | Image: AmoDays
"As an architect, you design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown." — Norman Foster
"I've always been interested in the idea of the artificial landscape. Reforming the landscape. Architecture being a method of reforming the earth's surface." — Lebbeus Woods
"I don't divide architecture, landscape, and gardening; to me they are one." — Luis Barragan
"The good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before the building was built." — Frank Lloyd Wright
"In town and in country there must be landscapes where we can walk in safety, pick fruit, cycle, work, sleep, swim, listen to the birds, bask in the sun, run through the trees and laze beside cool waters." ― Tom Turner

Lebbeus Woods' quote: "I've always been interested in the idea of the artificial landscape. Reforming the landscape. Architecture being a method of reforming the earth's surface." | Image: AmoDays
"Landscape design theory has been rotting away, peacefully, like a garden temple, since the close of the eighteenth century." ― Tom Turner
"I'm inspired by many things, from landscapes to textiles. Art and architecture always influence my design process." — Francisco Costa
Quotes about Landscapes That Make You Appreciate Nature
"In nature, nothing is perfect and yet everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful." — Alice Walker
"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." — Jawaharial Nehru
"People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us." — Iris Murdoch

Tom Turner's quote: "Landscape design theory has been rotting away, peacefully, like a garden temple, since the close of the eighteenth century." | Image: AmoDays
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." — Albert Einstein
"We do not see nature with our eyes but with our understandings and our hearts." — William Hazlett
"Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach of us more than we can ever learn from books." — John Lubbock
"The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature." — Joseph Campbell
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." — Aristotle

Albert Einstein's quote: "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." | Image: AmoDays
"Nature is not a place to visit. It is home." — Gary Snyder
"Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature." — Steve Maraboli
"Our forests offer much more than just beautiful landscapes and wildlife. Each one has a different story to tell." — Raveena Tandon
"Horses make a landscape look beautiful." — Alice Walker
"Visual surprise is natural in the Caribbean; it comes with the landscape, and faced with its beauty, the sigh of History dissolves." — Derek Walcott

Steve Maraboli's quote: "Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature." | Image: AmoDays
"You must have something new in a landscape as well as something old, something that's dying and something that's being born." — Andy Goldsworthy
"Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance." — Charles Lindbergh
"The beauty and wonders of nature are as alluring as the pursuit of Art and made of me a landscape painter." — Walter J. Phillips
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." — William Shakespeare
"The beauty of the natural world lies in the details." — Natalie Angier

Charles Lindbergh's quote: "Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance." | Image: AmoDays
"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven." — Rabindranath Tagore
"If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere." — Vincent Van Gogh
"Beauty is a harmonious relation between something in our nature and the quality of the object which delights us." — Blaise Pascal
"Nature soothes us. Nature heals us, and something more, the woods are a place of power." — Frederick Lenz
"Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself." — L. Wolfe Gilbert

Vincent Van Gogh's quote: "If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere." | Image: AmoDays
"Of all the things I'd been skeptical about, I didn't feel skeptical about this: the wilderness had a clarity that included me." — Cheryl Strayed
Quotes about Landscapes That Makes You Want to Go Out
"I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, 'This is what it is to be happy.'" — Sylvia Plath
"The mountains are calling and I must go." — John Muir
"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt." — Margaret Atwood
"The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness." — John Muir

L. Wolfe Gilbert's quote: "Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself." | Image: AmoDays
"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more." — John Burroughs
"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and winds long to play with your hair." — Kahlil Gibran
"All those hours exploring the great outdoors made me more resilient and confident." — David Suzuki
"You never conquer a mountain. You stand on the summit a few brief minutes and then the wind blows away your footprints" — Arlene Blum
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees." — John Muir

John Burroughs' quote: "I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more." | Image: AmoDays
"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." — Henry David Thoreau
"There is pleasure in the pathless woods. There is rapture on the lonely shore. There is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea and music in its roar. I love not man the less, but Nature more." — Lord Byron
"I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day's work." — Frank Lloyd Wright
"I'd rather be in the mountains thinking of God than in church thinking about the mountains." — John Muir
"The Antidote to exhaustion isn't rest. It's nature." — Shikoba

Henry David Thoreau's quote: "I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." | Image: AmoDays
"Spending time outdoors makes you feel great." — Elizabeth Hurley
"Woodland in full color is awesome as a forest fire, in magnitude at least, but a single tree is like a dancing tongue of flame to warm the heart." — Hal Borland
"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds." — Edward Abbey
"Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion." — Lorraine Anderson
"The Wilderness holds answers to more questions than we have yet learned to ask." — Nancy Wynne Newhall

Elizabeth Hurley's quote: "Spending time outdoors makes you feel great." | Image: AmoDays
"Not all those who wander are lost." — J.R.R. Tolkien
"The landscape belongs to the person who looks at it." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer and often the supreme disappointment." — Ansel Adams
"The beauty of the landscape where sand, water, reeds, birds, buildings, and people all somehow flowed together has never left me." — Zaha Hadid
"I've been in beautiful landscapes where one is tempted to whip out a camera and take a picture. I've learned to resist that." — David Byrne

Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote: "The landscape belongs to the person who looks at it." | Image: AmoDays
Another benefit of enjoying the outdoors is that green hues in most natural landscapes could have calming effects. In addition, researchers have revealed that people who look at plants and trees have reduced stress levels and lower blood pressure.
Even if you are in the city and walk in an area with plants and trees, your attention and memory will most likely improve. You can also take a hike to enjoy nature on the weekends. If you are not up for the adventure, these "Adventure Time" quotes may help you find your courage.