32 ’I Want You Back’ Quotes That the Broken-Hearted Resonate With
After being dumped by their significant others, Peter and Emma team up to destroy their exes' new relationships. However, they discover more about themselves along the way.
"I Want You Back" follows the story of Peter and Emma, who have been in long-term relationships with their respective partners. However, Anne calls it quits with Peter after six years, while Noah leaves Emma after 18 months. Both devastated and brokenhearted, Peter and Emma meet by chance while crying on a building's staircase.
As they discover their exes' new relationships, Peter and Emma team up to sabotage what their previous partners have and get back with their exes. Along the way, Peter and Emma also rely on each other for emotional support.
The movie ends with Peter and Emma's exes discovering their scheme and permanently cutting ties with them. Although the two don't get a happy ending, Peter learns to accept himself more, while Emma becomes more independent. Their journey pushes them toward character development while dropping relatable and hilarious lines along the way.

Anne and Peter's dialogue in "I Want You Back:" "Anne: I want to break up with you. Peter: What?" | Source: AmoDays
'I Want You Back' Quotes about Breaking Up
"Emma: Are you trying to be the cutest, sweetest, nicest boyfriend in the world? Because you're really winning.
Noah: Emma, I'm breaking up with you." – "I Want You Back"
"Noah: You also don't even know what you want to do with your life.
Emma: I think I'm just kind of like doing it. Twenty-nine is the new sixteen.
Noah: You're 32.
Emma: Yeah. I mean, if you want to be like a scientist about it, I'm 32." – "I Want You Back"
"Noah: Look, I met someone.
Emma: Why didn't you just say that instead of making me eat your steak?" – "I Want You Back"
"Anne: I want to break up with you.
Peter: What?" – "I Want You Back"
"Anne: We're stuck. No, what do we do? We go to work, and we make salmon, and we watch 'Dancing with the Stars.'
Peter: Oh, come on. We do stuff. We went to Wind Creek Casino to see Rod Stewart." – "I Want You Back"

Emma and Peter's dialogue in "I Want You Back:" "Peter: Anne and I were together for six years ; Emma: Holy. ; Peter: Yeah, I know, and I wanted to get married, have kids and al that. But you know, she wanted to be an artist, and I guess drink wine." | Source: AmoDays
"Anne: I was never supposed to be an English teacher, Peter. My sense memory professor said I could've been the next Kate Winslet."
Peter: You still could be.
Anne: Not with you." – "I Want You Back"
"Anne: Six years, and we've never been out of the country together.
Peter: But we did go see...
Anne: Don't say Rod Stewart." – "I Want You Back"
'I Want You Back' Quotes and Dialogues between Peter and Emma
"Peter: Having a rough week.
Emma: Me too.
Peter: Just got dumped.
Emma: Oh, me too.
Peter: Oh yeah? That's weird." – "I Want You Back"
"Emma: Noah wants a woman who owns a pie shop.
Peter: I love pie. I'm sorry I just said that. I probably shouldn't have said that.
Emma: It's cool. Everyone loves pie.
Peter: Pie's actually not that great. It's very -- there's very limited options when it comes to pie." – "I Want You Back"
"Peter: Anne and I were together for six years
Emma: Holy.
Peter: Yeah, I know, and I wanted to get married, have kids and al that. But you know, she wanted to be an artist and, I guess drink wine." – "I Want You Back"

Peter's quote in "I Want You Back:" "Anyone can be a one-night bang, but the slow burn that gets under your skin; that's way more rare." | Source: AmoDays
"Peter: I love being single! I'm really looking forward to it! All the apps! Getting on the apps!
Emma: Yeah!
Peter: That's going to be cool.
Emma: Swipe left. Swipe right. Who's ugly?" – "I Want You Back"
"Peter: This is awkward.
Emma: Very." – "I Want You Back"
"Emma: Dying alone is not that bad. Like why do you want someone to watch you die? That's like actually embarassing.
Peter: That's right. Dying alone's actually pretty sweet, because you're all alone, and no one's bothering you." – "I Want You Back"
'I Want You Back' Quotes about the Reality of Falling in Love
"We can't give up. We have to get them back." – Emma, "I Want You Back"
"Look at us! This is like 'Cruel Intentions.' nly sexier." – Peter, "I Want You Back"

Emma's quote in "I Want You Back:" "We're each other's Sadness Sisters." | Source: AmoDays
"People like to be my friend. I'm extremely affable. You know, in college, all the girls were like, 'You're such a good friend.'" – Peter, "I Want You Back"
"They dumped us, right? If they miss us, they'll call. But they're never going to miss us if we call. So we can't call if we want them to miss us, or call." – Peter, "I Want You Back"
"How about whenever we're feeling like we really have to call them, and we just can't take it anymore, instead of calling our exes, let's call each other." – Peter, "I Want You Back"
"We're each other's Sadness Sisters." – Emma, "I Want You Back"
"It's just like you said. We know that we're supposed to be with Noah and Anne. But I'm not so sure they're going to realize it, not with these new shiny people around." – Emma, "I Want You Back"

Emma's quote in "I Want You Back:" "I love that. I love it, because we're intercepting each other's sadness." | Source: AmoDays
"I'm sad because Noah was my airplane safety mask person." – Emma, "I Want You Back"
"We're all just pretending that we know what we're doing, and hoping that we don't screw up too badly." – Emma, "I Want You Back"
"I can't do this. I can't start over, you know? I'm too old. I'm too old. I missed the boat. All my friends, they're married, they got kids." – Peter, "I Want You Back"
"I love that. I love it, because we're intercepting each other's sadness." – Emma, "I Want You Back"
"The point is, at this rate, I'm going to wind up old and alone. I'm going to have no grandkids. I'm going to be eating Hint of Chicken in one of the hellhole nursing homes I helped create." – Peter, "I Want You Back"

Peter's quote in "I Want You Back:" "Well, actually, I wanted to tell you because you're the person I've been telling things to for the last six years, and I just miss it. I miss it so much my body hurts." | Source: AmoDays
"I think that you are somebody that a person could fall very deeply in love with." – Emma, "I Want You Back"
"I think I just wanted the search to be over, but maybe you can't force it." – Emma, "I Want You Back"
"Even though we're really mad at each other now, I don't regret all those years we spent together. I feel lucky." – Peter, "I Want You Back"
"Well, actually, I wanted to tell you because you're the person I've been telling things to for the last six years, and I just miss it. I miss it so much my body hurts." – Peter, "I Want You Back"
"The other day, you were just really supportive of me following my dream, and that made me feel really good -- that you believe in me. And I just want you to know that I believe in you too." – Peter, "I Want You Back"
"I remember when I was little thinking that if I were ever really in love and was on an airplane with my lover, that I would put his mask on before my own." – Emma, "I Want You Back"
"Anyone can be a one-night bang, but the slow burn that gets under your skin; that's way more rare." – Peter, "I Want You Back"

Emma's quote in "I Want You Back:" "We can't give up. We have to get them back." | Source: AmoDays
"I Want You Back" features a stellar cast, including Charlie Day as Peter, Jenny Slate as Emma, Gina Rodriguez as Anne, and Scott Eastwood as Noah.
Scott is famously known as Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood’s son with Jacelyn Reeves. Scott grew up watching his father's films for several movies and credits him for his work ethic. They also share similar physical features and are talented actors.
Like "I Want You Back," another romantic production is "Love Simon," touching on the struggles of self-acceptance. Read “Love Simon” quotes for motivation and inspiration to be the best you.