Heather's quote: “Flames are licking you like the devil there, Josh.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie
Heather's quote: “Flames are licking you like the devil there, Josh.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

38 'The Blair Witch Project' Quotes To Remind Us Why It's A Cult Classic

Roshanak Hannani
May 27, 2023
05:00 P.M.

The film is about three student filmmakers who go hiking on their quest to find more information about the so-called Blair Witch in the Black Hills of Maryland. Heather, Joshua, and Mike disappeared, but their cameras were recovered later. Let's remember the best 'The Blair Witch Project' quotes.


The horror movie came out in 1999, with a marketing campaign that stated that the actors were missing or had disappeared, which worked perfectly as audiences flocked to theaters after receiving accolades at the Sundance Film Festival. It earned an estimated $250 million worldwide from a small budget of less than $200,000.

The story itself follows Heather, Joshua, and Mike as they set out to record a documentary on the local myth of the Blair Witch. They hear a story about a hermit, Rustin Parr, who committed heinous crimes. The students also get several warnings from people in town; a fisherman tells them that the forest is cursed, so they shouldn't venture.

However, in typical American horror film fashion, the young adults don't listen and go into the forest, encountering several indications that the Blair Witch may actually be real. But there's never a clear answer, which is what made the story so compelling. Read these 38 'The Blair Witch Project' quotes.

Mike's quote: “Let's go, let's go! Are you not scared enough?" | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

Mike's quote: “Let's go, let's go! Are you not scared enough?" | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie


"The Blair Witch Project" Quotes From the Scariest Moments

"There were two separate noises... one of them could have possibly been an owl, but the other one was like a cackling." — Joshua

“Let's go, let's go! Are you not scared enough?" — Mike

“Mike: What bugs me out is that we're so damn deep in the woods, and people are gonna try and come out here and mess with us, then they gotta have something wrong with them, and I'm not gonna play with that.

Heather: But how do we know it was people?

Mike: Well, even if it wasn't, I'm not gonna play with that either!” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

"Josh! Tell me where you are, Josh!" — Mike

“I'm scared to close my eyes, I'm scared to open them! We're gonna die out here!” — Heather

Joshua's quote: “Okay, here's your motivation. You're lost, you're angry in the woods, and no one is here to help you.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

Joshua's quote: “Okay, here's your motivation. You're lost, you're angry in the woods, and no one is here to help you.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie


"Josh? Josh, is that you down there?" — Mike

“Okay, here's your motivation. You're lost, you're angry in the woods, and no one is here to help you.” — Joshua

“Heather: Whatever it is, it knows that Josh is gone.

Mike: If that was Josh, he would've said where he was.

Heather: [whispering] Whoever it was sounded like Josh.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“Joshua: Are you happy?

Heather: I'm not happy, no. But the car's not far - we're just not going to be able to find it in the dark.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“Joshua: I gave you BACK the map, Heather.

Heather: I gave you the map.

Joshua: I gave you BACK... THE MAP.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

Joshua's quote: “Heather, Heather, Heather, if you make me yell at this point... I'm going to yell at you, man.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

Joshua's quote: “Heather, Heather, Heather, if you make me yell at this point... I'm going to yell at you, man.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie


“Mike: There's people out here messing with us, and I'm not going to play with that.

Heather: How do you know it was people?

Mike: Well, even if it isn't, I'm not going to play with that, either!” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

"The Blair Witch Project" Quotes That Make You Think, Laugh, and Cry

"What he did is he took the kids down into the basement by two's, and he made one face into the corner." — Local Resident

“Joshua: Dude, I can't believe we're even stitching those pants at this point, man.

Mike: Well, I'm cold, man.

Heather: The smallest comforts we can get are good.

Joshua: Doesn't it just seem absurd, though, at this point?

Mike: Yes, it does.

Heather: A lot of things seem absurd.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“Heather, Heather, Heather, if you make me yell at this point... I'm going to yell at you, man.” — Joshua


“Heather: Give me the compass. You've betrayed us all beyond. Way fucking beyond.

Mike: Bullshit. You betrayed us when you couldn't get us out of the woods last night.

Heather: Yeah, thanks.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“The Blair Witch Project (1999)” dialogue: “Mike: What are some of your favorite things to do? Heather: Well, on Sundays, I used to like to go hiking, but now...” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

“The Blair Witch Project (1999)” dialogue: “Mike: What are some of your favorite things to do? Heather: Well, on Sundays, I used to like to go hiking, but now...” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

“Interviewee: I don't believe in witches and airy-fairy stuff like that.

Heather: Are you a religious man, Sir?

Interviewee: Yes.

Heather: Alrighty...” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“Joshua: I see why you like this video camera so much.


Heather: You do?

Joshua: It's not quite reality. It's like a totally filtered reality. It's like you can pretend everything's not quite the way it is.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“Mike: What are some of your favorite things to do?

Heather: Well, on Sundays, I used to like to go hiking, but now...” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“Heather: What could have killed this mouse? Could it be the Blair Witch?

Mike: How about God?” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“Heather: Ok, I'm not allowed to smoke, but Mike's allowed to fart as much as he wants?

Joshua: I didn't give Mike any fart allowance.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“The Blair Witch Project (1999)” dialogue: “Mike: Who wants a cheeseburger? Heather: I do. I do. Mike: I have a cheeseburger in my back pocket.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

“The Blair Witch Project (1999)” dialogue: “Mike: Who wants a cheeseburger? Heather: I do. I do. Mike: I have a cheeseburger in my back pocket.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie


“Heather: Tell me you're not eating a dead leaf...

Michael: Yes.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“Mike: Who wants a cheeseburger?

Heather: I do. I do.

Mike: I have a cheeseburger in my back pocket.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“Heather: How's East?

Mike: East?

Heather: Yeah, we've been going south all this time. How's East?

Mike: Wicked Witch of the West, Wicked Witch of the East. Which one was bad?

Heather: Wicked Witch of the West was the bad one.

Mike: Then we should go east.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“It's not the same on film, is it? I mean, you know it's real, but it's like looking through the lens gives you some sort of protection from what's on the other side.” — Joshua

“I could help you, but I'd rather stand here and record.” — Mike


Heather's quote: "Woke up this morning, just like two seconds ago, and there are piles of rocks outside of our tent." | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

Heather's quote: "Woke up this morning, just like two seconds ago, and there are piles of rocks outside of our tent." | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

“Interviewee: There was this old Mary Brown...

Heather: Mary Brown? Hmm.

Interviewee: Yeah, and she was kind of a crazy - - crazy lady.

Heather: How was she seen by the community?

Interviewee: Crazy.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”

“Heather: Do you just expect me to do something or say something? What do you want me to do, Josh? Josh?

Joshua: I wanna make movies, Heather. Isn't that what we're here to do? Just to make some movies.” — “The Blair Witch Project (1999)”


"The Blair Witch Project" Quotes From Heather That You Have to Love

"No, Mike, it's not the same log!" — Heather

"Nothing happened! I'm just very hungry and very tired, and I'm very scared, and I just want to go home, okay?" — Heather

Heather's quote: "I'm scared to close my eyes, I'm scared to open them! We're going to die out here! | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

Heather's quote: "I'm scared to close my eyes, I'm scared to open them! We're going to die out here! | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

“Because this is America! We've exhausted all of our natural resources!” — Heather

"I'm scared to close my eyes, I'm scared to open them! We're going to die out here!" — Heather


“I want to avoid being cheesy here. I want to avoid any cheese.” — Heather

“Witches in days gone by were roasted just like my Vienna sausage.” — Heather

“I hate crossing streams on logs. If I never cross another stream on a log for the rest of my life, I will die a happy girl!” — Heather

Heather's quote: “We have enough battery power to run a small third-world country here.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

Heather's quote: “We have enough battery power to run a small third-world country here.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

“Flames are licking you like the devil there, Josh.” — Heather

“We have enough battery power to run a small third-world country here.” — Heather

“Mmmm. Marshmallows. Soft.” — Heather


Heather's quote: “I want to avoid being cheesy here. I want to avoid any cheese.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

Heather's quote: “I want to avoid being cheesy here. I want to avoid any cheese.” | Source: facebook.com/blairwitchmovie

It's obviously time to revisit this movie and see if it's just as scary as it was in 1999. Tons of other found-footage horror films have come out since then, so audiences have easily become desensitized to the subject of demons, witches, monsters, and more. Not many people are scared of "things that go bump in the night" anymore.

But if you love the genre, check out these "The Exorcist" quotes that remind everyone why it's still the most amazing horror film of all time. Meanwhile, "The Conjuring" franchise has become one of the most respected in the last decade, so take a look at these Ed Warren quotes. If you don't like these films but you know that everyone faces demons every day, these quotes are the best.



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