Richard Webber with his quote: "Once you're the President, you're always Mr. President." | Source: Facebook.com/GreysAnatomy
Richard Webber with his quote: "Once you're the President, you're always Mr. President." | Source: Facebook.com/GreysAnatomy

47 Richard Webber Quotes: From the Chief of Chiefs from Grey’s Anatomy

Esther NJeri
May 14, 2023
04:00 P.M.

A medical drama with a racially diverse cast is bound to capture an audience's attention, as has "Grey's Anatomy" since its inception in 2005. The key players in the series have won over their fans' hearts with their strong yet comical personalities.


Richard Webber, the Chief Medical Officer at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, is a highly respected character in the beloved show. He has, time and again, proved that even in the face of adversity, he can still remain a wonderful teacher, a mentor, and an overall fun and good person.

Even as the series chronicles the lives and medical journey of the surgical interns and their supervisors, the masses can't help but empathize with the rigorous journey and life-changing moments of the medics as well as celebrate their wins. Here are a few memorable lines by the wise Dr. Webber, who's had quite the journey himself.

Richard Webber with his quote: "It's not easy being me." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "It's not easy being me." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber Quotes as a Chief

"I know I'm the villain of your story. But I'm not a bad man." — Richard Webber


“It's not easy being me." — Richard Webber

"Once you're the President, you're always Mr. President." — Richard Webber

"I'm not retiring...I need a vacation from all of you." — Richard Webber



Richard Webber with his quote: "If I did my job well, Its not because people listened to me. It's because they believed in me." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "If I did my job well, Its not because people listened to me. It's because they believed in me." | Source: Amodays

Dr. Webber: "'Bout time this hospital got some good publicity for a chance. Oh, heard you found a donor."

Dr. Bailey: "Yes, sir. The final piece of the puzzle has fallen into place."


Dr. Webber: "This is the day Dr. Bailey. The day Seattle Grace comes back swingin'!" — "Grey's Anatomy"

"If I did my job well, it's not because people listened to Mm. It's because they believed in me." — Richard Webber

"The surgical training protocol is officially being changed, people. The bar has been raised. Consider yourselves on notice." — Richard Webber

"All eyes... are on Seattle Grace." — Richard Webber

"I'm done! I finished. I finished first. Yes, I am Dr. Webber. That is why I am the Chief!" [sings, walks away] "That's why I'm the Chief!" — Richard Webber

Richard Webber with his quote: "All eyes... are on Seattle Grace." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "All eyes... are on Seattle Grace." | Source: Amodays


"I'm worried about my hospital dying. I made some calls to replace Kinley. No one wants to come here. I can't keep a cardiac surgeon on staff. Burke quit. Hahn quit. Dixon's autistic. My OR roof collapsed, the whole place flooded. The interns are literally chopping each other into little pieces. No wonder we're number 12. Twelve!" — Richard Webber

"Dr. Dixon's back. You'll be spending the day with her. You will impress her. And you will make sure this hospital impresses her. By the end of the day, I want that woman to be my next head of cardio. If she's not, I will know who to blame." — Richard Webber

"Apparently, some people thought I was kidding last week when I said that no one was going to be able to hang out in their favorite specialty anymore. I WASN'T. Junior residents do not specialize. So all the requests to send you back to the special place where your true heart lives can end now. Dr. Bailey makes the assignments, do not - I repeat, do not, harang her." — Richard Webber

"I just spoke with a friend of mine at the DOH. Now that we have Owen, we are being reclassified as a LEVEL 1 trauma unit by the end of the month!" — Richard Webber

Richard Webber with his quote: "Am I to understand you stole these traumas from Mercy West?" | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "Am I to understand you stole these traumas from Mercy West?" | Source: Amodays


Dr. Webber: "Am I to understand you stole these traumas from Mercy West?"

Dr. Bailey: "I don't know whatcha talkin' about."

Dr. Webber: "Good job. 'Cause now it's personal." — "Grey's Anatomy

"We're sloppy, just like everybody else. We've been resting on our laurels. You have all been failing. Failing to take initiative. Failing to ask tough questions. Failing to practice your skills. Failing to give opportunity TO practice skills. And I let it happen. So you have not failed. We have failed. Well, it stops, and it stops now." — Richard Webber

"Just shut up and count backward already." [opens door, sees Derek] "There's never a good place to hide in this hospital." — Richard Webber

Richard Webber with his quote: "It's good to be scared. It means you've got something to lose." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "It's good to be scared. It means you've got something to lose." | Source: Amodays


Richard Webber Quotes as a Mentor

"It's good to be scared. It means you've got something to lose." — Richard Webber

"Chin up. Put your shoulders back, walk proud, strut a little. Don't lick your wounds: celebrate them. The scars you bear are the signs of a competitor. You're in a lion fight, Stevens. Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you don't know how to roar." — Richard Webber

"You are all a bunch of arrogant surgeons." — Richard Webber

"You don't give them something to run from; you give them someone to run to." — Richard Webber

Richard Webber with his quote: "You're not here to make friends, Addison. You're here to make better surgeons. Being a teacher can be a lonely business." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "You're not here to make friends, Addison. You're here to make better surgeons. Being a teacher can be a lonely business." | Source: Amodays

Dr. Webber: "So ah, ah, how are you gonna do it? Um, go big? A grand, romantic gesture?"


Derek: "Um, I... I don't know yet, Chief. I'm not sure that Meredith is the grand gesture kind of girl."

Dr. Webber: "Oh, you wanna do the grand gesture." — "Grey's Anatomy"

"You're not here to make friends, Addison. You're here to make better surgeons. Being a teacher can be a lonely business." — Richard Webber

"The minute you see all the things you have, you see all the things that you stand to lose." — Richard Webber

"You know that love doesn't conquer all. It conquers some stuff, the other stuff kicks the living [expletive] out of you." — Richard Webber

Richard Webber with his quote: "Stan, you're a hero, man. You saved Ray's life." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "Stan, you're a hero, man. You saved Ray's life." | Source: Amodays


"We don't get much say over how or when, but we do get to decide how we're gonna live. So, do it. Decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide. Breathe in. Breathe out and decide." — Richard Webber

"Stan, you're a hero, man. You saved Ray's life." — Richard Webber

"I've seen a lot of maturity from you throughout this whole mess. You handled the crisis. And you call for help right away. There was a time not so long ago when you would have come to a different conclusion. You could have stuck to the code and saved your own. Tried to hide the whole mess. You know, sometimes, protecting your colleagues is solidarity. And sometimes, it's just hubris. I'm glad to see you know the difference." — Richard Webber

Dr. Webber: "You wanna take point on a surgery, take point. Problem comes up, solve it. Don't ask me; just do it. Be me."

Dr. Bailey: "Be you."

Dr. Webber: "Be me." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Richard Webber with his quote: "You wanna take point on a surgery, take point. Problem comes up, solve it. Don't ask me; just do it. Be me." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "You wanna take point on a surgery, take point. Problem comes up, solve it. Don't ask me; just do it. Be me." | Source: Amodays


Meredith: "Why can't you look at me?"

Dr. Webber: "What?"

Meredith: "You can't look at me. You haven't been able to look at me. All. Day."

Dr. Webber: "I think you're imagining things."

Meredith: "Oh. I don't think I am. But, hey, if you say so."

Dr. Webber: "I do. I say so. So instead of worrying about whether or not I'm looking at you, maybe you should concentrate on saving a 10-year-old girl…" — "Grey's Anatomy"

"With a little coffee and a little sunlight, your troubles will get smaller, and the world will keep standing." — Richard Webber

"This is your arena. How well you play, that's up to you." — Richard Webber

Richard Webber with his quote: "I think you're imagining things." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "I think you're imagining things." | Source: Amodays


Richard Webber Quotes From Important Life Situations

George: "That's not a typo, sir; that's a wink."

Dr. Webber: "Well, that's a semi-colon and a closed parenthesis."

George: "Turn it sideways."

Dr. Webber: "Well, what the hell does this mean?"

George: "She's flirting, sir."

Dr. Webber: "Oh... oh, that's good!" — "Grey's Anatomy"

[to Meredith] "You weren't imagining things. You used to run around here with that doll on the time. Took her everywhere. Cafeteria, OR gallery. Tori's got a whole army. You didn't have anyone. Seeing Anatomy Jane ... reminded me of how much I'm to blame for that. You're a living reminder of every failure in my life. And that's not your fault. And if I thought 'I'm sorry' would hold any meaning for you at all, I'd say it. I'd say it a thousand times a day." — Richard Webber

"I hope you like the view." — Richard Webber

"I've been sitting home for a week watching Oprah give away things on T.V. Oprah, Derek!" — Richard Webber


Richard Webber with his quote: "This is your arena. How well you play, that's up to you." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "This is your arena. How well you play, that's up to you." | Source: Amodays

Dr. Webber: "Sloan, have you heard from Derek?"

Dr. Sloan: "No."

Dr. Webber: "Oh, I'm sorry. You were saying? Oh! Meredith!"

Meredith: "No, I don't know how he is. I've heard nothing. Nothing today, nothing yesterday, and nothing the day before that. And no, I will not go back out there."

Dr. Webber: "My world is a better place with you in it." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Jackson: "You hurt my mom, and I hurt you."

Dr. Webber: "I won't hurt your mom. I like her."


Jackson: "I don't like that you like her."

Dr. Webber: "Man to man, you're just going to have to deal with it. You don't want a piece of this. Not today."

Jackson: "I'm watching you." — "Grey's Anatomy"

Dr. Bailey: "Do I look like a therapist?!"

Dr. Webber: "You asked!" — "Grey's Anatomy"

"Dr. Yang, did you hear? Dr. Hahn has agreed to become our new head of cardiothoracic surgery." — Richard Webber

Richard Webber with his quote: "My world is a better place with you in it." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "My world is a better place with you in it." | Source: Amodays

Lexie: "Chief... I can't let the two of you get in trouble for this."


Meredith: "Lexie…"

Lexie: "No, it's not right. People tried to stop me. Dr. Yang told me yesterday to shut it down."

Dr. Webber: "You knew about this YESTERDAY?" — "Grey's Anatomy"

Meredith: "Why not?"

Dr. Webber: "I said don't take it."

"I will take the elevator I want to take." — "Grey's Anatomy"

"It's the opening page of your marriage. It can determine the entire game. You've gotta go all out. Now your plan should include flowers, candles, exotic foods, live musicians, and a row boat. Skywriting is not out of the question. You've gotta go..." — Richard Webber

Dr. Webber: "Adele, I just need more time."

Adele: "I don't have any more time to give." — "Grey's Anatomy

Richard Webber with his quote: "I won't hurt your mom. I like her." | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "I won't hurt your mom. I like her." | Source: Amodays


Dr. Webber: "I know I have no business asking you for anything, but I need your help. I need you to bring Derek back. And he's not fine."

Meredith: "Sometimes people just wanna be left alone."

Dr. Webber: "He's planning to propose. He's been carrying around a big ring for weeks. That's not a man who wants to be left alone. I just thought you should know." — "Grey's Anatomy"

"See, I've lived. I mean, I've really lived. I've failed. I've been devastated. I've been broken. I've gone to Hell and back... And I've also known joy and passion, and I've had a great love. See, death for me is not justice; it's the end of a beautiful journey, and I'm not afraid to die. The question is, are you? A life in prison, or an afterlife with your wife... Me or you? Your choice." — Richard Webber

Derek: "She said a thing about babies. Like babies were a totally ordinary idea. She's not afraid, she's ready."

Dr. Sloan: "When are you gonna do it?"

Dr. Webber: "Do what?"

Dr. Sloan: "Shepherd's proposing."

Dr. Webber: "No kidding, outstanding!" — "Grey's Anatomy"


Richard Webber with his quote: "No kidding, outstanding!" | Source: Amodays

Richard Webber with his quote: "No kidding, outstanding!" | Source: Amodays

"Grey's Anatomy" would not be the hit medical drama it is today were it not for the stellar cast that made it a must-watch. James Pickens Jr. (Webber) plays the lead in the series alongside Ellen Pompeo (who has since left the show), Patrick Dempsey, and Chandra Wilson, among others, to bring their experiences to life.

And even though a good medical drama is always a go-to show, a good police procedural crime drama is equally interesting. Check out these inspirational and challenging quotes from Emily Prentiss of "Criminal Minds" -- a show featuring other A-listers such as Shemar Moore, A J. Cook, and Thomas Gibson.



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