39 'Blade Runner 2049' Quotes to Explore a Future of Replicants
Since Replicants became illegal on Earth, Officer K became the Blade Runner tasked to hunt them down. However, he finds himself amidst a difficult and dangerous mission and seeks help from a Blade Runner who went missing some 30 years ago.
Several Replicants roam the planet in the "Blade Runner 2049" universe. They look and act like humans but are artificially made to be stronger and as bright as their designers. Since they are fully formed when born, they do not have the same emotional capacity as humans and lack empathy.
The absence of some emotions distinguished them from the average person and was used by the Blade Runners to tell each apart. However, with the innovation of technology, each series of Replicants improved until the test of emotion grew obsolete.
Unfortunately, Replicants became illegal on Earth, and Blade Runners, special police officers, were tasked to end them. Officer K is the assigned Blade Runner in "Blade Runner 2049."

An image of Officer K with the quote: "Luv: I'm here for Mr. Wallace. I'm Luv.; 'K': He named you. You must be special. ; Luv: ...I'm here for Mr. Wallace. Please come with me." | Source: Youtube.com/WarnerBrosPictures
'Blade Runner 2049' Quotes from 'K'
"All the best memories are hers." — K, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Niander Wallace: Mere data makes a man. A and C and T and G. The alphabet of you. All from four symbols. I am only two: 1 and 0.
'K': Half as much but twice as elegant, sweetheart." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Lieutenant Joshi: Do you have any memories from before?
'K': I have memories, but... They're not real; they're just implants.
Lieutenant Joshi: Tell me one from when you were a kid.
'K': I feel a little strange sharing a childhood story considering I was never a child." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Luv: I'm here for Mr. Wallace. I'm Luv.
'K': He named you. You must be special.
Luv: ...I'm here for Mr. Wallace. Please come with me." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Dr. Ana Stelline: [crying] Someone lived this, yeah. It happened.
'K': I know what's real.
'K': I know what's real.
[throws chair]" — 'Blade Runner 2049'

An image of Niander Wallace with the quote: "'K': No thanks, I prefer to keep an empty stomach, until the hardest part of the day is done." | Source: Youtube.com/WarnerBrosPictures
"And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem… And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played." — K, 'Blade Runner 2049'
'K': I've never retired something that was born before.
Lieutenant Joshi: What's the difference?
'K': To be born is to have a soul, I guess.
Lieutenant Joshi: Are you telling me no?
'K': I wasn't aware there was an option, madame.
Lieutenant Joshi: Attaboy.
[K walks to the door]
Lieutenant Joshi: Hey! You've been getting on fine without one.
'K': What's that, madame?
Lieutenant Joshi: A soul." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Mariette: What's that?
'K': A tree.
Mariette: I've never seen a tree. It's pretty.
'K': It's dead.
Mariette: Now, who keeps a dead tree... You're not gonna kill me, are you?" — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"'K': No thanks, I prefer to keep an empty stomach until the hardest part of the day is done." — K, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"'K': You were right. You were right about everything.
Joi: Shh...
Mariette: [door opens behind K, and Mariette enters] Thought you weren't interested working, man.
Joi: You liked her, I could tell. It's ok; she's real. I want to be real for you.
'K': You are real for me.
Mariette: You have a special lady here... Ok, let's do it." — 'Blade Runner 2049'

An image of Rick Deckard with the quote: '"K': I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty. I was careful not to drag in... any dirt." | Source: Youtube.com/WarnerBrosPictures
"Luv: I see you're one of our clients. I hope you're satisfied with our product.
'K': She's very... realistic. Thank you." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"'K': She likes him
Luv: Who?
'K': This officer Deckard. She's trying to provoke him.
Luv: It is invigorating being asked personal questions. Make one feel... desired... Do you enjoy your work, officer?
'K': Please thank Mr. Wallace for your time." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
'"K': I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty. I was careful not to drag in... any dirt." — K, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Gaff: He wasn't long for this world.
'K': How so?
Gaff: Something in his eyes." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Joi: I'm so happy when I'm with you.
'K': You don't have to say that." — 'Blade Runner 2049'

An image of Sapper Morton with the quote: "Lieutenant Joshi: You're hurt. I'm not paying for that. ; 'K': I'll glue it." | Source: Youtube.com/WarnerBrosPictures
"'K': [to Joi] They'll be coming after me soon.
Joi: I'm coming with you." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"'K': If this gets broke, that's it. You're gone.
Joi: Like a real girl" — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Lieutenant Joshi: You're hurt. I'm not paying for that.
'K': I'll glue it." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
'Blade Runner 2049' Quotes from Rick Deckard
"Rick Deckard: Got a name?
'K': Officer KD6-3...
Rick Deckard: That's not a name. It's a serial number.
'K': All right. Joe." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Rick Deckard: You mightn't happen to have a piece of cheese about you, now? Would you, boy?
'K': Treasure Island?
Rick Deckard: He reads, that's good. Me too; not much else to do around here at night anymore. Many is the night I dream of cheese. Toasted, mostly. What Are You Doing Here?
'K': I heard the piano.
Rick Deckard: Don't lie; it's rude. You're a cop.
'K': I'm not here to take you in.
Rick Deckard: Oh yeah? Then what?
'K': I just have some questions.
Rick Deckard: What questions?" — 'Blade Runner 2049'

An image of Officer K with the quote: "Rick Deckard: What's the plan? ; 'K': We don't run." | Source: Youtube.com/WarnerBrosPictures
"Rick Deckard: What's the plan?
'K': We don't run." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Rick Deckard: What'd you do? Who'd you bring? Huh?
'K': No one.
Rick Deckard: Oh yeah? They know you're here!"
'K': I found him.
Lieutenant Joshi: That's not possible." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"'K': This is really something.'
Rick Deckard: The whole town was somethin'. One time. Forget your troubles, see a show, gamble a little. Win some money, lose some money. They made money seem like candy." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"[to Wallace] Her eyes were green." — Rick Deckard, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"'K': [pointing at dog] Is it real?
Rick Deckard: I don't know. Ask him." — 'Blade Runner 2049'

An image of Officer K with the quote: “Sometimes to love someone, you got to be a stranger.” | Source: Youtube.com/WarnerBrosPictures
"Rick Deckard: I had your job once. I was good at it.
'K': Things were simpler then.
Rick Deckard: Why you makin' it complicated?
'K': Why don't you just answer the question?
Rick Deckard: What question?
'K': I didn't figure you as one for bulls**t. What's her name?
Rick Deckard: Rachael. Her name was Rachael." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Sometimes to love someone, you got to be a stranger." — Rick Deckard, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Rick Deckard: Why? What am I to you?
'K': Go meet your daughter." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Rick Deckard: You don't have children...do you?
Niander Wallace: Oh, I have millions." — 'Blade Runner 2049'
'Blade Runner 2049' Quotes from Niander Wallace, Joi, and Other Characters
"Pain reminds you the joy you felt was real. More joy, then." — Niander Wallace, 'Blade Runner 2049'

An image of Niancer Wallace with the quote: “Dying for the right cause. It's the most human thing we can do.” | Source: Youtube.com/WarnerBrosPictures
"You newer models are happy scraping the s**t...because you've never seen a miracle." — Sapper Morton, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"[Said to K by a hologram advertising the virtual girl Joi, which K had bought] You look like a good Joe." — Joi, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Dying for the right cause. It's the most human thing we can do." — Freysa, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Every leap of civilization was built on the back of a disposable workforce, but I can only make so many." — Niander Wallace, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"All the courage in the world cannot alter fact." — Niander Wallace, 'Blade Runner 2049'
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An image of Officer K with the quote: “The world is built in a wall that separates kind. Tell either side there's no wall, you've bought a war...” | Source: Youtube.com/WarnerBrosPictures
"More human than humans." — Mariette, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"Beautiful, isn't it?" — Dr. Ana Stelline, 'Blade Runner 2049'
"The world is built in a wall that separates kind. Tell either side there's no wall, you've bought a war..." — 'Lt. Joshi, Blade Runner 2049'
"He Liked To Work Alone. So Did I. So We Worked Together To Keep It That Way." — ‘Gaff, Blade Runner 2049’
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An image of Officer K with the quote: “All the best memories are hers.” | Source: Youtube.com/WarnerBrosPictures
The film's main themes are the definition of what it means to be human and the concept of the soul. Interestingly, Officer K is a replicant himself. However, he is aware of his humanity and capacity to act better than most people.
Several other action and comedy films have notable quotes, including "Tomb Raider," from the many Lara Crofts in the different franchises. Some actresses who previously played Croft are Alicia Vikander and Angelina Jolie, both proud moms. Jolie even paused her career to focus on her kids.