24 Kaiser Soze Quotes from 'The Usual Suspects' That Leave You Puzzled
Many people enjoy watching mystery films, and Kaiser Soze is one of fiction's most fascinating and mysterious villains. Allow your imagination to run wild as you read these 24 Kaiser Soze quotes that will make you wonder about everything.
A fictional character in the 1995 movie "The Usual Suspects," the name Kaiser Soze (also written as "Keyser" Soze) is an enigmatic personality who continues to mystify fans.
The character is rarely seen in person and feared by everyone who knows of him. The plot revolves around a group of criminals who plan a heist but get caught by the police. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that Kaiser is in charge behind the scenes.
A lot of fans, including the characters in the film, are curious if Kaiser and another character named Verbal are the same person. Here are some fascinating quotes about Kaiser.

A quote of Verbal about Keyser Soze: "Then he showed those men of will what will really was." | Source: facebook.com/usualsuspectsmovie
Kaiser/Keyser Soze's Quotes That Similar to Verbal
"A man can't change what he is. He can convince anyone he's someone else, but never himself." — Kaiser/ Keyser Soze
"There was a gang of Hungarians that wanted their own mob. They realized that to be in power, you didn't need guns or money or even numbers. You just needed the will to do what the other guy wouldn't." — Kaiser/ Keyser Soze
"Because I was afraid, okay? I was afraid." — Kaiser/ Keyser Soze

Verbal's quote: "I just can't believe we're going to walk into certain death." | Source: facebook.com/usualsuspectsmovie
"Back when I was picking beans in Guatemala, we used to make fresh coffee—right off the trees, I mean. That was good. This is s***, but hey, I'm in a police station." — Kaiser/ Keyser Soze
"McManus came to us with the job, Fenster got the vans, Hockney supplied the hardware, I came through with how to do it, so no one got killed, but Keaton—Keaton put on the finishing touch…" — Kaiser/ Keyser Soze
Verbal's Quotes That Seem to Imitate Kaiser/Keyser Soze
"'Roger', really. People say I talk too much." — Verbal
"It didn't make sense that I'd be there. I mean, these guys were hard-core hijackers, but there I was. At that point I wasn't scared, I knew I hadn't done anything they could do me for. Besides, it was fun. I got to make like I was notorious." — Verbal
"I just can't believe we're going to walk into certain death." — Verbal

Arturro Marquez's quote: "He's here! I *know* he's here! That's him, I'm telling you that's him! You hear me? I'm telling you it's *Keyser Soze*!" | Source: facebook.com/usualsuspectsmovie
You tell me, Agent Kujan, if I told you the Loch Ness Monster hired me to hit the harbor, what would you say?" — Verbal
"I did see Keaton get shot, I swear to you." — Verbal
"To a cop the explanation is never that complicated. It's always simple. There's no mystery to the street, no arch criminal behind it all. If you got a dead body and you think his brother did it, you're gonna find out you're right." — Verbal
"That guy is tense. Tension is a killer. I used to be in a barbershop quartet in Skokie, Illinois. The baritone was this guy named Kip Diskin—a big fat guy, I mean, like, orca fat. He was so stressed in the morning." — Verbal
"What the cops never figured out, and what I know now, was that these men would never break, never lie down, never bend over for anybody. Anybody." — Verbal

Verbal's quote: "'Roger', really. People say I talk too much." | Source: facebook.com/usualsuspectsmovie
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone." — Verbal
Quotes of 'The Usual Suspects' Characters Talking about Kaiser/Keyser Soze
“It was Keyser Soze, Agent Kujan. I mean the Devil himself. How do you shoot the Devil in the back? What if you miss?" — Verbal
"Keaton always said, 'I believe in God, but I'm afraid of him.' Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze." — Verbal
"Where's your head, Agent Kujan? Where do you think the pressure's coming from? Keyser Soze - or whatever you want to call him - he knows where I am right now. He's got the front burner under your ass to let me go so he can scoop me up ten minutes later. Immunity was just a deal with you a*******. I got a whole new problem when I post bail." — Verbal
"Then he showed those men of will what will really was." — Verbal about Keyser/Kaiser Soze

Verbal's quote: “It was Keyser Soze, Agent Kujan. I mean the Devil himself. How do you shoot the Devil in the back? What if you miss?" | Source: facebook.com/usualsuspectsmovie
“Keaton was Keyser Soze!” — Dave Kujan
"They tell me you got the cripple from New York in there. He mention Keyser Soze?” — Jack Baer, FBI
"He's here! I *know* he's here! That's him, I'm telling you that's him! You hear me? I'm telling you it's *Keyser Soze*!" — Arturro Marquez

Verbal's quote: "I did see Keaton get shot, I swear to you." | Source: facebook.com/usualsuspectsmovie
"My name is Kobayashi. I work for Keyser Soze.” — Kobayashi
"Who is Keyser Soze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Soze. You never knew. That was his power..." — Verbal
"Keyser Soze? I don't know, Verbal. Keyser Soze's a shield, or, like you said, a spook story. But I know Keaton, and someone is out there pulling strings for you. Stay here and let us protect you." — Verbal

Dave Kujan's quote: “Keaton was Keyser Soze!” | Source: facebook.com/usualsuspectsmovie
The seasoned actor Kevin Spacey played Kaiser and won Best Actor for his performance. Alongside him in the file are actors Stephen Baldwin, Gabriel Byrne, and Chazz Palminteri.
Kaiser was a master at hiding his identity. As the movie progresses, an agent discovers that Verbal fabricated his entire story using details from the office during his interrogation. In the final scene, viewers were left stunned as Verbal was unveiled as Kaiser.
This explosive ending cemented Kaiser's position as one of the greatest pop-culture characters of the last two decades, inspiring many movies today. Here's another compelling character from "Pirates of the Caribbean" film whose quotes mystify fans, just like Kaiser.