59 Matching Energy Quotes to Help You Clarify Your Path
Matching the energy of the people around you helps you experience them at their level. It also enables you to communicate better with them. At the same time, you must be careful about the type of energy surrounding you. These 59 matching energy quotes will teach you more.
Matching energy is an intentional process where you mirror the vibes of whoever is with you. However, you must be at your peak energy before effectively doing this because your vibe can determine how your interactions fare.
It is normal to have days when you feel high and days when you feel low. You can take some positive steps on your down days to get your energy levels back on track. One of the steps you can take is to soak in a warm bath with Epsom salts.
You can also try exercising, aromatherapy, changing your diet, getting more sleep, praying, meditating, doing something fun, or taking a break from technology. These tips will help you recharge and effortlessly vibe with the people you love and look up to. To know more about matching energies, read these 59 matching energy quotes.

Steven Aitchison's quote: "The secret of life? The energy you give out to others attracts more of the same energy back to you." | Image: AmoDays
Matching Energy Quotes to Help You See Things from the Outside
"We are all part of the same energy that envelops." — Persis Khambatta
"One matter, one energy, one Light, one Light-mind, endlessly emanating all things." — Rumi
"Two people working on a relationship with the same energy and passion increases the chances of great results." — Keith Sweat
"If we keep moving with the same energy and seriousness, and covering all of the areas, we should be able to reach an agreement." — Nabil Sha'ath
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." — Albert Einstein

Persis Khambatta's quote: "We are all part of the same energy that envelops." | Image: AmoDays
"Life is energy and, as such, it belongs to all, reaches all, and blesses all." — Donna Goddard
"Giving and receiving are different expressions of the same flow of energy in the universe." — Deepak Chopra
"You each have the same energy and it sings within you. You need not be shy of it, it is your own. You need not look to gurus, or Gods, or Seths. It dwells within your own being." — Jane Roberts
"Let's face it: if you and I have the same capabilities, the same energy, the same staff, if the only thing that's different between you and me is the products we can get, and I can get a better product than you, I'm going to be a better chef." — Thomas Keller
"Being offended creates the same destructive energy that offended you in the first place- so transcend your ego and stay in peace." — Wayne Dyer

Donna Goddard's quote: "Life is energy and, as such, it belongs to all, reaches all, and blesses all." | Image: AmoDays
"I'm not going to give the same energy. I am going to give more of myself. If everyone thinks like that, it's going to be something incredible." — Hanley Ramirez
"Give back the same energy! Keep your promises! You don't know when the earth will swallow up its diamond!" — Shiweva Maria
"If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui." — Helen Keller
"But at the same time, if I have the ability to influence people, and we have X amount of energy in the day, it's not even our option anymore – it's our duty to do something positive in the world." — Lilly Singh
"Because time itself is like a spiral, something special happens on your birthday each year: The same energy that God invested in you at birth is present once again." — Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Hanley Ramirez's quote: "I'm not going to give the same energy. I am going to give more of myself. If everyone thinks like that, it's going to be something incredible." | Image: AmoDays
"You deserve the same energy you reciprocate, why should I die for you but you wouldn't do the same!" — Jade Oakes
"God has a tremendous sense of humor! Religion remains something dead without a sense of humor as a foundation to it. God would not have been able to create the world if he had no sense of humor. God is not serious at all. Seriousness is a state of disease; humor is health. Love, laughter, life, they are aspects of the same energy." — Rajneesh
"Everybody has the same energy potential. The average person wastes his in a dozen little ways. I bring mine to bear on one thing only: my paintings, and everything else is sacrificed to it…myself included." — Pablo Picasso
"I love you like a river that understands that it must learn to flow differently over waterfalls and to rest in the shallows. I love you because we are all born in the same place, at the same source, which keeps us provided with a constant supply of water. And so, when we feel weak, all we have to do is wait a little. The spring returns, and the winter snows melt and fill us with new energy." — Paulo Coelho
"There is a single energy of God and the saints? they are living icons of Christ, being the same as He is, by grace rather than by assimilation." — Maximus the Confessor

Jade Oakes' quote: "You deserve the same energy you reciprocate, why should I die for you but you wouldn't do the same!" | Image: AmoDays
"I'm giving the same energy given to me as childish and pretty that seems. Sometimes maturity means putting your peace of mind before anything else. Gone are those the blue lines tick and you wait silently for replies. Sitting in a corner rethinking yourself worth. A torn label stamped on your heart called self esteem considering those feelings that never once thought about yours. Wondering how everyone else feels except you. I'm giving back the energy you send. Call me pretty, I say "Good Riddance"." — Hope Kponi
Matching Energy Quotes to Motivate You during the Day
"It takes the same amount of energy to worry as it does to be positive. Use your energy to think positive and positive things will happen." — Joel Osteen
"Energy and persistence conquer all things." — Benjamin Franklin
"That is, they started with nothing but ambition and energy, the same way most of us start." — Brian Tracy

Joel Osteen's quote: "It takes the same amount of energy to worry as it does to be positive. Use your energy to think positive and positive things will happen." | Image: AmoDays
"I used to think that to become free you had to practice like a samurai warrior, but now I understand that you have to practice like a devoted mother of a newborn child. It takes the same energy but has a completely different quality. It's compassion and presence rather than having to defeat the enemy in battle." — Jack Kornfield
"Be the most passionate person in the room. Your energy and vibe will lift others as well." — Hiral Nagda
"Love the moment and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries." — Corita Kent
"You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination." — Ralph Marston
"Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy." — Sai Baba

Hiral Nagda's quote: "Be the most passionate person in the room. Your energy and vibe will lift others as well." | Image: AmoDays
"When you're surrounded by a world of constant lies, manipulation, and deceit, that dark energy is bound to seep into you eventually." — Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." — Socrates
"Worrying is wasted time. Use the same energy for doing something about whatever worries you." — Oprah Winfrey
"Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward finding the answer." — Denis Waitley
"Anything that's not positive, I don't have the energy to focus on it. Anything that's not going in the right direction, I don't have the time or the energy." — DMX

Socrates' quote: "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." | Image: AmoDays
"The same energy used to point out someone's flaws, can be used to work on your own." — Mark Sutton
"Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas." — Henry Ford
"We can bring positive energy into our daily lives by smiling more, talking to strangers in line, replacing handshakes with hugs, and calling our friends just to tell them we love them." — Brandon Jenner
"When you lose a parent, you realize how vital they are to the foundation of your life. It's impossible to understand what it means until that curtain is pulled. You're an orphan. But then I think that life is kind of remarkable, and the thing that causes the biggest pain can also bring amazing energy." — Neneh Cherry
"We all have a dark side. Most of us go through life avoiding direct confrontation with that aspect of ourselves, which I call the shadow self. There's a reason why. It carries a great deal of energy." — Lorraine Toussaint

Mark Sutton's quote: "The same energy used to point out someone's flaws, can be used to work on your own." | Image: AmoDays
Matching Energy Quotes Filled with Creative Opinions
"Winners must learn to relish change with the same enthusiasm and energy that we have resisted it in the past." — Tom Peters
"It takes the same amount of energy to worry as it does to believe." — Joel Osteen
"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." — Heraclitus
"Emotions are not 'bad.' At the roots of our emotions are primal energies which can be put to fruitful use. Indeed…the energies of enlightenment arises from the very same natural origins as those which give rise to our everyday passions and emotions." — James H. Austin
"In speaking of the Energy of the field, however, I wish to be understood literally. All energy is the same as mechanical energy, whether it exists in the form of motion or in that of elasticity, or in any other form. The energy in electromagnetic phenomena is mechanical energy." — James Clerk Maxwell

Tom Peters' quote: "Winners must learn to relish change with the same enthusiasm and energy that we have resisted it in the past." | Image: AmoDays
"The Law of attraction responds the same way your mind does: it hears what you don't want, when you hear yourself make a statement containing the words don't, not, or no, you are actually giving attention to what you don't want. Remember, you attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy, and focus to whether wanted or unwanted." — Michael Losier
"Your inner thoughts aren't truly hidden. Their essence reflects in your energy. Energy speaks what you don't." — Drishti Bablani
"Energy is contagious, positive and negative alike. I will forever be mindful of what and who I am allowing into my space." — Alex Elle
"The law of conservation of energy tells us we can't get something for nothing, but we refuse to believe it." — Isaac Asimov
"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique." — Martha Graham

Drishti Bablani's quote: "Your inner thoughts aren't truly hidden. Their essence reflects in your energy. Energy speaks what you don't." | Image: AmoDays
"Energy can't be created or destroyed, and energy flows. It must be in a direction, with some kind of internal, emotive, spiritual direction. It must have some effect somewhere." — Keanu Reeves
"The secret of life? The energy you give out to others attracts more of the same energy back to you." — Steven Aitchison
"With the right vibes and the right people, it's easy to create something magical." — Dinah Jane
"If the same energy went into marketing movies to women as they do on the other demographics we might see more of a spike." — Callie Khouri
"What I try to do is create an energy, create an excitement, but at the same time keep everybody focused and realize it's still just a game, that we have to move the football." — Joey Harrington

Dinah Jane's quote: "With the right vibes and the right people, it's easy to create something magical." | Image: AmoDays
"It takes the same energy to complain as it does to compliment. When there is a short circuit, there is a complaint, and when the energy is flowing, there is a compliment." — Harbhajan Singh Yogi
"Every day we're given a choice: We can relax and float in the direction that the water flows, or we can swim hard against it. If we go with the river, the energy of a thousand mountain streams will be with us . . . if we resist the river, we will feel rankled and tired as we tread water, stuck in the same place." — Elizabeth Lesser
"If you're not positive energy, you're negative energy." — Mark Cuban
"Too many of us are hung up on what we don't have, can't have, or won't ever have. We spend too much energy being down, when we could use that same energy – if not less of it – doing, or at least trying to do, some of the things we really want to do." — Terry McMillan
"Water gushing out of thousands of springs at different places cannot move the wheels of a big engine to carry out very heavy tasks. But the channeled flow of the same water in the bed of a stream will, however, be irresistible and can become a source of tremendous energy." — Gulzarilal Nanda

Harbhajan Singh Yogi's quote: "It takes the same energy to complain as it does to compliment. When there is a short circuit, there is a complaint, and when the energy is flowing, there is a compliment." | Image: AmoDays
There are a few reasons why people sometimes feel down and drained. The primary cause is exhaustion, which could be linked to other underlying factors.
One could be exhausted from lack of sleep, excessive or inadequate physical activity, stress, medication, unhealthy eating habits, and more.
Remember to watch your habits and lifestyle to know when your energy levels are dropping. Sometimes the drop could also be from the people around you; if so, these quotes will help protect your energy.