66 ‘Untouchable’ Quotes from Positive and Negative Points of View
"Untouchable" is a powerful word that elicits different reactions and perceptions from different people. While some may view it as a symbol of strength and invincibility, others may see it as a barrier that keeps them from reaching their goals. Read these 66 untouchable quotes to learn more about the phenomenon.
Untouchability is a social and cultural phenomenon prevalent in various parts of the world for centuries. It is a form of discrimination and social exclusion based on a person's caste, religion, or occupation, which considers them impure and untouchable.
Those deemed untouchable are treated as outcasts and often suffer various discriminations and physical and psychological abuse. Untouchability has been widely condemned and outlawed in many countries, but it persists in some parts of the world, particularly in South Asia.
Read the following 66 untouchable quotes from positive and negative perspectives that shed light on the meaning and impact of being considered "untouchable."

R. Buckminster Fuller's quote: "Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable." | Source: Unsplash
'Untouchable' Quotes from a Positive Viewpoint
"I'm unbeatable and untouchable." — Naseem Hamed
"That means that every human being [...] possesses an inalienable and untouchable dignity." — Hans Kung
"I've got nothing to prove. I've already proven to everybody that I'm untouchable." — Neville
"I may have my diva moments, but I don't want to get to where I'm considered untouchable." — Anitta
"I don't think anyone is untouchable." — Owen Farrell

Naseem Hamed's quote: "I'm unbeatable and untouchable." | Source: Unsplash
"Audrey Hepburn is someone I've always admired. She has that untouchable star quality." — Lisa O'Hare
"But he's an untouchable, Shirin.' 'He's my Untouchable Prince Charming, then. Only I am allowed to touch him." — Renita D'Silva
"The city was radiant and I felt untouchable." — Stephanie Danler
"I feel. I feel. Strong and untouchable and capable. An exquisite glow of joy fills me up and extinguishes my anger. For this instant, I am whole again. I am not broken or empty [...] I am unburdened. I am complete." — Elizabeth May
"It really lasted the whole game, because I was really untouchable, unstoppable that game. But it was heightened on one particular play, and that was the longest run where everything completely slowed down. My awareness was so keen, it was so heightened, it was really amazing." — Marcus Allen

Lisa O'Hare's quote: "Audrey Hepburn is someone I've always admired. She has that untouchable star quality." | Source: Unsplash
"They were untouchable, fascinating, and nothing they ever did was wrong. I wanted that. I wanted to look down at the sky." — Penelope Douglas
"Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable." — R. Buckminster Fuller
"He seems untouchable. Maybe his fists are as brutal as his beauty. Just looking at him feels like I'm inhaling a lungful of fire." — Pam Godwin
"Porter It really lasted the whole game, because I was really untouchable, unstoppable that game. But it was heightened on one particular play, and that was the longest run where everything completely slowed down. My awareness was so keen, it was so heightened, it was really amazing." — Marcus Allen
"My emotions are invisible, untouchable—invincible even—and their power far outweighs my own. And so it seems unfair that for all the little I can do to them, they can do so much to me." — Kelseyleigh Reber

Penelope Douglas' quote: "They were untouchable, fascinating, and nothing they ever did was wrong. I wanted that. I wanted to look down at the sky." | Source: Unsplash
"Years and years ago, Jon Jones was untouchable. You couldn't win a round against him." — Ryan Bader
"What's exciting to me is the live show medium itself; it's the last untouchable medium. I don't think it will ever go away. It has gone on from the beginning of time with little performances around a campfire, I'd imagine, like cavemen doing some chants, rhythm, and sounds, beating on things." — Juliette Lewis
"But what I didn't realise was that when it came to that sneaking, camouflaged, untouchable giant known as the Future, I was as vulnerable as anyone." — Matt Haig
"There is nothing sacred or untouchable except the freedom to think. Without criticism, that is to say, without rigor and experimentation, there is no science, without criticism there is no art or literature. I would also say that without criticism there is no healthy society." — Octavio Paz
"I tried to have a cookie, and this girl said, "I'm mailing those cookies to my friend." So I couldn't have one. You shouldn't make cookies untouchable." — Mitch Hedberg

Ryan Bader's quote: "Years and years ago, Jon Jones was untouchable. You couldn't win a round against him." | Source: Unsplash
"People think that I'm really untouchable, and that's also translated into a lot of people thinking that I'm super-ungrateful." — Kristen Stewart
"I'd laughed this high-pitched, witchy laugh, and looked right at him. Mostly, I remember feeling vital and untouchable, like I was free and separate from him. I would never be him, and because of that, I would never be lonely or laughed at, and I would never have to worry about anything." — Brenna Yovanoff
"When you say the word 'undisputed,' what do you think of? You think of something that is untouchable, undeniable. Myself, Bobby Fish, and Kyle O'Reilly are all of those things." — Adam Cole
"The Davidsons think that they're untouchable, but I'm going to teach them that if they double cross me, they will be dealt with. I'll make them touchable." — Valenciya Lyons
"I can criticize your religion all I want, and you can criticize mine. I don't like this whole climate of, 'You can't ever say anything bad about the group I'm in, cause every group is untouchable.' We can all criticize each other and engage in debate all we want." — Kathy Griffin

Kristen Stewart's quote: "People think that I'm really untouchable, and that's also translated into a lot of people thinking that I'm super-ungrateful." | Source: Unsplash
"When I was in sixth grade, I wanted to be tough and untouchable, but really I was squishy and sensitive." — Emily P. Freeman
"I want to be a mystery to you, / untouchable, / a star all to myself / a galaxy away from your starved fingers." — Emily Palermo
"In 1999, I found myself the unlikely leader of a community-based effort to protect what was arguably Colorado's most important brand, and one once thought to be untouchable: the 'Mile High' part of Denver's Mile High Stadium." — John Hickenlooper
"I've never enjoyed my life, I've never liked people. I love the mountains because they are the negation of life, indestructible, inhuman, untouchable, indifferent, as I want to be." — Anna Kavan
"Would I show my body off if I was thinner? Probably not, because my body is mine. I think I remind everyone of themselves. I'm not saying everyone is my size, but it's relatable because I'm not perfect, and I think a lot of people are portrayed as perfect, unreachable and untouchable." — Adele

Emily P. Freeman's quote: "When I was in sixth grade, I wanted to be tough and untouchable, but really I was squishy and sensitive." | Source: Unsplash
"I'd tried so hard to make a perfect, untouchable life for myself. But trouble finds you. Tragedy finds you. And we keep trying anyway. We hope for the best. We believe we can make something for ourselves—something good that will last—even though, at the exact same time, we know we can't." — Katherine Center
"I remember when Michael Jackson as an act, as a talent, was untouchable and was in a realm all his own." — Montel Vontavious
"It's only natural to want to select your best players and there is no doubt for me that Paul Scholes is still in a class of his own. He's almost untouchable in what he does. I never tire of watching him play." — Zinedine Zidane
"I am expected to be glamorous and untouchable. Like success would make me spoiled and entitled. However, I am just a normal dog-owning, horse-riding, meat-eating Oklahoman." — Kristin Cast
"Affirmation: I am untouchable and unbreakable because I belong to God." — Katina Marshell Cotton-Sliwa

Montel Vontavious' quote: "I remember when Michael Jackson as an act, as a talent, was untouchable and was in a realm all his own." | Source: Unsplash
"Whatever was said about Ralph Ellison, 'Invisible Man' was considered untouchable." — Darryl Pinckney
"My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility. Had Napoleon had that idea he would have conquered the bloody world. I wanted Liverpool to be untouchable. My idea was to build Liverpool up and up until eventually everyone would have to submit and give in." — Bill Shankly
"I have never seen two people so in love, and so completely untouchable." — Brenna Yovanoff
"These days, as I am older and wiser, I realize that there is a danger in becoming an icon, as people can see you as remote and untouchable, and they are less willing to tolerate you doing things that don't fit with their preconceived idea of you." — Giorgio Armani
"I wrapped my arms around his neck, drawing him closer. Oh God, it was so out of control, but in this really sweet, beautiful way. I never thought I'd be allowed to have that feeling. I thought it had been completely beaten out of me, but there it was, untouchable and clean." — Sarah Fine

Darryl Pinckney's quote: "Whatever was said about Ralph Ellison, 'Invisible Man' was considered untouchable." | Source: Unsplash
'Untouchable' Quotes from the Negative Perspective
"India will have to hang down her head in shame if even one person is left who is said in any way to be untouchable." — Lal Bahadur Shastri
"Caste is a state of mind. It is a disease of mind. The teachings of the Hindu religion are the root cause of this disease. We practice casteism, and we observe Untouchability because we are enjoined to do so by the Hindu religion." — B. R. Ambedkar
"Lilac Rose LaRoux. Untouchable. Toxic. I should've been named Ivy, or Foxglove, or Belladonna." — Amie Kaufman
"Because what else was there for me—an aberration, an untouchable, an outsider? What could I say when I was alone at night and the shadows came? How else could I calm the thud of my beating heart but with the words: This is my fate." — Leslye Walton
"When I lost my brother, it kind of messed me up because in my city, I know everybody. I kind of felt untouchable." — Stephen Jackson

Lal Bahadur Shastri's quote: "India will have to hang down her head in shame if even one person is left who is said in any way to be untouchable." | Source: Unsplash
"I'm a brown-skinned Indian immigrant, low-caste untouchable—I don't know how many labels you want to put on me—who's fought all his life." — Shiva Ayyadurai
"You cannot believe what you do not believe, Rumi siad. I am an Untouchable because my karma dictates it." — Christopher Moore
"A bitter thing cannot be made sweet. The taste of anything can be changed. But poison cannot be changed into nectar." — B. R. Ambedkar
'Untouchable' Quotes from Mahatma Gandhi
"Untouchability is a terrible reality." — Mahatma Gandhi
"Untouchability is an error of long standing." — Mahatma Gandhi

B. R. Ambedkar's quote: "A bitter thing cannot be made sweet. The taste of anything can be changed. But poison cannot be changed into nectar." | Source: Unsplash
"Untouchability is a hydra-headed monster." — Mahatma Gandhi
"Diversity there certainly is in the world, but it means neither inequality nor untouchability." — Mahatma Gandhi
"In battling against untouchability, and in dedicating myself to that battle, I have no less an ambition than to see a full regeneration of humanity." — Mahatma Gandhi
"I would bend the knee before the poorest scavenger, the poorest untouchable in India, for having participated in crushing him for centuries; I would even take the dust off his feet." — Mahatma Gandhi
"The removal of untouchability is one of the highest expressions of ahimsa." — Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi's quote: "Untouchability is a hydra-headed monster." | Source: Unsplash
"Our struggle does not end so long as there is a single human being considered untouchable on account of his birth." — Mahatma Gandhi
"It is a crime and a sin to regard a person as untouchable because he is born in a particular community." — Mahatma Gandhi
"The more I study Hindu scriptures, and the more I discuss them with Brahmins, the more I feel convinced that untouchability is the greatest blot upon Hinduism." — Mahatma Gandhi
"The attack on untouchability is an attack on this high-and low-ness." — Mahatma Gandhi
"We cannot have real independence unless the people banish the touch-me-not spirit from their hearts." — Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi's quote: "It is a crime and a sin to regard a person as untouchable because he is born in a particular community." | Source: Unsplash
"My fight against untouchability is a fight against the impure in humanity." — Mahatma Gandhi
"The removal of untouchability is a question of the purification of Hinduism." — Mahatma Gandhi
"Untouchability is a many-headed monster and forms, some of them so subtle as not to be easily detected." — Mahatma Gandhi
"When untouchability is rooted out, these distinctions will vanish and no one will consider himself superior to any other." — Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi's quote: "My fight against untouchability is a fight against the impure in humanity." | Source: Unsplash
"The purification required is not of untouchables but of the so-called superior castes." — Mahatma Gandhi
"To remove untouchability is a penance that caste Hindus owe to Hinduism and to themselves." — Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi's quote: "The purification required is not of untouchables but of the so-called superior castes." | Source: Unsplash
Untouchability has severe consequences for the individuals and communities affected by it. Those discriminated against could be refused access to education, employment, healthcare, and housing. They may be barred from entering temples and other public places and forced to live in separate areas of a village or town.
This discrimination has lasting effects on social and economic mobility, leading to generational poverty and inequality. The psychological impact of being considered untouchable and facing constant discrimination can also lead to low self-esteem and mental health issues.
Overall, it is a harmful and unjust social and cultural phenomenon that must be addressed to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all members of society. Read these validation quotes if you have ever been discriminated against.