Erika Jayne’s quote: "I hang out with queens only." | Source: Getty Images
Erika Jayne’s quote: "I hang out with queens only." | Source: Getty Images

85 Erika Jayne Quotes - Actress and Singer from RHOBH

Esther NJeri
May 21, 2023
01:00 P.M.

Born Erika Girardi but professionally known as Erica Jayne, the actress is a woman of many talents, with her prowess ranging from being a singer, songwriter, author, TV personality, and actress.


She grew up in Atlanta and was exposed to the art of acting and music from very early in life and started singing and dancing as a child. However, she became critically acclaimed upon the release of her single "Roller Coaster." More of her songs became hits, even as she ventured into TV.

Even though she started her TV career in the '90s in the films "Alchemy" and "Lowball," she only joined the cast of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" in 2015. She has also had a recurring role in "The Young and the Restless."

Adding to her already eclectic CV, she is also an author, a fashionista, and an all-around successful entrepreneur. As such, she has shared some insights into her personal life and her journey to success. Read these Erica Jayne quotes to have a taste of her journey.

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I have a lot of sapphires in my collection." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I have a lot of sapphires in my collection." | Image: Amodays


Erika Jayne Quotes About Her Success

"Erika Jayne was born out of rebellion. I like to break the rules." — Erika Jayne

"No matter what city I'm in, I'm always trying to run down a new Panthere ring." — Erika Jayne

"I have a lot of sapphires in my collection." — Erika Jayne

"White diamonds can get boring, so I love a colored stone." — Erika Jayne

"It's fun to have an over-the-top stage personality." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "My husband's a lawyer, and I lived a lawyer's wife's life." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "My husband's a lawyer, and I lived a lawyer's wife's life." | Image: Amodays

"There are only so many material things you can have before it becomes boring." — Erika Jayne


"I love costume jewelry because, listen, you can't pick a real jewel every day." — Erika Jayne

"I'm not selling cookies." — Erika Jayne

"My husband's a lawyer, and I lived a lawyer's wife's life." — Erika Jayne

"I have a really great bathtub, and I unwind by taking baths." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I look too good to be fighting on a beach." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I look too good to be fighting on a beach." | Image: Amodays

"I have a great family, and I have a great home, husband, and son. So I think that's probably all anyone ever needs anyway. Everything else is the icing on top of the cake to be quite honest." — Erika Jayne

"I look too good to be fighting on a beach." — Erika Jayne


"Erika Jayne is six words: fantasy, love, escape, glitz, glamour, and fun.“ —— Erika Jayne

"I hangout with queens only." — Erika Jayne

"I will always be fashion. I try to pull it together. I think that comes from a sense of self. That's how you create your own look." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I didn't marry my dad... My dad is much younger than my husband." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I didn't marry my dad... My dad is much younger than my husband." | Image: Amodays

"I've been fortunate enough to tour all over the country. I'm always going to be over the top - I'm a showgirl at heart, so that's what you can expect. " — Erika Jayne

"I sleep on a Tempur-Pedic mattress, and I have custom-made sheets. They're white with some patterns and the highest thread count of Egyptian cotton you can get." — Erika Jayne


"I think anything you take on, you should want to be the best." — Erika Jayne

"I like to describe my style as S&M chic with a little hood-rat appeal." — Erika Jayne

"I didn't marry my dad... My dad is much younger than my husband." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I like fashion. I enjoy playing with it." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I like fashion. I enjoy playing with it." | Image: Amodays

"Girardi likes her hair straight with a lot of product, just a really good blow-dry. Erika Jayne likes her hair ropey with a lot of product, really rock star and wild." — Erika Jayne

"Being poor sucks, and being rich is a lot better." — Erika Jayne

"I tend to look at the silver lining of things." — Erika Jayne


"I like fashion. I enjoy playing with it." — Erika Jayne

"They're not paying my bills…" — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I trust my gut a lot." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I trust my gut a lot." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne Quotes Filled with Insight

"I make music that speaks to me." — Erika Jayne

"I trust my gut a lot." — Erika Jayne

"I'm a showman. I believe that you're a character every time you put on clothes." — Erika Jayne

"I'm not 100% awesome all of the time. Just some of the time." — Erika Jayne

"All I can be is myself. I feel comfortable in my own skin, which I think is maybe what translates." — Erika Jayne


Erika Jayne’s quote: "You have to work to look good. You don't wake up and effortlessly look fabulous." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "You have to work to look good. You don't wake up and effortlessly look fabulous." | Image: Amodays

"People see me and assume one thing, and they get to know me and see that there's more there." — Erika Jayne

"You have to work to look good. You don't wake up and effortlessly look fabulous." — Erika Jayne

"You have to treat your skin very tenderly. You can't be aggressive with your skin." — Erika Jayne

"Whether I'm performing in a club or onstage as Erika Jayne, whether I'm making records, whether I'm doing TV, I've got to entertain, and I have to take people away from their space and bring them into mine." — Erika Jayne

"'Housewives' has shone a light on women of middle age, that you're not out of the game, you're not old, you're not put out to pasture... You're lively; you're doing things; you're aggressive; you're making money; you're recreating yourself." — Erika Jayne


Erika Jayne’s quote: "I've worked very hard for everything I've ever had. But it's my journey. And I don't regret anything." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I've worked very hard for everything I've ever had. But it's my journey. And I don't regret anything." | Image: Amodays

"It's great to be outlandish… to acknowledge that side of yourself. But it's when you harness that true power that the true success is unleashed. I'm glad I came out of hiding to liberate this persona." — Erika Jayne

"Being able to express yourself under the name Erika Jayne and saying things people want to say but wouldn't, or doing things that people want to do but don't, or taking that extra leap of faith… or whatever, that helps Erika Girardi stand on her own two feet and be calm and peaceful." — Erika Jayne

"My ultimate goal was to make the music that I wanted to make and give shows. I was never going to get a major label deal - I never wanted a major label deal - so I was really free to express myself." — Erika Jayne


"I've worked very hard for everything I've ever had. But it's my journey. And I don't regret anything." — Erika Jayne

"With Facebook and Instagram, it seems like everyone has an online persona. It's a way of perfecting how the world looks at you. " — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I had never, ever thought about being on any "Real Housewives" show, so it was interesting to actually be on one." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I had never, ever thought about being on any "Real Housewives" show, so it was interesting to actually be on one." | Image: Amodays

"There are two different sides of my personality, much like everyone has two different sides of their personality. I mean, it's a profession... It's something that I do. And I'm not Erika Jayne 24 hours a day." — Erika Jayne

"All of us have been in situations where we've lost our confidence, even the greatest leaders in the world. We are at the end of the day, human — I have no problem telling you, yeah [I have days when] I think, you know, What am I doing? Remember why you're doing what you're doing; talk yourself off the ledge. You know you have to become your own best counselor because really no one is going to take the time and the energy to understand your problems quite like you can." — Erika Jayne


"I had never, ever thought about being on any 'Real Housewives' show, so it was interesting to actually be on one." — Erika Jayne

"I think that's what makes a marriage work - when you allow each other to be strong in their chosen profession; when you support each other and love each other." — Erika Jayne

"I think as more women see that there are women out there building vibrant and creative and powerful lives and careers in their 40s, 50s, etc., then these older views of ageism will fall away." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I don't enjoy fighting with people. I don't enjoy having conflict." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I don't enjoy fighting with people. I don't enjoy having conflict." | Image: Amodays

"I said, you know what, I thought my transformation was that I needed to transform into Erika Jayne, but my true transformation took place when Erika Jayne showed me that Erika Girardi was just fine the whole time." — Erika Jayne


"The court of public opinion should not matter, but we're all human. And sometimes things sting. But I think you have to be willing to shake it off and to not fall in love with the applause either." — Erika Jayne

"Inside all of us is a boss. You just gotta go find her. That's the truth. Everyone is capable. Everyone has the ability. A lot of it is timing. A lot of it is right place, right time. A lot of it is not giving up. A lot if it is push, dreams, following those [dreams] through, and tenacity. You can do it. It's going to be hard. People are going to tell you no. But no matter what your goal is in life, there's always a way. You just have to look for that way. Sometimes you have to make that way. Sometimes you have to go around people. Sometimes you may have to go through people. But there's always a way to make it happen." — Erika Jayne

"You know, I entertain whether I'm on 'Housewives,' or whether I'm on 'Dancing With the Stars,' or whether I'm on 'Young and the Restless.'" — Erika Jayne

"Here's the thing, it's the same person. It's just that some things that are appropriate on stage aren't appropriate at a dinner party, you know, with a bunch of judges and lawyers. It's still saying how you feel; it's still being yourself; it's just knowing when and where. It's also knowing when to let someone else take the lead. That's exactly why Erika Jayne is so great because when she's onstage, that's what she's supposed to do. To be over the top, to be peacocking. But it still resonates from the same place inside." — Erika Jayne


Erika Jayne’s quote: "I think art and dance is something everyone can relate to." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I think art and dance is something everyone can relate to." | Image: Amodays

"Money doesn't make you confident; material things don't make you confident. Your work ethic makes you confident; your achievements make you confident. It's about setting goals, and it's about whether or not you reach them. I know a lot of people with money who are not happy, who are insecure, who are basically train wrecks." — Erika Jayne

"Money does not make you happy. All money does is make you really look at yourself. When you're not worried about the lights being shut off, then you can get down to business looking at 'What kind of persona am I?' Money is not a cure-all. You're still human; you still get depressed, you still get scared, you still get sad … It's really about your own self-worth. If you're going to be the best doctor, the best dancer, the best teacher, the best singer, it's really about that. That's where the confidence comes from. A lot of people who don't have a lot of money have a lot of confidence, [they] still love themselves because they feel accomplished inside." — Erika Jayne


"When I say there's a little bit of Erika Jayne in everybody, what I mean by that is: No one is one way all the time. No one is buttoned up all the time, and no one is wild all the time. There are different parts to your personality, different layers - and that's really what Erika Jayne is, another layer to a human being." — Erika Jayne

"Sometimes people expect you to be something that you're not or want you to be something that is out of your philosophy, yet they claim they are a fan. Like, 'I'm really your fan, but you should get a nose job!' That's not really a fan." — Erika Jayne

"I think art and dance is something everyone can relate to." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I'm a very guarded person, very controlled person." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I'm a very guarded person, very controlled person." | Image: Amodays

"That's the one thing I loved most about Tom when my son was younger was that he welcomed him with open arms. I'm very thankful. That's my guy." — Erika Jayne


Erika Jayne Quotes Filled with Her Personal Experience

"I don't enjoy fighting with people. I don't enjoy having conflict." — Erika Jayne

"Everyone wants to meet Superman, but nobody wants to meet Clark Kent." — Erika Jayne

"I'm a very guarded person, very controlled person." — Erika Jayne

"It's great to have financial support. But having someone's emotional support is something that I wish I had more of growing up." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I don't think anyone should tap you on the shoulder and tell you that it's time to sit down and retire." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I don't think anyone should tap you on the shoulder and tell you that it's time to sit down and retire." | Image: Amodays

"The television in my bedroom is always on, so after I get out of the bath and put on my jammies, I sit in bed, curled up in my comforter with Tom, and we watch the news together until we fall asleep." — Erika Jayne


"I was fortunate enough to go to an art school where we had a lot of different ethnicities represented." — Erika Jayne

"You make me wanna give you everything I been watchin' you Show me 'round your world Whatcha' do whatcha' do." — Erika Jayne

"I don't think anyone should tap you on the shoulder and tell you that it's time to sit down and retire." — Erika Jayne

"You create real friendships through a growth process. It's not just, oh, hi, we're friends! That's very childlike. True adult friendships take time, understanding, and it's a plant that needs to be watered and tended to so that it blossoms." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "After dinner, there is no eating until the morning. My mom was really big on that." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "After dinner, there is no eating until the morning. My mom was really big on that." | Image: Amodays


"I think my mother and grandmother had style even though we're humble Southern people." — Erika Jayne

"I've dealt with this forever: the younger woman that married, the wealthier, older man. I mean, I'm tired of having to justify my 20-year marriage." — Erika Jayne

"You're an American. You were born in Connecticut." — Erika Jayne

"After dinner, there is no eating until the morning. My mom was really big on that." — Erika Jayne

"I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and I honestly started performing for my family when I was around three. I would jump up on the coffee table, and I would get in the closet and ask that they introduce me to come out, and from that point on, my mother stuck me in dance class and children's theater." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I'm a big dreamer." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I'm a big dreamer." | Image: Amodays


"I felt like I was just not being myself. I felt like I was hiding. I was hiding from me. I was hiding from sparkle and magic and fun and fearlessness and music and dance and creative magic… I just knew I had feelings. I knew I had thoughts. I knew I had things I wanted to say." — Erika Jayne

"My mother was very hard on me when I was a child. I think she was raising me how the world was treating her." — Erika Jayne

"As you begin to develop real relationships and bonds, it gets harder because sometimes you say things to people and hurt their feelings, and you really care about them." — Erika Jayne

"I lived Tom Girardi's legal life with him first 10 years of our relationship. I went to every legal organization, every event - all of those groups he belonged to and those speeches he gave." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "As human begins, we all have layers to ourselves, you know?" | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "As human begins, we all have layers to ourselves, you know?" | Image: Amodays


"Everyone's entitled to their opinion, I just don't agree with her." — Erika Jayne

"Another thing Tom and I enjoy doing is visiting our small circle of friends, so spending an afternoon in Malibu with David and Yolanda is always a nice little escape. It's always good to bounce creative ideas off of someone as incredibly talented as David. Even after all of his success in the business, he's still willing to listen with a fresh set of ears and gives great feedback. " — Erika Jayne

"As human begins, we all have layers to ourselves, you know?" — Erika Jayne

"I would have never thought to write a memoir, but I'm glad I did it." — Erika Jayne

"So, is this the girl you want me to be? I surrender myself; I'll never be free. One step from the edge is all that I'll be Waiting for you Like a painkiller." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I've grown up disciplined all my life as a dancer, so I know how to eat and work out." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "I've grown up disciplined all my life as a dancer, so I know how to eat and work out." | Image: Amodays


"I grew up with gay family members, and I went to a performing arts high school. So I grew up in children's theater, musical theater, and all of my life has been around the LGBT community." — Erika Jayne

"Stop ruining my night. Thanks." — Erika Jayne

"When he left, he cleaned out their checking account and left Renee with nothing. The next month, Renee didn't have enough money to pay the mortgage, keep the lights on, pay for her car, and buy Christmas presents." — Erika Jayne

"I've grown up disciplined all my life as a dancer, so I know how to eat and work out." — Erika Jayne

"My breakfast is egg whites, avocado, and grilled tomatoes. Lunch is usually some type of chicken and then for dinner... I like to eat. I'll eat pasta even though I'm not supposed to." — Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne’s quote: "Stop ruining my night. Thanks." | Image: Amodays

Erika Jayne’s quote: "Stop ruining my night. Thanks." | Image: Amodays


A scene stealer, Erica Jayne took the world by storm when she released hit after hit upon debuting her music career. She has time and again proven that you can be successful on more than one front.

While her journey to success has not been a walk in the park, she is grateful for her experiences, and most importantly, she never forgets where she came from.

Her charm, strong persona, and even bigger personality are undeniable. You can always catch the celebrated actress in "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" alongside her costars, Lisa Vanderpump and Denise Richards.

You can also read these quotes about surrounding yourself with good people for a successful life.



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