80 ‘Soul’ Movie Quotes from the Oscar-Winning Dramatic Story
Disney's "Soul" is a quintessential movie that takes you on an emotional rollercoaster ride, evoking tears and laughter. If you're looking for inspiration, here are 80 "Soul" movie quotes to lift your spirits.
The film centers around Joe Gardner, a middle school music teacher and jazz pianist, who gets the chance of a lifetime to perform with renowned jazz musician Dorothea Williams. However, Joe's life takes a shocking turn.
Walking on the sidewalk, he suffers a fatal accident that separates his soul from his body and transports him to the Great Before. In this realm, spirits shape their identities and passions before entering Earth.
There, he meets a passionless soul named 22, and the duo sets out on a quest to help the frustrated musician return to his world and discover the true meaning of life. Check out these "Soul" movie quotes that motivate you to pursue your dreams.

22's quote: "Don't worry – you can't crush a soul here. That's what life on earth is for." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
'Soul' Movie Quotes Full of Motivation
"I was born to play." — Joe
"It's not often we find ourselves inspired. So, we all decided to give you a second chance." – Jerry
"Music is all I think about. From the moment I wake up in the morning to the moment I fall asleep at night" — Joe
"My only purpose on this planet was to play. It was what I was meant to do and no one is going to stop me." — Joe
"Don't miss out on the joys of life. Like, uh – pizza! I can't smell. We can't…we can't taste either?" — Joe

Moonwind's quote: "No one understands my art!" | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"It's my reason for living." — Joe
"I would die a happy man if I could perform with Dorothea Williams." — Joe
"And just think playing music will finally be your real career!" — Libba
"Jerry: So, what do you think you'll do?
Joe: I'm not sure. But I do know I'm going to live every minute of it." — "Soul"

Jerry's quote: "You're out there somewhere little soul. And I'm gonna find ya." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Life is full of possibilities. You just need to know where to look. Don't miss out on the joys of life." — Joe
"I know all about sparks because mine is piano." — Joe
'Soul' Movie Quotes Filled with Thought-Provoking Messages
"Lost souls are obsessed by something that disconnects them from life." — Moonwind
"Don't worry – you can't crush a soul here. That's what life on earth is for." — 22
"Like my mentor, George Orwell used to say, 'State-sponsored education is like the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket.'" —22

Jerry's quote: "Quiet coyote." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Thought you could cheat the universe? Well, you thought wrong! I'm the accountant and I'm here to bring you in." — Terry
"Seriously, stay away from those processed foods." — Terry
"Joe: Is this Heaven?
Jerry: No, it's the Great Before. This is where new souls get their personalities, quirks, and interests before they go to Earth." — "Soul"
"Joe: How about a librarian? They're cool.
22: Yes, amazing. Who wouldn't like working at a thankless job you're always in danger of losing due to budget cuts? Though, I do like the idea of randomly shushing people." — "Soul"

Joe's quote: "I'm just afraid that if I died today my life would have amounted to nothing." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"I've had thousands of mentors who failed and now hate me." — 22
"All the times I've been so close to getting to my dreams – something always gets in the way." — Joe
"Is all this living really worth dying for? People like him just bring other people down so they can make themselves feel better. He's just criticizing me to cover up the pain of his own failed dreams." — 22 as Joe
"This is New York City; you don't stop in the middle of the street!" — Joe
"By the time I got to mentor number 266, I was seriously asking 'what is all the fuss about?' Like is all this living really worth dying for? You know what I mean?" — 22

Joe's quote: "Don't miss out on the joys of life. Like, uh – pizza! I can't smell. We can't…we can't taste either?" | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Libba: You can't eat dreams for breakfast, Joey.
Joe: Then I don't want to eat at all." — "Soul"
"You hated music until you were in my body, you hated everything until you were me." — Joe
"The fire is so pretty. I kind of want to let it spread." — 22
"I've only been a person for an hour and even I know that's a bad idea." — 22

22's quote: "I've only been a person for an hour and even I know that's a bad idea." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Joe: You ready?
22: Huh?
Joe: To come live…
22: I'm scared, Joe. I'm not good enough. Anyway, I never got my spark.
Joe: Yes, you did. Your spark isn't your purpose. That last box fills in when you're ready to come live. And the thing is, you're pretty great at jazzing.
22: But Joe, this means you won't get to…
Joe: It's ok. I already did. Now it's your turn. I'll go with you.
22: You know you can't do that.
Joe: I know. But I'll go as far as I can." — "Soul"

Joe's quote: "I can't believe I am getting romantic advice from an unborn soul." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Jerry: Here at the You seminar, all new souls are given unique and individual personalities.
#1: I'm an agreeable skeptic who's cautious yet flamboyant.
#2: I'm an irritable wallflower who's dangerously curious.
#3: I'm a manipulative megalomaniac who's intensely opportunistic.
Jerry: Oh – this one might be a handful. But that's Earth's problem" — "Soul"

Mittens' quote: "Music and life operate by very different rules." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Joe: This is where personalities come from?
Jerry: Of course. Do you think people are just born with them?" — "Soul"
"I heard this story about a fish. He swims up to this older fish and says, 'I'm trying to find this thing they call the ocean.' ‘The ocean?' says the older fish, 'That's what you're in right now.' 'This?' says the young fish, 'This is water. What I want is the ocean.'" — Dorothea Williams
"Lord knows we need more teachers in this world." — Libba

Announcer's quote: "And the Knicks lose another one." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
Joe: "What is this place?
22: You know how when you humans are really into something, and it feels like you're in another place? Feels like you're in the zone, right?
Joe: Yeah…
22: Well, this is the zone. It's the space between the physical and spiritual." — "Soul"

22's quote: "I just use this voice, because it annoys people." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Maybe you ought to have a backup plan, too, for when your plan falls through." — Libba
"You know, lost souls are not that different from those in the zone. The zone is enjoyable, but when that joy becomes an obsession, one becomes disconnected from life." — Moonwind
"I just let her walk a mile in my shoes, you can say." — Joe

A quote of Mother Teresa's soul to 22 : "I have compassion for every soul. Except you. I don't like you." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Joe: Who are you?
Jerry: "I am the coming together of all quantized fields of the universe appearing in a form your feeble human brain can comprehend.
Joe: What?
Jerry: You can call me Jerry." — "Soul"

A quote of Muhammad Ali's soul to 22: "You are the greatest – pain in the b**t!" | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Joe, I have been here for who knows how long, and I've never seen anything that's made me wanna live. And then you come along. Your life is sad and pathetic and you're working so hard to get back to it! Why? I mean, this I gotta see!" — 22
"The tune is just an excuse to bring out the you." — Joe
'Soul' Movie Quotes from the Edge of Two Dimensions
"22, you come out of this dimension right now!" – Jerry
"Music and life operate by very different rules." — Mittens

22's quote: "Watch this. I've been messing with this team for decades." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Joe: That guy was lost in the music. He was in it and he took the rest of us with him. And I want to learn how to talk like that. That's when I knew I was born to play. Connie knows what I mean. Right, Connie?
Connie: I'm 12." — "Soul"
"I can't believe I am getting romantic advice from an unborn soul." — Joe
"We are the mystics without borders devoted to helping the lost souls of Earth find their way. I'm Moonwind Stardancer at your service. That’s Windstar Dreamermoon, Dancerstar Windmoon, and that’s Dreamerwind Dreamerdreamer." — Moonwind
"You're out there somewhere little soul. And I'm gonna find ya." — Jerry

A quote of Copernicus's soul to 22 : "The world doesn't revolve around you, 22!" | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Terry: You, Five, will be insecure. And you, Twelve, will be self-absorbed.
Counselor Jerry: We really should stop sending so many through that pavilion." — "Soul"
"22: Moonwind! How are you?
Moonwind: On the brink of madness, thanks for asking." — "Soul"
"22: Moonwind! How are you?
Moonwind: On the brink of madness, thanks for asking." — "Soul"

Joe's quote: "I was born to play." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"22 as Joe: My mom has never understood what I'm trying to do with my life.
Libba: What did you just say?
22 as Joe: Because it seems like no matter what I do you disapprove.
Libba: Look, I know you love playing…
22 as Joe: Then how come except for church you're the happiest when I don't?" — "Soul"

Joe's quote: "I would die a happy man if I could perform with Dorothea Williams." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"What can I say, Joe? Earth is boring." — 22
"I grabbed a couple road lollis." — 22
"I am happy to accept this very special award I requested, but that I absolutely deserve." —Terry
"Looks like another Hedgefund Manager." — Moonwind
"My mom has her own idea what success is and being a musician isn't it." — Joe

Terry's quote: "Seriously, stay away from those processed foods." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"This can't happen. I'm not dying today. Not when my life just started." — Joe
"Can you help me get back? Come on!" — Joe
"Nobody can help you! Nobody!" — Marie Antoinette's soul to 22
"Even though I can't feel it, please don't touch me." — 22
"I'm not dying the very day I got my shot. I'm due. Heck, I'm overdue!" — Joe

Joe's quote: "I know all about sparks because mine is piano." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"Life is so unfair. I don't want to die. Somebody call the whambulance. Wah!" — 22
"No one understands my art!" — Moonwind
"My life was meaningless." — Joe
"If there's one thing I'm not, it's a liar. Unlike Abraham Lincoln." — 22
"I don't like music sounds. Feels like a little too much." — 22

22's quote: "I've had thousands of mentors who failed and now hate me." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"So, we're down to middle school band teachers now." — Dorothea Williams
"Is this H-E-Double Hockey Sticks?" — Joe
"Oh, my goodness. Oh my goodness. Help! I'm not done. Oh my goodness!" — Joe
"You are the greatest – pain in the b**t!" — Muhammad Ali's soul to 22
"I just use this voice, because it annoys people." — 22

Joe's quote: "This is New York City; you don't stop in the middle of the street!" | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"You're doing my ears a favor…" — Joe to a school administrator after being called out of the classroom
"Sorry Connie but Joe can't do it today. I mean me, me can't do it today." — 22 as Joe
"And the Knicks lose another one." — Announcer
"We didn't struggle giving you an education so you can be a middle-aged man washing your underwear in my shop." — Libba

22's quote: "The fire is so pretty. I kind of want to let it spread." | Source: Amomama
"The truth is I've always worried that maybe there's something wrong with me. Maybe I'm not good enough for living." — 22
"Quiet coyote." — Jerry
"I'm just afraid that if I died today my life would have amounted to nothing." — Joe
"Stop talking! My unconscious mind hates you!" — Carl Jung's soul to 22
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Joe's quote: "My life was meaningless." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
"I have compassion for every soul. Except you. I don't like you." — Mother Teresa's soul to 22
"The world doesn't revolve around you, 22!" —Copernicus's soul to 22
"Watch this. I've been messing with this team for decades." — 22
"Hmm – that's weird, the count's off. There's a soul missing." — Terry

Libba's quote: "Lord knows we need more teachers in this world." | Source: youtube.com/pixar
Actors Jamie Foxx and Tina Fey breathe life into the characters of Joe and 22, making the tale of "Soul" a vibrant reminder that the beauty of existence lies not only in discovering our calling but also relishing the adventure.
The film stresses how, in pursuing our goals, we can lose sight of the little things that make life worth living. It teaches us to value the people in our lives and to take pleasure in the little things like eating our favorite food or walking in the park.
Like Joe, he shows that it's never too late to pursue our dreams and savor every moment of this beautiful journey called life. If you need a little pick-me-up, here are some encouraging quotes from another Disney movie, "Tangled."