Valentine's Day Memes: The Funniest and Saddest Memes to Use on This Day
If romantic comedies are any indication, V-Day is supposed to be the day of miracles and surprises, and spontaneous romance. But in reality, the pressures and pleasures of the big day of love are way more diverse—even hilariously funny. Here are a few Valentine's Day memes to tickle your love-seeking heart.
Valentine's Day is not the same for everyone. For some, it may bring with it the pain of unfulfilled love and hope, while for others, it is an opportunity to express and experience love with their significant other.
Here are some Valentine's Day memes to keep things light-hearted, no matter what side of love you are on.
When you just want your SO to get the hint
For the romantics, Valentine's season is the time of the year when they've got to keep their eyes and ears open—for hints of what their significant other wants to be gifted. No clue is too obvious because the last thing you want to be is the partner who simply didn’t get the hint.
When You Just Have to Be Realistic about How the Day Is Going to Go
For those of us that aren’t in a romantic relationship, the very idea of and hype around Valentine’s Day can irk the mind and heart. But look on the bright side—and you realize you don't have any surprise to fuss over or a to-do list to panic about!
Happens Every Year
Let's be honest. We all need some self-love. And Valentine's Day is as good a day as any to pamper yourself. After all, if you can’t bear to be with yourself, how could you honestly expect someone else to?
When You’re Single but Want a Valentine's Treat
We all want to be spoiled and reminded that we are special now and again, especially on a day like Valentine’s Day, when lovers celebrate with each other. However, who’s to say that you can’t be the one to treat yourself?
One Instagram user even commented on the post, saying, “Lmaoo me buying my own chocolates the day after valentines. “Hey cutie, I’m sorry I’m late but here are some on sale chocolates ” - from me.”
Don't Try It, Seriously Don't
For those of us that are single on Valentine’s Day, it’s only natural for us to be a little petty and turn pranksters to those happily in love. As hilarious as this may be to some, it’s definitely better that such pranks remain in the realms of our imagination.
This video caused an entire scandal in the comments, as some took the suggestion rather seriously. One Instagram user even commented that such pranks point to an unhealthy enjoyment of other’s pain.
Better to Do Everything in Time if the Result Is the Same from Year to Year
Some of us have been in the same relationship for years yet still tend to act as if Valentine’s Day snuck up on us and doesn’t come around the same time every year.
If you have someone to share Valentine’s Day with, please prepare! Some of us find ourselves in this position every year without fail. One Instagram user even commented on the post, saying, “In case you ever wonder what my face be like.”
Happy February 15th a.k.a. Discount Chocolate & Candy Day
If you’re not in it for the love, you’ll still love the discounts! If you are a chocolate lover, then 15 February will have a significantly larger impact on your life and your taste buds than the 14th ever could.
Think about It!
We all know how easy it is to get lost in the V-Day hype. It is just one day, and it does not define your life. This meme is a reminder of just that: for couples as well as singles.
Cats and Dogs Are the Best Partners, They Will Never Betray You
Listen: If you’ve got a little pet that has kept you going and has been loyal where most people you’ve come across have failed, then please, by all means, get that kitty some roses!
Movies to Watch on Valentine's Day if You're with Your Partner
Valentine’s Day is a beautiful opportunity to express your love and spend some quality time with your significant other or alone. Either way, watching a great movie is always an awesome treat.
If you are with your significant other you could check out Valentine’s Day (2010). Or, you could Netflix and chill to Moonstruck (1987), a tale about how you never really know when love will strike. Lastly, if you and your partner simply are engulfed by the love fever then you can never go wrong with the cult classic, Dirty Dancing (1987).
Movies to Watch on Valentine's Day if You're Alone
If you’re single and just trying to navigate your single journey, you should definitely check out How to be Single (2016), which will leave you in tears from laughter. Other suggestions for our singleton’s out there would be the classic, Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961), and 50 First Dates (2004) starring Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler.
And if you need an extra push to spend some quality time with yourself on this celebrated day, you're likely to find it in these quotes about putting yourself first.