Flickr / quinn.anya (CC BY-SA 2.0) Shutterstock | Woman in a bedroom holding a baby
Flickr / quinn.anya (CC BY-SA 2.0) Shutterstock | Woman in a bedroom holding a baby

'Game Over,' Man Is Stunned to See Wife Holding His Lover's Baby — Story of the Day

Roshanak Hannani
Feb 03, 2023
05:00 P.M.

When Daisy and Gabriel lost their daughter, their relationship deteriorated severely. Sometime later, she discovered he was having an affair with a local waitress and went to find her, only to discover they had a baby together. That's when Daisy came up with a plan.


"This is all your fault," Gabriel's harsh and hurtful words still rang in Daisy's ears years later. Two years ago, their daughter, Missy, ran to the middle of the road to retrieve her ball, and a car driving nearby didn't hit the brakes fast enough. However, Gabriel blamed his wife for not watching their daughter like a hawk.

Although she was a housewife at the time, she ran a successful online business. Meanwhile, her husband had a menial desk job at a large company with set hours. But everything in their household was left to Daisy.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

From the outside, they looked like the ideal American family, but they weren't. Things were not alright, and everything worsened when their daughter died. After a year of therapy, they tried for another child, but Daisy couldn't get pregnant. She couldn't stomach having another baby, even if Gabriel was still her husband.


"How are you doing it? I could barely function when my baby was that age," she commented, smiling at the young mom.

Eventually, they gave up and lived as roommates. He constantly critiqued her and everything she did. Daisy didn't know what to do, and divorce seemed like such a failure. However, her entire life changed once again when Gia, their next-door neighbor, came over one day.

"I'm so sorry to tell you this, Daisy," she began carefully while having tea. "But I saw your husband kissing a waitress at a restaurant."

Daisy scalded her tongue with the tea from the shock. "What? No, Gia. You must be mistaken. That's impossible. My husband is still dealing with grief from our daughter's death. He would never," she shook her head and laughed awkwardly.

Gia put down the teacup and grabbed Daisy's arm fiercely. "I'm telling you the truth, sweet friend. I didn't see them one time. I've seen them several times. I was holding my tongue because it was none of my business. But it's clear that you don't know, so I had to step in."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


Daisy also put down her cup. She didn't know what to do. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. My own eyes, Daisy. Most couples don't survive the death of a child. But I wanted to believe that you two could do it. But I don't think so. I've seen how he treats you now and how you've lost your glow, sweetie. I can't stay quiet anymore. You must do something," Gia insisted sadly. "That might not even be the only other woman."

Gia left shortly after that, and Daisy took her words seriously. She grabbed his home laptop and snooped around for the first time since they married. There were tons of messages. Some of them dated back to even before Missy died, and it only got worse from there.

One of the most shocking moments was a message from Gabriel's boss's wife. The elegant, rich woman found it dangerous and exciting to have an affair with her husband's employee, and Gabriel ate up the attention. It was disgusting, so Daisy closed the laptop and started to make a plan.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash



She knew what she had to do, but Gabriel couldn't find out that she knew about his affairs. She continued her facade of the best wife ever and settled.

Do any of these women know Gabriel has a wife? Daisy wondered one day while continuing with her plans for a quick divorce and perhaps some revenge. I can't imagine having an affair with a married man, but many men don't tell their girlfriends the truth.

Daisy didn't want to comb through hours and hours of text messages on his computer to find out the truth. Therefore, she had to go directly to the source; the closest affair partner was the local waitress. She got dressed up and went to the local restaurant for lunch.

It was easy to determine who her husband was having an affair with because she was the only female waiter. But to her utter horror, she was holding a baby in a sling wrapped around her body.

"Hello, my name is Lucy. I'll be your server. Do you know what you want to order?" she greeted Daisy with a bright smile. Her baby stirred somewhat, and she bounced a little while waiting for Daisy's answer.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Umm," Daisy hesitated, looking at the menu. "I don't know yet. How about some club soda while I make a decision."

"Honey, what are you… hmmm… who's baby is that?" he stuttered, composing himself quickly.

"Sure thing!" the waitress said and bounced away. Daisy marveled as the woman maneuvered the plates and orders in her hands with the baby on her body.

When she finally returned to the table, Daisy couldn't hold her questions. "How are you doing it? I could barely function when my baby was that age," she commented, smiling at the young mom.

"Well, you know how it is. I do it because I have to. Luckily, my boss is sympathetic, and I can bring my girl here. Otherwise, I'd be out of a job," Lucy responded. "Do you know what you want now?"

"Can't the father help?" Daisy continued, ignoring her question.

"Oh, Gabriel has a very demanding job as an executive, so he can't do it. I have to wait for her to be a bit older so she can go to daycare, but we'll see. We might get married soon, and perhaps, I'll be a housewife," Lucy said, smiling slightly.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


Daisy's whole body froze. She knew her husband was intimate with these women, but somehow, she didn't think he could've fathered another child. She didn't think of this in all her planning and felt like a colossal fool.

To the waitress' surprise, Daisy broke down in tears at the table and covered her face with her hands as the sobs went to her body.

"Oh, ma'am. Ma'am, are you alright? Please, don't cry. How can I help you?" Lucy tried to comfort her. "You know what? I'll be right back."

Daisy lifted her head from her hands slightly to see what Lucy was doing. She entered the kitchen and returned quickly with a plate, setting it down in front of Daisy.

"Here. Nothing's that bad after you taste this brownie and homemade ice cream," she smiled, and it only made Daisy sadder. But she lifted the spoon and cried while she ate. It was delicious, and it did calm her aching heart.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lucy asked. She had sat down while Daisy ate.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


"No, you're busy. You have tables," Daisy looked down, ashamed.

"No, I'm on a break. Tell me. I'm a great listener," the waitress insisted, and Daisy nodded as she began to tell her about Missy and what had happened. She hadn't talked about it in such detail with anyone aside from her therapist, and it felt good to remember her sweet late daughter. Sometimes, it felt like she forgot her, which wasn't fair.

"I'm very sorry, ma'am," Lucy sympathized.

Daisy had only wanted to know if the other women knew they were with a married man. She had her answer. This woman had no idea and didn't deserve any bad coming to her or her baby. But she had to hear the truth.

"My name is Daisy, Lucy. And there's more I have to tell you," she began and dried the tears with a napkin as she started her tell. Lucy couldn't believe her at first, so Daisy had to get her phone out and show her all the pictures, including ones from their wedding.

"Oh, my God," Lucy put one hand on the table and the other caressed her baby's head. "I should've known. He was so elusive but such a sweet-talker, too. I can't believe this. I always judged the women who got with married men, and I never realized most of them are fooled."


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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

"I'm sorry, Lucy."

"What? No, I'm the one who should apologize. I'm sorry, Daisy," the waitress said. "You know… he didn't want our girl. Our dear, Iris. He told me to get an abortion. But I couldn't. He's been giving me money as 'child support' and promising we would get married soon. I was a fool."

"We were both fools," Daisy added and placed her hand carefully over Lucy's on the table. "But we can do something about this if you like."

"What should we do?" Lucy asked, interested but scared of Daisy's new determined expression.

"I'm planning something…"



"I'm here, my beautiful Lucy. Where's my baby girl?" Gabriel opened the door to the hotel room. Lucy had given him a key the other day and said she had an exciting surprise planned for them. It was a swanky hotel, too, so he was excited.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

He never wanted to date Lucy seriously, but they had a child now. Maybe, it was time to divorce that harpy he called a wife and get a new one. Many men did that, right? Find a new wife when they had a barren one, he told himself. Besides, I can still see other women. Being married doesn't mean the game is over.

"That's karma."

"Game over, Gabriel," a female voice that wasn't Lucy said. It was almost as if she had read his mind as he walked into the room. His eyes focused on the woman standing with a baby in her arms, and horror wiped the blood from his face as he realized it was Daisy.


"Honey, what are you… hmmm… who's baby is that?" he stuttered, composing himself quickly.

"It's our baby, you idiot," Lucy said, exiting the bathroom and pushing a stack of papers to his chest.

"The jig is up, Gabriel. We're tired of being pawns in your ridiculous game. I can't believe you blamed me for Missy's death when you weren't home half the time. I thought you had been working. Imagine my surprise when I discovered all your affairs," Daisy started, her voice remaining calm to avoid alarming the baby in her arms.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

He couldn't get a word in, but his eyes traveled to the documents in his hands. It was a filing for divorce.


"Yes, I'm leaving you, and I'm going to sue you for everything we own together because I have all the proof of your infidelities, and I'm also going to make sure that you have to pay the most child support for this beautiful baby and Lucy," Daisy continued, turning more menacing as her words kept spilling out.

She finally handed the baby back to Lucy, and both women got ready to leave the hotel room they had gotten to trick Gabriel. "Now, you can be free to pursue as many women as you like, and I won't have to be your maid and cook," Daisy poked his chest.

"Oh, and you're probably going to need to start job hunting soon because we also sent your boss all the proof that you slept with his wife. I don't think he'll take too kindly to that," Lucy added.

Both women laughed heartily as they left the man who had caused them so much pain.

Daisy and Lucy began a beautiful friendship after that, and she tried to help her new friend with the baby as much as possible. The divorce went smoothly for her, as Gabriel had no money to hire a lawyer or any chance of winning if he fought back.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


The judge gave her everything, including the house, their cars, and their shared accounts. He couldn't offer her alimony because Gabriel was fired immediately and hadn't found anything new because his boss tarnished his reputation all over town.

That also meant that child support would be tricky, but Daisy decided to help Lucy and the baby. After all, her child was Missy's half-sister.

Months passed, Daisy started dating a wonderful man, and Lucy met a widowed father at the restaurant. They went on double dates and continued their friendship as their memories of Gabriel faded. The last she heard about him was that he was working as a delivery man at a food delivery service.

"That's karma," she told herself and never thought about him again.

What can we learn from this story?

  • It's never alright to blame someone for an accident. Missy's death was tragic, and neither parent was at fault for it. Gabriel shouldn't have placed all the blame on his wife.
  • The best friendships appear at the most unexpected times. Lucy and Daisy became friends because they were both jilted by the same man.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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