37 Enough Is Enough Quotes for When It’s Time to Put Your Foot Down
Sometimes we get that feeling in our gut that calmly but firmly whispers, "enough is enough." Learn how to connect and turn the volume of that voice up by reading the following 37 quotes.
Whether it be a relationship, a job, a project, or anything in our lives that is negatively affecting it, many of us sometimes and eventually conclude that enough is enough. This decision can lead to chaos, it can lead to transformation, or it can lead to both.
We may feel a little guilty when we make a decision like this as we tend to think that letting go of people and "giving up" on any project or job is a moral failure. However, sometimes giving up is the right thing to do, and no matter how much chaos it causes, the weight lifted off our shoulders will bring us deep serenity.
Read the following 37 quotes on "enough is enough" to see if any resonate with or guide you in some way.

Mira Kirshenbaum’s quote: “Perfectionism is a time waster. Twenty percent of the effort you put into any project accomplishes 80 percent of the outcome — so this is a time to ask yourself when good enough is enough and then stop.” | Image: AmoDays
Enough Is Enough Quotes on Working, Performing, and Struggling
"At what point does a fly give up trying to escape through a closed window—do its survival instincts keep it going until it is physically capable of no more, or does it eventually learn after one crash too many that there is no way out? At what point do you decide that enough is enough?" — Tabitha Suzuma
"I walked around feeling, in a sense, that people of color, we began at the bottom of a slave ship. We were enslaved; we picked cotton. There was Honest Abe, who wore a top hat and was taller than anyone and who said, 'Enough is enough; slavery must end.' And then, black people could stand up again. But after that, we didn't catch up." — Nate Parker
"Struggles only move forward when decent men and women step forward and say, 'enough is enough and no more." — Kumi Naidoo

Christopher Paul Curtis’ quote: “Just like when there's a time that a smart person knows enough is enough, there's a time when you know you've got to fight.” | Image: AmoDays
"Work hard, earn a great living, get whatever you want out of life, have all the stuff you want. But there should be a ceiling on it-enough is enough!" — Sandy Duncan
"I am thankful for the way I was raised to be positive. Even when times have gotten rough, I have always tried to look on the bright side. Even when I was put down, yelled at, and made feel insignificant, I still thought things were alright. I did realize when enough is enough." — Angela Merkel
"Good enough is good enough. Perfect will make you a big fat mess every time." — Rebecca Wells
"It's not that you're being a quitter; it's just that you've got the sense to know when enough is enough." — Christopher Paul Curtis
"Perfectionism is a time waster. Twenty percent of the effort you put into any project accomplishes 80 percent of the outcome—so this is a time to ask yourself when good enough is enough and then stop." — Mira Kirshenbaum

Lance Armstrong’s quote: “There comes a point in every man's life when he has to say: 'Enough is enough.’” | Image: AmoDays
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Just like when there's a time that a smart person knows enough is enough, there's a time when you know you've got to fight." — Christopher Paul Curtis
Enough Is Enough Quotes on the Final Straw
"There's only so far you can go before you say enough is enough." — Jennifer Granholm
"Enough is enough, and it's time for a change." — Owen Hart

Jennifer Granholm’s quote: “There's only so far you can go before you say enough is enough.” | Image: AmoDays
"I don't believe less is more. I believe that more is more. I believe that less is less, fat, fat, thin, thin, and enough is enough." — Stanley Elkin
"There comes a point in every man's life when he has to say: 'Enough is enough.'" — Lance Armstrong
"Everywhere I look, someone is telling me, 'You're not good enough,' or, 'You can't do this or that.' You can only hear that so many times before enough is enough." — Baker Mayfield
"When it's time for me to walk away from something, I walk away from it. My mind, my body, my conscience tell me that enough is enough." — Jerry West
"I'm here to say enough is enough and that folks who look like me should feel that there is an opportunity for them in the Republican Party. I'm proud to be in this party; I'm proud to be endorsed by President Trump." — Daniel Cameron

Jerry West’s quote: “When it’s time for me to walk away from something, I walk away from it. My mind, my body, my conscience tell me that enough is enough.” | Image: AmoDays
"I woke up one day and thought, 'Enough is enough with bullying myself.'" — Keala Settle
"Enough is enough. I'm going to change this, and I'm going to get involved, and I am going to be engaged." — Nina Turner
"This is unacceptable. Enough is enough." — Esther Lee
More than Enough Quotes

Joe Garcia’s quote: “Scandals, corruption, partisan infighting—no wonder people have lost faith in Congress. I say enough is enough.” | Image: AmoDays
"He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough." — Lao Tzu
"I spent so many years walking on eggshells—never doing or saying the right thing. One day I decided I'd had enough and stomped all over them." — S.L. Heaton
"You can either give in to what you're feeling, just say, 'Okay, enough is enough,' and be done with it, or you can fight it." — Terry Brooks
"When will we learn? When will the people of the world get up and say, Enough is enough? God created us for fellowship. God created us so that we should form the human family, existing together because we were made for one another. We are not made for an exclusive self-sufficiency but for interdependence, and we break the law of our being at our peril." — Desmond Tutu
"Working Americans who believe in our country and who believe in our Constitution are saying, 'Enough is enough!'" —John Boehner

Mae West’s quote: “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” | Image: AmoDays
"The time has come for people of reason to say: enough is enough! Religious faith discourages independent thought, it's divisive, and it's dangerous." — Richard Dawkins
"Every time there is a movie that tells a South African story, it is done by someone who must be taught the right way of pronouncing 'Sawubona.' Enough is enough." — John Kani
"In the last few days, I have been the victim of a campaign of slander and shameful lies, a campaign which has deeply shocked and hurt me. Enough is enough." — Dominique de Villepin
"Enough is enough. Enough of the waste. Enough of the spending. Enough of the debt. Enough of the arrogance in Washington, D.C." — Dan Benishek
"Poems seem to have a life of their own. They tell you when enough is enough." — Thomas Lynch

Lao Tzu’s quote: “He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.” | Image: AmoDays
"The safety of our country demands an end to the doctrinaire, ineffective policies that currently grip Washington. Enough is enough! A safe America—a just America—that's what we want; that's what we need." — Wesley Clark
"Learning when 'enough is enough' is the discipline of a lifetime." — Gail Godwin
"When are Americans going to stand up and say enough is enough?" — Joe Wurzelbacher

Tabitha Suzuma’s quote: “At what point do you give up—decide enough is enough? There is only one answer really. Never.” | Image: AmoDays
"Scandals, corruption, partisan infighting—no wonder people have lost faith in Congress. I say enough is enough." — Joe Garcia
"It is possible that the digital world may change the need for physical branches. We will continue to add branches incrementally, but we will reach a point—whether it is 1,500, 1,800, or 2,000 branches - where we will say enough is enough." — Uday Kotak
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." — Mae West
"Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little." — Epicurus
"At what point do you give up—decide enough is enough? There is only one answer, really. Never." — Tabitha Suzuma

Epicurus’ quote: “Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little.” | Image: AmoDays
Now the only question we have to ask ourselves in our own lives is: Is it enough already? Can it be fixed? How much joy or grief is the situation bringing our lives, and if it's the latter, how long will it remain an issue?
One aspect to keep in mind is that we live in a society that's very quick to encourage us to put up so-called boundaries once anyone in our lives is imperfect.
While there are many moments when one needs to cut certain people off, it is important to remember that we are all imperfect, and we need communities around us to heal and forgive.
If you don't have a strong community around you, read these 50 no-friend quotes to help you on your quest from isolation to friendships.