30 Young Royals Quotes ― Teen Drama about Privileged Families
Upon its release in July 2021, "Young Royals" became an instant hit, resonating with audiences of all ages. The story chronicles the life of a young royal, Prince Wilhelm, as he joins the distinguished boarding school, Hillerska, and tries to adapt to the changes.
However, the drama ensues when he tries carrying on a romantic life with a fellow male student, Simon. However, following his heart is not a walk in the park and poses many challenges for the young royal.
It is a series packed with drama and romance and an astounding plot that is bound to keep binging. Here are some "Young Royals" quotes to help you better understand the characters.

Wilhelm’s quote: "It was me in the video that leaked last term, the one with me and Simon." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
Young Royals Quotes From Wilhelm
"Wilhelm: I liked what you said in there, Simon. Well said.
Simon: Okay. Why didn't you say anything?
Wilhelm 'Cause I'm not... I'm not allowed to speak on political issues." — "Young Royals"
"Everything's, like, upside down now. I don't know how to act or how to feel. I shouldn't even be functioning as a human being... because my... brother is, like, dead, but I... Here I am, partying." — Wilhelm
"It was me in the video that leaked last term, the one with me and Simon." — Wilhelm
"You came! Thank you for coming. You're really here. You're beautiful! You're so beautiful. Simon... You came! Oh, I'm so glad you're here. I'm so glad you're here." — Wilhelm to Simon

Wilhelm’s quote: "You're the only person here I feel I can actually talk to." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
"You're the only person here I feel I can actually talk to." — Wilhelm to Simon
"Wilhelm: This doesn't have to change anything between us. We're still us. It's just that we can't be seen together.
Simon: If I'm someone, you have to hide...
Wilhelm: But... Don't you realize all hell would break loose if I come out? How can you ask me to do that?
Simon: I'm not asking you to do that. You just expect everything to be on your terms. You... You need to figure out what you want. And you can take all the time you need. And I respect that. But you have to do it by yourself. I don't want to be anyone's secret." — "Young Royals"
"I've found it out. You see, everything is fake. Everything is fake. Everything in the world is fake. It's, like, you know... The grass on the football field isn't even grass. It's... it's plastic! It's like bright but at night. It's night! I know that much. But why is it bright? All the people are fake. They're made out of metal. But I like you. And that is not fake." — Wilhelm to Simon

Simon’s quote: "You don't get it cuz you haven't felt the consequences." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
"Student: After that, we have free time, where we can play games or work out if we want to.
Walter: It's usually boring as hell.
Henry: Yeah, it's totally boring.
Wilhelm: Sounded pretty sweet to me.
Henry: Yeah, agreed. It's pretty nice.
Walter: It's awesome to just chill out.
Wilhelm: I was kidding.
Henry: Yeah, so were we.
Wilhelm: You are allowed your own opinions. It's cool." — "Young Royals"
"You'd wish that Malin could just ignore them. […] It's not just coming from the outside. It's her own fault, too." — Wilhelm

Wilhelm’s quote: "I love you." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
"Simon: What did you think? About my singing.
Wilhelm: It was nice. Hmm. I heard so many voices, you know? Like, everyone up there on that stage, like, they were standing there beside you and... they were, like, lost in their own voices, in their own music. Do you know what I mean?
Simon: Yeah. Totally.
Wilhelm: And then you sang, like, kind of... like, you were almost the loudest. And then I heard that you were, like, kind of... You were singing straight from your heart." — "Young Royals"
"I love you." — Wilhelm to Simon

Simon’s quote: "We haven't done anything wrong." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
Young Royals Quotes From Simon
(About the royals) "Well, we all know who this country's biggest welfare receivers are." — Simon
"You don't get it cuz you haven't felt the consequences." — Simon to Wilhelm
(Simon tells Sara that he was hanging out with Wille...)
"Sara: Weren't you the one who said that you, uh, can't be friends with anyone at the school?
Simon: Yeah, but people can change.
Sara: Isn't the point of the Royal Family that they don't change?" — "Young Royals"
"We haven't done anything wrong." — Simon

Simon’s quote: "I just don't understand why I can't fall in love with him." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
"Why is it called tax "evasion" but welfare "scam"? It's all right that rich people cheat, but when poor people do it, it's messed up. For rich people, it's not even called "welfare" it's called "deduction"." — Simon to a teacher
"I just don't understand why I can't fall in love with him." — Simon
"Simon: You have to give people a chance.
Sara: Simon, you can't always just give everybody a chance. That's your biggest problem! You're just always trying to help everybody! First, you tried to help Dad, then me, and now Wilhelm...
Simon: ...I'm not trying to be someone I'm not.
Sara: No one likes me when I'm myself.
Simon: I like you when you are yourself." — "Young Royals"

August’s quote: "Felice Ehrencrona. I'm going to marry her." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
Young Royals Quotes From August, Sara, And Other Characters
"I understand that you want to feel normal, go to a normal school, meet normal girls, go to normal parties. But how did that work out? The problem is that normal people will never see you as one of them. But here you're among your own. We could murder someone, and nobody would say a word. I promise you. Who wants to be normal anyway?" — August
"Felice Ehrencrona. I'm going to marry her." — August
"Felice (about Wille): We just talked. We just talked about his brother.
August: Erik was like a brother to me too, and you know that. Your focus should be on comforting me so that I can comfort him. Give me the jacket! Give it to me. (takes Wille's jacket away from her and leaves)
Madison: Dump him." — "Young Royals"

Stella’s quote: "Romantic? Yeah, maybe if you want to be with someone who thinks he owns you." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
(Wille comes back after hanging out with Simon and his friends...)
"August: Was it educational?
Wille: Hi. Sorry, I was feeling a bit better. So I thought it was okay that I hung out with some friends.
August: I asked if it was educational. Your socialist safari." — "Young Royals"
"Sara: Why did you do it?
August: I don't even know myself. It just happened.
Sara: I thought you and Wilhelm were friends.
August: Yeah. True.
Sara: So why?
August: Wilhelm's got everything! And he just spits on it. I've tried to help him several times, but... I mean, Erik took his role seriously. Wille, he just doesn't care. He's an embarrassment to the whole royal family.
Sara: That doesn't give you the right." — "Young Royals"

Queen Kristina’s quote: "Remember, being a prince is not a punishment, but a privilege." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
"Felice: How come you know so much about horses?
Sara: Well, I've just always understood horses better than people."
Sara: "Hi. I'd like to report a crime, please." — "Young Royals"
"(about Felice's horse): Felice, you know... you have to stop pretending that you're not afraid. He can sense it even if you try to hide your fear. Just accept that you're afraid. Then you can start over, and maybe then it will be fun again. Then he will think it's fun too." — Sara
"Yeah, but it's not just about some boy." — Felice

Queen Kristina’s quote: "When you're young, love feels like the most important thing in the world." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
"Romantic? Yeah, maybe if you want to be with someone who thinks he owns you." — Stella
"Okay, maybe he used to be a player, but love can actually change you." — Fredrika
"When you're young, love feels like the most important thing in the world." — Queen Kristina to Wilhelm
"Remember, being a prince is not a punishment, but a privilege." — Queen Kristina to Wilhelm

Simon’s quote: (About the royals) "Well, we all know who this country's biggest welfare receivers are." | Image: Youtube.com/Netflix
The "Young Royals" cast have brought the drama, but there are also crucial life lessons to be learned. Just because Wilhelm comes from privilege does not mean his issues are more important than others.
They learn, as we should, to talk to and with each other rather than to each other. Their journey teaches us about resilience and fighting for what we believe in our hearts to be true.
It also teaches us to embrace love in all forms, such as B D Wong and Jeremy Pope, who have always lived in their truth. And if you fancy more teen drama, these astounding quotes from the 2017 coming-of-age film "Lady Bird" will make your day.