Source: Unsplash | A woman looking up and smiling with Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Talk less. Smile more."
Source: Unsplash | A woman looking up and smiling with Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Talk less. Smile more."

97 Lin-Manuel Miranda Quotes to Share Positive Vibes

Titi Dokubo
Feb 25, 2023
02:00 P.M.

Lin-Manuel Miranda has profoundly impacted many people's lives by inspiring them to pursue their dreams and follow their passions. He has also shown them that anything is possible if they work hard enough and never give up. Read these 97 Lin-Manuel Miranda quotes to be inspired.


Lin-Manuel Miranda is a multiple award-winning composer, lyricist, playwright, and actor that has shown the world that music can be a powerful tool for healing and change. He was born on January 16, 1980, and has become famous for his hit Broadway musicals "Hamilton" and "In the Heights."

In 2016, he co-wrote the songs for the "Moana" soundtrack and has worked on other shows like "Bring It On the Musical." As an actor, he is known for his roles in "The Electric Company" and "Do No Harm." Learn more about the multi-talented star by reading his 97 quotes.

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Because of phones, we always have the ability to jump out of ourselves. But unless you learn how to be in your head, you'll never learn how to create." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Because of phones, we always have the ability to jump out of ourselves. But unless you learn how to be in your head, you'll never learn how to create." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda Quotes Full of Positivity to Cheer You Up

"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." — Lin-Manuel Miranda


"I wish you clarity tonight. Clarity of self, clarity of purpose, a direct line between who you want to be and how to get there." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Build bridges to something new today!" — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"The past places no absolute limit on the future." — Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Hamilton: A Revolution"

"Talk less. Smile more." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." | Image: AmoDays

"If you don't have a pound to give, you STILL have your energy, your service, your heart. Be generous." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Destiny is calling you / Open your eager eyes." — Lin-Manuel Miranda


"Crawl before you walk before you run before you fly before you ASCEND TO GREATNESS & get some food in you, maybe a banana. Vamos!" — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"If you don't have a dollar to give, you STILL have your time, your focus, your voice. Be generous." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I am the one thing in life I can control. I am inimitable; I am an original. I'm not falling behind or running late. I'm not standing still: I am lying in wait." — Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Wait For It"

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "If you don't have a pound to give, you STILL have your energy, your service, your heart. Be generous." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "If you don't have a pound to give, you STILL have your energy, your service, your heart. Be generous." | Image: AmoDays

"I think the thing I love best about New York is that the city pushes us all against each other. You are on the same train as the guy who's gonna sell hot dogs, as the guy who's going to a multimillion-dollar meeting." — Lin-Manuel Miranda


"Your best impulse, that selfless impulse, let it take the wheel. Let it drive you toward the person you dreamed you'd be." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Allow for the possibility that the best of you is still inside you, waiting to emerge. Prepare the way, bit by bit." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Good morning. You are perfectly cast in your life. I can't imagine anyone but you in the role. Go play." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Your best impulse, that selfless impulse, let it take the wheel. Let it drive you toward the person you dreamed you'd be." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Your best impulse, that selfless impulse, let it take the wheel. Let it drive you toward the person you dreamed you'd be." | Image: AmoDays

"Gmorning. / Unclench your fists. / Lower your shoulders. / Step away. / Then come back with a clear head, redouble your efforts. / I believe in you." — Lin-Manuel Miranda


"You are so loved, and we like having you around. There. Stay put, you. Tug if you need anything." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Now, fill the world with music, love, and pride." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda Quotes Where He Shares His Experience

"You can have good ideas when you take a break from what you're normally doing and don't just go 100 miles an hour." — Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Fortune"

"Because of phones, we always have the ability to jump out of ourselves. But unless you learn how to be in your head, you'll never learn how to create." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "You are so loved, and we like having you around. There. Stay put, you. Tug if you need anything." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "You are so loved, and we like having you around. There. Stay put, you. Tug if you need anything." | Image: AmoDays


"History is entirely created by the person who tells the story." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Give your time, give your heart, give your service, give someone something you made. It feels incredible." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"My two biggest tools are research and empathy." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"If you grow up in New York City and you're paying attention, you have a better spidey sense than anyone. It prepares you well for the rest of the world. You learn to listen to the hair on the back of your neck." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"When my prayers to God were met with indifference, I picked up a pen, I wrote my own deliverance." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "History is entirely created by the person who tells the story." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "History is entirely created by the person who tells the story." | Image: AmoDays


"The fun for me in collaboration is, one, working with other people just makes you smarter; that's proven." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"If art can help us grieve, can help us mourn, then lean on it." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Before you turn the world down, make a little space for yourself. Brush your teeth, tidy the counter, put down the phone. Savor the best part of the day for one more second." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"How long are you going to keep carrying that one conversation in your heart? / The one where you said or did the exact wrong thing? / It's DONE. Nothing left but to learn. / Drag it to the trash file. / Click 'empty trash' / Yes, you're sure. / Click. / Free up that heart of yours." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"At your pace, on your terms. / Your happiness and safety are paramount. / Sending endless love your way." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "The fun for me in collaboration is, one, working with other people just makes you smarter; that's proven." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "The fun for me in collaboration is, one, working with other people just makes you smarter; that's proven." | Image: AmoDays


"What we got is love even when the sinners hate us." — Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Love Makes The World Go Round"

"If you can find joy in setting up the board, playing the game itself feels like flying. Prepare the way for your own joy. Fly." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"That's being yourself. Chasing wherever inspiration goes, even if it's radically different from the thing that people know you as." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I wish you clarity today. Clarity of thought, clarity of expression, a direct line between what you feel and what to do about it." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's "Love Makes the World Go Round" quote: What we got is love even when the sinners hate us." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's "Love Makes the World Go Round" quote: What we got is love even when the sinners hate us." | Image: AmoDays


Lin-Manuel Miranda Quotes about His Life and Tweets

"Legacy. What is a Legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"The reason 'Hamilton' works is because there is no distance between that story that happened 200-some-odd years ago and now, because it looks like America now. It helps create a connection that wouldn't have been there if it was 20 white guys on stage." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I have no desire for my Twitter feed to be filled with a bunch of people screaming ad hominem attacks against anyone who voiced something different from how they feel." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I am the one thing in life I can control. I am inimitable. I am an original." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"When I was asked to do a song from 'In the Heights' at the White House in 2009, I chose instead to do 'Alexander Hamilton' because I felt like I was meeting a moment." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Legacy. What is a Legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Legacy. What is a Legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see." | Image: AmoDays


"Making words rhyme for a living is one of the great joys of my life… That's a superpower I've been very conscious of developing." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"There's been lots of theater that uses hip-hop in it, but more often than not, it's used as a joke – isn't it hilarious that these characters are rapping. I treat it as a musical form, and a musical form that allows you to pack in a ton of lyric." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"My wife's the reason anything gets done, she nudges me toward a promise by degrees. She is a perfect symphony of one. Our son is her most beautiful reprise. We chase the melodies that seem to find us until they're finished songs and start to play." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I think a lot about trying to meet the moment as honestly as possible because I don't pretend to have any answers. In fact, I have infinitely more questions than answers." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I started at the same level as everybody else, and then I just listened to more music and talked to myself until it was an actual superpower I could pull out on special occasions." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Making words rhyme for a living is one of the great joys of my life… That's a superpower I've been very conscious of developing." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Making words rhyme for a living is one of the great joys of my life… That's a superpower I've been very conscious of developing." | Image: AmoDays


"The music you love when you're a teenager is always going to be the most important to you, and I find that it's all over the score of Hamilton." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I grew up in an immigrant neighborhood. We just knew the rule was you're going to have to work twice as hard." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"If there is a Busta Rhymes of musical theater, it probably is Mandy Patinkin." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"What I learned from my go-round with 'In the Heights' is that it's tough to make a movie. In Hollywood, even the people in charge have people in charge." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I don't differentiate between black and Latino actors. We're in the same struggle to be represented in a way that's even close to honest. And I can tell you that the amount of Latino characters I can point at and say, 'That's what my life experience looks like' – I can't think of any off the top of my head besides Jimmy Smits in Mi Familia." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "The music you love when you're a teenager is always going to be the most important to you, and I find that it's all over the score of Hamilton." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "The music you love when you're a teenager is always going to be the most important to you, and I find that it's all over the score of Hamilton." | Image: AmoDays


"I just happen to think that with Hamilton's story, sticking close to the facts helps me. All the most interesting things in the show happened." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"There's a million things I haven't done. Just you wait, just you wait." — Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Hamilton: The Revolution"

"When senseless acts of tragedy remind us that nothing here is promised--not one day. This show is proof that history remembers. We live in times when hate and fear seem stronger." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Pretty much anything William Shatner is in is great. He's great at playing that 'I'm the only one sane in the world' character." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I made a movie when I was 15 years old with all my friends." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "I just happen to think that with Hamilton's story, sticking close to the facts helps me. All the most interesting things in the show happened." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "I just happen to think that with Hamilton's story, sticking close to the facts helps me. All the most interesting things in the show happened." | Image: AmoDays


"I like the quiet it takes to pursue an idea the way I pursued 'Hamilton,' but I couldn't write a book because there's no applause at the end of writing a book." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"If Hamilton were on Twitter, he would have been a worse oversharer than me." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Sometimes a line enters your head, and you're so grateful for it. You go online to check to see if anyone wrote it before you. You must have stolen it." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Sometimes listening to your gut will cause rifts and awkwardness with people you really, really love. It sucks. It really sucks." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I couldn't possibly write 'Next to Normal,' but God, I can weep and watch 'Next to Normal' five times." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "If Hamilton were on Twitter, he would have been a worse oversharer than me." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "If Hamilton were on Twitter, he would have been a worse oversharer than me." | Image: AmoDays


"The only other thing that's like video games for me is watching tennis on TV. I can have it on, and there's a rhythmic quality to it." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I can be watching Wimbledon or the U.S. Open and still be working." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Eliza tells her story. Now, fill the world with music, love, and pride." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"This is when IMDb was a little more lax with its proceedings, so it's listed as one of my projects." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"The musicals that leave us kind of staggering on our feet are the ones that really reach for a lot." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "The only other thing that's like video games for me is watching tennis on TV. I can have it on, and there's a rhythmic quality to it." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "The only other thing that's like video games for me is watching tennis on TV. I can have it on, and there's a rhythmic quality to it." | Image: AmoDays


"Biggie and Big Pun were the best storytellers of the '90s. I would get wrapped up in the narrative of what they were talking about." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"How on Earth did you do that with the same 24 hours a day that everyone else gets?" — Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Hamilton: The Revolution"

"What 'Twilight Zone' did was show we all have a great capacity for good and evil." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"The Hulk before intermission, Bruce Banner after it." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"The fun for me in collaboration is, one, working with other people just makes you smarter; that's proven." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Biggie and Big Pun were the best storytellers of the '90s. I would get wrapped up in the narrative of what they were talking about." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Biggie and Big Pun were the best storytellers of the '90s. I would get wrapped up in the narrative of what they were talking about." | Image: AmoDays


"My only responsibility as a playwright and a storyteller is to give you the time of your life in the theatre." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love and love cannot be killed or swept aside." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Anytime you write something, you go through so many phases. You go through the 'I'm a Fraud' phase. You go through the 'I'll Never Finish' phase. And every once in a while you think, 'What if I actually have created what I set out to create, and it's received as such?" — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Sometimes there's traffic in every lane, / A galaxy of folks moving in the same direction. / Peace to the kids asleep in backseats, / Peace to the miracle of merging lanes, wherein we inch forward and learn to let each other in, / & peace and patience to you, on your way home." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I always had an eye toward the stage for the story of Hamilton's life, but I began with the idea of a concept album, the way Andrew Lloyd Webber's Evita and Jesus Christ Superstar were albums before they were musicals." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "My only responsibility as a playwright and a storyteller is to give you the time of your life in the theatre." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "My only responsibility as a playwright and a storyteller is to give you the time of your life in the theatre." | Image: AmoDays


"The people you love will still love you. Trying to please them won't quiet what your insides are telling you, if they're at odds." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I was 15 years old; it's a terrible movie. I wrote 50 percent of it because I wanted to kiss this one girl, and I wrote a kissing scene for it." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Call off the troops on the battles you've already survived. / Don't waste time relitigating moments that are firmly in the rearview mirror. / Close those open files. / Look how far you've come. / Exhale. / Again. / Again. / Again. / And dream big tonight, love / loosen gravity's grip, fly." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Rent was the show that made me want to write. Or that showed me you're allowed to write." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Good morning stunner, / Lemme pile up these / Words and reminders / Of how much you matter / So thick / That when that bullet / Of doubt seems to knock / You out of the sky / and we all gasp / Your eyes open / You pull these words / Out of your pocket / With that bullet stuck / In it, Alive / Stunner / Get up." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "The people you love will still love you. Trying to please them won't quiet what your insides are telling you, if they're at odds." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "The people you love will still love you. Trying to please them won't quiet what your insides are telling you, if they're at odds." | Image: AmoDays


"You cannot let all the world's tragedies into your heart. You'll drown. But the ones you do let in should count. Let them manifest action." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"You know what's a great way of tricking people into thinking you're a genius? Write a show about geniuses!" — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"One of my first favorite books was 'The 12 Days of Christmas,' and I would just go up to people and say, 'I can sing 'The 12 Days of Christmas,' and I would make them sit through me reciting it, and I'd go all the way, each time. I've always hooked into lyrics." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I can tell you that I did about five fruitless years of auditioning for voiceovers where I did variations on tacos and Latin accents, and my first screen role was as a bellhop on The Sopranos." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Good night stunner / Add these words to / our homemade barricade / Fortify / How much you matter / How much you are loved / Pile these words so high / That you can survive / The slings and arrows / of outrageous misfortune / Never deaf to the world's cries / But safe inside yourself, / Alive / Rest, stunner." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "You cannot let all the world's tragedies into your heart. You'll drown. But the ones you do let in should count. Let them manifest action." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "You cannot let all the world's tragedies into your heart. You'll drown. But the ones you do let in should count. Let them manifest action." | Image: AmoDays


"You're stunning, and the world is lucky to have you. / We are LUCKY TO HAVE YOU. / Get some rest." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Free up that heart of yours / Make room for new mistakes / Newfound hurts / Newfound wisdom / There are life-changing moments / just waiting for you to make a path, / to move beyond your comfort zone, / new moments, / longing to share the stage with that heart of yours." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Good night / You have earned that bed. / It's okay. / Clear the table for your dreams, / get your guts right." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"I know my sister like I know my own mind; you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Across centuries and continents, via twin strands of coincidence and providence, generations and generations / got it on / to create the inimitable recipe / that is you. / The gift of being alive, that's all yours. / What do you wanna do with it?" — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "You're stunning and the world is lucky to have you. / We are LUCKY TO HAVE YOU. / Get some rest." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "You're stunning and the world is lucky to have you. / We are LUCKY TO HAVE YOU. / Get some rest." | Image: AmoDays


"It's good to be alive. / We likely haven't met, but I'm happy you're here. / Shall we?" — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Find words for all your daily joys & terrors / Gnight; make work that gets us in our feelings / Send off to bed your doubt, your shame, your errors / Break curfew with your muses, shatter ceilings / The year is fresh; wipe clean inertia's mildew / Grateful for all you do, & all you will do" — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Breathe deep. / That hitch in your breath is a record scratch. / That throbbing in your temple is the bass, and you control the volume knob. / The scars in your mind and your heart are grooves that run deep. / YOUR music. YOUR heart. YOUR life. / You got the aux cord. / Bump it." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Doubts may grow as shadows loom, / when you're alone with your thoughts. / Plant music, art, pics of the ones you love / in the darkest corners. / Harvest the fruits of your daydreams and rest. / Water and sunlight to the best in you." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "It's good to be alive. / We likely haven't met, but I'm happy you're here. / Shall we?" | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "It's good to be alive. / We likely haven't met, but I'm happy you're here. / Shall we?" | Image: AmoDays


"Good night. / Protect your heart and mind. / Protect your time. / This is YOUR life. And here it goes. / I'm rooting for you." — Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Across centuries and continents, / all of history conspired to bring you to where you are. / And THIS day in your life was JUST the beginning of a longer story, / the first pen stroke of something new. / Tomorrow, the second. / Rest up!"— Lin-Manuel Miranda

"Before you turn the world down, make a little space for yourself. / Brush your teeth, tidy the counter, put down the phone. / Savor the best part of the day for one more second. / Woo! Okay. Have at it, dreams!"— Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Good night. / Protect your heart and mind. / Protect your time. / This is YOUR life. And here it goes. / I'm rooting for you." | Image: AmoDays

Lin-Manuel Miranda's quote: "Good night. / Protect your heart and mind. / Protect your time. / This is YOUR life. And here it goes. / I'm rooting for you." | Image: AmoDays


In 2015, Miranda created "Hamilton" and was credited for writing the book, music, and lyrics for the Broadway show. The following year, he received 16 Tony Awards nominations for his work and won 11.

In addition, the show earned the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Drama while winning the 2016 Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album. Discover more about another creative by reading these 43 G Herbo quotes.



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