59 Jughead Quotes from the Supernatural Drama Series ‘Riverdale’
Although even the actors and some fans are craving for "Riverdale" to finally end its story, everyone has to admit that they're going to miss the characters of this insane town in Rockland County. Jughead Jones, who is also the narrator of The CW show, has had some great chances to shine. Let's remember those moments with these 59 Jughead quotes.
While Jughead's beginning on the show was somewhat questionable, as some people called him a "toxic nice guy," he's had several decent moments throughout the years. It might not have been alright to write about his friends and the crimes in their town without asking for consent, but he protested for better funding at Southside High.
He gave his father a second chance despite having many reasons not to, and was incredibly brave and strong during his time on the streets. Jughead also loves Betty, even if that love is extremely flawed at times.
He was smart enough to help others and did so several times, and his superpowers have also come in handy in several circumstances. That's what makes him an interesting character and why you should check out these 59 Jughead quotes.

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: "Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on?” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
Jughead Quotes Full of Introspection
"I’m always hungry, yeah.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Sardonic humor is just my way of relating to the world.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“I am, by nature, a conscientious objector.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
"Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on?” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Hey. We’re all crazy. But we’re not our parents, Betty. We’re not our family.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: “Yeah? So? I self-identify as a loner. I’m not a pack animal.” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit in. And I don’t want to fit in.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Yeah? So? I self-identify as a loner. I’m not a pack animal.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“I’m proud to be your son. I’m proud to share your name. And I am proud to be part of your amazing story.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“You’re right. I wasn’t born in rarified air. I didn’t grow up with any silver spoons. But my dad had the strength to turn his life around and become a sheriff. And I have friends and family that actually care for me. Can you even say the same? So why don’t you try writing a compelling drama, instead of starting it?” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
"Mrs. Burble: While we wait, why don’t we just have a little chat?
Jughead: Uh… no. I have a hard Holden-Caulfield stance on phony small talk. Thanks.
Mrs. Burble: Do you often use fictional references to make sense of your situation?
Jughead: Yes. Yes, I do.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: “I don’t need a support group. If I am repressing something, I think I’d prefer to keep it repressed… you know?” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
"Doesn’t it ever occur to you how different we are, like on a cellular DNA level?” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“I’m not normal, I’m not wired to be normal.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“I’m Game Master, which means it’s my game and my rules. You guys wanna go on a quest? You want to prove you’re bad-a**es? You’re gonna get a chance. But not until I say so. Don’t defy me again.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“I don’t need a support group. If I am repressing something, I think I’d prefer to keep it repressed… you know?” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“I’ve got layers.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: “There is no such thing as control. There is only chaos.” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
“FP: Happy to be here, celebrating with my son. Didn’t realize you had so many friends.
Jughead: I don’t.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
Jughead Quotes about Life in "Riverdale"
“To me, I don’t think the question is, “Whodunnit?” I think the real question is whether "Riverdale" is a place of good or a place of darkness and evil. Or both. Most things are both.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Fear. It's the most basic, the most human emotion. As kids, we're afraid of everything. The dark. The boogeyman under the bed. And we pray for morning. For the monsters to go away. Though they never do. Not really.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“There is no such thing as control. There is only chaos.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Here’s the thing about fear. It’s always there. Fear of the unknown, fear of facing it alone… Fear that those closest to you are the monsters. Fear that as soon as you slay one, there’s another monster waiting to take its place.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: “And if anyone is scared of bears, well, don’t be, because Archie’s been attacked, like, what, multiple times and still survived?” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
“Perhaps in Riverdale, the best you could hope for wasn’t to win, but to draw and pray not to lose.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“And if anyone is scared of bears, well, don’t be, because Archie’s been attacked, like, what, multiple times and still survived?” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Lynchian. Adjective to describe something inspired by the noted American filmmaker David Lynch. And/or to describe something that is both incredibly macabre and incredibly mundane. Also, Riverdale’s status quo.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Thicker than blood, more precious than oil. Riverdale's big business is maple syrup.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“There’s that old cliché saying – ‘It’s always darkest before the dawn.’ But sometimes there’s just darkness.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: “One good thing about being your neighbor is I got two kitchens to raid for grub now.” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
“Life’s not an Agatha Christie novel, it’s a lot messier.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“What makes a place feel like home? Is it warmth and familiarity? Some idealized, make-believe TV version of the American Dream? Is it love and acceptance? Or is it simple safety?” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“One good thing about being your neighbor is I got two kitchens to raid for grub now.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“There’s more than one kind of home invasion. It’s not always fast and violent. Sometimes we open the door, and we let the intruder in ourselves.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Stranger things have happened, man. Like for instance, my dad shaved. Which is the equivalent of tectonic plates shifting.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: “This town is messed up, and it needs to own up to its history.” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
“Those kids in the fairy tales who go into the woods… they don’t come back the same. They’re always changed in some fundamental way. Sometimes for the better. More often for the worse. That’s the common misconception about fairy tales. They very rarely… have a happy ending.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“God! Hiram is like Dracula. Snapping up properties from all over Riverdale to expand his empire and feed.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“This town is messed up, and it needs to own up to its history.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
Jughead Quotes Full of Adventure
“Now it’s our turn. It’s our time. This is our fight.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Norman Bates made it look so easy.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: “We’re not gonna hug in front of this whole school.” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
“Gladys: Ugh, you’re not a vegetarian now, are you?
Jughead: You wound me, Mother.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“We're not gonna hug in front of this whole town. So why don't we just both do that bro thing where we nod like douches and mutually suppress our emotions?” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Dude, I just interviewed a guy who wants to be abducted by moth men aliens. I think weird is relative. I say go for it. Embrace the weird.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“We’re not gonna hug in front of this whole school.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Betty, I have to try and at least maintain a semblance of being a student here.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: “So this is what one-percenters do for fun.”| Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
“So you threw a live grenade into my relationship, so you could win a trivia contest?” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“You told her about my birthday? Dude, come on. That’s a primal betrayal.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“So this is what one-percenters do for fun.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Just kind of hoping it means I’ll always be close to him, no matter what.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Your family is definitely splintering right now, but it won’t fall apart because of you. Because you’re holding them together. You’re so much stronger than all of the white noise. You’re stronger than your mother, you’re stronger than your father. You’re holding this family together. So don’t. Don’t let go." — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: Look, it’s the rich kids from the Goonies. All right. I’m out.” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
“To be discussed, over many burgers and many days.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Jughead: Archie, as my blood-brother, it was your sole responsibility to ensure that something like this never happened on my birthday. And now we’re here. In the middle of a Seth Rogen movie.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“You’re a terrible writer, Bret. So, no, I’m not going to accept your terms. This is a duel about honor. And when you lose, it’s going to be because I’m a better writer. I’m a better competitor. And I’m a better man.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“No, dude, are you kidding me? You saved your dad’s life. First Cheryl, and now your dad. If you keep this up, you’re gonna need a superhero name. Like Pureheart the Powerful.”
“Look, it’s the rich kids from the Goonies. All right. I’m out.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: “Actually, I’m gonna sit alone. Just, you know, finish my book and brood.” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
“Actually, I’m gonna sit alone. Just, you know, finish my book and brood.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Archie: I already talked to Valerie, and she’s cool with it.
Jughead: Cool with you being a gigolo now?” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“I’ll figure it out… I always do.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Jughead: What if you don’t like what I find?
Veronica: I’m a big girl. I can take it.
Jughead: Well, then, consider me your Philip Marlowe. I didn’t mind playing detective, especially for this price,” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Well, then cue the dueling banjos. What? It’ll be a good chance for me to work on my novel.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the quote: “Well, if you promise to never bring up the epic highs and lows of high school football again, I can ask Tabitha if she’s willing to sponsor the team from Pop’s.” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
“Archie: You’re too late, Jughead.
Jughead: Well, you try Mad Max-ing your way through a riot.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Jughead: It’s for my dad. He’s facing 20 years of that weird meatloaf that they serve prisoners. So, barring an 11th-hour miracle, I was… hoping, for his last meal in Riverdale, that you could make his favorite.
Pop: Fried chicken, cornbread, onion rings, and orange freeze, if memory serves.
Jughead: That’s very Rain Man of you, Pop.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“Well, if you promise to never bring up the epic highs and lows of high school football again, I can ask Tabitha if she’s willing to sponsor the team from Pop’s.” — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"
“So, we’re really doing this? Moving to the Northside, into the Cooper house? It’s like a Norman Rockwell painting with leather jackets." — Jughead Jones, "Riverdale"

Image of Cole Sprouse as Judhead Jones in "Riverdale" with the dialogue: “Archie: You’re too late, Jughead. Jughead: Well, you try Mad Max-ing your way through a riot.” | Source: facebook.com/Riverdale
In Season 6, "Riverdale" introduced superpowers caused by the explosion by Hiram Lodge, and Jughead developed the ability to read minds. At first, it seemed like the only consequence of the incident was that Jughead had lost a significant part of his hearing, but then, he was able to read the minds of everyone at a city council.
Eventually, some of the others, like Betty, Reggie, Veronica, and Moose, showed their own super-abilities. Aside from mind-reading, Jughead was able to tap into past memories, which developed into "telepathic erasure," as he can eliminate things from people's minds.
It's hard to say how "Riverdale" will end, but you can find out all about their real-life romances here. You can also check out quotes from another CW show, "The Vampire Diaries," and if you like all kinds of teenager shows, enjoy these 35 "Glee" quotes.