82 'Valhalla' Quotes on Courage, Devotion, and Strength
Valhalla is a term that comes from Norse mythology. It is said to be a majestic and grand hall in Asgard, the realm of the gods, where the valkyries take the bravest and most honorable warriors who died in battle after their death. Read these 82 "Valhalla" quotes to learn about the courage of the Vikings.
"Valhalla" is a historical drama series on Netflix that follows the Viking age in Scandinavia and England, focusing on the rise of Harald Sigurdsson, who became the King of Norway. The series explores themes of religion, power, loyalty, relationships, and the clash between pagan beliefs and Christianity.
The characters in the series are complex and often face difficult choices as they navigate a changing world filled with political intrigue, battles, and personal struggles. The series strongly emphasizes the importance of strength, courage, and honor in Viking culture, as well as the role of women in society. Read the 82 quotes by some of its characters.

Earl Godwin's quote: "If so, there will come a day when your fear of failure will be overwhelmed by an instinct to act. To survive. If you listen to it, you will succeed." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
Valhalla Quotes Focused on Beliefs and Religion
"Do not confuse tolerance with forgiveness. My eyes are always open." — Estrid Haakon
"May the Lord guide you back to Norway, brother." — Olaf Haraldson
"Miracles, like deals with the devil, come with strings attached. Something is always expected in return." —Harald Sigurdsson
"You will know glory when you reach it. Trust me. This is just the path to get there." — Harald Sigurdsson
"Not every Christian is bad. All religions have flaws." — Harald Sigurdsson

Estrid Haakon's quote: "Do not confuse tolerance with forgiveness. My eyes are always open." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"I don't believe ghosts can hurt me. But I do believe that Vikings can." — Emma of Normandy
"You are the guardians of Kattegat, keepers of the faith. If we die, so do our Gods. They become memories. You will not fail them if you do not fail yourselves." — Estrid Haakon
"This invasion is to avenge the murder of our people. All Viking people. I draw no distinction between Pagan or Christian." — King Canute
"As a Viking, my goal is revenge. But as a Christian, I employ the virtues my Savior taught me, forgiveness, mercy, and love." — Harald Sigurdsson
"Leave this place in the name of the one true God, Jesus Christ." — Priest

Emma of Normandy's quote: "I don't believe ghosts can hurt me. But I do believe that Vikings can." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"All things are possible if our minds are open." — Estrid Haakon
"The Christians have cursed us." — Jarl Gorm
"False gods!" — Olaf Haraldson
"God bless the king, and god bless England." — Earl Godwin
"God crown you with a crown of glory and righteousness, and may you obtain the crown of an everlasting kingdom by the gift of Him whose Kingdom endureth forever." — Priest

Estrid Haakon's quote: "All things are possible if our minds are open." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"And then, God's glory was revealed." — Jarl Kare
"Nothing can stop the will of the Lord." — Jarl Kare
"God has instructed me to build a great church in Kattegat, with a spire that reaches to Heaven. A beacon so that all who see it may know the love of Jesus." — Jarl Kare
"I am the past, the present, the future. I am the reason you are here." — Seer
"What will all your saintliness have achieved for you?" — Harald Sigurdsson

Jarl Kare's quote: "And then, God's glory was revealed." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"That your god is Odin or Christ means nothing to me." — Harald Sigurdsson
"I think once she learns that you're a Christian, you'll find out all you need to know." — Leif Eriksson
"The Gods know the truth." — Freydis Eriksdotter
"There's only one false God! Your Christian God." — Jarl Gorm

Leif Eriksson's quote: "I think once she learns that you're a Christian, you'll find out all you need to know." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
Valhalla Quotes about Strength, Courage, and Relationships
"Never let traitors go unpunished." — King Sweyn
"I order that all Vikings living on this island be exterminated." — King Æthelred
"Things change. And we must change with them." — King Canute
"You married a Norman. We create nightmares." — Emma of Normandy
"Whatever happens, you must survive. You are The Last." — Estrid Haakon

King Sweyn's quote: "Never let traitors go unpunished." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"True Vikings always reach for glory. It's what defines us." — Harald Sigurdsson
"This blood… It's not my blood. It is our blood, it is Viking blood!" — Harald Sigurdsson
"Tell me again what I must do." — Estrid Haakon
"Necessity creates unusual allies." — Emma of Normandy
"My people do not fear death. They know if they fight till their last breath, they will have earned a seat at Odin's table." — Estrid Haakon

Harald Sigurdsson's quote: "True Vikings always reach for glory. It's what defines us." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"It is good to listen to a man who knows his own mind and has the courage to speak it." — King Canute
"If so, there will come a day when your fear of failure will be overwhelmed by an instinct to act. To survive. If you listen to it, you will succeed." — Earl Godwin
"I prefer my fate to be in my own hands." — Harald Sigurdsson
"I don't need your promise. I can deliver justice myself." — Freydis Eriksdotter
"I arrived in this country as a 15-year-old girl, who could not speak the language and was a piece of property. I am now the Queen of an expanding empire and a wealthy woman in my own right. If you think that I'm incapable of taking care of both, my husband's interest and my own, you do so at your own peril." — Emma of Normandy

King Canute's quote: "It is good to listen to a man who knows his own mind and has the courage to speak it." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"I am on a mission. I can say no more." — Freydis Eriksdotter
"Facing doubts or fears is the first step in courage." — Earl Godwin
"Change is happening, and we must be ready." — Estrid Haakon
"A rotten house cannot be repaired. It must be torn down in order to build a better one." — Earl Godwin
"A man who asks for nothing is someone I cannot trust." — King Canute

Earl Godwin's quote: "Facing doubts or fears is the first step in courage." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"We've been here so long, many of us don't recognize our own language." — Sten Sigurdsson
"If my people die in this war you have brought to my door, they die with honor, not shame." — Olaf Haraldson
"I'm not king material." — Edmund
"I promise to be worthy of Kattegat." — Audun Hoskuldsson
"Surely, you are astute enough to realize that if a wolf is roaming your halls and warming itself by your fires, it must be considering you its dinner." — Queen Ælfgifu

Olaf Haraldson's quote: "If my people die in this war you have brought to my door, they die with honor, not shame." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"I'm beginning to see what my son admires in you." — Sweyn Forkbeard
"I'm not your enemy, Your Highness. Your arrogance is." — Earl Godwin
"I have the Nobles. I have the power." — Edmund
"You expect me to help you?" — Emma of Normandy
"I know what the weight of a powerful father feels like." — Leif Eriksson

Earl Godwin's quote: "I'm not your enemy, Your Highness. Your arrogance is." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"You also know the desire to stand in your own light." — Edmund
"They bow their heads out of fear, not respect." — Leif Eriksson
"I am not angry. I am murderous." — Harald Sigurdsson
"I would set aside my destiny for you." — Harald Sigurdsson
"You think we are born with all the knowledge? We make the tools we need." — Seer

Leif Eriksson's quote: "They bow their heads out of fear, not respect." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"For love, I will give everything. Myself, my family, even my gods." — Harald Sigurdsson
"He thinks he's graced us with his presence, but we know it's him who's been made better by his visit." — Sten Sigurdsson
"There had been a great battle. Everywhere was fire and death." — Freydis Eriksdotter
"You've made your case. Now return to your madman." — Leif Eriksson
"If I was like my father, you would all be dead." — Leif Eriksson

Harald Sigurdsson's quote: "For love, I will give everything. Myself, my family, even my gods." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"The fact that I voiced my doubts should be evidence enough of my inadequacy." — Edmund
"We are humbled and inspired by their legacy. But now is our time to make history." — King Canute
"The Vikings, despite our differences, are still one people." — King Canute
"Do you feel justice?" — Leif Eriksson
"He's a stranger to this world, Freydis. He doesn't know much has changed since he left." — Leif Eriksson

Edmund's quote: "The fact that I voiced my doubts should be evidence enough of my inadequacy." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"You have seen me through much." — Freydis Eriksdotter
"You have made a grave mistake. By giving Edmund the crown, you risk the lives of all of us. You have saddled yourself to an impulsive child." — Emma of Normandy
"There is no going back, only forward." — Seer
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"I wish you whatever peace you may find in this new life you've found." — Eivor Varinsdottir
"Sigurd, brother. You are lost in a sea-storm of your own making." — Eivor Varinsdottir

Freydis Eriksdotter's quote: "You have seen me through much." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"But a man you trust with anything... can take everything." — Basim
"My road forward has been a muddy one. Slick with blood and tears, but we can reach its end together." — Eivor Varinsdottir
"It is a wise leader who considers the needs of others." — "Assassin's Creed Valhalla"
"If your hell is real, I'm glad you'll get to see it." — Eivor Varinsdottir
"What riches are worth so much misery and the deaths of honorable men and women?" — Eivor Varinsdottir

Eivor Varinsdottir's quote: "I wish you whatever peace you may find in this new life you've found." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
"They should call you the God of hindsight. All-knowing after the fact." - The Builder, mocking the God of Wisdom
"I will not be captive to another man's gaudy design. My destiny is mine to weave." — Eivor Varinsdottir
"I am better than well. I am present." — The Seer

Eivor Varinsdottir's quote: "If your hell is real, I'm glad you'll get to see it." | Image: youtube.com/Netflix
The Vikings were seafaring people from the late eighth to early 11th century. They originated from the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden and were known for their exploration, trade, and raids across Europe, Asia, and North America.
Their society was divided into classes, with the ruling class being the jarls or earls, followed by free farmers, and then enslaved people or thralls. They were courageous and believed in the afterlife, with the most honorable warriors being chosen to go to Valhalla.
The Vikings left a lasting impact on the world, with their legacy visible in many countries' languages, cultures, and traditions today. If you want to be brave like them, read these quotes.